HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 905 Amending ORD 892 Which Approved the Budget Fiscal Year Jan 1968 86 o::mINANCl- \ul'1BL0 )0) AN O~DINAKC~ AylliNDING ORDINANCF NO. 892 1iliICH APPROVED 'l'HE BUDGET OF T':IE C I'I'Y OF WEST uNIVERSITY PLACE, TFXAS, FOR THE FISCAL YEA:s. bEGI1JNING JAI\TUAS.Y -'-, :'-)[8, ATlJD ADOPTED ON THE 28'IH DP Y OF AUCUST, 1967. WHEREAS, the OiLy Com~~ss~'n of the C" of West Un~vers" Place. Texas, tas on cer~ain dates and occasions, found ~t uecess2~y, worthwh~lc 'nd exoEd~Ent ~o funds of ~he for the best interest. and ~e_fare '1 ~ts cit~zens, for i~ems which we~e not considered nor incluaed in the or~biLal Buaget; 2nd , t PCClS n' for ~n the be offset by a like is the desire of the Ci Oom~ission ~o ~ncre3se various '+ure kn~wn t~ be in pxcess of the 8mount , sc ttat the amount of addit~onal expend~tures may amo~nt cf addit~oL81 income. NOH, THF:crSFOR:C, Bi IT OEDAIJ\1ED BY Trlli CITY COMr.IISSION OF THE CITY OF ,,rc:;rr UNIVEHSITY PLACr, TEXAS: Section 1. The Bud~et 12-mo~tr period beginning (~ere'~o:ore be, and .:.. t ~s s and reven~es, both from as shown by the schedule: .)f the Ci of 1f7est Univers Place fo=-' tt" 1. 1968. &nd eYldi'lg Dece:llber 31, =-,0[8, as , a~ended +0 ~rov~de for aaditional ~te General ~uYld ana the Water-Sewer Fund ADDITIONAL :eXPENDITURES - GElJERAL :cmm Administration - City l>-bnager' s OL'~ce Otter Salar~es - Ad,'ustment TMRS Social Secu~ 60v.00 .00 10.00 ~inance Department Supervisory Sa 'ustmec Otber Salaries ~etirer.le~ Cv~r c 'bu+ ~O~l 1"0.00 300.,-"0 _ . '-./v T:Jx Deo8rt'llcLt Cuoerv~s0rJ 8a - AdJuct~ent Other Salaries A~diG Scrv~c s Board of l~zat~on 28~.00 .12 G . OG 5,-,,->.0"::: _00.00 Po=-'ice Depa~tnent Supcrvisory fa_ary - patrolmer .~18r~ s Traffic Controls Soc.~al Sccu.r~GY 'u strler t 300.00 6,600.00 1,500.00 7'0.uv 1 0 r':::~ ~ce O"la L: )c.CO 87 Fire Department Supervisory Other Salaries - Volunteer Firemen Training School Social Security ustment ustment 300.0C 3)006.00 100.00 195.00 .00 Building Inspection Supervisory Salary - Adjustment Retirement Social Secur O "" .vV 10.00 35.0C Street Department 180 . 00 800 . 00 98.00 sory - Adjustment Labor and Other Salaries Social Se Trans. of 1966 Ford 536.00 Waste Collection Supervisory Salary Adjustment Labor Ca mpa Social Security 13 5 . 00 2)200.00 2)025.00 40.00 Waste Collection - Offstreet Labor ustment 1)600.00 Waste Disposal and Sanitary Land Fill Labor TIvI8.S Social Secur 300.00 .00 .00 Building Iv~intenance - City Hall Labor Social Se 0.00 10.00 Parks Supervisory Salaries - Labor 'Travel) Meet Office Recreation ustment 1)235.00 1)850.00 )0.00 300.00 125.00 5.00 400.00 25.00 21. 00 Il\9.intenance of 'T1VJRS Social Security Recreation 120. 00 88 Co~~~n~ty Building Salaries Electr~c \'(a-CE:Y Cooler Libr&.cy Salaries - Ad~ustment 'Iota 1 ADDITIONAL 1XPEl\TDITURES - HEALTH FU-:\1) Humane OIf~cer!s Sa ustment Social Secur Ad~ustmen~ Capital Out:2..ay Total ADDITIOI\AL EXPE-"TDI'TIlli2 - WAJ:Ei\ S1''vC;::C FUIll \',~ater DejJ8.ctcnent SUDErvisory Salar~es Audi t; Se.cvi .es Sewer Collection SUDe.cvisory Salaries 24-2 OtG~r Sa:2..a~~es (C0~~~GS) 2h-3 Labo~ ualariEs Social S~cu.c' Small SEwer Clean'ng YBcrinc SElofer Irea tm '1 t ~abor Salor ~es - Tota 1 SEc-cioL 2. ADDITIONAL ~NCOML: The C' Cor~n~ssion m~c~es it advisable to rev~sE: acld al"Ge.c tte items of t':1e +ne t00al ~ture and also ~ncrease tte total antic' tne total means of f~nanc"n- the shall equal :'x. amount eXDenQ:'..-cure. ~60.o0 :J.-70.00 It:O, 00 200.00 $ 28)029.00 120.00 4].00 7~.OO $ /.v0 ~3 / . 00 300.00 45.00 ~ ) 2 (~ .Ov 5)50C.00 2)3.vO !+ 3' . 00 5 ) o. 00 s ,.3 '3.00 Qcter- to "ncrC8SE incocne so t-iIat Tte 8. 89 Section 3. r;:'he addi t ~o'"c,l inco:ne for revis~on or' tee is &opropriated aed 2 by ~nc~ec SiLU tiE: ~evenue accounts of -erE:: CE::neral) =-eal~ hand v;a"'cer-SE::lI1er Funds in acc0rdcnce -..,i tr_ the ;::cr_edule. GO' J\j~RAL FUND 4) ,OJ 6,925.00 ))000.00 1)060.00 lc,800.00 Current &: C Sales Tax Recrea"'cion ]ees yLscel=-aneous Incoro.e 'lo"tal ;!: 28)020.00 HEALTH FO]\jl) Current Taxes ).00 To"tal 8) 235.00 ~',ATbq-SE~)EH --=i'UND Unappropriated )393.00 'l'ota -L $ ,393.00 Sect~or 4. DassbgE: and t~e 19G8 This o~dinance shall become effective im.'11edia~e amended a U D ,Xl PASSED A..\"D APPROV::::D t1:l~s 0: Dece~iller) lq68. C.om~:J.i ss~oners All Co,~n~;::sioners Vot No: NOQe Mayor ATTE$r: , l., ( ;: ( Assistant City Scc~etar~