HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 63 Appointing W.M. Gates as Commissioner 2_-") "" -~ :} OHDINANCE; NO.}_~_"_. J~lJ C)liDI}\rl\r-,TCE~ A:PPCiII\rrrrl'JG . !VI 11 'I'J2;S 1-\ COIVII'dE:>SIONER OI!' THE (~IrT~[ OI~ ~i,/}j~;3T Ur-TIVE1(SI~:Y I)l.A_CE 11\ LIEU OF H. C. COCKBUHN, .R.E- ~3IGl\YED j E'en. '!'Eb UNEXPIl-<ED TERIv: OF SAID H. C. COCKBIJRN, SAME rpc) BE EFFECTI VB UPCIIJ TEE '~;:UAL- IFICATION FOR SAID OFFICE AS Tt}~~(!lJI~:E1J By- L!'iVI. B:r~~ IT ()I{DJ\.Ir,rEIl BY TH:g BC)j\11}) ()F; C;('l\i}I~;.ISSIC~I~-}~RS (iFI jrH=::~ 'CITY OF ';J:r::;3T UNIVEHSI'I'Y PLACE: SECTION I. \v. l\}. (ja~-tes l1c..virlg resig11ed f18 tl1e l~ec ol-:.cl12r oftr.:.e Cor- .:~:or'2;.tion Cc)urt of t118 C'i ~ty of ~-?l es t TT ~[\ -j v.::; Of': c: .; ..1... "'\ 1"" D" ":.1 f"' r::~ .~ n>~ 1..,._ 1:;, u""'.J .I: .1,u,-,-" c_ \..t, his Yt8signa.t:iol1 b.[:.\rin.g; t)een I)revio1Isl:::r accepted by the Board of" Cor;lInissiorleI~S C:fS2.ict city, E;cticl '<jV~ IVf. Gat~es is CJ_I)lJoiIltec1 a (~orDln 1s[, iorlet> of sE~icl city irl t118 l)lac e E~:rlCI si:ee,tJ. oi~ 1--1. C /11 (':OC1C.1:}UI'~11, ~c'c:~siE;nec1., c~:ncl ~eOI;J the tlYle<}':1=';ir~edter~rn of Sc~lCl 1-1. C. Cockburn. DECTIm:r II. Tl1is 2~IjPO il1t,Dlel1 t slJ.ctll bE; C OTC12 e ff~!?; c ti V8 :fY~OIE c~rl(J. _c~f&tel") the date of tl'}8 t akir:.g of the requisite oath of offic e c,red o-tllel""viJise c~ual.iil;lir.~g {lor:. SEticl posit,ioIl b.[~ reclulx~eCi t;~l J_c\VI. ~ND APPR()VED this .1.;..\.", .", (",Le';:: :3 1 r:..t. 0::( Decerni)cr", i'c. D. t ~eT};;~:/I't : , ? lS~J~? /