HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 926 Ordinance Levying Valorem Tax for 1969 115 OPDDf.c\ ,crr w:.e:rn 92t. ~ ORDIlA."lCF IJiVYIN'G .\lID .JI.SsrSSI:iC J. I A:J \"AroRDl 'lAX 03 AIL ~.A"'L1i' PFOPI.t\IJ:Y h_'IHr !HE CO.U'(HATr L="fiTI.> OF Tm" CITY OF lr...J.r Ul\IVEI-lJ:'iY PLACF, ':EXA& 00_'\ ~ lEA..~ 1969; p?ovmn;G TP.E ~f'IS 0:' 1.r3Sf.S8.'Imfi 0:' !-JA...1U<FT Orl ..\c:tJAI V.AllJ~ A-J) PR<WTD.-.l.. FOR IH!: Co:.r;'CIJ:J.O"l IHFRJ!.- OF AT ~ RA'IE OF $~.48 OK 1'HE ONl--rtJlID-(Jl'J) ($1,,'0.00) ASS!! SSL;D VAlUATION. :9E rr 0 JlAINED 3Y Tl{Ii C::Y COJoit([3JIOlf OF TBF C!'IY OF WEB': UImEIt- 81". PLACF, TEXAS: Secti,n 1. That there ':'s (.er6b~ levied and assessei al;&ins'" a1~ +axable property, both real and personal, witl:~D. 1 e corpo-rate l.:m.:.ts of 'toLe City ot West Ur iversi'ty Place, lJ:exas, anJ t~lere shall be collected 'L;} s1.Lcl c~t~., a tax of $1.lt8 un tb:: one-hundrcd-dc.:!.:.&!" $~JO' assessed +ax va~uat':'on tor the year 19€9. ~ection 2. Such tax ':'s ne_'eby levied and assessed i.c. accordan e witn the erms a"ld provisions ot Sec.aion 1 of .Art':'~le XlI 0': tt:e City of 'West Unlve!"sltJ Place Ci+y Cbar'"&r and tr.e app~lcable Statutes or the sta e of 'rc.xas, such levy emd assessment is mde tor the tollc.win-J pu.rposas, to wit: (A' Fo!" the upkec.p and rr.a~n"'enan"e: of tre Depa~!Ilen\' ot Fe& loth and .3ani tatic.r , .Oc. (~) For current expense and operatlon of 't~_e Genera! 3 1.L Fund a!'ld .:.ts var':'ous departlDents (c) i'or Tax 3evenue "inlt':'116 Fund, to pay he p.!'':'r..cipal $ C. ~v on the bonded ir_debtedness ot the C.:.ty, as follows: $ 1.lt8 Date of Issue 19.3~ 1946 1946 1946 19,2 ~954 City of West Unlverslty Place. City ot West Un'vers.:.ty Pla"e, quipmen - -...and. C.:. t,y ot Wes Universi t~ Place, City or lot st Univ rsity Place, Cl t;, ot ,\es+ University Place, City ot Wes- University Place, efwlding ,ODds !':'re r':'ghti11f; $ 38,000.00 1,000.00 Storm Sewer ~onds Pul.lic Park Bc.nds ~etundiDG Bonds City .tJa~~ ..JOnds 6,vvo.ov 4,000.00 Cl,OOO.oo ~5,vJO.OO .t12~. 000. JO Section 3. Tte Tax Assessor and Collec'to!" 'for the Clty of Yes" Ur .i.ver- s.:.ty Place, ':'exas is i:e!"ety d':'rected tc. assess a!ld ('o...lect taxes on all of tl:e pl'operty. both 'real and personal. wi.i r:..:.n trle corporate limits or "'h~ c~ty ot 'West Un':versi.Ly ?la('e, Tems or:. tt.e bas':'s or torty percent (40~' of 1 11 ~~ A .Il v markeL or ac+ual value for t~e year ra-ce of $1. 48 on the one-rundrad I PAssrD A1\TD .,PFHOV D -r is -+ Le 2 ATTI'ST: / ( ( Assistant C~+y Secrp-cary ard collen+ion thereof aT Tte ass~ssed va~uatior as r=re~L of AUJust) 19~9. Ccmniss=-oners "\ OL 'US -~J-'.: s~ioners \ot 50: