HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 119 - dumping of garbage for West U. . Llj ...11. 128, ORDINANCE NO. 1/ ? - AN ORDINANCE FINDING THE NECESSI~:i fOR AND AUTH.. :1 ORIZING THE PURCHASE OF LOTI, BLOCK 1, V'llESTMORE-. , U LAND FARMS, THIRD SUBDIVISION, AOCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 12, 6F THE MAP RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY, TIDC~S, CONTAIN- ING 6.48 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, TO BE USED AS A PLACE FOR THE DillilPING OF GARBAGE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P-LACE, FOR A TOTAL CONSIDERATION OF $1944.00, PAYABEE $350.00 IN CASH AND BY THE EX- ~ ECUTION OF THREE NOTES REPRESENTING THE BALANG'E, SECURED BYA VENDORtS LIEN AND DEED OF TRUST LIEN ON SAID PROPERTY: AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF SAID CITY ON ITS BK~LF, TO EXECUTE SAID NOTES AND DEED OF TRUST: LEVYING A TAX TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID NOTES: AND, PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTl!:R ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. BE IT ORDAINED'BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF VVEST UNIVERSITY PU~OE. Section l- At the present time the City of West University Place ~ has no facilities and no place for the dumping ot its garbage and it is imperative that the City purchas~ a tract of landto be so used. After an investigation the Board of Oommissioners finds that the Lot 1, in Block 1, of Westmoreland Farms Third Subdivi- sion, according to plat thereof recorded in Vol. 6 at page 12 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas, containing 6.48 acres of land, more or less, figuring to the Center lihe of 14th Street, located in Harris County, Texas, is well-adapted to this said purpose; said land being more particularly described as follows: BEGIlTI~ING at the southwest corner of Lot No. 1, in Block No.1, Westmoreland Farms, Third subdivision; THENCE North along the east line of l"ourteenth Street a distance of three hundred ninety eaight and five-tenths of (398.5) feet to an iron pipe in the South line of the S. A. & P. R.R.; IJ THENCE,North eighty five (85) degrees',. twenty (20) minutes, East along.said South line a dis- D o D 129 ../ tance of six hundred thirty eight and seven- tenths (638.7) feet to an iron pipe which marks the Northeast corner of Lot. No.1; THENCE South along the East line of Lot. No.1 a distance of four hundred fifty one and one tenth (451.1) feet to an iron pipe which marks the Southeast corner of Lot No.1; THENCE West along the dividing line between Lots Nos. land ,5, a distance of six hundred thirty six and six-tenths (636.6) feet to the place of BEGINNING, containing 6.48 acres measured to middle of Fourteenth Street. fe, Z I Section 2. The City is authorized to purchase the above described property from the record owner thereof on its general warranty deed and pay and agree to pay a consideration of $1944.00, same to be paid as follows: (1) $350.00 in cash and the executimn of three notes as follows: (2) Note No. 1 for the sum of $500..00, bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum from date, maturing on or before January 1, 1938, and ~on- taining the usual acceleration and attorney.s fees clauses. (3) Note No.2 for the sum of $500.00 bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum, from date maturing on or before January 1, 1939, and con- taining the usual acceleration and attorney.s fees clauses. . (4) Note No.3 for the sum of $594.00, bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum from date, maturing on or before January 1, 1940, and con- taining the usual acceleration and attorney's fees clauses. Section 3. The Mayor is authorized to execute, on behalf of the City, the above described notes and a deed of trust to further secure the payments of same. The payment of said notes is to 180> .^.."..~ . ... , . .. . ' . .. " ..... - -" ...... ~. ~ -~ " . ... ~ ,., '.~' ...... ......-. " . be further secured by Vendor's Lien on said property. Section 4. .:J There is hereby ~evied a sufficient tax on all of' the taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place for the purpose of paying off and dis- charging the notes hereinabove described and to create a sink- ing fund for the pa-yrnent of principal and inter.est thereof. ~ection 5. In view of the fact that an acute condition has arisen within the City because there is at present no place where gar- bage can be dumped and the City of Houston has furthererefused to permit the City~ use its dumping ground an emergency is created so that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after the date of its passage and [JI approval. PASSED .~D APPROVED this the 9th day of July, A. D. 193'7. o