HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 907 Adopting the National Electrical Code 1968 Edition 91 ORD=_\ANCE NU;,J3f;'=~ 90 I AN ORDI~P~CE A~~NDING THL CODl O? ORDI.TAKCD~ O~ TF~ CITY OF vlliST UNIVERSITY PLAC~, TEXAS FY ADoprrING THt, NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1968 EDITION EXCEPT AS ~O CERTAIN PROVI- SIONS RECARDING TIill lJS.r., OF ALUIV[.II\;l.JJ\I l,\=hl; DrCLt\Hl1~G _hiil SECTIONS 10- T~~OUGH SECTION 10- SPALL ~~~IN IN FULL FORCE A~D AND PROVIDIKG A1 EFFECTrvE DATE BL IT ORDAI~bD BY ~rlE CITY CO~SSIO] OF lHE CITY OF ~LST UNIVE~SITY PLliCE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Code of OrdinaQces of ~0e C Place, r:'exas is hereby amended so 0ha-;:; hereafter Section 10- follows: of West Universi~~ shall read as "r:'r.erc is by 0te C~loy a:ld declared ope.cative tLE:;re~n lo.c . c.C purposes of establ~st.~ng rules and regu.la- tions for tee erectjoil, ,-:o'1struction, alteration, repair, removal, conversion and ma":"ntenance of electrical fac~l~ties, installations, and ":"n homes, build~cgs and otCE:;.c installations and for tte issuarice or' permi s, 'o.llect~ons of fees the.cefor, and -;:; e ~BL":"ng of ct":"ons the National Elec0ri al Code 1968 edition, of wci~c not less t_~n ~hree (3' certified cooies rave been and are now on fi_e ~_c. ~(c off':'2e or ~Le ci secreta.cy, and tte sa~e is and (crein as as if set out at - terein, and sta~l be and binding w..:..thin the " Section 2. Place, Texas is scalI read as follows: Ttat tne Code of Ordin::mces of the City of ii;esT Un~wers" -~y amended by tre addition vhereto of Section 10-130, whicn the use of aluminum wire or tte use of alum":"num as an elcct~'ical conductor stall .oe protibited." Section 3. Sections 10- through Sect":"on 10- force a:ld effect untii tereafter repealed or amended. sha:"l remain ~!l 1"1..1.11 DASSED AKD APPROVED tLis d~y of December, 1960. Comrnisslof.te~s -,Tot Aye: All CO~flissioners Vot No: None l,i:iyo.c ATTJ:1S';': \(.. /.."' Ass~stant Ci+y Secretary