HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 59 Allowing 3% discount on ad valorem taxes if payment before 10/31/32 ,~ .} *" .P' ",' ,}"...,' _.... "'..8 iJJ ORD INANCE NUMBER S f_ AN ORDINANCEALLOW'ING 3% DISCOUNT ON AIJL I~D Vl\LOREM TAXES DUE CITY OF WIEST UNIVEH.= SITY PlACE PHOVIDED pAYMENT IS MA.DE ON OR BEFO.RE OCTO_BER 31, 1932, AND PROVIDING THt'\T SAME TAKW :EFFECT DiCMEDIATELY. BE IT ORDA INED BY THE BOARD OF C01VThHSSIOJ:rERS OF THE CITY OF l,VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXfl...S: Section 1. On all ad valorem taxes due City of West University Place there shall be allowed a discount of 3% of the amount of such taxes shown' by the taxI'olls of said City to be due, provided payment of same is made on or before October \ 31, 1932. Section 2." Upon the payment of such taxes, less the" discount of 3%, within the timeprespribed in Section 1 hereof, the Tax Collector is directed to issue tax receipt therefor. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after the date of its passage and approval. Passed and approved. this the --1?tll day of October, A. D. 1932. j\Tl'EST: ~) / /// -i ~/ -'_//-~,./ / . ," . '/ ,-. '" , a.~_/' /, '_, , _ . ._ C~y SECRETJ~R~~--~-' ... -~ ,~~ r'- I "";) ..1 11 . - -'-:"'nT~~F'- --,---,----,,.,.