HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 64 Appointing J.M. Broyles as Recorder 2. ?,'!!! ~...g O'RIJIV'\1\I"'G' "ie' / d- . \>.-' ~ 1\ 1.....1..; \..... .l-'.~ J..... .'..LrJ-t--.. AN ORDINANCE AFPOII"ITDW J. l\L. J3HCYLl:S }{E~~COILD}~R CjF 'THE C~()I{PC}I1A_trI(jl\T (;CfUF~'r 01;"\ 'l'FE CITY OF VIES'l' UNIVKESI'l'Y PLACE F'Oll Tl~[F~ l;l'rEXPIFlE~lJ TE11IVl e)F ";N-. k;.~ GP~TIi.:S ~RE- STGN:!i~D EFFECTIVE UPON HIS:~Ul~,LI]i'ICA- iT I (JIlT Si\ID ()FF'I(;JI~ P-;.C(-';CY~:~D'Il,T(i 'ro -l!j\'~/I. T.T ()R1)AII\TE:T) B'~{ 1\ FiF; l-J()..E:J1D elF (~()lv]V:;_I~:;.S.IC)l\rE~RE~ (iF rrHE CITY C:FI VIE;::;'r U1TIVERSl'J'Y PLt,CE: ~-)ECTICN I. J. M. Broyles is appointed recorder of the Corporation Ccurt of the City of ,Nest University Place for the unexpired ! ! '''-----"' teI~rn of VI It 1\;1. (ja.tes, who has . 0 res :Le.(:rJ. eeL f~l~ orn EE,id of':f:'lc e. SEC'rI(jl\T II ~ 'r'niG appointmEnt Dhall be effective :frOln c.n;: [,~Cter the , taking of the r(.:;quiE.it,e oat}; of office by El"cld .J. lVi. Broyles a.no. otl12I"V!ise Crl12:.1i_f~y:i.11g tl1eI~e:for" as reCl1.1:tI?E";cl by laiN e PASSED AND APPROVED this the 31st of J)ect?;rIlb(;~c j P~.:D 0 ., 1 c~ ~:~ '".) ...:..~../ l:.-'';'''''. . I i \~~-,-{ /---.... / ) T'I" ST :-=-7~/!//~) /;~ / __._"..,.L~&r:!:s:~i:t:::..,:i{:t!:~___, ('T'f'V i,",H-Y-. // ........1.... J. -- l../ .J. VEJ71j-"< ;;'-/ ' r , ~/ ..r::'~'''l-'~O''C:':'--=''''':~: - - - ..--3 :-'--""1 _ _ ____~'-- -- -- --'-"I~-'-'-----'''---------''----''---:'-:-'-~:::':T'"'~'!l'~:~':::