HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 902 Amending ORD 111 Creating a Professional & Business Bldg District 78 ORDINANCE NUMBER 902 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNDJERSITY PLACE, TEXAS CREATING A PROFESSIONAL AllfD BUSINESS OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT ON THOSE CERTAIN TWELVE (12) LOTS FRONTING ON BELLA IRE BOULEVARD AND LYING BETWEEN THE PROPERTY OF Y.M.C.A. AND ACADEMY STREET; PERMITTING THE ERECTION OF PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS OFFICE BUILDING AS DEFINED WITHIN THE AREA SPECIFIED; PROVIDING FOR REGULATIONS RELATDJE TO BUILDING LINES AllfD PARKING OF MOTOR VEHICLES; LIMITING THE HEIGHT OF SAID BUILDINGS: PRESCRIBING THE SIGNS PERMITTED IN SAID DISTRICT; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDADlfED BY Trill CITY COMMISSION OF THE-CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That ordinance number III of the C of West university Place, Texas be, and it is hereby, amended by the addition thereto of Section , immediately following Section 24, which said Section shall read as follows: "Section 24B: There is hereby created a Professional and Business Building District upon and including the following described lots: Lots 2, Block 1, Colonial Terrace Addtion and Lot 2, Block 35, Colonial Terrace Addition (also known as the south 140' of Tract 9, Cambridge Place) and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, Fairhaven Addition, City of West University Place, Harris County, Texas." A. In such Professional and Business Office Building District no or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used for other than one or more of the follow- uses, except as otherwise specifically provided in this ordinance. (1) A use that conforms in all respects to the requirements as to 0he use, lot size, location of main and accessory buildings, frontage, setbacks and size of main and accessory , in Single Family Dwelling District NQmber (9) Nine. (2) Professional and Business Office Buildings as hereinafter defined. B. A Professional and Business Office Building is a structure containing offices for conducting real estate, insurance and other similiar businesses; and the offices of the architectural, clerical, neering, legal, dental, medical or other established recognized professions; in which only such personnel are employed as are customarilay required for the practise of such business or pro- fession. C. Buildings constructed on the lots in said District shall wi th the follovring setback requirements: (1) No building or other structure of any kind (except fences or walls as hereinafter noted) shall be constructed or erected vli thin tvrenty (20') feet from the rear property line of any 79 lot, and tor the purpose ot this ordinance said rear property line shall not be in excess ot 120 teet fram the north right-ot-way ~ine ot B~aire Boul.evard; pro- vided however, that no building or structure ot any kind (except tences or wal~s as hereinafter noted) shUl be constructed or erected on Lot 2, Block 35, Co~onial Terrace Addition (also known as the south ~40' ot Tract 9, Cam- bridge P~ace ) within 40' fram the rear property line ot said lot (said rear property line being located 140' north ot the north right-ot-way line ot Bellaire Boulevard). (2) No building or structure ot any kind shall be constructed or erected ',within ten (~O,) teet ot the street side property line ot a comer lot, which sides on a street tifty (50') toot or ~ess in width; no building or structure ot any kind shUl be constructed or erected within 'live (5') teet ot the street side property line ot a corner ~ot which sides on a street sixty (60') teet or ~ess in width. (3) Buildings constructed or erected on corner lots which side on a street having a width ot seventy (70') teet or more shall not be required to set back fram the street side property line; build- ings constructed or erected on inside lots shall not be required to observe any side setback from the property lines. (4) No bui~ding or other structure shall be constructed or erected wi thin 'live (5') teet ot any front property line ot any lot. (5) All ot the existing lots in said Protessional and Business Ottice Bu:ilding District are declared to, and shall hereafter, front upon Bellaire Boulevard, and the setback requirements sha1l be determined in accordance therewith. (6) Is a si~e-tami~ residence is hereafter constructed or erected in this District, such residence shUl conform to the setback requirements as provided tor Si~e-Family Dw~ing District Number (9) Nine. D. The dimensions ot any protessional or business office building erected shall be such as to provide not ~ess than ~300 square teet ot floor space. E. No building or other structure sha1l be constructed or erected in said District OD any ~ot baviDg a width ~ess than fifty (50') teet nor an area ot ~ess than 5,000 square teet. F. Parking ot motore vehicles in this district sha1l be in accordance with provisions in the Code ot Ordinance ot the City ot West University P~ace, Texas, regulating parking and Parking areas and in addition thereto, Ul parking ares sha1l be paved with a stabilized all-weather surface; portions ot this District may be devdoped and used tor Parking ot vehic~es tor the ise ot businesses ~ocated in the immediate area adja- cent to this district; provided, however, that the 'live (5') toot public utility easement on the lots in such district sha1l not be paved or covered with concrete, asphalt or other materials. I . III '1111":' . . .l~. 1&1 I. . I . _ .; . .80 G. It, and when, any pI'otessional or business office building is constructed on any lot or any ot the lots are utilized tor park- ing purposes, the owners ot owenrs ot such ~ot or lots shall construct, or cause to be constructed and maintained, an opaque tence or wall along the entire width ot the lot between the Pro- tessional and Business Office District and'the si~e-tami~ dwell- ing district immediat~ adjacent thereto, such tence or wall to be a minimum ot six (6') teet in height and a maximum ot seven (7') teet in height fram ground levd. (~) It, in com~iance with the aforesaid provision, the owner ot said lot or lots desires to build a wooden tence or wall, said wooden tence or wall may be erected on the rear property line ot the ~ot, subject to the rights ot the City and all pub~ic utilities to egress and insgress to the 'live (5') toot easement located on the rear ot the ~ot tor purposes ot construction andJor maintenance ot water, sewer and/or gas lines or poles used tor the rendition ot public utility services ot all kinds to the pub~ic gener~. (2) It, in cam~iance with the atoresaid provision, the owner ot the ~ot or lots desires to erect a masonry wall, such wall shall be ~ocated and erected a minimum ot 'live (5') teet tram the rear property line ot the ~ot and constructed in accordance with speci- tications tor "masonry walls" in the Code ot Ordinances ot the City ot West University Place, Texas. H. Each building constructed or erected in this District shUl be con- structed fronting upon Bellaire Boulevard. I. No building sha1l be constructed or erected in said Protessional and Business Office Building District in excess ot thirty-tive (35') teet in height above ground levd. j. It any portion ot a building in this District is used tor protessional or business offices, the bui~ding shall then be classified as a Pro- tessional or Business Office Building and shall conform to al~ provi- sions ot the Code ot Ordinances ot the City ot West University P~ace, Texas covering protessional and business ottices. K. Only the tollowing signs sball be permitted in said Protessional and Business Office Building District: (~) Wall signs attached to the front ot the building not ex- ceeding thirty (30) square teet in area. (2) Signs erected in the area between the front ot the building and the front building ~ine shUl not exceed thirty (30) square teet in area. (3) Signs which are illuminated shall be illuminated by a constant ~ight source and not be intermittent or flashing ~ight. S1 Section 2. It is the intention of the C Commission that each separate provlslon of this Ordinance shall be deemed independent of all other provisions herein and it is further the intention of the City Commission that if any provision thereof shall remain valid and enforceable. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor. PASSED this 23rd day of September, 1968. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Co~missioners Voting No: None Mayor Attest: Assistant City Secretary