HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 118 - regulating number of fowl kept in West U. ,.J I ..iL 126, ORDINANCE NO. II! AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE NUMBER OF FOWL THAT CAN BE KEPT OR MAINTAINED ON ANY PREMISES WITHIN THE CORPOR1IJ:E LIMITSOF THE C HY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; PROVIDING FOR PROPER SANITARY CONDITIONS OF SAID PROPERTY; PROVID:JNG THAT ~ SHALL BE UNLAWFUL TO PERMIT SUCH FOWL OFF THE PREMISES ACTUALLY OCCUPIED BY THE OWNER OR CNE IN POSSESSION; PROVIDING A PENALTY; PROVIDING THAT NAY ORDINAN CE OR P.:Am THEREOF, . IN CONEETCT WITH THIS ORDINANCE, IS REPEALED; AND, PRO- VIDING WHEN THIS ORDTI'fANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF C<.MlYIISSIO:NERS OF THE CITY OF vlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: SECTION 1 It shall be unlawful fer any persen in possessien ef any preperty or premises located within the corporate limits ef the City of' West University Place to keep thereon, er permit to. be kept thereon, mere than lOO fowl, except Guinea fowl, which shall not be perr-flitted to. be kept. SECTION 2 It shall be unlwaful fer the owner er ene in possession ef suchfewl to. permit them off the premises actually occupied by the ewner er ene in pessessien thereef. SECTION 3 The premises where such fowl are kept er maintained shall be well drained a t all times and kept clean and fi>ee from any accumulatien of drippings, trash, rubbish, er any filthy or feul smelling matter. SECT ION 4 Any building or ceop in which said fewl are kept er that are used by said fowl, shall be kept in a clean and II o o ~ o u o 127 sani tary condition, free from any trash or rubbish or foul smelling matter, and free from lice, mites or other insects. SECTION 5 Any person or corporation violating any of the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convidtion shall be gined not more than $lOO.OO,and each day this ordinance is violated. shall be deemed a separate offense and;subject.tosli~ecpeilalty. '. : I ~. t! SECTION G. Any Ordinance, or part thereof, in conflict with this ordinance. is hereby repealed. SECTION '1 This Ordinance shall take effect and he in force from and after the 45th. day after its passage and approval. \ . 1937. PASSED and APPROVED this the day of June, A. D. ATTEST: ~ ~ C7~ / '-. f; ~