HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 911 Finding & Dertermining Necessity Lowering Pump in Wells 3, 4 & 6 95 O~IM:vCF lU:.m;R 9ll AU O"IDINA...~CF FIM>DC AND DLT""t.RMINI!lC IJ.l{Ii rmcr:3.33Y ::;'OP LOWFRLVG 'IE FtJl.jp IN ~:ATtR i1t'LL lUMBERS 3, It- .&ID 6 OF THE CE'Y OF w.::ST ur.IVERSrIY PLACE BY ADDDG roRTY :F:Em (40') OF D~SCHARGE COWMN, PlNP SH.\1TIlffi AND ONl:. STAGE TO EACl! PU:-!Pj AFPROPRIAiDG J\3 ADDITIONAL SL~I OF $5,620 FPOi{ ~ WATER OPE3ATIm FUJ.ID TO SUPPLEMEI;T THE HE1{FTO- F03E :auroETJ!,]) $3,500 F<E .LPAIRS Al\D MAIm.NA..1fCE OF t1AT.I!.R :'JLLS; DETERMINING 'LBAT l11E WORK OF !U!DVIlC ~ID DIS- C..J\.."lGE COWMN Am> PUMP AI:D ADDDG Om. aIAGl. TO : AC3 PUMP AIm ~ING dAMG CA"\ 3:: ACCOMPLISlf".J) EFFICIUll'LY .A:'.D :ZCOIroMICALLY 0"1 A FORo.. ACCOUNr BASIC; SELECTIm THE Fm:( OF LAYNE !tEXAS COMPANY, me., HOUfm>N, TEXAS, ':0 PElWOR!I SAID WORK BY FURNISHING THE ECESSARY DISCHA.~GF COLUKV, ruM? SHAF:ING AND om: STAGE FOR EACH PUIJP .Il..D FURlITSHIIfG IJ:HEIR fLaVICES AS AN ~ COJTRACTOR; AND JiDIDING ALm Dl!.CLARING mE URGENCY OF SAID WORK. WHEBEAS, tt.e City MlTJager ot tt.e City ot tles Un':'vere.ity Place, _t:.:xas t.as brougr:.t to 'the attention ot tr:e Cit;r ColUlliss':'on, t}le necessi'ty and de- sirability at lowering tr..e pump in water well numbers 3, 4 and 6 or tl e C~'ty of Wes~ University Place. by extendiIlb the discr.arge column a"ld 'D\.JIlP shattirg forty teet (40') so that tne pump in l,ell No. 3 would have a set't~ C'of 360' . Nell No. 4 wO\Lld have a set't':'ng of 1.00' ar.d "ell 1,0. C would have a setting of ..20', ana. ooe stabe added to each 'DUI!.P; atd WHEREAS, upon study and e:xam.:.natior:. 'D~. the City Comission of tne rE'cords 1!Il~r:.~med on the repair ard ope!."kt.:.o.c. ct water well1'lwribers 3, 4 and C, ~t was determined 'tt.at 'the las't work pertor!Led on Well No. 3 and No. 4 was Februa1')p, 196"" and lfell No. 6 was *y, ~OC fj alLd lffiFREAS, it bas come 'to toe atten"'lo!l o~ "'r.e CitJ Commission tr.a't 'tne sU!l1D'1er season is approachin6, dur.:.ng w.l':'ch - xcessive deDnOs are l.1fode 0:1 water wc.ll numbt::r 3, hand c to 'Drodu 'e an add.:.tiC'llal quant.:.t,f ot water to:: ~s " ar:.d CO!lBu2P't10n by res':de"l'ts; and ~, TEERM'ORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THF Cl'IY CO)l([SSION OF TlO CRY OF WE'::.L unvERGITY PL.~, ':EXAS: ':;ec1.iot 1. 'Fhat the C.:ty Cc,lIID.1.ss~C't ot t.e City ot West 'Lnivers:!:L;r ?lace ht::reby ~inds &nd determines t..e necessi't) for loweriIJg tr.Le pump ir:. watel' well numbers 3, 4 and 6 b~ t'le extensiOIl of the discharge column a:ld pu:r:.p srattit:.g torty feet (40') in sa':'d we lls to dep.....s ot 360', 400' and 420'. &:ctiOll 2. ':nat au addi ~o. al SWll ot 55 ,c2~ be appropr l:lted from the l-later Operat':ng fund ~o supplel!lC.t.t ~ ~.e sum c,t $3, roo t.erc'tofore appropriatE"d ~:l t. e ~969 for extend':'ne; and ~ower ':rAf discl'.arge co~umn, 'Dump sr.att~r..17 and addl"'.. one stage to eacc pump ':n water wells C"WIled by tl:.e city. Su 'Q to"'al sum of $9,120 to be used to detl."a)" Sll.ca expe:1ses as determned :lecessary to lower tr..e ce lumn and pl.omp s.18ftir.c ':r. well r.umbers 3, 4 and c and add or.c stage to each pump. .. 96 Section 3. That ~he services or Layne Texas Company) ILc.) Houston. C[lexas) a reDl.ctable firt'l experienced ':'L repair ana mintenarlce of vlater \ye.11s a"1d pU'l1ps) are for the purpose of lower ana tl-_e pumD colu~n and shafting in well ~umbers 3) 4 and ~) and sddin; OLe to eact pump) charges fOE said work to be iL accordance w.:.th 'J:ezas CO:Ilpany 2tandard 3erv':'ce COutract ) Class ~:.) exclusive of cr_a-C";J;es rOE parts a"1d ~~terial for tre of the pU'l1p in sa':'d water \'IE: lIs. SectiOL l. Toe and are authorized and directed GO enter into & written contract wiGh Layne Texas Company sett':'n; ~Le scope of work to be 0"1 water well numbers 3) 4 and 6; tte of daily records OIL \lork acco:Jp.lis-(led; and materials) pan:-s aid and prescrib Gce methOQ of for such work which is ':'n~ Gte pump forty feet (40') in water well nu~bers 3) 4 anQ sa"le \I':'ll _r" a sa-:isfacGor:y a':ld eff':'cie.'-: mYJler. forth used; lower- order that Sectio':l 5. ThaL because of aL threat to) a':ld l~ of) well numbeES 3) 4) and 6 fa 0 deliver the required \Yb Jeer. an UT/;encJ- is nOVT deterMined GO ex':'st. aDd Gherefore) this stall become effec+ive UpOL its passa;e and approval CC':!Lll':'S s io':l. +ne POSSlLo_- a 'TIOlJL u of l rdiY aGce the C PASSED AND APPROVED this lOth of February) CO~'l1issioners Vot~ng A.ll CO:!lrniss':'ODers VOt':'Dc" No: ]\JOLe Mayor A':::TEST: '\ Ass':'stant City Secretary