HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 875 Ordinance Closing the Hearing on Butting Property l ORDINANCE NUMBER 875 AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVEN TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF CERTAIN PROPERTY ABUTrING ON: SUNSET STREET IN THE 4100 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF; NORTHWESTERN STREET IN THE 3800 BLOCK THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN THE 39)0 BLOCK THEREOF; COMMUNITY DRIVE IN THE 59)0 THROUGH 6700 BLOCKS THEREOF; MILTON STREET IN THE 4200 BWCK THEREOF; COLLEGE A VENUE IN THE 6100 BWCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN THE 39)0 BWCK THEREOF; OBERLIN STREET IN THE 4000 BWCK THEREOF; RILEY STREET IN THE 4100 BWCK THEREOF; RUSKIN STREET IN THE 4000 AND 4200 BWCKS THEREOF; AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO SAID PROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPRO~~NTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY, REGULARITY AND VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS, AND ANY MATTER OR THING CONNECTED TEirr~EWITH; FINDING AND DETERMINING TP~ REGULARITY OF ALL PROCEEDINGS AND THE PERFORMING OF ALL PREREQUISITES TO FIXING AND LEVYING THE ASSESS- MENT LIENS AND THE PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PROPERTY OWNERS; OVER- RULING AND DENYING ALL PROTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFERED, EXCEPT AS TO PARTICULAR CASES MENTIONED; FINDING AND DETERMINING SPECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL OF PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF THE RES- PRECTIVE ASSESSMENTS AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESSMENTS; FIXING A CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE IMPROVED AND AGAINST THE 'l'RUE OWNERS THEREOF FOR THE PAYMENT OF PART OF THE COST OF THE IMPROVE- MENTS WITHIN THE LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES AND THE MAm~~ OF THEIR COLLECTION; AND DECLARING AN ~llffiGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Texas, has heretofore, by Ordinance number 867, duly and regularly passed and approved June 13, 1966, determined the necessity for and ordered the improve- ment of portions of certain streets in the of West University Place, Texas, including the following, to-wit: SUNSET STREET IN THE 4100 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF, NORTW~ESTERN STREET IN THE 3800 BLOCK THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN THE 39)0 BLOCK THEREOF; COIvIMUNITY DRIVE IN THE 59)0 THROUGH 6700 BLOCKS THEREOF; MILTON STI~EET IN THE 4200 BLOCK THEREOF; COLLEGE AVENUE IN THE 6100 BWCK THEREOF; BYRON STREET IN THE 39)0 BLOCK OBERLIN STREET IN THE 4000 BLOCK THEREOF; RILEY STREET IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; RUSKIN STREET IN THE 4000 AND 4200 BWCKS TH&~EOF; in accordance with plans and specifications prepared the engineering firm of Lockwood, Andrews and Newnam, Inc., submitted by the and approved the C Commission in said ordinance, by the construction upon said portions of said streets of a concrete pavement with monoliGhic curbs and and incidentals to such improvements, all as provided and more shown by said plans and specifications; and which improvements were divided and segregated into separate and segregated sections as herein- after set forth; and pursuant to advertisement therefor sealed bids were received and examined, and to report and recommendation for the City, and after appropriations to cover the estimated the City of such improvements, all as provided by the Charter of said City and law and in full compliance therewith, said City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, did by its ordinance number a nd regularly passed and approved July 25, 1966, avlard a contract for the con- struction of certain storm sewers and for the construction of said stTeet improvements on the hereinafter described segregated, separate and unrelated Sections and street intersections, to Walter M. Mischer Company on its lowest secure bid and which contract, vlith approved amendments and addenda and delet- certain of the earlier proposed work as to which it was found to proceed, has been heretofore fully executed; and upon examination of the estimates of costs of said improve- ments and of the various portions thereof theretofore prepared by the for the City, as earlier required, said City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, by its ordinance number 873 duly and regularly passed and approved July 25, 1966, approved and adopted said estimates of costs and each portion thereof and ordered that a be held and to a~l owning property or