HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 134 - sewer bill combined with water o 0'1. I i o 191 ORDINANCE NO. /J../ ............... ' AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT T.fIE MONTHLY CHARGE FOR EACH CONNlroTION WITILTHE, SANITARY SEWERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UN IYERSITY PLACE SHALL BE PAY- ABLE EACH MONTH AS A PART, O~ THE CHARGE FOR USE OF WATER WITHIN SAID CITY; PROVIDING THAT SUCH CHARGE BE RENDERED ON THE WATER STAT]M1!NT; PRO- VIDING FOR DISCONNECTION OF WATER OR SANITARY SEWERS UPON FAILURE TO PAY SUCH SEWER CHARGE; PRO.;. VIDING THAT_ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDJNANCES, IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE REPALED. IN SO FAR AS CON- CERN SUCH,.CONFLICTS; AND,. PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDi- NANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. BE' IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY, TEXAS: . ... \, Section'l. The monthly charge for each connection with the sanitary sewers. of the City of .West University Place, Texas, shall be payable each month as .& part of the charge for the use of water within said City, and such charge shall be se.t forth on the month- 1y statement rendered each water consumer, but as a separate item thereof. Section 2. If any person shalLfa!l, or refuse to pay such sewer connection charge when due, and suchd,e.faiJlJ.t shall continue for a period of tbirty tiays, the City shall have.the right and power of disconnecting the water supply from such building or struc- ture or shall have the right of disoonnecting the sewer of such building or structure from the sanitary sewer- lines of the City. Section 3. All Ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with thisord1nance, are hereby repaled in so far as concern any such conflicts. ]' I II ,1::':1:' 198 Sec tion 4. This ordinancet" shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after the date of its passage and II L.J " approval. PASSED AND APPROVEll,.'this LdaY Of'March,A. :0.. 1938. ~ SECRETARY [] \. A \:., , , I " o ''1\ '1 ....;,. ,.;", ~'\..' \ /