HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 921 ORD Concering the Cleaning & Reparing 107 o J>::NA..CF ltNBF{ 92~ AY. OiIDLiA~Cl OF ~ CITY OF ~-.S': Ulm~SITY ?LACE, ~..::xAS COBCFRNDl: THE' CLEANING, !mPAIRINC. AIiD 1EPA :J1TI:t:: OF 'I::!' ctn':3 :Ii I'i-:O (5' WATFR R::SERVO~S; A 1ALIZll' ;.l,1'Ii VA.~IOJt3 BIDS EECrlVI:D ::N -::mcr;Ss:::J) SE5SIO.V 0 \ 'JAY 19, 19f.9 Dl"'Il"'3\f!lIlD T'fAT N. Me Fn"K, IBA WAl'LR TANK .:f1WICE COMPANY HAD su- \fiTTED TliF IOl1E9r PROPOSAL; AU':liORIZrlC TIIF MaYOR TO FiV"FR :\'TO .~ COVl'RACT TlI H T".dt: lOW B]J)])ji'F \1:D ACCR?T::NG T.FT' STA.\"DARD .PROPO.3AL FO~ ALL .f CFSSARY WOiUC TO :aF PF~~l\iED 0.. RT' JH.lWOIRS lUleER 1 T:~ClJCH 4 .um .AIIl'.E'-U'It: PROPO&\L ON ~SERVO~ ::tJ\BCIt 5 FOR A COM'RACl' tOTAl Oli' $19,02 (; AIm A?mOPilIAl'I~ AN ADDJT:01AL SUM OF $0, )2/.00 1i'R0M T'.:E ~"'A'lE'q-~;FR FUND; .hND.n."'f ~.:'.:.:C'IIVE DATI"' OF m. ORD~tlU4CE WB:EraEA.S, ~he Ci1iY Oomm.:.ssion has l:.eretotc..!'E:. d(.t,em':ned 1ihe necess~1iY o~ .rel)ai~ing, c~eani!lg ar.l repa~nting the C.:ty's fi"a (5' .r...edrY'oirs and 'r. connect.:on tberew.:th tas heretofore ::'rstruc"jed 1ine Ci1i:r Engineer 1iO prepare spe "':f' ':cat::.ons tor tt.e necessary work; and w:.::JR.lc..\S, n01iice 0 b':dders was :nserted in 1ihe rouston POS'l. on ttle :c.tt day ot April, 1900 almouncing to intE-:t"ested con1i!"actc;rs ttat bids would be re "e':ved to pertor!l1 tile necessa~. work o~ repairing, c~eaning, and r-pa':ating s\,cn reservc':rs in connect.on 'u1t'lt certa':n spec~ 'i"a~io.ns kr.d contract docu- m.et.l s, whi ~h bids were received and opened at tne mee'C'ng of' tt.e Cit:;- Corr;rds- s10n 01'1 May 13, ~969; and y.lL..?E.~S, ai'.::el' a tabl..lB+ lon and analys':'s ot "wI" e var = Ol..S proposals. it was d.eterm::.ned by tl:.e C.:ty COrr.cL.ssion at iTS recessed meeting ot )ily 19, 19C9 that W. Me F~nk, DBA Water lJ:aTlk. Service Comparv, ..ous~on, '1exas had sub- mitted the 101est proposal. NO'K, 1'El:....>tU.FOEE, "'E n 0_ DAIlED BY ~ CI'lY COMMISSIOl\ OJ! lPE CITY OF WL.... ti1C\'!'"t.JITY PLAC1i', TEX.\S: Sect.:oo 1. 'Iha't the Mlyor be, and ':s tereby authorized to er"'er ln~o a contracT w.:th W. )I. F':r..k, DaA Water Tank 3e.t."V'ice Company, e.agaglng su"h Company 'Co pertorm tte c.ecessar) work as se"" forth 1.."1 the spe'" ticat.:ons and at the pr': "es as set tort1- ':n +..e proposal sl..bmitted 'by Cor&1i1'actor, l1. It!. F':T1k. S6ction 2. Tllat the Ci'ty Commiss':C'r. express:.y & "cepts tr..e standard p.!'c,posa1 tor c~E:an:!.D6, repa':r lng and repa~ating Reservoirs ~er 1 tt...rOUbh 4, amoun"'in6 1iO $13,624.00, and a1ter!1ate proposal tor Reservoir ~umber ~ amount in . to $5,403.00, t"le tota~ ot wrlct resul~s in a contract pri~e ot $19,02(.00. .3ectior 3. In e"rde.l.' to zrak.e ava':lab.!.e tl-e &1D.OWl1. nE:.cessary to t\.lnd ti:e .::C'r'l.r&ct, 1ihere is t.ereby appropria"'ed an addit: cnal amourt ot ib,5f:7.C' f'ro~ the lTater-Sewer Operating iund, all.i tr.a1i Ordlrance 1Tumber 901 approyirlf and appropriati':b'; the sum c.t $12,500.00 tor tte y._ar 19C9 be amended to In- c~ude the add1tiona~ sum at ~.521.oo trLm u~ppropr':ated "ash Surp~~8 of toe ha+er-~ewer Fund. ~ .. 1,"" n U() ~mrrlE:d ~a A'::TI:S'I: Section 4. 'Ihls ordinance shall take effect and be ir force upon its passage and app~cval as ly law. PASSED AND APpqOVLD this ) 1969. of C()rrJ]~ ssloners Vo Aye : A~l Cvc.missioners ITo: hone ( '- " Assistant City Sec~e~ary~