claiming any property abutting upon any of the streets and/or por- tions thereof, and within the limits constituting any section as therein and herein set out, and all owning and claiming any interest in any of such prop- erties, and all interested in any assessment or any of the proceedings with ref- erence thereto, and at which all such parties should have the opportunity and to be heard as to the proposed assessments and proceedings, and on any matter as to which hearing is a constitutional prerequisite to the validity of any assessment authorized the Act commonly know as Article 1105(b) therein and hereafter mentioned, and as to the right to contest the amounts of the proposed assessments, the lien and liability thereof, the special benefits to the abutting property and owner thereof means of the improvements for which assessments are to be and as to the accuracy, sufficiency, regularity and validity of the proceedings and the contract in connection with such ments and proposed assessments, and concerning any other matter or thing as to which they are entitled to a hearing under the Laws of Texas, and the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas, with the right an opportunity to con- test the amounts of the proposed assessments and all other such matters and ; said hearing to be held by and before the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on August 15, 1966, in the City Hall of said City of West University Place, Texas, at which time and place all of such parties might appear and be heard on such said Ordinance further and directing the City to notice of said hearing by public advertisement thereof, as therein specified, in accordance with the Law and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of West Place, and said notice, as ordered and directed and as the terms and of First C lled Session of the 40th of the State Article (b), Revised Civil Statutes of the City of West Place, Texas, Charter of said and as by the Charter has been advertisement thereof Houston a newspaper in the of the nearest to the City of West Univers Place, Texas, of circulation in Harris County, and theretofore as the official newspaper of the said be made on July 1966 and on and 10, 1966; said notice so published described the nature of the improvements for which assessments were to be levied and to which such notice having stated the streets and the portion or por- tions of each thereof to be improved, the estimated amount or amounts per front foot to be assessed the owner or owners of property, and such property on each such highway or portion and each and unrelated section thereof into which the work had been divided and with reference to which the hearing mentioned in said notice was to be held, and stated the estimated total cost of the on each such or portions thereof, and stated the time and at which should be held, and said notice additional informa- tion and having, in all re , met and complied with all ions of Law and of the Charter and Ordinances of said ite or thereto; and the C Co~nission of the Acts of the of heretofore in and as a of the and Ordinances of said of sam in the a copy of the notice was given to each owners of property abutting on each of the said streets or of streets included in said improvement program, by mailing notice to the last known address of said persons, according of the City; and of the sections of the tax rolls at said hearing, of which such notice was so mony and evidence was given by the C Engineer, and by real estate familiar with the proposed impro:ements, the respective properties on the above and hereinafter stated sections of the streets to be improved, and the present condition of the exist and owners and other s interested in the proceedings appeared and made statements and gave testimony; and at said all des to be heard concerning any of the matters hereinabove and in said Ordinance number 873 and in said notice men- t and as to any other matters connected with said proceedings, and con- cerning any other matters or things with reference thereto, been heard and their statements and evidence duly and considered; and said Commission heard evidence as to the special benefits of and to said properties, and each and to the owners thereof in the enhanced value of said respective by means of such improvements, and said City Commission heard and considered the evidence and having a full and fair to all appearing or to eappear; and determined at such hearing said special benefits as afore- . and determined that there is not to be assessed said abut- and the respective owners thereof more than all the cost of 4 constructing curbs and 9/10th of the