HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 914 Amending Code of ORD to include Lots 9, 10 & 11 Block 3 Cunnigham Terrace lv{) RDINA1liCE NUMBER 914 AN ORDINA1~CE A~NDING THE CeDE OF CRDIN~TCES OF TIill CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS SO AS TO TI~CLUDE LOTS 0, 10, AND 11, BLOCK 3, CUNNINGHAM TERRACE ADDI- TION IN ZONE I OF THE FIRE LIMITS OF SAID CITY; AND PROVIDTI~G AN EFFECTD1E DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COl$'IISSION OF THE CITY OF HEST UNIVEHSTIY Plu-I\.CE, TEXAS: Section 1.. SectiGn 6-1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City 0= West Un~vers Place, Texas is hereby amended so that hereafter sa~d Sect~~n c-l shall read as follows: Secti n 6-1. Fire Li~its - Zone 1 The following de2cribed real property shall comprise zone 1 0 the fire limits of t~e BecSinning at Place; Thence, ~n a Boulc-vard, t~ the southeast corner cf Lot 30, Cambriige direction ~ the north lin~ of Bellaire Gte n0rtheast corner of Je~~a~r~ 3~ulevard ani , Thence, in a northerly direction along the "ast line of Academy Street, a distance of 389. Ld ""eet, more OJ:' less, said point in the sOu~h line of Block 2. extended, Terrace; Thence, in an "asterly iirection along the nort~ line 01 C&~brii~e Place, a disGance of 810.0 feet, more or less. to Ghc northwest corner of Lot G, B10ck 7, CaBbri Place; Thence, northwesterly along the east riu~t-of-way line I Stella L '_nk Road, a l.istan:-e of 15h. 99 feet to the n::Jrtr~-tTest ~orn"r ::Jf Lot 11, Blocy 3, Cunningham Terrace; Thenc", in an east direction - tre north ~lso the south line of Lots 1, 2 and 3, ha~ Terrace, a disGanc~ of 171.78 fe"t G ~he of Lot ll, Block 3, CunniD~haro Terrace: Thence, in a dir ct_~OC1 alone the eas-:; lin? of Lots 11, 10 and ), also the w"st line of Lo-:;s 6, 7 and 8, Blo'k 3. C Terrace, a d~stance of 150 feet to G~e sout~east corner of Lot ), Block 3, Cunninc7~ham Terra"e: Thence: 'n an easterly d irec G~on alon' Gr e nO.c~r line 0=' Cambriclge Place, a iistance of 500 feet, more 01' _ess, to the northeast corner of Lot 3J, CaKbridze Place: Thence, in a southerly direction Ca~bridYe Pla'e 37~. feet to the liLe r' Lot 11, Block 3, g noI'thea2t 'crneI' the east linc of Lot ~O, o-P be -inni n ~ . Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and b~ in force irun2 Lat fr K and after its passaTeand PASSED AND APPROVED this the lOth 'lay of March, 1909. Co~miss~oners VotinE ~ioners Vcting No: All None A~ST: "- V~ ~ ,,'f ,,-" ): A.ssistant City Secretary I {I I ) V /' I J i ~ Mayor PJ:'o-T~r . ,yo