HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 910 Calling Public Hearing March 3,1969 to Consider Zoning & Planning 94 O\DI~ANC= NU~~ER 910 AN ORDINAXCB CALLING A PUBLIC 'IEARIKG NT (: 00 P. lVI., YiiLqClJ: 3, 1969, 10 CONSIDER A _lliPORT OF THE ZONING A~m PLANNING CO~- mSSIOK RECOl-J]\'IENDING n': AlliF"NDMENT TO OSDINANCE NO. 111 '0 PLRYIIT TIIF LOCATION 0:'1' ReTAIL 13USIJ:\IE'SS AND/OR BUSINESS iL:D PROFE2SIONAL BUILDIKG2 ON L01S 9) 10 AND BLOCK 3) CUJ\;- NINGP.AM IWRTH .47 ACRF S OF BLOG[ 2) CUrD~=NGHA:1J. '::'iRRACT; Arm TIC SOU'::'II 60 I OF liT OCT\. 2. CUmJIKGllAM TETffiAC_' AD:JI'::'ION; PROVIDINC FOR ^ JOI:'\11J' H:=A::;>.=KC O::T S AID DATE 3Y '::'lfr, CI'IY COMMISSION llliD lONINC A--:J PLANITING COt1GlISSION; DIRCC1IIIG I'HAT NOTICE OF SAID Pk1LC BE GIVl':N AS PROVID:r;:D 3Y =:rrJir::: A COPY OF TFE Rl,P03T OF Trlli ZONING AND PLANNING CO:\II'>':ISSIOK 3r:: rILED II\ 'HIE OFF=CE OF THE C flY SECRETARY AKD PnOVID=KG A'~ EFFLC~=\lE DA'IL m:: ='I O"\DAINED BY Tj-lE C I'IY CQI.1iVJ:SSION OF THE CITY OF vlEST UNIV"SSITY PLACE) TEXAS: Sect':'on 1. ThaT a Dub]':'~ .~le8.r ':'nt; shall be held at ;: 00 P. K., :vIa.cc'" 3. 1969) iYl -';;he C" Hall of t._c C.:. ty of Kest lnivers Place) Texas, _0 8. ceO. at 3800 Lnivers Boulevard. to cOLsider the of The a!ld Plac.nin.- Co~mission reco~aend that ZO!liYlv Ordinance Eo. III 0; sa~d C be anecded the location of retail business and/o.c bus~ness aLa ss':'onal on Lots ), 10 alld 11, JlucL 3. Cu_ ':"erl.'&c:e; NUl.>"~L . , aCl.'LS of Block 2) Cunn" Terrace; aLd the South I of Block 2) CULnin~taTI '::'er- race AdditioL) On tte City of ~es- Universi Place) Texas. SeC1:iOL 2. That sucl hear':'nb shall be 8 joint iearir- lefo.ce the C' Co~m':'ssion and tte aLd Planning Conr~':'ss'or of sa':'d C':'-y. 3Ect':'on 3. J'Le C::. ty Secretary s'lall pub 1':' sr. Lotice 0"' sucr. r_ea.c':'n ~ _Cl -Ltc olfi~::'al paper QI' tree Co:' Hcs.L Un':'ve:::s':' 0Y Place) Ie/as, a1: leas'- firtee~ (lL) days before ne date of su~t and in add.:.tion ttere~o) shall nail notices of suct teariL~ to tte owne.cs of ~ ,;.:. t c:.i.'1 2C~ :':'ee0 of any of t:1E:; above described lots; sucr. mmers shall be detec.l':'Led a to 0hE:: cun'ent tax roJ.::' or' +te C of Vlest U:-_':'versity Place. 'Texas, ,:] .L. 'l . f' t t. 1 b ,:] 1 t f' ".L () , aLu lX.e ma__lng 0_ SG.C _ no _ es 8_18._ e c:1B.ue a1: eas l_ 0een D.clO_' to the time set for the hear Section 4. A copy of G~e reDort Oi' the S~l&ll be filed ::'n tre ofLce of Gr.e C' Se ':'nspe~tion anJ iLGerested parts. and Plan::liL - Cr)illcll~SS' O~l and scalI lJe &va':'lalle fo.:::- '::;ection 5. 'rtis Ordina._~e sr.all take effect and ( ic. force f.cOL1 and aft:::r i-';;s passabe &..d 3[)prma1. PASS~D A ill APPPOV~D tc':'s ~0~n of Fecruary) 1969. Co~m::'ssioners VOl AJ e: All Co~a':'ssio~e.cs \ot':'n~ No: ::Jone l".T'r"-ST: " Ass::'stant Ci"y SecretarJ