cost of such as shown on the estimate of the for the C determinedd that the Front Foot Plan or just and particular cases in the City Commission, the tion of such rule would result in or and in each of which cases the C Commission has apportioned and assessed the costs of such improvements in proportions found and now declared by it to be and having in view the special benefits in enhanced value to be received such of property and the owners thereof, the ies of such owners and the adjustment of such apportionment so as to a sub- stantial equality of benefits received and burdens imposed, each of which adjustments and apportionments have been taken into consideration and made in the assessments hereinbelow set forth; and said City Commission deter- mined that the of said Front Foot Plan or Rule, and the ments in cases, do a substantial of benefits received and burdens imposed, and determined that the assessments hereinbelow made and the charges hereby the prop- owners and their re properties are, in and and that in each instance the assessment made parcel of and its owner is less than the special benefits to said property and the owner thereof means of said and that, with the and adjustments in cases which have been the amounts of the assessments hereinbelow should be overruled and denied; and and allowed in other ections and of all proceedings with ments hereinabove mentioned have been and performed in full with the the C of West University assessment lien the of the of each has been divided, and reference to the of the had and and taken and the Charter and Ordinances of and all to the ies hereinafter and the have been and upon com- section into which the work upon the acceptance thereof the of West Univer- certificates should be issued in evidence of said and the 1iabili ty of the true Oimer or owners , whether correctly named or not, all as and Ordinances of the City; assessments of the Law and BE IT ORDAINED BY TIm CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY TEXAS: Section 1. That there be , for or against the to the true owners of hereinafter stated portions of no further or evidence or heretofore at said abutting upon the hereinabove and SUNSET STREET IN THE 4100 AND 4200 BLOCKS THEREOF NORTHWESTERN STREET IN THE 3800 BLOCK THEREOF; BROWNING STREET IN THE BLOCK COMMUNITY DRIVE IN THE 5900 THROUGH 6700 BLOCKS THEREOF; MILTON STREET IN THE 4200 BLOCK COLLEGE AVENuE IN THE 6100 BLOCK BYRON STREET IN THE BLOCK OBERLIN STREET IN THE 4000 BLOCK THEREOF. RILEY STREET IN THE 4100 BLOCK THEREOF; RUSKIN STREET IN THE AND BLOCKS 5 and within the limits de strets included within any and to all owning and any assessment or any of the the matters hereinabove menLioned, closed. and upon any of the any of the re of said sections as hereinafter stated interest therein, and to all interested in with reference or in any of should be, and the same is said Section 2. That the City Commission finds and determines and so declares that each of the and hereinabove mentioned, and all with reference to the making of the on: Section 1. Sunset Street from the east line of Community Drive to the west line of Academy Street. Section 2. Northwestern Street from the east line of Avenue east 467.2 feet to the dead and Street from the east line of Weslayan Avenue to the east line of Avenue. Section 3. West one-half of Community Drive from the south line of Bissonnet Avenue to the north line of Amherst Street. Section 4. East one-half of Community Drive from the south line of Bissonnet Avenue to the north line of Amherst Street. Section 5. West one-half of Commmlity Drive from the north line of Amherst Street to the north line of Byron Street. Section 6. East one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Amherst Street to the north line of Byron Street. Section 7. West one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Byron Street to the north line of Marquette Street. Section 8. East one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Street to the north line of Street. Section 9. West one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Marquette Street to the north line of the 20-foot reserve which adjoins the Y.M.C.A. property its north line. Section 10. East one-half of Community Drive from the north line of Street to the north line of the 20-foot reserve which the Y.M.C.A. property its north line. Section 11. Milton Street from the east line of the east line of West Point Avenue. Drive to Section 12, College Avenue from the north line of Milton Street to the south line of Rice Boulevard. Section Street from the east line of Avenue to the east line of College and Oberlin Street from the east line of Street to the west line of and Street from the west line of West Point Avenue to the west line of Street. 