HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 52 Creating position of Assistant City Tax Collector 'l ir~ ~ ~.~:, ORDIN1U\TCE :r:sO. 6?i- i~.1<I O1lDnrtlJ:;!CE C:REA'rING THE Oli'FICE OF ASSIS1~U{T CITY T}L~ COLLECTOR OF TI~ CITY OF ViEST mnVERSI'l'Y PI,ACE, PRO- VIDING FOR B~S ~PPOINTlli~JT, DEFINING HIS DUTIES, FIXING HIS Cm/IPEmSATICN, AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDIEATJCE SHALL ~rAKE EFFECT DdJ'.;TEDIATELY AND EE- PEAL ALL PRI OR ORDTNAj~jCES, OR PART T:tiEHEOF, IN CONFLICT vUTH THIS OR- DINi\J\TCE . BE IT ORDAllffiD.BY TIill BOARD OF COl~~ISSIO~lliRS OF THE CITY OF YVEST mUVEH.SITY PLACE: SEOTION 1. There is hereby created the of'fice of Assistant City Tax Collector of'the City of' West University Place, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and co!~irmed by the Board of Commissioners, and who shall hold the off'ice 1uthout f'ixed term, but subject to removal at ~ ap~ time by the Mayor or by the Board of' COTIillLissioners. SECTI01~ 2. The Assistant City Tax Collector shall assist the 'Ci ty Tax Collector in the performance of his duties and shall .'fork under his direction, supervision and control. Provided, however, that said Assist- and City Tax Collector shall !lave such other and further powers and per- form such other duties as shall be irnposed upon him from time to time by the Board of Commissioners and the :rTayor. SECTION 3. The Assistant City 'fax Collector sfJ,s.ll execute and deliver to the l;1ayor a g;ood and suffi cient surety company tond i:o. the smr. of $10,000.00, same to be executed by some sur6ty company hG.ving a permit to do business in the :::;-tate of Texas, and B;. local agent in Harris Cm.lnty, r'r'-" --Oil r 'i II,w"-' liu~n 'i '-j,i 'TI!TI1I~r 205 and which has complied i!,i th all of the r~quirements of the laNS of said state, which said surety shall "be satisfactor~T to the Mayor. SJ:<;C TION 4. The Assistant City Tax Collector shall receive as compen- sati on such salary as may be fixed from time to time by the Board of C ornmissi o:ners. SECTION 5. All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewi.th are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. The fact that there is at the present time no authority for the appointment of an Assistant City Tax Collector, and the City Tax Collector is i 11 and it is s.n urgent necessity to appoint an Assi stant Tax Collector, creates an emergency and an imperative public neces- sity, l)y reason of 1Nhj.ch it is essential that this ordinance -take ef- feet immediately. This ordinance shall therefore take, effect immediately. PASSED Aj"\JD APPROvGD THIS TlJE '';4''t. DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1931. .a'rrBST: '-~---:--Y=O:----I-:'::--:.-,'-"'-"":~''''''''