HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 923 Determining the Necessity for increasing the Wage Scale of Certain Employees at West U 110 o _D I \AFC r' NUMBL'-q P_N ORDI\JA 'JC~ D' TLRLVITlilI\G THl \~CEoSSlTY f 01,\ 11<C1:-'1;1\81 qC T:H:S 1,~AG~ SCAlj OF CFRTi\_ q ,'\1PLOYEE8 0- T'T Cl'IY OF 1,JfST 1J-,:LV_~',2iTf ?LAC[~: ':L:r}~~"::J CL43;'TFL"D 10-8 S -YI-SKIL~ I,D ,tJD J\l\D FO~ JDYIT \J:i:3T~.,UIO]\J AI\D OTTTE~ PSRSONJ\J-:EL OF TR" SKI;V1[VIJ]]C POOL; JJ\fr I1JlJITiiG ORD SA]\jC~ NU\'JITT 001 WriIC_ ADOPTD ':LH? 1969 TO PROVIDf ~O\ SAln INCDrAS" O~ 8AJ-C\L 8, \^lJ\C\' il_-JD :-\ELATlD :MPLOYE:C ~~_I)} j4'TE: INCLUD I ~\G nSURA A lJ 1NC::\.EAS1J'\C THI: A\J'TICIP-'\T_ 'D'<DCI\lJP OF Trl~ VARIOUS FUIID3 AH}'LC'Tr~D T I O'\DFR TO PROVIDr ADDITIONAL - PV:F;]\'U IN A\ AiVIOU \1' '1'0 THr - ~T-L T\1A rED vY?:?lifDI'I'U2 ; J\J\D P :\OV =D= ,C A T n~7EC'l \1- DArrl'. :S1-' 1rr o,\nL\.r:::::::J BY T'I1= CITY C01\jLVIJ:~SIO_~ 0':' T}-"' C2:';'Y 0" IVC'J':': U=\IV--,~i:':iY ?lu,C-' J I'EXJ\S: \'H-[L-c:)cEA3, tr,e C -,Tabes paid in o+her c~t-,-es ~erLa~n classifications of meLL to ' serv~ces Commission has made an iLvest' ie, 0f and has determlned tha+ salaries and wa~es 01 ci ty s should be ~!lcreased as a'l ~ '1du 'c;- a~d creating eff~. witc~n the s. Ie Se ~t . on l. as SC0 forth rei'1) rhal~ tr,e salar ~es and waies of tt2 va{'ious t Jc..L - s, are to be in~reased a 0 -ce follcw:nJ sc~e~ule: STRE r DfPAJTMENT r.Jach~ne Operator lViechanic Dr~ver ],ifachine lruck Drive>:: Truck Driver 3tc:eet Laoorer Laborer' Laoorer Laborer $ 2. 2. 2.1,,-, 2.2) 2.05 2.CC 2.10 2.05 2.0" .05 2.00 Park labore_' COrrJL. - . Jan: tor CiLJ TTall Jaritcr 1.90 .00 L05 SANITATIO\ DFPA~TNC\T Dczer Opera cr Openncr 2.)0 2.i:::) ?25 2.00 lJr ~vers La-ocrers 0.DH "Gf DISPOS.t'\J, F p,-\r- Plan+ Ass . AssJ-. 300.00 3C'5.00 36).00 :Lac urer J... Laborer 1. 9C! 111 ~i,".1'J:.R mpA.:lTMr ..~r;. Pumper Pumper Me~er 'qep8 ir Service rot"eDlln Meter _ eader Y..eter Reaa.er laDorer laDOl"er !.a borer 355.0" 347.00 35).00 390.00 347.00 t!..oo/hr 2.00/ r..r ~.OO/hr ?oo/br SEWFR DEPAR'l'~":NT Tru 'k Dr':'ver !.aborer laborer :aoct"~r laborer 2.0)/~r 2.00/hr 2.ool'cr 2.oo/hr :J.00/hr SWIloo:n :COOL 2.tlnager ASS't. )tln&ger Cashiers Full-time L~teg~rds 5)v.I"C 400.00 1.50 hr ~0.00 ~r"'ion 2. ':bat U:.e antic':'patpd rpvenJ.e of "l:.e tollcYW':'ng f1U'.ds t e ':':r:. 'reased +0 prav':'de additional tunds 'fOl' "'l:.e f'ollvwir.g es"'iDllted expendi- "'ures: Income "0 the Qt:.n(.ral ]"und, De ':'r 'reased as a resu:. t (t pasS86-- ot an ordinance increasing .7Broage and 1 rast tees trC'1Il 75; tc. $2.00 per mon"t resu:!.t':ng ~n an add~- tional iI:.come of $4~,,500.oo tor the relli8inder ct The year 19b9; and that 'the ava':lalle casn C'i: tt e l-Tater- Sewer Fund" which exceeded the cash talance of Janu- ary ~, ~9b9, be .i.ncreased by Elr amount C't $0, 1~; and that ada.itional in'ome tot" the Swimming Pocl Fund be increased by 5l,20C.OO as a resul'" ot an added chat",:re tc.r taLl;{ season t':'ckets and 6er:.e.::'8l adm: s- s10ns during the tisca~ year 1969. Section 3. '!bat Ord':'nan 'e 1't1.Ilker 901, adopting tt.e 1969 Budget" 'te azr..el.ded to provide toe necesS81")- expen..1.:.tures 'for tl e salary and wages, and .related e.1ip~oyee benetits ~n':uding insurance, as 1.et':'ned ':'n Section ~, and that the budge" be amended so tha'" the correspo.1d~ng anticipated revenue wi:': be increased to caver "te es'tiDllted expenditure. Sect.:.on 4. Jotfe .tlv~ date oJ: "he wage ard salary ir "rease a.ld. bejget aoeond!'l'Jent be DIlde ..'etroact':'ve 1.0 JunE. 2, 19€-9. PASSED Am APPROVED ~his Qt.l lay e)L' . ure, 1069. COlrJLss':o'ers Voting J.ye: .A:.l la.T _, ..'1: co~ sdor.ers Vo .'in@' ::10: . pone _ : (,Il /"/ Jill, , t I yor ... \ ~ ~. 'R tJ: Ass:st&nt c:ty Sec~& rJ