HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 54 Levying taxes for 1931 ~.,. ,'.... ~J.~ ORDINANCE NO. ,[ f i\N ORDINANCE lEVYING TAXES FOR THE; YEAR 1931 FOR AND WITHIN 1~ CITY OF 1~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, ffEXAS, AGAINST ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY FOR ALL 1\1UNICIPAL PURPOSES AND PRO- VIDING TH.-\T SAID ORDINANCE TAKE EFFEC B'!MED- lATELY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF C01VTh!lISSrONERS OF TEE CITY OF 1)VEST UNI- VERS ITY PLACE. SECTION 1. That there be and there is hereby levied against all tax- able property vii thin the corporate limits of the Ci ty of West Uni ver- .y ;-...:J< sity Place, Texas, as the same existed on the 1st day of January 1931, an ad valorem tax of and at the rate of one dollar fifty cents ($1.50) on each one-hundred dollar valuation of property against the property in said city for the purpose of raising revenue for all municipal pur- poses, for the year 1931, as provided by the laws of this state. Said tax is hereby segregated, and levied, more in detail, for the following purposes, to-wit: (a) For the purpose of paying interest and providing sink- ing fund for the three-hundred fifty thousand dollar ($350,000) funding ~onds that are dated on and about March 1st, 1927, forty-eight cents (481), on each one hundred dollar valuation of taxable property. (b) For the purpose of paying interest and providing sink- ing fund for the payment of the three-hundred and t,l\fEln- ty- six thousand dollar ($326,000) funding bonds that are dated on or about January l'st, 1929, forty-one cents (4l~) on each one hundred dollar valuation of taxable property. ,(c) For the purpose of paying interest and providing sink- ing fund for the payment of thewo-hundred sixty thou- sand, eight'hundred seventy-seven dollars seventy eight cents ($260,877.78) which are dated on or about October lOth, 1931, thirty seven cents (37t) on each one hun- dred dollar valuation of taxable property. 1"OCT~ ......~..~.,~ r " 1 II .----T' _~,-n -r"oe'iiCi"-TllTfiiiif' ':" ,., 1t ~J...to. (d) For the purpose of providing funds for current ~xpenses of said city, twenty four cents (24~) on each one hun- dred dollar valuation of taxable property. Aggregating one dollar fifty cents ($1.50) on each one hundred dollar valuation on all taxable property of said city. There being no rule of this commission requiring ordin- ances to be read or passed at more than Qne meeting, it is further ordained that this ordinance take effect and be transferred from and after its passage. ft. PASSED .t\l\1D APPROVEID thi s the )r.--- day of December, A. D. 1931. ( I ! ATTEST: i L- ,~-l~-'~~':~"'~--~-~ ro' , --- ------',- '1 II' -- ------j-,-,--'l"i'i'''"T1!Tl1iI'''''--