HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 110 - regulations for stopping and parking vehicles 90. ORDINANOE 'NUMBER / 10 [ AN ORDINANOE PRESORIBING REGULATIONS FOR STOPPING AND PARKING VEHIOI,E:S WI'lHIN THE OORPORATE LIMITS OF THE OITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAOE;CREATING TRVOK ZONES AND REGULATING THE mRKING OF VEHIOES THEREIN; PRESCRIBIN G THE LENGlJ'H OF TIME AND THE MANNER OF STOPPING OR PARKIN~ SUCH VEHICmS; PRO- HIBITING THE STOPPING OR PARKING OF VEHIOLES IN FRONT OF ANY THEATRE WITHIN SAID OITY, WITHIN GERlJ'AIN HOURS AND ON CERTAIN DAYS; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANOE: PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANOES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH ARE RE- PEALED; PROVIDIJ;rG THAT IF PARTS OF THIS SAID OR- DINANCE ARE DEOLARED UNOON8TITUTIONA:L OR VOID, NO, OTHER PART HEREOF SHALL BE EFFEOTED THEREBY; AND, DEOLARING WHEN THIS ORDINANOE SHALL BEOOME EFFEC- TIVE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF OOMMISSIONERS OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAOE: SECTION I. Exlclept l-. ~slotherwiJ.t. hsei sPtheCifi CallYtProlvii~etd ifn tthhiS CO i" rtdin:nwce ~ t " [ a V~~J.C es,.w n e corpora e mJ. s oe , y o~ es ~I University Place, shall be stopped or parked parallel xo the curb and within not mor~ than two feet thereof and on their right-hand side of said street or highway. SEOTION II. Vehicles shall be stopped or parked at an angle of 45 degrees in the front or at the side of any store, theatre, or other business establishment, with the right front wheel or tire (or the front wheel or tire, if there be only one) of said vehicle touching the curb and on its right-hand side of said street or highway. SEOTION III. No vehicle shall remain stopped or parked in the same place in front or at the side of any store or other business establish- ment for a longer period of time than 30 consecutive minutes. SECTION IV. No vehicle sh~ll park in; front of the entrance of any theatre or at .the side thereof, wi thin said city between the llours of D.' 12 o'clock noon andlO o'clOCk P.M. SEOTION V. There are hereby creat,e.d wha.t shall be des1,gnated as truck 91 Section V. Continued [ zones wi thin said City. One such truck zone shall commence at a point where the prolongation af the. East wall of the University Theatre, located just West of the drainage ditch on University Boulevard, if extended South would contact the street curb; and for a distance of 10 feet to the East there- of ~ Another such truck zone shall commence at a point where the prolongation of the West wall of said University Theatre, if extended South woul.d contact the street curb, and for a distance of lO feet to the West thereof. These said truck zones thall be used exclusively for trucks and commercial vehicles engaged in hauling goods and materials to and from any store, theatre or other business establishment within saidl>'us7ness district, between the hours of 7 o'clock A.M. snd 7 o'clock P.M. on any week day, except Saturday, and' on. Saturday from 7 o'clock .A.M. to lO o'clock P~M. No other vehicle shall park wi thin said truck zone between the. hoUrs of 7 o'clock A. M. and 7 o'clock P.M. on any week day except Sa turday, and on saturday from 7 0' clo ck A.M. to lO 0' clock P.M. SECTION VI. 0-1 I . i It shall be unlawful for any vehicle to stop or park on any public street or highway within the City alongside of or parallel DO any other vehicle that is stopped or parked on any pub lie street or highway wi thin said City; or, in the rear of any other vehicle parked at an angle~ as required by Section II of this Ordina~ce. SECTION VII. Any person, firm, association or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction shall be fined in any amount not to exceed $lOO.OO. SECTION VIII. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION IX. D If any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase or prOVision of this ordinance shall be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part of the provisions there- of, other than the part so decided to be invalid or unconsti- tutional. f. ~ L1 ""1':""!'":I:::1 . . 'i: I. 92 SECTION X. J This ordinance shall be in force ~ediately after its passage~ approval~ and publication required by. law. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE A. D. 193'7. , - 1 ATTEST: 12.- J;~ Iq~1 rV4 't ~I~, hflf'J- " ;/ fl , ~ ~"t?' /dJ~~ ~ VI1:. ,A~ / i .......~ , il Il