HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 930 Amending ORD 901 Approving Budget for Jan 1969 - Dec 1969 122 RD~N^NCE ~~~R 930 AN RJnANC:C AJVf.ENI'L\G 'RlIl.A.I\!CE I\f~. 901 \\H1CiT APFR J~r T,iE B-TDGFT OF '::'H~ CITY F Hr::ST illTIVERSITY Ph\. ~E, TEXAS, fOR rIlE :Ei'ISCAL YEAR BEGIN'\IIN] J;I_NUARY 1, 19f9, i\N~ AT~PTE~ ~N T~S 20T~ nAv 0~ ~U~~ST, lO(~. \\1fFR::'AS, o,e r"~ C)illIYl'SS', r ~f ~he C' f \'; s' Un'vers.t~- Pla'e. Tex::ts, v.&.s n 'er~&.'r :lates an:l )ccasi ns. f U'1' 't necessar;.'. 'do!:'+hwhile and expedient to funds of the c' for the best interest aDd del~are f iis citiLens, for items wticr were not c~nsidcred nor included in Lhe original and \~EREAS, iG ~s tte desire of the C Commission to increase various items of 'ncome and expenditure ~nown to be in excess of the amount for in tre )r~ginal . so that the amount of additioLal expen- ditures may be offset by a like amouLt of additional ~ncome. NOH, TI-EREF0RE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY Cotvll'CSS ION OF TE:C (' ITY r H:CST UNIVERSITY PL1\.C~, TEXAS: Section 1. The 12-month period heretofore adopLed be, and expenditures and revenues, tre Pool Fund, as of the C of West UniversiLy Place for tte January 1, 1969, and December 31, 1969, as it is hereby, amended tc provide for add.:.tional fr...m t}-le General FunJ, t~e .'JaLer-Sel'kr Fun:l and sho,m by the follovling sche :lule: ADDITION\L EXPENDITURES - GENERAL FUDTJ Lehal Department 2upervisory Salaries s 600.0J !11ice Department Otter Salaries Fuel an} L~bricants Tires ani Tubes Maintenance cf Radios S cial 9,80'(.00 5~J.J0 5JO.00 300.00 512.00 Fire Department other Salaries Fuel and Lubricants Retirement Contribut~ons S '2' 0.1 Securi+y I~spital:zation Insurance 6,983.v 50.JO 4 .OJ .OJ 35.00 Sl,ri vel Chair 103.00 Street Department Labor and Other Salaries Small Tools Social Academy Street cul-de-sac Storm sewer connection Sanitation - Waste Collection Labor Uniforms and Other Maintenance of Motor Vehicles Social Security Sanitation - Offstreet Pickup Labor Containers Social Security ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES - GENERAL F1~D Sanitation - Sanitarv Land Fill Labor Retirement Contributions Social Security Building Maintenance - City Hall Labor Maintenance of Air Social Securj_ Parks Activities Program s, Heat and Water Maint.en8.nce of Cowmunity Building Salaries Library Salaries Social Security Total ~ n.'3... 1 t; . 2,898.00 150.00 .00 .00 840.00 5,270.00 400.00 1,000.00 269.00 g,108,oo .00 100.00 .00 21.00 20.00 205.00 2,000.00 10,00 850.00 .00 670.00 117.00 .00 6.00 ,291. 00 .11I' . I.. ~..._. .. ..... . 124 ADDITIONAL EXPENDITURES - WATER-SEWER FUND Water Department other Salaries Labor Te~ephone Maintenance ot Buildings Maintenance ot Wells & lefotors Social Security Hospitalization 2 Gasoline Pumps 500 - 3/4 x 5/8" meters New water ~ine 918.00 894.00 700.00 2,000.00 ~5,300.oo ~O.OO 28.00 766.00 1,060.00 2,235.00 Sewer Treatment Labor Social Security Hospitalization 4,465.00 167.00 35.00 60.00 Used Typewriter Total 28,758.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES - SWD6fING POOL FUND Total EXpenditures 19,304.00 Total ~9,304.00 Section 2. ADDITIONAL INCOME: The City COIIIIlission hereby deter- mines it advisab~e to revise and alter the items ot the Budget to increase the total expenditure and also increase the total anticipated incame so that the total means ot tinancing the Budget s~ equal in amount the aggregate proposed expenditure. Section 3. The additional income required tor revision ot the Budget is hereby appropriated and approved by increasing the revenue accounts ot the General, Water-Sewer and Swimming Poo~ Funds in accordance with the tollowing schedule, with the exception ot $14,944.25 heretotore budgeted by Ordinances Nos. 9ll and 928, which consists ot appropriations tor expen- ditures necessar,y to paint, clean and repair the city's 'live reservoirs and make necessar,y repairs to its water wells. Taxes Revenue from property Garbage Collection Total Income Total Available Funds Total Expense 11 95 .1 ~~ . GENERAL FUND $ 15,000.00 1,125.00 48,200.00 To:;al 64,325.00 Expenditures 41,291.00 Available funds 23,034.00 SWn~ING POOL FUND Cl: ~f ,304.00 HATER-SEvIER FlJND 371,086.00 343, .00 Available for Appropriation $ 27,612.00 Section 4. passage and the 1969 This ordinance shall bec)me effective immediately upon amended accordingly. 1969. PASSED AND APPROVED this ATTEST: of December Cornmissioners Voting All