HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 48 Creating Board of Equalization 1 ,...... ;;j; 't ORDINANCE NO. ;It! ff" /' . l/ i\N ORDINl-l.l'ICE CREATDm A BOARD OF EQUAL- IZATION FOR TB~ CITY OF ~~ST UNIVBRSITY PLACJ~, DEFINING THE DUTIES OF SAID BOARD, PR OVI DIN G FOR THE APPOIN'I'1\JIF~1'J T OF SAME, FIXING TI{E COMPENSATION FOR Tflli }iliMRERS OF S}.J:D BOAJm, REPEALING ALL PR.IOR ORD- rN"~TCESAND DECL~ING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOiffiDOF COMMISSIONERS OF' THE CITY OF ~1J"EST UNI- VERSI TY PLACE: SECTIOlI 1. That there is hereby created a Board of Equalization for the City of West University Place to be 'composed of tnree members, one of whom shall be appointed as Chairman. SECTION 2. The Mayor of said City shall appoint the members of said Board, subject to confirmation by the Council. SECTION 3. The Mayor shall appoint the members of said Board as soon after February first in each year as may be deemed necessary a..'1d advis~ble, and the members of said Board so appointed shall serve for the purpose of equal-' ization of taxes of the year in vtilich they are appointed. SECTION 4. The Board of Equalization shall carefully consider all assess- ments of property, both real and personal, for the said City of V~est -;Jni- versity Place, and shall make all such changes in assessments as to them may seem right and necessary in order to render the assessments within the said oi ty equal and fair to all ta.."C payers of the said city, and the said board shall perform all such other duties as are now imposed upon boards of equalization by the laws of the state of Texas, and shall be governed, in --T'~'T~"""~CC'~~" n "O'l1 r -'j 1 ~" 1 ".,;,y ~ :...:. their work, by the general laws of said State. SECIrION 5. The Chairman of said Board of Equalization shall receive as compensation for his servioes the sum of ~~150.00; the remaining members of said Board shall each reoei ve as his compensation the sum of $100.-00. SEC1'ION 6. All prior ordinances or any parts thereof that are in oon- flict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. The fact that it is necessary to immediately appoint a Board of Equalization for the year 1931 and to fix the compensati on to be paid the members thereof creats an emergency and an imperative public necessity. This ordinance. shall, therefore, take effect immediately after its pass- age and approval. PASSED AIm APPROVED 'fHTS :?f _DAY 0: JilllE A. D. ~931. '~I.' 7 . ~.lA-~ j/, MAYOR (j " ~7~h- ./1 ATTEST:; ~/ ' /(~h,/?';<~/Ibb<-~!;Z:-l_~dfL-<" _ L _____ ~ \ ~ CITY SECRETfu'tY I ./ /---" l i i ;' " r---I -,. ~,__,u,n , r-U~'~'- ___no' 1 ______~...ll-~1~--- -r--T-;'Tlr;ll:ri~