HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 906 Amending the Code of ORD Amending SEC 10-80, and 10-91 L 90 O~II1ANCI lIJMBER 90C AIl ORDIRAKCE AMmDnG mE CODE OF o..1IDINANCES Oii ':HE CITY OF WEB': UNIVERSrrY PLACE, iEXAS BY A.\t!1IDDC SOOTION :!.0-80 AND 10-:;fl OF SAID CODE mc:tEAS::R:7 CER'IAIN FEES TO BE PAID :ay JOU3lmYMEN AI~D APPREN- 'IICE hLECTRICIANS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE. DATE. NOr:, TH!m:FORE, BE 1'I OaDAIlED BY THE CITY COlfiISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST Ul\IVFRSITY :?LACE, TEXAS: Sect.:on 1. That the Code ot Ord':.aances o~ the C' ty ot West University Pla~e, 'lE:XSS ':s he.L"eby amended so that nerea1'i:ier Sectior 10-8v shall read as tollows: "Betore a journey:D8n electr::'cian's ~eri:i~t':cat... c;,t .L"egistratio!l ':s granted to any appllcant, and be- tore any cer'C.:t.i.cate is renewed, the ap'Oli "ant ,::r.all pay to tne aSSeSBO.L" at..Q collector ot taxes ot the city a i'ee ot f'iVf:: dollar.:: ($- .00). Provided, aow- ever, that It a renewal ~s appl':ed tor and gt"aated during the !IlODths of October, NovedJe.L" or December, ot a~ yeAr, ttAe applicant shall '08y to the assessor !and collec~or ot taxes ot thE: c.:ty a i'ee oi' three dollars ($3.0(,)." Section 2. Tnat 'the CodE: ot Ordinances ot the Ci i:iy of ~. st University Place, Texas ia hereby amended so that ne:.'er:f'ter Se~t.or .!.0-9~ S"la.L~ read as ;lIollows: "Betore a cerl.:ti "ate 01. reoi.stration ':s crraatE:d to any apprent':ce electr ':ciall or renewed, tt.(. ap- plicant shall i>8Y ~o 'tl:.e assessor and colle~i:ior ot taxes ot 'Uhe c': ty a tee or of treE: dollars ($3.00). Provided, however, that .:r a renewa~ ':s 8pp~ied tor and graated durit' e' i:it.e moz:. ths o~ Octo1:.er, Nove!liber, or De cerrib er , 0'1' any ~-e&r, the applicant shall pay to tte 3ssessor and collector ot taxes ot tte c.ty a fee c-i' two do~lars (:,2.00)." Sect':on 3. Il:is ordi'".ence shall Ulke et:ect and be it). torce iam:.c.diately l'rom at:.d at"ter .: t.s -passaoc. and app.L"oval. PASSED A"ID APPRC>'VFD Tllis 23rd day ot Decerder, 19€8. COl!:IJL.ss!.oaers V.:)'t:':r.o J.~e: All Cc.mrLss':oners Vo"in. ~o: XonE: ATl'ES'"": Mi~or ~ \, Assistant City Secretary