HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 131 - amend 111 zoning I.. -..l 178 ORDINANCE NO. /3/ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.~ OF .n THE CITY OF WEST ill{IVERSITY PLACE~ COMMONLY KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS THE IlZ0l\lING ORDINANCEIl BY CHANGING SECTION 13, 'TO PROVIDE THAT THE DIM~ ENSIONS OF THE MAIN BUILDI~G IN THE EIGHTH SIN- GLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT HEREAFTER ERECTED SHALL NOT BE LESS TlillN 900 SQUARE FEET; BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF SECTION 13A, PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF THE NINTH SllifGLE FAMILY DWELL- ING DISTRICT AND PRESCRIBING THE SQUARE FOOT DIMENSIONS OF DWELLINGS THEREIN; ADDING THERETO SECTION 22A, fROVI~INg FOR THE ~xPE OF CONSTRUC- TION OF DWELLINGS IN THE NINTH SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT; MWENDING SECTION 23 BY PROVID- ING THAT THE MAIN BUILDING SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FRONTING ON THE STREET ON ~R!CH THE LOT AS ORIQ- IN ALLY DEDICATED FRONTS; MAENDING SECTION 24, PARAGRAPH (1) BY OJVIIT'rnw THE LAST SENTENCE THERE- OF AND CHANGING PARAGRAPH (3) OF SAID SECTION TO PROVIDE DISTANCE FROM PROPERTY LINES FOR THE CON- STRUCTION AND ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUC- TURES; M~ENDING SECTION ~9, BY TR~ INSERTION OF PARA- GR~PH (3) THEREIN, PROVIDING FOR THE DEPTH OF THE RE- TAIL BUSINESS DISTRICT FRONTING ON KIRBY DRIVE AND FRONTING ALONG BISSONNET STREET AND M~ENDIN~ THE ZONING MAP ACCORDLNGLY; AMENDING SECTION 33 'BY CHANG- il ING PARAGRAPH (3) WITH REFERENCE TO PUBLICATION OF 1,. NOTICE OF HEARING ON CH11.NGE,S AND AlvIENDMEN11S 110 PRO- ~ VIDE THAT AT LEAST, FIFTEEN DAYS' NOTICE OF THE TDflE AND PLACE OF SUCI-I HEARING SlillLL BE PUBLISHED IN AN OFFICIAL PAPER OR A PAPER GF GENERAL ,CIRCULA- TION IN SUCH MWifICIPALITY; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS SAID ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPRO~AL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TbXAS: Section 1. That section 13 of said Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: SEOTION 13 SQUARE-FOOT DIMENSIONS OF DWELLINGS IN EIGHTH SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTBIm~ The dimensions of the main building in the eighth single-family dwelling district, hereafter erected, shall J not be less than 900 square feet. 179 Section 2. [[ Said Ordinance shall be amended by the insertion there- in of a new section to be known as "Section 13lt, tf which reads '" as follows: SECTION 13it SG,UARE-FOOT DnmNSIONS OF DWELLINGS IN NINTH SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINiG DISTRICT. The dimens'ions of the main building in the nin th s ingle- family dwelling district, hereafter erected, shall not be less than 1300 square feet. This said district shall constit.,ume that part of the first single family dwelling district commencing with the west ',,- D line of Souths ide Place and extending west of the city limits on the north side of Bellaire Boulevard and covering all lots fronting on Bellaire Boulevard. SE'~tjon 3. Said Ordinance shall be amended by the insertion there- .. in of a new section to be known as "Section 22A," which reads as follows: SECTION 22A ~XEE._QE_Q.Ql'LS.~lJ.Q.T.IQJ1.__QE_j)JY.E1LIlillS.._]:1I NINTH SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (1) The main building in the ninth single-family dwell- ing district, hereafter erected, shall be constructed of brick, brick veneer or, stucco, within the definition of that term hereinabove 'given, or of wood or other materials. (2) Accessory buildings may be constructed of brick, D brick veneer, stucco, wood or other materials. See tj on ~. That Section 23 of said Ordinance shall be amended to -'-~ '" ' ,I. ,.I.. L 180 read as follows: ~"Rcrrr()}T 23 FRONTAGE OF IMPROVEMENTS The main building shall be constructed fronting on the street upon which the lot as originally dedicated fronts. Section 5. That Section 24, paragraphs (1) and (3) be amended to read as follows: (1) FRONT YARD: There shall be a front yard along each street line of the lot. The minimunl depth of a front yard, ex- cept along the side line of a corner lot, shall be 30 feet; provided that if 25 per cent of a block frontage is improved wi th buildings, the front yard shall extend to the alignment of such existing buildings, but in no case shall the depth of such front yard be less than 20 feet. (3) DISTANCE FROM PROPERTY LINES: No building or structure of any kind shall be constructed or erected within 3 feet of the rear or side property lines on inside lots and # on corner lots no building or other structure of any kind shall be constructed or erected wi thin 3 feet of the r,ear and inside property lines and within 5 feet from anystreet lot line. fiow- ever, this shall not apply to a concrete walk or a concrete driveway on side property lines, but shall apply on the rear property lines.' Section 6. That Section 29 of said Ordinance shall be amended by the insertion thereunder of paragraph (3) reading as follows: [1 II ~J IJ '181 (3) A retail business district, in addition to the u other retail business district or districts shovm on the zon- ing map, shall extend from the north line of Lot 5, Block 5, in Preston Place and on', the west side of Kirby Drive north to the" south line of Bissonnet Stre~t; and toa depth west from the property line along Kirby Drive the same as Lot 5 block 5. This said District shall also ~xtend from the 'west line of Kirby Drive on the south side of Bissonnet street west to the east property line of Lot 15, Block 2, of Monticello Addition and shall have the same depth from the soubh property line of said Bissonnet Street as said Lot ~5, Block 2. ,'-,A\ Section 7. Section 33, paragraph (3) of this Ordinance shall he I" U amended to read as follows: (..3) A public he aring shall be held by the Board of Commissioners before adopting any proposed amendment, supple- ment or change. At least fifteen (15) days notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be published in an official paper or a paper of general circulation in such municipality. Section 8. This Or~inance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage, approval and publica- tion, as required by law. j; 1938. PASSED AND APPROVED o -0" .-. ' ATTEST: ',,' " ~ ~~3ecretarYii .. ? 1 . [ ] II .jl