HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 925 Amending the ORD by Adding Section 23-70 114 mDINANCE NUNIBLP ) 4J~ ORD:::KANCF /Jv[E :NlJING 'I'lL CODE O~ O"\DIlL:lfC:tS 0::< 1F:b- C T'JY 0:5' IJ:E'Sl D:'-JIVK:;'S:::TY PLACE) TEXliS BY TEe' 4.DDITIO:\ TT~~RFTO 0:::< S}'CTIOS -70; AUTHO. IZI:~G ElL CEILTi' 0:::- POLIC~ TO -r~ECT '!.~O TtL~OUGH ':i' ,,'10.'IBIT- ING CmTIV[I:;:RCIAL V:C:'iICLES FXC} D:::.,G ) OOC G\ 1;, 0\[ ACAD?"V[Y S A ill :::3TABLIS~T\TG A IJ -; T;'l'~CTvF DATi. Bf l-r Or=mA:::-fr D BY THE C Tn COY1JVlI SSIOS OF TBI CITY OF "\r ST UNIV?RSITY PIACi J T XAS: Un':'vers' ,'ec+ ion Section 1. ::'t at the Code of O.cd':'nar ~es of the Ci y of \Jest Pla'e nexas':'s a~ended the additicn hereto cf 70. \vh.:..t sa':'d nec+ ion shall read as follows: "3e ~t ion 2 TO: Tr E: ct ':'ef of Police's f-,erer y aU+f-orized and directed to erec~ s on street '.o':'-'-ir[ 'vLe use OT said street t.cucks w.:.ttin the rereinafrer des' l':'mitations. IV'1 pc s s are e.cected stat 'It Trucks II no person seal:!.. any corill!le:c'cial vet ~ cle ex- ceed )000 gross veh':'cle we' speci- fiea manufac+urer) at any time St.ceet) that such vehicles may be thereon for the purpose of or pi of materials and mer 'hand'se and then by enter Street at the intersect':'on nea.ccs-'- t~e des- tinati0r of tte vehicle ar d p.coceed' llg tLerccr no furtt.E:.c i h8.f' -'-r"", nearest intersec ice. the.ceaf" er. II Secticn 2. :::t sl-}all be unlmvt'ul ) or cause to te d.c oven or vp}-icle ill excess o~ ,000 -'-housand as above provided. for any perscn to dr::.ve ('1' ) UpOL A S-'-:ceE-J an;. ~ross veticle w", excep Section 3. This Ordillance shall take ef:ec~ ard ~e ir l'cr~e from i s passage and approval as la1l1. PASS:CD A TD ,,EpqOVLD tllis 11th of Cotrhissioners Vat All Co~~issi0ners Votin~ No: AT'I:E'ST: \ \ Assis-'-art Ci~y Secretari