HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 111 - zoning regulations 93 u ORDINANCE NUMBER / / / D AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ZONING REGULA- TIONS AND DISTRICTS IN :ACCORDANCE WITH A COMPREHENS IVE PLAN, AND REGULATING AND RE- D ISTRI CTIN G THE HEIGHT, NUMBER OF STORIES, TYPE AND CHARACTER OF CONSTRUCTION OF BUILD- INGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES; THE PBRCENTAGE OF LOT THAT MAY BE OCCUPIED; THE SIZE OF YARDS, COURTS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES; THE DE1fSITY OF POpmLATION; THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILD lliGS, STRUCTURES AND LAND FCR TRADE INDUSTRY, ,.RESIDENCES AND OTHER PURPOSES; DIVIDING THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE INTO DISTRICTS AND REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, REPAIR OR USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES OR LAND WITHIN' SUCH DISTRI ers, AND PROVIII NG UNIFORM REGULATIONS FOR THE SEVERAL CLASSES OR KINDS OF BUILDINGS OR STRUCTURES, TYPE AND CHARACTER OF CONSTRUC- TION, AND USES WITHIN THE RESTRICTIVE DIS- TRICTS; ADOPTING A ZONING MAP DISCLOSING THE SEVERAL DI3rRIarS AND USE AREAS AND THE RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS AND PROVISIONS APPLI CABLE TO SUCH D ISTRI CT S AND AREAS; PROVIDING FOR A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AND DE- FINING THE POWERS OF S>>'IE; PRJ,i.:SCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS' ORDINANCE; AND DECLARING AN E1\illRGENCY. . WHEREAS, the City of West University Place is a residential Suburb of the City of Houston, Texas, and the greater part of property within its limits has been res- tricted for private residence purposes by the owners there- of, 'and l WHEREAS, the street, sewer and water systems of. the city have been designated and constructed to take care' of such limited use of the land therein, and would prove inadequate for a more congested use, and .'-~ 94 ."% WHEREAS, there'.is..D.9 property within the corporate limits of the City available for industrial, manufacturing, or commercial uses, and the land available for trade or business uses is limited as is the, demand for such use, and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the residents of City of West University Place and the Council thereof, to preserve the present residential character of the City and the public improvements therein, to prevent congestion and to promote and provide for the health, safety, convenience, comfqrt and general welfare _ of the citizens thereof, and WHEREAS, by the provisions of Chapter 28.3, p~ge 424, of the General and Special Laws of the State of Texas, passed by the Fortieth.Legislature in 1927,and known' as House Bill #87, (Articles IOlla et seq.) authority is conferred upon cities and incorporated villages to pass zoning regulations granting full. power to said cities and ~ncorporated villages; providing for the creation of districts; declaring purposes in view; providing for the method of pr~cedure; providing for certain changes; prOViding for a canmission; providing for a board of adjustment; providing for its powers and duties; providing certain methods of enforee- ment and remedies; providing certain exceptions; providing the method to be followed in case, of conflict with other laws; pro- viding for the validity for all parts of the law not declared un~ cansti tutional, and declaring an emergency, and WHEREAS, heretofore to-wit, on the Februarv lst. 1937. in accordance with the said Laws of the State of If'exas, the Board of Commissioners of the City of West University Place did appoint u LJ o I~ L.-- I L c -- 'nlf d., a Zoning Commission for the City and said Commission has recom- mended the boundaries of districts and appropriate zoning regu- lations to be enforced therein, and public hearings have been held at which all owners of property in the City of West Univ- ersity Place were given rumple and sufficient opportunity after public notice by advertisement in the Houston Press, the official publication for the City of West University Place, to file protests and criticisms, and WHEREAS, the districts and regulat;ons recommended by the said Zoning Commission have been made in accordance with a comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health safety, morals, and general welfare of the City of West Univ- / - ) ersity, Place; lessening congestion in the streets; securing' safety from fire, panic and other dangers; providing adequate light and air; preventing the overcrowding of land; avoiding the undue concentration of population; facilitating the ade- quate provision of transportation, water, 'sewerage, schools, parks and other public improvements, and for the purposes of preserving the residential character of the use of land within the City and conserving and encouraging the use of lands and buildings ther~on within the city of their suitability for par- ticular ~rposes, and has taken into consideration, among other t!f.ings, the character of the districts and the peculiar suita- bility for the particular uses. