HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 920 ORD Determining & Authorizing Construction of Cul de Sac turn around at Academy Street 166 O-:ulT_1ANC:' W..BE"' Q2\.) A:f 0 ID NA..lC DE~:UaNI~ 'X-'"'j ~ C.I!.~ ... iTY 'l;'0~ A \D AUTP'ORIZ! t,' 1Tr.,.' CO\.3'!':uJC.rIO, 0;; ~ ClTL-m-SAC OR ID.RN-AROUND 0'1 .l..C.ADE\fi' Sl'1l--r':j rrlOVIDI.n :&O{ TR'L :am"fT' rro 1J:)IOVE WC:: CLL-DF.-SA.Cj P.1OVID: n 1l'0R CO\TI1UFD TIlGt .'38 AlD G!U:.JS BY An.ACm.'X PRO- PEi'!'Y O;,'1.lqSj P~OVID~1\J EO'" Til COl"I"'1UED 'h.I'FICI'i'\CY Or L E FRI', POi:CE AND U -LI:-Y Drp,\R'D! ".TS 01 THF CITYj AID r.tO- \I!DING A \ - _"T""C'IlVE D.~TT' \.;'DTh. .J.S, tne City COlIIIIL.ss':'or. tas detero':'lled tha'" the volume and c1:aractel' cf vel icular traff':'c nc.w us~t:g ~ "ade~ ~r6et has 6reaololy increased C'ver i r", past t"ve (5) years. ar..l '&1 e volU!:i.e ot s\.t.cl" t.t"8fti' has pl'ogressively ':'n'reased over sucl per':'od or time; ard ~-..\<<3, z\caiel!Jy dt:'e~' was orig"naJl.r COllstructeQ tor r<.ra:al 1'.!A1dent':'al +ra~r.:.,. (It ~-, at"d +h.e pr'!seJ'l' \-se ct sacl.. sL.reeolo . s dam -=T ~ J he street tc "tit e "'x etlt te.at. i s nc"ru:a~ usetu.L _ite wIll 'be ....L"ea+ly dll!creased, 8IId 'Ie c.tj Corr;m'ss':'on :-.8S d......F.:rmin~d "lati u.'lless tile preseIlt use t')1' suct- street is ""Urta':'led. tee s1 reet would tave 1.0 be compJ.etely .!"ecOl structed at .-r~at expcTls'" "tiC (ire ,= yj and l': h1FA.3. Acale~ dtreet tas !lever 't.eel1 des':'gnated as a thorc.u "nfar'" tor USE" of "tirucks, 't.uses and otter reavy vet ':'cular &ora':t'.:..., ana tte Ci'" J C(.!JIll1ss:!.on t':'ads +- a J... w~d be in the l:.es" ':'4"'erc.st ani .;ene.t"81 weJtar- C.r all citizens ar.i property ("fre.L"S if. the ':'!JIrf'odiatE: area, ~ta sur:1- s~re..!- 't.e 'losed tC' tt .L"c"U 'h trattl'. :\OW, TliJ"'''"'FO.aF, :9E IT 0 UlAmED -=3Y rtIT" CI:I' CO\f4ISSIO\ OF T [F CITY or ,mffi' m::vPR.3IrY PT A.CE. 'lEXA8: Sect':c.n:i.. A cul-de-sac or turn-around shall 'be 'onst .'Uc"'ed on A.cade~ S+reet in tte mnrer and at t1:.e p( 'r..t. as lnd':'ca'tied on a p.L8"ti, prepared by -1"e C.:.-y .::.ngireer, marked. "Exltibit A" an'! a"ti+ached !Iereto. ard mde a pa.t't C:: .. t':'s ot"d':'nan ':e tc;r all pll-toposes. 9&.....(.D~. That no't.i1':''1e) 1"erein S.18.1.1 prec~ude the r':'g1'1 of tte ...:.ty t(. reoove such Ct.._-cie-sa" or tun-a.L"our.d a'\. any "tiime ~T "'1"'3 1'u"ure .:.t sucl- t"emoval is dete.L"~L...j t~ 't.e in +he 'best :n.erest of t1:.e ~.:.ty. BE: .t:_(\n 3. ~.. sa id cu~-de-sa~ or turn-around st.a~l bE" cons ruc- "d in su('h mnner and at suc!' locat.:.ol'l as +0 not attect. the .:.ng_'ess an.:! e-reas ot p.L"opal'ty CWWDers Ie tteir prcpertiy. Sect.i.c. n 4. 'ihat + e eons. ruct':'on o' sa':'d cul.-de-sac 01' 'tiurn-a.!'( und w':'ll ':'n no way impair the efi'i "iency ot oIo-:e F~re Departaent. Police Depart- mert, publIC' u't il':'"ti:lll or puoll" we~a.L"e. SectiC'r ~. This c rdinance stall take p.ttect aad 'tie = n force immeQia- oIoely upon :'ts passage and approval as .L"eq"~red 't.y :;.aw. PA8~'D AID APPROVED thie L2th 18,,' (f lolly, 1909. co~ssiot'c..L"s Votir. Aye: All ..\~ST: C(.a;,""lissioners VC-\t':'ng ~o: . . .. lo"'e , ~ · J ( }', e,-. ~ -, . I ~ . ~.ll ~ f. V J.tlyor' . . t . ~ y.'~ Ass{sblDt. C~"'y Secrel.ary