HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 893 Ordinance for Special Election 57 ORDINill~CE NlIT\wER 893 ill~ ORDnill~CE ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD IN 'I':H:E C flY OF \,TEST UNIVERSITY PLACE) TEXAS) ON THE ~UESTION OF THE ADOPTION OF A O~~ PERCENT (1%) LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX WITHIN THE CITY; DESIGNATING C[iHE DAY OF THE ELECTION AND THE POLLING PLACES; APPOINT- ING ELECTION OFFICIALS THEREFOR; PROVIDING THAT ALL DULY QUllliIFIED RESIDENT ELECTORS SlIALL BE QUALIFIED TO VOTE; PRESCRIBING FORM OF BALLOT; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RE- LATING TO SAID ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. WHEREAS) Article 1066c) Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) (Acts 1967) 60th Legislature) Regular Session) Chapter 36) Page 62) authorizes the governing body of any city) town or village in Texas to call an election for the purpose of adopting a local sales and use tax within such city) town) or village; NOW) THEREFORE) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CO~MISSION OF THE CITY OF 'ItJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE) TEXAS: Section 1. That a special election shall be held in and the City of West University Place) Texas) on the twentieth (20th) day of January) 1968) at which election there shall be submitted to the resident q,ualified voters of said City) for their action ) the following propositions: "FOR adoption of a one percent (1%) local sales and use tax with- in the city." "AGAINST adoption of a one percent (1%) local sales and use tax ,vi thin the city." Section 2. That said election shall be held in each of the election precincts within said City) and the polling places and presiding officers for each of said precincts shall be) respectively) as follows) to-wit: Polling Places Presiding Officers Precinct 133 West University Place City Han 3800 University Boulevard Sidney Yoder - Presiding Judge Mrs. Sidney Yoder - Alternate Presiding Judge 183 West University Place Street Department 3820 Milton Street Jesse Darling - Presiding Judge J. D. Hoodson - Alternate Presiding Judge 87 West University Elementary School 3756 University Boulevard Charles Hallace - Presiding Mrs. Charles Wallace - Alternate Presiding Judge West University Place Building 6104 Auden Street L. B. Bricker - Presiding Robert D. Jr. - Alternate Presiding Judge 58 There shall be two (2) clerks for each election precinct, to be appointea. by the Presiding Judge for each such precinct. Section 3. That said election shELll be held by the use at voting macl:ines, .i.n accordance witt. the Constitution and laws ot the S1iate of Texas, b.Ild all du~ qual1tiea. resia.ent electors at the Ci':iY at Wes't Universi1iY Place, Texas shall be qua1.ified to vote. Section 4. That the ballo'ts of said election shall conform. to the requ1re'llents at Section 2, Subsection G, at Artic1.e l066c, Vernon IS Texas Civil statutes (Acts 1967" 60th Isgislature, Regular Session t Cha:p1ier 36, Page 62, and to the require!llents at Chapter 6 of the Election Code ~ the state at Texas, as 8.!Ilended, and the language to be 'Drinted thereon shall include the following: mamuCTIO~s: FOR adop1iion of a one 'Dercent (1.d) local sales and use tax within the City. AGAIBBr adoption at a one 'Dercent (l~) local sales and use tax witl:.- in the City. Each voter desiring to vote in favor of .&.he above proposition shall pull the voting 90intel" down 1r:.dicated "For" such proposition, and each voter desiring to vote against a proposition shall 'Dull the voting 'Dointel" down indicating ".Against" such prooosition; as to absentee voting, however, paper ballots shall be used, and absentee voting sha1.1. be ccnducted by the City Secretary and his assistants for Absentee Voting, and the 'Dlace at whic"'l the absentee voting shall be conducted is the City Ball, 3800 University B1.vd., Houston, Tems 77005, within said City, which is also the Absentee voting official's maillDg address to wl:.ich ballot applications and ballots voted by mail III8Y' be sent. Said Secretary and his assistants shall keep said. office open tOJ: at least eight (8) hours, 1itat is, frO!D. 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.ll. on each day for absentee voting which is not a Sat~, a 8mday or an atficial state ho1.iday. The absentee ballots of said election shall conform. to the require- ments of Chapter 6 at the E1.ection Code at the State at Texas, as amended, and shall tave printed thereon tne forego1.ag form at Officia1. Ballot. As to 'tine oroposition, the voter shall vote by marking out the statement for the proposition Ol" the statement against the 'Droposi1iion, so that the one remain- ing shall indicate tne way tt e voter wishes to vote, OJ: by placing a check or X in the square in front at the statement tt.e voter wishes to vote tor or against, in accordance with sa':'d Election Code, as amended. Section 5. That notice of the election nereby ord.ered and called shall be given: (a) by 'Dub1.ication on the sarr;.e day at two successive weeks in a newspape.L" having general. circulation within said City at West University Place, Tems, the date of the :!'irs't oublication to be at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date set herein ~or such election: and (b) by posting of such notice at the 'Dolling place in each of the e1.ection 'Drecincts of the City at West University Place, Texas, no't less t!18n twenty (20) days prior to the date set herein for such e1.ec1iion. It is he.t'eby found and determined ttat the Houston Chronicle, published. ~ Houston, Tems, is a newspaper having e;eneral circulation wi tl:in the City of Vest Ur:.ivers':' ty Place, Tems. 59 Section 6. The Judges and Clerks of said election shall receive per 10-hour day for their services; plus .25 per hour for any time in excess of a dayfs work. The Judge who delivers the returns immediately after the votes have been counted shall be paid $5.00 for that service. Section 7. If any section; sub-section; sentence; clause; phrase or portion of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitu- tional by any court of competent jurisdiction; such portion shall be deemed a separate; distinct and individual provision and such shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions thereof. PASSED AnTD APPROVED this 11th day of December; 1967. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Co~missioners Voting No: None ATTEST: