HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 49 Creating position of Assistant City Secretary -" 17!l~_ ORDHU\}.\rCE 1:0;,.If '1 ,AN OHDUJANCE CRE1\.Tnm TIlE OF'FIC}~ OF ,A.sSISTA\'~T CITY SECRETA.F?Y OF 'l'EE CITY OF YIEST UNIVERSITY PI-AGE, PROVIDIUG. FOR EIS APPOmUflENT, DEFINING HIS DUTIES, FIXING EIS CO!!fFEITSATION, AND PROIJIDHiG Ttf,AT THIS OlmnJAECE S:FLALL TAIm EFFECT IIvD'FEDIATJ:i;I,Y,.1Jm REPEAL ALL PRIOR ORDINA:t]CES, OR PAHT THER.EOF, IN CONFLICT 'YI'l'H ThIS ORDnTAl~CE. ... ~ BE IT OHDAINED BY THE BOAED OF COl\:IMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVT";HSITY PLll,CE: SECTION 1. There is hereby creat~d the ofnce of Assistant Secretary of " the City of Nest Uni versity Place, who shall be appointed by the Liayor and confirmed by the Board of Cormnissioners, D.nd viho shall hold the office "vi thout fixed term, 1mt subject to removal at any time by the IvIayor or by the ~oard of Commissioners. SEC TION 2. The Assistant City Secretary shall assist the City Secretary in the performance of his duties and shall work under his direction, supervision and control. Provided, however, that said Assistant City Secretary shall have such other and further pow'ers and perform such other duties as shall be imposed upon him from time to time by the Board of Commissioners aDd the l~ayor. SECTION 3. The Assistant City Secretary shall execute and deliver to the Mayor a goo d and sufri ci ent surety company bond in the sum of ~ 10 ,000. same to be executed [;y some surety company having a perIni t to do busi- i l,..,~ ness in the State of Texas, and a local agent in Harris County, and r.::.:::'::r__ ~~-:11 _ ___C , -- - ------~ .. .";IJ.,,:I......,l.--- ~~", 1";(1' ~: ~ ' >i' i!..Jt.fJ which has complied with _all of the requirements of the laws of said State, which said surety shall be satisfactory to the Hayor. SECTIOl'T 4. 'L'11e 1\.8si stant City Secretary shall receive as compensation such salary as may be fixed from time to time by the Board of Com- :missioners. SECTION 5. All ordinances, or ,parts thereof, in conflict herevd th are hereby repealed. SECTION 6. The fe.ct that there is at the present time no authority for the appointment of an Assistant City Secrets.ry, and the City Secre- tary is ill and it is an urge:t:lt necessity to appoint an Assi stant City Secretary, creates an emergency and an imperative public neces- sity, 'by reason of which it is essential that this ordinance take effect immediatel~r. This, ordinance shall therefore take effect i:rr.m- ediately. PASSED AITD AFFROVBD THIS THE DAY OF JULY, A.D. 1931. ATTEST: T'T'i"OC"'~""'"'"Jl r" ____~......-l.I.-.--- - '-lnl'''----,r"------c-'--.-T:~I'~''''TW:;;fji:j'tT--