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: " ',' -,~ '1 "- - .. f _. . " . '.1' '>-.. , .. , ,".~......~-' I . "'~ .~~ '~~ ~/~T:::;~ ~. aV .^~ ,.....l" j'. e" _~.' .' '. .~"~..'e' '-'.> ~ , ._ 0' . l "N"'"_ _ ...~~.,!.,.. ._ .~~-.,. ..,,~ r... ........ ~~"'""_ ......,...:<' _...,....'\"'"""" ~ SECTION 1, DISTRICT & ZONE MAP Zoning regulations and districts as herein set forth are approved and established. The City of West University Place is here- by divided into two classes of Districts, termed respectively: Single Family Dwelling Districts and Retail Business Districts, all as shown on the Zone Map which accompanie s the Ordinance and is here- by declared to be a part hereof. The Districts designated on said Zone Map are hereby established. All notations, references and other .. information shown on such Zone Map are hereby declared to be a part thereof and hereof, except as hereinafter providedl or where in con- flict with the provisions of this Ordinance, in which event the pro- visions of the Ordinance shall control. No building or premises shall be erected or used except in conformity with the regulations herein prescribed for the respective Districts in which such build- ing and premises are located. SE.Q~JQN 2. DEFINITIONS Certain words in this Ordinance are defined for the purpose hereof as follows: (1) Words used in the present tense include the future; words in the singular number include the plural number, and words in the plural number include the si~gular; the word "Building" includes the word "Structurefl;the word trLot" includes the word "plot"; the word "Shall" is mandatory and not directiona'ry. (2) Alley: ~ public thoroughfare not over 20 feet wide. " n .! I I _J J o D D o 97 , . \. -.~, (3) Accessory: A subordinate use or building customarily incident to and located on the lot occupied by the main use or buildingEi1i (4) Apartment: A room or suite of rooms in an apartinemt house arranged, designed, or occupied as the residence of a single fa~ily, indi vidual, or group of individual s. (5) Apartment House: A building or portion thereof, arrang- ed, designated or ':occupied by three or more families living 1ndepend- . ~ntly of each other. (6) Depth of rear yard: The mean horizontal distance be- tween the rear line of a building other than an accessory building and the rear lot line. (7) Depth of Lot: The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. (8) District: A section of the City of West University ,Place for which the regulations governing the area, type, construe- tion height, or use of buildings are uniform. (9) Family: A family is any number of individuals living together as a single housekeep:ing unit. (lO) Front Yard: An ope,n, unoccupied spa.ce on the same let with a build:ing between the build:ing and a street line of the lot. ell) Gross Floor Area: The gross floor area shall be measured by taking on tside dimensions of the building at each floor ,level excl~ng however, the floor area of attaehed garages, open \ or screened pDrches, beasments or attics not used for residence purposes. ; .,,_' ';c>""-,',',-;" 98 (l2) Height: The height of a building or portion of a building shall be measured from the average established grade at the street lot line or from the average natural ground level if higher, to the highest point of the roof's surface if a flat . surface; or to the deck line of mansard roofs; or to the mean height level betwe"'en eaves and ridge for hop or gable roofs. In measuring the heigp.t of a building, the following structures shall be excluded; chimneys, tanks, water towers, radio towers, ornamental coupolas, domes or spires, and -parapet walls not ex- ceeding four feet in height. (l3) Let: Land occupied or to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings, and includihg such open spaces as are required under this ordinance, and hav:ing its principal frontage upon a public street or officially approved place. (l4) Lot, Corner: A lot situated at the junction of two or more streets, and having a width not greater than l50 feet. (15) Lot Lines: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein. (16) Nonconforming Use: A building or premises occupied by a use that