HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 919 Amending Code ORD Section 6-28 1u5 () m y i\ ~ ~, ~ '.::' '\ A ~ o. DnA~,cr J, ,UW'I\' l~ COD}' 0 ~ 0 .0_ :D" ,Cl,' O~ 1 ~ C3 i o \T'I:31' u,\l\~r-d :"~~CL, T"Ac)jY A:'lll',D=,: ,', C~~O, b-2b 10 ~OV1D -0) -'. ID:::j' :"'"'\11': r'r cO fO-\ cr" D : ~\' CO~- .:3.LPUCl'O , ,,",::'IDrrl.LA ,\~ODII '1~. CO,\1\l"\CIA' _"JUlIDI\ S, l)J\l;A~ ~ VODV L \'0 ,h,; 0\ ,::':"VTIllI Il'oC POOL CO ~::::r::: 'lTC- l -0 J; .rHD ro P,OJ.:...0 " 1 ~JL :81'37 'II o,m"'WD BY T~ CITY ~OM\jil,3810}J OF 'IJ CDY or \,8. - ,'v' c' r Y PL Cr , - Xc\.3: ,'ee' ':'0'<1 1. "1]a -c ',~c+ ~ on of t I" CO.Je ,,' O~d' Y],8Dces C '"'T C' '7 0 co 'IKs" Univers -1';, 'e J Lezas be a,'l'OY led b1.1 1 no; ((,re&f' C" c&iJ "ion f-2b stalJ reaJ as [Lllo~s: Sec-cion t-2~ ~pc~~t fe, S 1'1'1(, foJ'uvli.ng fei">;:3 3:al1 i r crarG d ly ,re lJLldi:-g ~rspe';Gor a ,d p3.id by ore: '''or any P_,CL,:,L b""frre ar:y ~ sl aJJ os issued: ror residenL,al 'LnS1:LuC '("1: One dulla.c (, .v)'1 prr 100 square i'eet vi':"l--- a rriL~m,dY; 0' fOL' Qollars ($4.00) p::.c pl~r,;I':'L . for i'eSl. le:-,tial remode' . aCld repai~s. l:Couc dollacs ($h.OJ\ for first One Thousand Dollars (~l.OOO) plus thirtY 2eLts ($0.30) per One ~unJred Dollars ($lJO) over One 1'nousand Dollars ($1, OOJ\. =n cases W:lere the ccn~ra'-o.c does not state cos"s, le ':'nspector shall maKe an estimated ccs+. Additions: T1ree dO:'..lars ( .00) per 100 square ,'PA-t vl.:.th a m':'Climum of foc;..c dollars (5=,4.00) pel' For garaGe r:modeling, repair or _ 1$4.00) m~ni'lJm1 pe('[n~' for Ule LLen L Qc;:::'lars ($b. 00) [or' ~OC square feet. ce8ent. Four dollars fi.cst 300 sqc;.a.ce feet al:L in exness of fir'S' For commercial bu' A m=--lJi:n;)~l of for dollars ($40.00) for th~ fi.cst 100 square feet and for all ir excess of _GOO square fee-c a+ Lle rate 0 ' one cen~ ($~.OlJ per squa.ce foo". For "vieni y dollars and elE c~ ~ical .00) L l. Section 2. The pn 'm':'t l'ees provided for ':'n said ;:)(; '~':'OD b-2b as amended shall become ef:ecL've and 'Ion and after" J, 1969. SectiOL 3. This ordinance s -all take effect and be in for 'c upon .:.ts passage aLd as requ':'red by law. PASSo:,'D A'\TD APP O\f D ',is of o Cow~':'ss~oners Vot All A T'T- SIT': sione.cs Vot \one \ "\- ) /d~ Ass':'stant C.:.ty Secre~ary / \L: ~ .;. L /A>(>ht~ 1 !'flay ot'" .( /'