6 Section 14. Ruskin Street from the east line of CO:rrmlllility Drive to the west line of West Point Avenue. Section Ruskin Street from the east line of to the west line of Avenue. Street with intersections as herein stated, have been duly, and regularly taken and in full compliance with the Law and the Charter and Ordinances of the City of West University Texas; that all to the making of the above mentioned July with amendments and addenda thereto, and deleting certain of the earlier proposed work as to which it was found impractical to executed on behalf of the City, to Ordinance and July and all to the fixing of the assessment lien the respec- tive hereinafter listed, and the personal liability of the owners thereof, whether correctly named or not, and whether known or unknown. have in all things, met, and complied with; that all persons interested have been a full and fair hearing on all matters and in connection with said improvements and assessments; that there is not to be assessed the abutting properties and the owners thereof more than all the cost of curbs and 9/10ths of the remaining cost of such as shown on the estimate of the City that adjustment and apportionment of costs among all properties and the owners thereof have been made in full compliance with the Law and with the Charter and Ordinances of the City, so as to a substantial of benefits received and burdens imposed; and that the special benefits to each of property and the owner thereof in the enhanced value thereof by means of said as determined at said are, in each instance, in excess of the amount of the assessment made such of property and its owner, and that the liens herein and fixed against said and their owners, are, in all things, and and that and objections, other than those taken into consideration in the amounts of the assessments and liens, as hereinafter stated, and whether spec herein mentioned or not, should be, and the same are in all overruled and denied. Section 3. That the of West Place, being the body of the C to the Ordinances and all other proceedings heretofore passed and held, and pursuant to the above mentioned July 1966 contract, and the estimates, reports, lists and statements of the City and to the notice and herein- above mentioned and by virtue of the powers conferred and the provisions of, the above mentioned Chapter 106 of the Acts of the First Called Session of the 40th Legislature of the State of commonly known as Article (b), Revised Civil Statutes of 1925, heretofore by the of West University Place, in and as a the Charter of said City, does fix and determine and does hereby levy and assess the re properties upon the above and hereinafter stated sections of the ways and the portion or portions thereof heretofore ordered improved and against the real and true owners thereof, whether hereinafter correctly named or not, the respective amounts hereinafter set opposite the names of the respective owners and the descriptions of the respective properties. The ments heretofore having been hertofore divided into segre- and unrelated sections, each wholly of the as set out the assessments and liens hereinafter set forth are made section with the assessments and liens in each section from and "holly unrelated to the assessments and liens such section. The and sections of the improved, and as to which contract has been awarded and the above and the assessments here are as set out in Section 2 and levied, the properties and owners in each of said respec- tive sections and the assessments levied against are as follows: in in each streets Sunset Street in the 4100 Block Section 1 7 No. Owner No. No. Addition age Foot Owner Rate Cost MacHeim 9 College Court .4' .52 4108 M. J. Lorber 10 19 Court 50' William T. Johnson 11 Court Joseph S. Watson 12 Court L. E. White 13 Colle ge Court C. B. McCurry 14 Colle ge Court L. B. Court Elton Coward 19 Court S. M. Taylor, Jr. 1 20 Court Ben F. Loflin 2 20 College Court 50' C. . Nelson 3 20 Court Mrs. Ann 4 20 College CO\ITt Mrs. Neatie Southwick 5 20 College Court Glen A. 6 20 College Court Charles H. 7 20 College Court L. B. McGowan 8 20 Court .4' Sunset Street in the 4200 Block Section 1 8 Colle ge Court 50' 426.00 17 8 Court .00 Winston Kibler Et-18 8 Court 00 W2-l8 A. Johnson 20 8 Court 4224 B. B. Hester 21 8 College Court Winnie Lee Ober 22 8 Court 50' Don Sealy 8 College Court Don 24 8 Court Mrs. C. T. 8 Court J. O. 8 Court C. H. Schumacher 27 8 College Court William D. Newsome 28 8 College Court Alvin D. 29 8 Court H. P. Hill 30 8 Court S. J. Coralla 