does not ^conform to the regulations of the Use Dis- trict in which it is situated. (,l7) Single Family Dwelling: A detached building baving accommodations for and. occupied by only one family. (l8) Open Space: Any unoccupied space on the lot that is open and unobstructed to' the' sky and occupied by no building whatever. n o o 99 o (19) Place: An open, unoccupied space reserved for pur- poses of access to abutting .property. (20) Private Garage: A garage ~ith capacity for not more than three motor-driven vehicles, far' storage only, for private use, and in which not more than one space shall be rented to persons not occupants of the premise~. Of. the vehicles allowed as necessary to a dwelling not more than one shall be a commer- '. cial motor-driven vehicle. A private garage may exceed a three vehic1e capacity, provided the area. of the lot whereon such pri- vate garage is ta be located shall contain not less than 2500 square feet for each vehicle stored. (2l) Public @arage: Any premises not a private garage D as above defined, us ad f9r housing or care of more than three motor driven vehicles, or where any such vehicles are equipped for operation, repaired, or kept for remuneration, hire or sale. I (22) Rear Yard: A space, unoccupied except by a building of accessory use, or hereinafter permitted, extending for the full width of. the lot between a building other than a huilding' of accessory use and the rear lot line. (23) Side Yard: An open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building situated between the build:ing and the said line of the lot and extending through from the street or from 6the front" yard or to the rear line of the lot. Any lot line not a rear line or a front line shall be deemed a side line. o (24) Street: A public thoroughfare more than 20 feet wide. (25) Story: That portion of a building included between the surface of. any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there be n.o floor above it, then the space between such ] II uu:1 .,." ~~-;~ <-- .<~ .. ~ 1@0 floor and the ceiling next ~bove it. (26) story, Half: A story having an average height of not more than eight feet covering a floor area of not more than 75 per cent of the area of the floor on tile first story below. '(27) Structural Alterations: Any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders. (28) Two Family Dwellings: A detached dwelling arr.anged, intended or designed to be occupied by two families living inde- pendently of each other. L.-.. ;/0/(/ (29) Width of side Yard: The mean horiZontal distance between a. side wall of a building and the side line of the lot. (30) Square Foot Dimensions:. The outside width of a build- "ing multiplied by the ou tside length of the building; excluding attached garage, the attic, basement, open chr screened porches. If the building be of two storeis the result should be multiplied by 2; if o~ three stories the result should be multiplied by 3, etc. (3l) Brick, Brick Veneer or stucco: By this term is meant a building, of which 5l% or more of the exteri or surfaces are constructed of brick veneer, solid brick, ho~low tile, stone, con- crete, marble, glass or a combination of any of these materials. SECTION 3 USES AND BUILDINGS IN SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICTS In a single family dwelling district, no building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or struc- turally altered which is arranged or designed to be used for other Ii. .~ n D 101 u than one or more of the following uses; except as otherwise specifieall.y provided in this ordinance: (1) Single -family dwelling. (2) Central office buildings of corporations, firms or individuals engaged wi th furnishing of tele- . phone services to the pub~ic or {{Jtj eqp.ipment ~. in connection with such buildings or a part of said telephone system, necessary in the furnish- ing of telephone services to the publ:in. No public business office and no repair or storage facilities shall be maintained. 