HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 929 ORD Providing Special Prior Service Credit
ORDI1t6NC.L :ro24i3E..-l 929
A-: O?DLAlIC .prtOVmIIJ FOP, Je,D CID-L~l. "Alrt.CEDLl':'
lfil ~T.r a ~ t:.:m SP.ECIFn.D, ':'0 QUAIIFYr~ rY.PL01H r3
0: TEl!. CITY OF Wf.3'I UNI'V3'a.3l'IY PLAC!, 'IFXAS
BJ" I'I O.:lD.\T:x:JI) BY ':'BJ!. CITY COMJII&~LOlJ OF ~ CITY OF W''i1i. Ulnv!.RSr.:l
3ec'tio.a 1. acb person wto is an employee ot l.t.e C:.ty ot \-es~
Univers:.ty Place, Texas on the 31st day of ])ecerriber, 1969 and who is at That.
da"e a m.emuer ot tc.e !exas Mmicipal ~e"irem.en1i Systen shall be allowed, ~d.
upon the terms and \:ond:!:tiior..s prescr:!.bed by Section X'lI ot Ar.-icle 0243t.,
Vernon' s ~xas Civil Statutes. as amended by Chapter 371. Ac- s negular Sess:'01'l,
ols. Legislature" is l-ereby sran1.ed" ettect':ve on -he da~e last above mentioned
"antecedent service \:rE:d:.t" (as +l".at ter: ':'s det:'ned in said Act) calcw.atE:.i on
tt.e bas~s ot titty per cen'ti (5~' ot each current service deposit. actually ade
oy such person w:.tl-. ....he Texas :lImiclpa~ Ret.irement. Syst.em during each montt of
current service pertol-mecl tor tnis ci1iY pr':'or t.o the 27th day C't Jeptember, 19C;.
SE:c ion 2. &\:1' person wl".o is an emp~oyee ot tl-e City ot West Unive.t"-
s':' ty Place on the 31st day ot Decemr,e.t". ~9E-9 and who a'ti said date is a :oe~er of
'tl:e Texas Mm~cipal Retiremnt System and wno .lolds in said .3ysteu:. an e;:tect~ve
prio.t" servi'e cer ~ti~te 6.t"&Dted by reason ot service pertormed tor "h:'s Ci'y
priolo to :.ts part~cipatlor.. in sa;d System, scall be allowed and is .lereby gran ed
'upon tb"" terms and cond~tions prescribed by Sect~on XV ot Arti'le (.243h. Ver-
non's 'lexas C:'vil S'"at\.t.tes as amended by Cnaptie.t" 3n. Acts ot tae R gular Sess~on
6lst Legislature) a "Special Prior Service Credit" ir.. an amoun" equivalent...o be
accUllDllation at int.erest. as provided in sa:'d Act, ot a series of mont.hly pay-
ments ot two and one-halt per cent (211) ot l.he a:mJer's "average 'Prio.t" serv:'ce
compeI&satiou" tor "he lIumoer ot montas ot pr':'or servi 'e 'ertitied to in such
lIleDl:>er's prior set"Y'ice certit::'cate. '!he s1)ec1a~ prior service credit l-e1"pin
prov::'ded tor shall be in add it:. on to the pl'ior service cred:!.~ heretofore allowed
suc:' meJlbe.t".
Sec"'ion 3. f:ny person who was empJo,fed Dy the City ot lest. UDivers1"y
Place p.t"ior 0 Decemoc.r 31, 1969, w1".ose. me:mership in 'Iems M;n1"ipaJ. aE.tiremen~
J.ystem by .'eason or suc"l se.rvice bas not +er~nated, and WllO on said dat.e is ab-
sen- trom servi~e in 'tire employmeIlt ot tr:e ":'''y, shall be ""& tit~ed i 0 an....ecedent
se-rvice c:.'edit and to specia~ prior service credit in t.l-e amouut 'it an.v) re wou~d
cave been allowed unde.t" Sections 1 and 2 nereot had he been in ac'tiive servl 'e or.
said date, praY' :'deC1 sucl- person vain becomes all emp~oyee ot the Ci ty ot Wes. U' i-
vers~ty Place betOt"e '-ermina :!.on ot ris sa:'d memoersbip :'n Texas \lm1c:paJ Reti.t"e-
men" .3ysterr and wi..l- ':'n five years troll' he 3~st day of Dece'Dber. ~909, B- d prO"i ':ded
S\AC' persor. tLereupon cont::.nues as an eClployee ot a participating departmen 01' c.e
City ot West UDive.t"s..t.. ?la"e tor a period ot 'live (5) consecu1.he years.
PASaFD A I::> AP.Pl~CMJD this the .22nd day ot gep+erdber, ~~9.
Commiss':oncrs Vot::.rg Aye: .lll
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~ L . 4. _L ....
Ass~stan~ City Secre-ary
Comrrissiouers Votiz:e .;0: lone
~t: /1'
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