HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 51 Creating position of Assistant City Treasurer 20''J Uv ORDIlL'I.NCE NO. 51 Alii ORDnrA1JCE CHEA'fnW THE OFFICE OF A.sSISTA1IJT CITY TREASURER OF THE CITY OF I!i'EST lTIUVERSITY PLACE, PROVInrfITG FOR HIS APPOINT~~NT, DIDFINING HIS DUTIES, FIXIJIiG HIS Cotif)~NSATION, liND PROVIDING THAT THSORDIl\]"Jl,HCE SHALL 'I'M\E EFFECT nn'EDIATELY AJm REPEAL ALL PRIOR OHDurANCES, OR PliRT TIi::EREOF, IE C01Ji'LICT 'eNTrE THIS ORDINA1ICE. BE IT Ormli.INED BY TBE BOJL.'RD OF COM}IISSIONl:'~RSOF THE CITY OF WEST UNI~~RSITY PL~CE: SECTION 1. There is hereby created the office of Assistant Treasurer of the City of West Uni versi ty Place, v,l1o shall lie appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Board of Commissioners, 8.nd who shall hold the I ! .L-.' office vvi thout fixed term, but subject to removal at any time 11Y the Mayor or by the Board of Commissioners. SEC'l'ION 2. The Assistant City Treasurer shall assist the City Treasurer in the performance of hi s duties and shall 1Hork under hi s directi on, supervision and control. Provided, however, that said Assistant City Treasurer shall have such other and further ,lowers and perform such other duties as shall be imposed upon him from time to time by the Board of Commissioners and the Hayor. SECTIOl\i 3. The Assistant City 1'reasurer shall execute and deli vel' to the Mayor a good and suffi ci ent surety oompany bond in the sum of t;~ 10 ,000. same to 11e executed by some surety company having 'a permit to do busi- i ~- ness in the State of Texas, and a local agent in Harris County, and r~co~~~T .-'-11 [~ ~-- -~--c--'--~=;:n:::'l~'~':''''''-'---- 204 which has complied ~~th all of the requirements of the laws of said state, which said surety shall be satisfactory to the r.'Tayor. SECTION 4. The Assistant City Treasurer, shall receive as compensation such salary as may be fixed from time to time by the Doard of Com- rr.i ssi oners. SECTION 5. All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SEC TI ON 6. The fact that there is at the present time no authority,for the appointment of an Assistant City Treasurer, and the City Treas- urer is ill and it is ~D urgent necessity to appoint an Assistant City Treasurer, creates an emergency and an imperative public neces- sity, by reason of which it is essential that this ordinance take effect immediately. Thi S o:r:dinance shall therefore take effect irnn8diately. PASSIm AIm APPROVED THIS TI:lE DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1931. ATTEST: L~4= , ._"::::_: ,:-.:_JI - [- I 1 _ __ __~L-.l_i.....l..I"'~--'~,-c- - -----~--'----,-r-.-~r::,..,,--"l1l7:JTJT",-,---~-.---.,--'-----