1-] (3) Accessory buildings, including one pr>ivate garage when located not less than 75 feet back from the front lot line, and not less than 10 feet back from any street line, and 3 feet from any lot line, or located in a compartment as an integra~ part of the main building and not less than 10 feet from any s t:eeet line and 3 feet from any lot line; and, also including room or rooms 'for the use 'of servants employed on the premises. . (4) Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses when located upon ,the same lot and not involving the conduct of a business; including customary home occupations engaged'in by the office of a physician, surgeon, dentist, musician, or arti~t when situated in the same dwelling used by such physician, surgeon, dentist, musician or artist as his or her private dwellfng; provided no name place exceeding one square foot in area, containing ~he name and occupation of the occupant of the premises, and' nrl> sign exceeding eight square feet in area appertaining to thelaasa, hire or sale of a build- ing or premises; and no commercial advertising sign of any other character shall be permitted in such a dwelling district. SECTION 4 ADDITIONAL USES AND BUILDINGS IN SINGLE-FAMILY UliELLING DISTRICTS D Ther.e shall be permitted the uses, construction and erec- tion of buildings or premises, or the structural alterations thereof, for one or mor e of the following us es, and none other: --.:). il :',;iT . . L.l II 102 ..> < SECTION 5 RETAIL BUSINESS DISTRI ars In the retail business districts no building or premises shall be used, a;nd no building shall be erected or . structurally altered, which 'is arranged or designed to be used for other than one or more of the following us es : (l). A use permitted in-any of the single-family dwelling districts. (2) Bank; office; studio; wholesale sales office or sample room; ice delivery station, bus station. I' LJ (3) Retail store or shop' for custom work or the making of articles to be sold at retail on the premises; restaurent; theater; moving picture show. (4) Gasoline filling station;. public garage; mor- tuary. (5) School; college; library. (6) Private'ClUb. (7) Bottling works; ice cream manufacture; cold storage plant; dry cleaning; dyeing. (8) Job printing; newspaper printing. (9) Two-family dwelling. )10) Private club, excepting a club the actiirities il of which is a'service customarily carried on l_J as a business. (ll) Nursery; greenhouse. 108- u (12) Apartment house; boarding or lodging house. (l3) Institutions of an educational or philanthropic nature, other than a penal or correctional ins ti tut ion. ',~- ' ""'" ,. (14) Hospital or clinic other than for 'tubercular, liquor, narcotics, insane or feeble minded patients. (15) Any use not included in any other class, providing such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of the emission, of odor, dust, smoke, gas, fumes, nois~, or vibration. SECTION 6 SqUARE-FOOT DIMENSIONS OF DWELLINGS IN FJRSTSINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT D The dimensions of the main building in the first single-family dwelling district, hereafter erected, shall not be less than l600 square feet. SECTION 7 SQUARE-FOOT DIIVIEN SIONS OF DWELL I NGS I.N SECOND SINGLE-FAMILY DlJv'"ELLING DISTRIGr The dimensions of the main building in the second sin- gle family dwelling dis triet, hereafter erected, shall not be iess than l400 square feet. [] SECTION 8 SQUARE FOOT D :ITv1ENSIONS OF DWELLINGS IN THJRD SIN GrE-FAMILY DWELLING DIsrRI2L- The dimensions of the main building in the third sin- gle f~ily dwelling district hereafter erected shall be not less than 1250 square feet. . SECTION 9 SQ,UARE FOOT'DIMENSIONS OF DWELLINGS IN " FOURTH SINGLE FAMILY DVVELLING DISTRla.r .LI.. . II L 104 r ,~ The dimensions of the main builcling in the fourth single-family dwelling district, hereafter erected, shall , not be less than l400 square feet. SECTION l'O SQ.UARE FOOT DIIvIEN SIO:NS OF DWELLINGS IN FIFTH SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DlSTRICT - . The dimens ions of the main building in the fifth sin- gle family dwelling district, hereafter erected, shall not be' less than lIOO square feet. SECTION ~:l , SQUARE FOOT DIMENSIONS OF DWELLINGS I.N SIXTH SIlfGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTR roT The dimens ions of the main building in the sixth single family dwelling district, hereafter erected~ shall not be less than l200 square feet. SECTION l2 SQUARE FOOT DIMENSIOliJS OF DWELLINGS IN SEVENTH SnrGtE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRlor The dimensions of tl1e main building in the seventh single-family dwelling district, hereafter erected, shall not be less than l300 square feet. SECTION l3 SQUARE-FOOT DIMENSIO:HS OF DWELL I :OO-S IN EIGHTH SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLI NG DI STRICT The dimensions of the main building in the eighth single-family dwelling district, hereafter erected, shall not be less than 1000 square feet. .. ~ / ~l Il L .1 o D D D 105 SECTION 14 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS IN RETAIL BUSINESS 'DIsTRICTS Every building hereafter erected, altered or enlarged within retail business districts shall be enclosed on all sides with walls constructed wholly of stone, burned brick or