1 7 Court 50' Mrs. Leola J. Miller 2 7 College Court , 8 North\.lestern Street in the Block Section 2 House Lot Block Front Front No. Owner No. No. Addition age Foot Owner William Sullivan 9 3 c.v. D. M. 8 3 c.v. Woods 7 3 c. v. 50' Francis O'Toole 6 3 C.v. Mrs. Rosa 5 C.V. Robert M. Land 4 3 C.v. T. J. Schillaci 2 3 C.v. W. E. 2 3 c.v. .2' C. S. Jackson 1 3 C.v. Community Drive Section 3 James McBride 22 Col. Ter. Geneva Col. Ter. 37 Col. Ter. J. Manteris Col. Ter. J. W. Col. Ter. Walter Hubert 37 Col. Ter. Budson Steele Col. Ter. Mrs. Lois Daniels Col. Ter. S Terwil N Col. Ter. 20 S G. Herd N Col. Ter. 20 S S. C. Dyche N 37 Col. Ter. W. Pratt Col. Ter. .00 Lawrence Thorold Col. Ter. .00 John E. Col. Ter. .00 Charles E. 37 Col. 'rer. .00 Drive Section 4 Amherst 4 Col. 100' .00 W. J. Milton 21 Co1. Ter. 100' .00 A. J. Milton 4 Col. Ter. .00 Ben F. Worrell Rice 21 Col. 'Ter. Rice 4 Col. Ter. w. C. Wiebusch 21 Col. Ter. Harold P. Hill 4 Col. Ter. 120' .20 Smith 21 Col. Ter. Smith No. Owner No. No. Addition age Foot Owner Rate Glen J. Miller 1 Col. Ter. $426.00 John L. Stovall 2 37 Col. Ter. 426.00 Clinton 3 Col. Ter. 3. S 15'-4 William B. Gaskins N Col. Ter. 3. S J. A. N Co1. Ter. .20 S J. W. Madden N Col. Ter. 60' .20 7 Carson 8 Col. Ter. 50' Steve O. Stewart 9 Col. Ter. 65' S ! -10 J. T. Hood N , -10 Col. Ter. 20 S , -11 Robert C. Ochoa N '-11 Col. Ter. 20 S 35'-12 James H. Girard N '-12 37 Col. Ter. S J ame s H. Girard N 5'-13 Col. Ter. 55' 14 J. A. Smith 37 Col. Ter. 50 ' .00 F. W. Leatherwood Co1. Ter. .00 Madeline M. Richard 17 37 Col. Ter. .00 Joe A. 18 37 Col. Ter. .00 Mamie J. 19 37 Col.Ter. 68l. Community Drive Section 6 4 9 Col. Ter. 100' .00 Marvin Tucker Case 21 9 Col. Ter. 100' .00 C. D. Case 4 10 Col. Ter. 100' .00 A. D. Edomm Swarthmore 21 10 Col. Ter. 100' .00 Ted Swarthmore 4 11 Col. Ter. 100' .00 D. J. Sutherland 21 11 Col. Ter. 100' .00 Rev. V. Schultz 4 12 Col. Ter. 100' 426.00 I. V. Davis Amherst 21 12 Col. Ter. 100' .00 . F. Davis 1 Drive Section 5 Cormnunity Drive Section 7 House Lot Block Front- Front No. Property Ovmer No. No. Addition age Foot Owner H. F. Hausman 22 Col. 'l'er. 47.4' John L. Col. Ter. Bessie B. Matt Col. Ter. Miles Washburn 25 Col. Ter. S 45'-26 E. W. Jeanes N 10' Col. Ter. 20 A. Devereaux 28 Col. Ter. 55' Floyd Gehrett 29 Col. Ter. Chas. A. Bennefield 30 Col. Ter. 50' 6448 E. Biddle Col. Ter. 6444 Thomas G. Biddle 32 Col. Ter. Anne E. Acton 33 Col. Ter. 50' C. H. Wittmer 34 Col. Ter. 50' J. C. Hutchens 35 Col. Ter. James S. Richardson 36 Col. Ter. William Williams 37 Col. Ter. 50' Cormnunity Drive Section 8 4 6 Col. Ter. 125' 5 Dolch Villanova 21 6 Col. Ter. M. Villanova 4 7 Col. Ter. 4' Mrs. Myrtle Albertson Oberlin 21 7 Col. Ter 110' (' H. Foley u. Oberlin 4 8 Col. Ter. 100' .00 F. Leslie Clarke 21 8 Col. Ter. 100' .00 Charles Cormnunity Drive Section 9 Ted T. Tylaska 1 36 Col. Ter. 4,' Frank F. Lesikar 2 36 Col. Ter. John A. Prine 3 36 Col. Ter. James C. George 4 36 Col. Ter. Richard 5 36 Col. Ter. - 6 Thomas L. Davidson 6 36 Ter. 639.00 7 A. 8 36 Col. Ter. .00 G. Herd 9 36 Col. Ter. .00 J. W. Calvert 10 36 Col. Ter. 20 S '-11 11 1') . 1~ Community Drive Section 9 No. Owner No. No. Addition age Owner Wallace Reid W 20' Col. Ter. E 40' W. C. Rash W 10! Col. Ter. .20 20 ,J, 21 Col. Ter. .00 Street in the Block Section 12 Mil ton 10 C.V. 100' .00 Darilek Rice 9 C. V. .00 Joe V. Kolb Milton C.V. 100' .00 of W. Rice 1 C. V. 100' .00 James Michaelec Street in the 3900 Block Section Mrs. Ervie Baker 1 12 C.V. 50' .00 Mrs. N. S. Gaudy 2 12 C.V. 426.00 Glen E. Mautz 3 12 C.V. 50' 00 F. C. Wasson 4 12 C. V. 50' .00 A. K. 5 12 C.V. 50' .00 L. Van Dries 6-7 12 C. V. 100' .00 Rolf Kronenwerth 8 12 C.V. 20 W 10' D. S. Wright E 2' 12 C. V. 2' Mrs. Estelle Mull 9 9 C.V. 2' R. L. Gohlman 8 9 C. v. 50' Cleo 7 9 C.V. J. A. 6 9 C. v. 50' R. O. 5 9 c.v. 50' 426.00 R. L. Charlton 4 9 c. V. .00 H. H. Milam 3 9 C.V. 1st .00 J. L. Leissner 2 9 C.V. 1st .00 L. 1 9 C.V. 1st .00 Oberlin Street in the 4000 Block Section Mrs. Alberta Taylor 20 C.V. .00 John A. C.V. .00 LaDelle B. Quick C. V. 4th 50' .00 H. Deane Loveland 31 C. v. 50' .00 E. W. Jones C. V. 4th 50' .00 J. L. Standley, Jr. e. v. 4th .00 Leonard E. Smith 11f- e.v. .00 L. C. Thortstad C. V. .00 3 Milton Street in the Block Section 11 , 1 Oberlin Street in the 4000 Block Section No. Ruskin Street in the Block Owner No. No. Addition age 15 Section Foot Owner Cost B. Ferro Messer Eitel W. Schornack Mrs. Coula K. Bass M. A. Banks W. T. Durow Connie Lutz Hose Hansen Morris Bogdanow Frank Smith D. C. Collins S. J. Ledet Daniel Harrison William L. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 24 C.V. 1st C.V. ~st C.V. 1st C.V. 1st C.V. 1st C.V. 1st C. V. 1st C. V. 1st C.V. 1st C.V. 1st C . V. 1st C.V. 1st C.V. 1st C.V. 1st Ruskin Street in the Block Victor Saub R. Duncan Bertha Tamborello C. . Hiatt Maxine Miller A. N. Watts Dr. . W. M.. G~ Bechtol H. H. Schilab Reichardt Mrs. Harris M. Coe Mrs. Harris M. Coe Anne C. Tucker D. C. Blieke Catherine A. Huzar F. . Schneider Mrs. D. L. Sheftall 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 11 10 E W 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Section 4. That with interest, expense of shall be and the same are lien on and said to all other liens and claims taxes; and said amounts so assessed, and the same are declared to be the true owners of said all as in and Civil Statutes of Texas; and 7 6 5 4 CoL Ter. CoL Ter. CoL 'rer. Co1. Ter. CoL Ter. CoL Ter. CoL Ter. CoL Ter. CoL Ter. CoL Ter. CoL Ter. CoL Ter. CoL rrer. Col. Ter. CoL Ter. CoL Ter. CoL Ter. said several amounts herein and reasonable declared to 's be a first and which lien shall be and C ad valorem with said other shall be liabilities and whether named or said Article 1105 of Vernon's Annotated such assessments and said other items shall be 50' 50' 50' 50' 50' .2' .3' .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Section 14 .00 .00 .00 .00 if 16 and the liens enforceable in any court and and charge against the said owners of the prop- said sums so assessed shall be to-wit: one installment to be due and within after the completion of said improvements and the thereof of West Place, and another installment to be due and in one, two, four, seven, and nine years, respectively, after said date of such acceptance, with interest thereon on the sums so and each installment therof from said date of at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum, and with interest on principal and interest after the maturity dates at per cent (8%) per annum; provided, that the assessments so levied and the certificates to be issued in evidence thereof on the as hereinabove set out, shall date from, and be issued as of, the date of the completion of the on each section, separately, and the acceptance thereof by said and further, that, in the event of default in of any installment of any such assessment and certificate when whether of or the whole of such assessment and certificate may be matured and declared due at the option of the holder provided, further that said owners shall have the of payment of anyone or more of said installments before their payment of and interest thereon. Section 5. That for the purpose of said assessments, the liens securing same and the several sums payable by said owners and the time and terms of payment, and to aid in the enforcement certificates shall be issued the of West University the Con- or upon completion and of each segre- section of said which certificates shall be executed by the Mayor and attested with the corporate seal and shall be to Mischer Company, or ; said certi- ficates shall declare the said and the time and terms of the rate interest payable the of the respec- which the aforementioned assessments have been levied, and same shall contain the name of the tive sufficient to o.mers thereof. Said certificates shall further set forth and evidence ments levied and shall declare the lien upon the of the true owner or owners whether and shall provide that if default be made in the payment be enforced a suit in any court the assess- and the or shall And the said made in the payment of then at the owner and holder and and shall be a reasonable 's certificates shall further provide that if default be any of principal or interest thereon when of said Walter M. Mischel' Company or be the the whole of said assessment shall become at once due collectible with interest, expense or collection and if incurred. certificates shall further recite that the with the therein referred to have been with the Law and the Charter of the City of West to the of the assessment lien 17 the described and the of the owner or owners thereof have been which recitals shall be evidence of all the matters recited in said certificate and no further thereof shall be Section 6. That the liable in any manner for the shall exercie its Charter powers so to do the holder of "Test of any sum and the powers of said Place shall not be but satd conferred upon it by Law when to aid in the Collection thereof. Section 7. stated are in need of emergency its The fact of the streets hereinbefore as possible creates a shall be on the date of shall take effect as this Ordinance the 15th of passage, and PASSED this of Commissioners All Commissioners No: None APPROVED this 15th day of Texas ATTEST: APPROVED: