HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 924 Amending the ORD Addition Sec 23- 124 I 112 o ")Dll"."fCE l\lUBlin 921.. Alf O..DTt.lCE A\R.lD.DIG lil!T" corn OF ORDINAlTCFS OF THE CITY 0_ 17E9r ur.IVI:3':::ITY w.e; , 1'EX.\.3 1)Y T!D. .llDDITION THr U'TO OF SECTION 23-124( a \ j Ill! SlCNn.TIlfC CER~lIN IU'~SI:ClJ:IONS AS .Jl'()P I 1TE:,.3.JCT-ONSj D~'I:nR TBF. .. R' CTIO: OF dOOP SIC",CJ '.T .:'l'CH ~J'"'CTIONSj ROVD- IE J..N EFFECTIVE DAT:" A\"D A S~VD.GS CLA.Us:r. 'Ai. rr ORDAmD -Y 'I1F C:TY COMMI.3.3..0N OF T If' CITY OF l1F ~ UNIVF:?- S:TY PIAC}I', Tt.xAS: .3ectien 1. Ttat the Code of Ordinances or tte Ci'ty ot l\es' Un~- ve.t"sity P.L8ce, T ms ':'s herel"y amended by the add .tio:l thereto ot a Se''tic.z:. to be known as Sec....ion 23-124( a) wl:.':'ch said se ~t . o~ shall read as tollows: ".::e~Tion 23-:2h( a': TtJa't tl'.e tC'llow':'1'6 na!!e~ .:.ntersec.... ':'OLS taV'lrg been reco!D!len~ed as stop ~~tersect ':'ors r.y tte Chlet of Pol':'ce are tel'eby designated as stop ~n~erse'" ':'onSj sucl-_ ~nte1"se ,tions belI.6 desC.t"'bed as tollcws: Communi-y Dr've on bott.. s':'des ot ::ssoone+ Street Si~ns St.t"ee.... ~n Tte nortl' side ot issonnet Stree~ l\est Po1n' s+reet 04 t.ne soutt. side ot ':'ssornet "'treet and (r tt e north sid.a of 'Pella' r Boulevard Col~r':'dge street at Bissonnet Stree" ~udsO( Street at B':'ssonnet Street ~orthwes~err Street at Bissonnet Stree+ Collcge at.t"eet at ~iss~et St.reet Suns~"" -OUl.evard at 'P':'ssor.n.a" Street AIbans 'Poad aol- . ssonnet Street ~ r'cr ~trep" a- ~issonnei Street and at D~l~i.t"e -oul.evard Sc.wanee ~reet at 'ssonne't Street anQ at Bel:.a':'re 3culevard l"estches""er "treet at '1':'ssonnet Street az:.d aT ~l- 18 ':'re .8OlUevar.'1 Ru gers s+rcet at 3issonnet street and at Bella':''t''e 130ulevard Vatlclerb':'lt Street at Bella':'re ,!)(,uleva.L"d ~lmcnt Street at ~':'ssonne"" ~.t"eet aDd at Bellai.t"e Jjoule:vard 'Prcmpton iload at. ellalre Boulevard on t1"e north s':'de Annapo~'s ~reet bt Be~ire ~cu~eva.t"d Wroxton i)oa.i at t<:':'rby Dr':'ve u_ the west side ot K'rby ll'tians ~oad at K':'rby Dr ':'ve en the west s':'de ot Kirby NC'....t.:.ngtar& ~reet a" K'rby Drive on the west side of Kir1:,~ ~,b.:.nhood .:'t.t"eet at iCirD,f Drive on 1"1. wes" s':'de ct Kirby Ta~ley Road at Kl,.by Drive on the west aiJe of K':'.t"'L) Plumb street at Yirb,f ])r"ve .l-JJherst street at '<'':'.t"l"y DriVE: on \j~e west side ot TCir'ty Fenwood Road at Kirb~ Dl'"ive :?ecibert.or D:L'~ve at TCrby Dr'v~ Barbara lane at Kirb,) Dr':'v~ 113 Carolina Way at K~rby Dr':'v.7) Pi+tsbUi"g S. ree,. at Kirby Drive Cer-cenary ..,-reet at Kirby Drive .A.1ouckle street a'" Kirby nr':ve Talbot street at Kirby D.'':'ve Cason St!"c,et at Kirby D.'ive lier~ein .Jtree,. at K':'''by Dr':'ve !'he City f tlb~eer and tt e Cl:.iet of Pollee sr..al~ place and minta1n "stop" signs at the proper places at ea "1". ot su "1. .:.ntersect.:.ors." SE:~tion 2. All ol"di.!1ances or p8!"ts of ord.':nances in confl':'c,. herewith are l:ereby repealed as t.e salllE' are in actual confl':'c'" ~. Section 3. This ordinance shall become c.tte '''ive upon its passage and approval as required by law. PA~m'D Am> APPROVED tb':'s 9tC' day ot June, lqE)O. Co~ssione!"s VC'tlng Aye: All COlZ.i,-.iQDers Vo~ ':'..lg No: _ ~ne . IY' ~ JIll.L I Lt,tt I ~ ~'I"I \.~ JIB:/or \T'lEfJ.r: " .... I'\. \". 0( Assistant City Se "retary