reinforced concrete, and shall have the roof, also the roof and sides of all roof structures, covered with incombustible material. All cornices shall be of incombustible ma terial. The purpose of this section is to prohibit the erection of C.buildings in the retail business district of wood, ironclad, stucco and veneer type. &l:CTION 15 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLINGS IN FIRST SINGIE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT . (1) The main building in the first single-family dwell- ing district, hereafter erected, shall be constructed of brick, brick veneer or stucco, within the definitions of that term herein above given. (2) Accessory buildings may be constructed of brick, brick veneer, ~stucco, wood or other materials. SECTION l6 TYPE OF CON STRUCTION OF DWELLINGS IN SEC CND SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING .DISTRICT (1) The main building in the second single-family dwell- ing district, hereafter erected,sh,:a.ll be constructed of brick, ", ~. brick veneer or stucco, within the definition of that term hereinabove given. 1_ 1I .LT :? 106' (2) Accessory buildings may be constructed of brick, o brick veneer, stucco, wood or other materials. SECTION 1'7 TYPE OF CONSTRUGrION OF DWELLINGS IN THIRD SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (l) The main building in the third Single-family dwell- ing district hereafter ere~ted shall be constructed of brick; q,rick veneer or stucco within the definition of that term herein- above given, or of wood or other materials. (2) Accessory buildings may be constructed of brick, brick veneer, stucco, wood or other materials. . > SECTION l8 - TYPE OF CCNSTRUCTION OF DVVELLINGS IN FOURTH SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT l~ (l) The main building in the fourth single-family dwell- ing district, hereafter erected, shall be cons~ructed of br.ick, brick veneer or stucco, within the definition of that term here- inabove given. (2) Accessory buildings may be constructed of brick, brick veneer, stucco, wood or other materials. SECTION 19 --.--- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLINGS IN FIFTH SINGm-FAMILY DWELLING DI3rRICT (l) The main building in the fifth single-family dwell- ing di strict, -hereafter erected, shall be constructed of brick, brick veneer or stucco, within the definition of that term here- inabove given, or of wood or other materials. !J 107: D (2) Accessory buildings may be constructed of brick~ brick veneer,-stuceo, wood or other materials. SECTION ~C)) TYPE OF C CN STRU CTION OF DViELLI NGS IN SIXTH SINGIE~FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (l) The main building in the sixth_.single-family dwell- ing district, hereafter erected, shall be constructed of brick, brick veneer or stucco,. within the definition of that term herein above given~ or of wood or other materials. SECTION 21 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OF DWELLINQ-S IN SEVENTH SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT [J (l) The main building in the seventh single-family dwelling district, hereafter erect,ed, shall be constructed ef brick, brick veneer or stucco, within the definition of that term hereinabove given. (2) Accessory buildings may ~e constructed of brick, brick veneer ,stucco, wood or other materials. SECTION 22 TYPE OF CONSTRO orION OF DWELLINGS IN EIGHTH 51 NGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (1) The main building in ihe eighth single-family dwell- [] ing district, hereafter erected, shall be constructed of brick, brick veneer or stucco, within the definition of that term here- inabove given, $CXJl of woed or other materials. (2) Accessory buildings may be constructed of brick, brick veneer, stucco~ wood or other materials. ..1..1,.. . J' .l . L 108 SECTION. 23 FRONTAGE OF IMPROVEMENTS .. - [] The main building shall be constructed parallel with the ,street on which the lot, as originally dedicated, fron ts. SECTION 24 LOT COVERAGE IN A SINGLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT (l) FRONT YARD: There shall be a front yard along each street line ef the lot. The minimum depth of a front yard, o except along the side line of a c orner lot, shall be 30 feet; provided that if 25 per cent of a block frentage is improved wi th buildings the front :YRrd shall extend to the alignment of .. such existing buildings, but in no case shall the depth of such . yard be less than 20 feet. The minimum dep"th of a front yard along the side line of a corne.!' shall be 5 feet. (2) REAR YARD: There shall be a .rear yard along the _ rear line of the lot. The minimum depth of such I' ear ya