HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 55a Providing for a Trial Fee .~ 212 II , ORDHTANCE NO j ~ A ----..-::......:-. "~q ORDIN1~CEPROVIDING FOR THE C01ITEN- SATION 1'0 BE PAID THE RECORDER OF THE CORPOR'\TION COURT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI1"\-" PLACK, THE CI TY ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEY REPP,ESENTHTG THE STATE, THE CITY MAESHALL AND OTHER PEACE OFFICERS, PHOVI D ThIG FOE A 'I'R IAL FEE; REPEALING ALL P~,IO~ ORDHLA.lTCES, IN CONFLICT HERE- WITH AND "ROVIDHTG THAT SA':ME TAKE Sl"FECT IM1IEDIATSLY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSImr~RS OF THE CITY OF YIEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: SECTION 1. COMPENSATION OF THE RECOEDER The recorder of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place shall receive no fees of any kind or character but. in lieu thereof shall receive a monthly salary of $60.00 to be paid by said City. SECTION H. FEES OF CI'l'Y ATTORNEY OR PERSO:N RT,~PRESKN'PING 'T'm~ S1'A'T'fi: The City Attorney or Attorney representing the State in any criminal action in the Corporation Court in the City of 'Nxst University Place she.ll not be entitled to any fee of any kind or character upon a plea of guilty being made by any defendant or for and in behalf of any def- endant. However, upon a plea of not guilty said attorney shall be entitled to a fee of $10.00 for each case where there is a conviction; provided that if after having made a plea of not guilty the defendant subsequently changes said plea to guilty. and said plea of guilty is not made before the Recorder prior to date of trial. then said attorney shall be entitled to a fee of ;~5.00 . for each such ease where there is a conviction. The fee herein provided r ..;-------,--,--,-,,-,-----..,---'!-'-, II . i'n-r'i"Ci'll'~~-'fiiiil"- r~'T~'" -, ' , 0_,",- a'''',\~:: .:!',;; .G..i. ~' shall be paid by the City of West University Place to said attorney in each case. Said fee so provided herein shall also be taxed as part of the costs in each such case. SECTION ll1. . FEES OF CITY lV1'\RSHALL, DEPUTY CI'T'Y MA..TtSHALL OR O,!,HER H;Af;F: OFFTf;'KRS The Ci~J Marshall, Deputy City Marshall or other peace officer who executes process and performs services for recoruers in crim- inal actions before the Corporation Court of the City of iJYest University Place shall receive such fees as are prescribed by the laws of this state to be paid to Constables and Sheriffs for sindlar services performed in Courts of Justice of the Peace, and they shall receive such further com- pensation as may be allowed by ordinance. Provided, however, that in such cases where an arresting fee is allowed by the laws of the state of Texas, the fee for each arrest shall be $1.00, same to be pEd_d if there be a conviction, and same'tobe taxed as part of the costs of said case.. SECTION IV. TRIAL FEE In each case tri ed before the Corporation Court of the City of ViTest Uni versi ty Place of a ,:criminal nature there shall be taxed, as part of the costs thereo,f, to be paid by the defendant upon conviction, a trial fee of $1.00. SECTION V. All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. -"r"T~'-'"'''''~~'''''l- r -1 , --IT" '"--r:' - - - -- r'C'!'T~c=nrTTiirn~---'--------' r- / [ ! i I L SEe TIOn VI. This ordinance shall take effect from date of passage and approval. -d PASSED AND APPROVED this the flb day of February, A. D. 1932. ATTEST: , IT-l I i I . L 214!' '*