HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 884 Finding & Dertermining to Lower the Pump in the Water Well #6 38 ORDINANCE NUMBER 884 AN ORDINANCE FINDn~G AND DETE~1INING THE NECESSITY FOR LOw~RING THE P~IT IN ~~TER vlliLL NUMBER 6 OF THE CITY OF vlliST UNIVERSITY PLACE BY ADDING FORTY FEET 940') OF DISCHARGE COLUl1N AND PUV~ SHA3TTI~G; DETERMINING TR~T THERE IS SUFFICIENT MONEY APPROPRL~TED IN THE WATER OPERATING FUND OF THE CITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF LO~~RING THE PUMP IN w~rrER WELL N1JMBER 6; DETERMINING THAT THE WORK OF REMOVING SAID DISCHARGE COLUNLN AND PUMP AND EXTENDING &~~ CAN BE ACCOMPLISHED EFFICIENTLY "~~D ECONOMICALLY ON A FORCE ACCOu1~T BASIS; SELECTING THE FIRM OF LAYNE TEXAS COMPANY, INC., HOUSTON " TEXAS, TO PERFORM SAID WORK BY FURNISHING THE NECESSARY DISCHARGE COLlTh~J AND PUMx SHAFTING AND FURNISHING THEIR SERVICES AS AN INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR; AND FINDING AND DECulRING THE URGENCY OF SAID WORK. Texas has desirability of University Pla2e, by feet (40'), so that the ~~EREAS, the City Manager of the of West University Place, attention of the Com~ission, the neces and pump in water well num~er 6 of the City of West the discharge column and pmnp pump would have a s of 380 feet; and WHEREAS, upon and examination by the Com~ission of the records maintained on the repair and ion of ,vater ,'Jell number 6, it viaS determined that the last work performed on said water well was 20, at 'Nhich time general repairs ,'Tere made to the pump and ; and WHEREAS, it the summer season is water well number 6 to produce consumption by residents; and has come to the attention of the Commission that which excessive demands are made on an additional of water for use and NOvl}', THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY HIE CITY COJvJMISSION OF THE CITY OF 1illiST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the City Commission of the of Hest Place hereby finds and determines the necessi for lowering the pump in water well number 6 the extension of the dis column and pump feet (LIO') in said 'Nell, to a of three-hundred feet (380'), Section 2. That the heretofore been dis colQffin and pump for sary to lO\^Jer the column and pump SQYn of $2,500, as an estimated amount, has the 1967 for and the in water well nmnber 6, and that same is to defray S11Ch expense as determine(i neces- in ,'Jell number 6. Section 3. That the services of enced in repair for the purpose in well number 6, ,vi th Texas Texas Company, Inc., Houston, and maintenance of water wells of and the for said work to be per- Standard Service Contract T2xas, a and pumps, are pump colQYnn and formed in accordance 39 C.V.#.;., Class R, exclus':'ve of charges for parts and materl.al required for t!:e lG^"er~n.; of the pmr.p in said Ater well. Section L. The Mayor and Ci t~- Manager are :t:.ereby authorized =-.nd directed to enter into a writ'ten contract w.:.th Layne Texas CODpaIliy' for f'1Arn- . sl'::'Di' Its.ter':'al and ,parta, l.ncluJ.Lng d.i.s~l'la..t-ge col\E.n 6..Qd sl:.a.f'ting, to p~r- fom the necessary wor-:t in 10'leriDb tte pump torty tee~ (4)') in water 'Well lllroer 6, in order 'that smte will operate ':'n a satisfactory and efficient :rr:a.nner. Sect~on 5. That because of an .:.mpend:.Df' 'threat tv, and ti:.e possibil.:.ty of, well nUJLber 6 failing to deliver the required amount of ..,.a...er, an urp-ency ':'s nowr determ.:.ned to exist, :md tnerefore, tLis ordinance shall become e~ective .:.mmediately ';Jpon tts passage and approval by tne City COII'JDi.ssion. PASSED Am> APPROVEL this 2r(tll day of February, 1,67. COJDUssioners Votinc ~e: All COD'JIlissioners Votins No: Bm:1e , . / , MAYOR' ATTEST: .~~~w1:~;~( l . I