rd, shall be 20 f&et. (3) SIDE YARDt There shall be aside yard a,long each line of the lot other than the front street line or ..a rear line. D The minimum width of such s ide yard shall be five feet. {4} LOT WIDTH::, The minimum average width of the lot shall be 50 feet for a single-family dwelling. ( 5) LOT AREA : The minimum area of the lot shall be , 5000 square feet fer a single-family dwelling. {6} HEIGHT: The height limit shall be two and one- [J o half stories not to exceed 35 feet, except that any such build- 109 LI ing 0r portion of a build:ing may be erected higp.er than 35 feet provided above such 35 foot limit such building or portion of a building is set back from all required yard lines two feet for each one foot of its height above such liijl.it. SECTION 25 LOT COVERAGE IN A RETAIL BUSINESS DISTRICT , (1) OPEN SPACE: For a dwelling or two-family ,dwelling, 'the required open space shall equal ,40 per cent of the area of the lot. D SECTION 26 SPECIAL AREA REGULATIO NS AND EXCEPI'IONS (1) VISION CLEARANCE: On any corner lot 'on which a front yard is required by this ordinance no wall, fence or other structure shall be erected and no hedge; shrub, tree, or other growth shall be maintained in such lo cation within such required front yard space as to cause danger to traffic by obstructing the view. (2) FRQ\lTYARD: A porch may extend not to exceed lO feet into the front yard. Cornices or eaves of the main building may project not more than 2 feet into the front y~d. (3) SmE AND REAR YARDS: The space in a side or rear' yard shall be open andunobstructed except for a porte - cochere and the ordinary projections of window sills, belt o . cources, cDrnices,' eaves and other ornamental features,. A \ building and any accessory building erected on the same lot ] . I !I .'[]! .-~ 110 shall for the purpose of side and rear yard requirements be considered as a single building, except- that a private garage~ or other accessory building not over 25 feet in heiā‚¬pt may occupy not to exceed 40 per> cent of the rear yard area. {4} AREAS NOT TO BE DJIlINISHED: -The lot, open space, or yard areas; required by this ordinance for a 'partii.cular building shall not be diminished and shall no t be included as a part of the required lot, open spLce, or -yard area of any other building. If the lot, open spa ce, or yard ar eas requred by this Ordinance for a particular building are diminished the continued existence of such building shall be deemed to be a videdfor buildings hereafter erected and such required areas' shall not be included as a part of the requ.ired areas of gny building hereafter erected. SECTION 2Y'f ENFORCEMENT The provisions of this' Ordinance shall be adminis- tered and enforced by the Building Inpsector of the City of West University Place. All applications for building permits shall be acco mpanied by a plat in dupll ca te, drawn to scale, showing the actual dimensions of the lot to be built upon, the , size of the building to be erected, and such other information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of these o regulations. A careful record of such applications and plats shall be kept in the office of the City Secretary. lJ o 111 SECTION 28 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANn AND CO MPLIANCE . (l) No building hereafter erected or structurally al- tered shall be used:, occupied or changed in use until a certifi- cate of occupancy and compliance shall have been issued by the building inspector, stating that the building or proposed use of a building or premises complies with the building laws and the provisions of these regulations. (2) Certificate of occupancy and compliance shall be applied for coincident with. the application for a huildingpermit and shall be issued within 10 days after the erection or structu- ral alteration of such buildings shall. have been completed in conformity with the proviSions of these regulations. A record af all certificates shall be kept on file in the offic& of the oi ty Secretary and c9pies shall be furnished on request to any person having a proprietary or tenancy interest in the building affected. (3) No permit for excavation for any building shall be issued before application has been made for certificate of occupancy and canpl1ance. SECTION 29 ZONING MAl!' DESIGNATIONS (l) When definite distances in feet are not shown on the zoning map the district bormdaries on the zoning map are intended to be along existing street, alley or ~operty lines or extensions of or from the same. When the location of a didtrict boundary line is not otherwise determined, it shall be determined by the scale of the maps