HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 50 Creating position of Assistant City Tax Assessor 2. ,{i." u.& OHDn'A1JCE NO...57)- L_~ AH OR.DIN1\]'iiCE CRL.,'\THIG TH3 OFFICE OF ASSIJTAlIT CITY ~l~XASSESSCR OF THE CITY OFVVEST UlUVERSITY PLACE, PROVIDING FOR HIS APPOINTlfENT, DEFINInG IIIB DUTIES, FI:XING HIS COMPEHSATIOlJ,A:FiD F'fWVIDING TEAT THIS OHDINANCE SHALL Ti\llli EFFECT IlVIMEDIATELY81JD REPEAL ALL PRTOR ORDIliT- .l'JICES, OR PART TEER80F, HI COlJFLICTWITH THIS ORDINANCE, BE IT ORDAINED BY Tli~ BOARD OF COnTI~ISSIONERS OF Tlili CITY OF WEST mHVBRSIl'Y PLACE: SECTION 1. There is hereby created the o~~ice of Assistant Tax Assessor o~ the City o~ West University Place, who shall be appointed by the Mayor and. confirmed by the Board o~ Commissioners, and who shall hold the o~~i ce wi thout ~ixed term, but su bj ect to removal at any time by the Mayor or by the Board o~ Co~nissioners. SEC 1'1 ON 2. The Assistant City Tax Assessor shall assist the City Tax Assessor in the performance o~ his duties and shall yrork under his direction, super-vision and control. Provided, however, that said As- sistant City Tax Assessor shall have such other and further povvers and perform such other duties as shall be imposed upon him from time to time by the Board of COlnmissioners and the Hayor. SECTION 3. The .il.ssists.nt City Tax Assessor shall execute and deliver \:;0 the Mayor a good and sufficient surety company bond in the Sllm of ,~lO,OOO.OO, sa.-Tne to be executed by some surety company having a permit to do business in the State of TexEs, and a local agent in Harris County, rTC'"C~OC.~'~CC~~---C--'T"'-'~~'~-'i"'-"r--- =:JJ"- TI -I' "~:r:::IIT 21]2 and which has complied lid. th all of the requirements of the laws of said state, whi ch sai d suret;:r sha 11 be sati sfactory to the L'1ayor. SECTION 4. The Assistant City 1:ax Assessor, shall receive as compensation such salary as may "be fixed from time to time by the Board of Commissioners. SECTION 5. All ordinances, or parts thereof, in conflict herewith are here- by repealed. SECTION o. The fact that there is at the present time no authority for the appointment of an Assi stant Ci ty Tax Asses:;>or and the Ci-!:;y Tax Assess- or is ill and it is an urgent necessity to appoint an Assistant City Tax Assessor, creates an eT'lergency and an imperativerublic necessity, by reason of liihi ch it is essential that thi s ordinance take effect immediate- ly. This ordinance shall therefore take effect ilDInediateJy. P}l.S SED }J:JD APPROVED THIS THE DAY OF JULY, A. D. 1931. ATTES T : -Y-"'"C"I~";;=:":''':~=o-".--;,,".=-"''5-.