measUl"'ed fDom a gi ven ~ line. ___~ I II :.JI.:L ,J l 112 (2) Where .the street 'layout actually on the ground 1 , I :J varies from the street layout as shown on the zoning map, the Board of Adjustment may apply the designa~ions shown on the mapped streets in such a way as to carry out the intent and pur- poses of the plan for the particular area in q'$stion. SECTION 30 BOARD' OF ADJUSTMENT (l) ORGANIZATIONm: There shall be a BOard of Adjust- ment consisting of five members appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Board of Commis s ioner s, , The Board of Adjust- ment shall have the power granteci by and contro~led by the pro- visions o,fSection 7 ~ of Chapter>2f.?3. of the Laws of 1927. (Arts. lOlla to lOllj, Revised Civil Statutes, 1925.) (2) SPECIAL EXaEPTIONS:'When in its judgment the ,I J public convenience and welfare-will bestibstantially served and the appropriate use of neighboring propert~ will no~ be sub- stantially or permanently injured, the Board of Adjustment may . ,.. in specific cases, after public notice and ,hearing and subject to appropriate conditions and safe~rds, authorize special exceptions to the regulations herein established as follows: (l) Permit the location in any use district of a state or municipal bUilding, aviation field, public utility plant, sewerage disposal or treatment plant, garbage disposal plant, riding academy, commercial greenhouse, athletic field, amusement park, commercial bathhouse, commer- ci~l radi~ transmitting station, philanthropic institution, hospital or sanitarium. (2) Permit the reconstruction of a building occupied by a nonconforming use,. or permit the II :_J 113 o extension ofa nonconforming use of a building upon the lot, occupied by such use or'building at the time of the passage of this Ordinance. (3) Permit the extension of a building or use into a more restricted district immediately~ad- jacent thereto, but not mo re than 50 feet beyond the boundary line of the district in which such 'building or us e is authorized. [I (4) Grant in undeveloped section of the city tem- porary and conditional permits for not more than two year periods for any structure or use~ (5) Permit in any district, such mod~ication of the requirements of these regulations as said board may deem necessary to secure an appro- priate development of a lot where adjacent to such lot on two or more sides there are build- ings -that do not conform to these regulations. (6) Permit such modifications of the yard or open space or lot area or lot width regulations as may be necessary to secure appropriate im - provement of a p~rcel of land' where such parcel was separately owned at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, and is sf such restricted . area that it cannot be appropriately improved without such modifications. .If w . (~) Permit the extension of a building, existing at the time of the passage of this Ordinance, by the construction of additional stories a- bove the height limit herein established, if the original plans provided for such addi tfuonal stories' and such building wasactua1ly designed, and constructed to carry such additional stories. (8) Permit the erection of an addition to the same height as such building where such addition is essen tial to the completion of an appropriate uni t . [ (9) The notice .provided for ih this section shall be given by publication tone 8 time~; in the officialpriblication of the City of West Univ- ersity Place, stating the time and place of such hearing, Which will not be earlier than ten days from the first da te of such publi- cation., and in addition thereto the Board of Adjustment shall mail notices of such hearing to the petitioner and to the owners of property lying wi thin 200 feet of any point of the lot 114' or portion thereof, on which a variation is desired" and to all other per>sonS deemed by the Board to be affected thereby, such , owners and lffirsons shall be determined according to the current tax rolls of the City of West University Place, and sub - stantial compliance therewith shall be deemed su~ficient and providect, however" that the depositing of such written notice in the mail by the Board shall be deemed sufficient compliance with the purpose of this notice. n u SECT:LON 3l COMPLETION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS Nothing herein contained shall require any change in the plans, construction or designated use of ~ building actually under construction or designated use of a building actually under construction at the time'of the passage of this Ordinance and which entire building shall be completed within 90 days [] from the date of the passage of this Ordinance. Nothing herein con tained shall require any change in plans, con struction or designated use of a building for which a building permit has been heretofore legally issued and which entire b~lding shall be completed within 90 days from the date of the passage of this Ordinance. If an amendment to this Ordinance ,is hereafter ad- opted changing the boundaries of di~tricts, the provisions of . this Ordinance with regard to building or premises existing or buildings under construction or building permits issued at the J " time of the passage of this Ordinance shall apply to building or premises existing or buildings under construction or build- ~ ing permits issued in the area affected by such amendment at J the time of the passage of such amendment. o '115 lJ SECTION 32 PENALTY FOR VIOLATION Any person or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance or fail to complytherewi th or with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall build or alter any building in violation of any detailed statement or ? plan submitted and approved hereunder shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall be liable to a fine of not more than one hundred dollars and each day such violation shall be permitted to exist shall consittute separate offense. The owner or owners of any building or premises or part thereof, where anything in u violation of this ordinance shall be placed, or shall exist, and any architect, builder, contractor, agent, person or cor- poration employed in connection therewith and who m~y have assisted in the commission of any such violation shall be guilty of a separate of fenee and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as herein provided. SECTION 33 CHANGES AND AMENDMENT S (1) The Board of Commissioners may from time to time amend, supplement or change by ordinance. the bOillldaries of the districts or the regulations herein established. D (2) Before taking action on any proposed amendment, supplement or change, the Board of COmTIlissioners shall submit the same,to the City Plan Commission for its recommendation and report. ::I ---i1 :::1'-[ 1:16 ~ (3) A public hearing shall be held by the Board of' Commissioners before adopting ahy proposed amendment, supple- ment or change. Notice of such hearing shall be given by publication three times in the official publications of the City of West University Place, stating the time and place of such hearing, which time shall not be earlier than 15 days from ,the first date of such publication. (4) Unless such propGse.d amendment, supplement or change has been approved by the City Plan Commission, or if a protest against such proposed amendment, supplement or change has been filed with the City Secretary, duly signed and ac- lmowledged by the owners of 20 per cent or more either of the area of the lots included in such pr-Opoo ed change or those immediately adjacent in the rear thereof extending 200 feet therefrom or of those directly opposite thereto extending 200 feet from the street frontage of such opposite lots: such amend- ment shall not become effective except by a 2/3 vote of the Board of Commissioners. SECTION 34 VALIDITY OF ORDINAN~ If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause; phrase or provision o~ this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance as a Whole or any part or provisions thereof other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconstitutional. ! [J D 117 D SECTION 35 WHEN EFFECTIVE WHEREAS, on.account of the congestion in the streets of the City of West University Place and the danger from fire, , panic, and the undue concentration and congestion of population, and the lack of adequ,ate Ordinances and provisions controlling the cans~ruction and use of buildings and other structures, within :tl1.e City of West Uni versi ty Pla,ce, and the lack of regu- lations ,restricting and regulating the use to which lands and buildings of the City of West University Place may be devoted, creates an urgency and an emergency in behalf of the public D peace, health, safety and genaral welfare, necessitating that this Ordinance become effecti,ve immediately upon its passage n and approval, and publication as required by law. PASSED M1-n APPR OVED thi s the A. D. 193'7. ATTE,ST: . of June , ~# 01 . SECRETARY D : t.'<'S.',;,':,\ Ci'r. .....~.,;;.;~ J-' :~ -,....: . -.:,.- , :,,:::; \ , ':~"(1 "0, - . ~"';'>/,:'..~-_.'~' ...~1"" "" ~;I ~l q '.'tl \ \ 1'\ ",;rc~ ;\J-,,\~' .' .' . , ~ ' f~f~ /V_I,!17 ~~ J!;/~ -- ,'~ ~ Ji ) .~;:;;'''r' ..11 i.~""'~=~' ~ (., jLt~" / ~ ,jJ/IP7 dfVH.. ~~ . JI~ttJ ~~ ~.. ':,). i'" ~ [----- 1.1 '~.J:i:':;L-