HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 108 Levying taxes for 1936 ........ ,,;. . l 8~8 ORDlliAN CE NUMBER I () ~ D AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1936 FOR AND WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AGAINST ALL TAXABLE PRO PBR TY IN SAID CITY FOR ALL MUNICIPAL PURPOSES AND PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDINANCE TAKE EFFECT I~mEDIATELY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: SECTION I. That there be and the~e is here by levied against all taxable property within the corporate limits of the City of West Universj.ty Place, Texas, Texas, as the same e.xlUlted;~on the first day of January 1936, and ad valorem tax .of and at the rate of One Dollar and Fifty Cents $l.50 on each One Hundred Dollars valuation of property in said City for the purpose of raising revenue for all m1Ulicipal purposes, for the year 1936, as provi- ded by the Laws of this state. 'Said tax is hereby segregated, and levied, more in de- tail for the following purposes, to wit: '-I ing fund, P~~~i~~:gP:~0$;0~~8~~~g r;~~~~: ~~~d~r~:-~~;e sink- IJ dated on or about April lOth, 1936, on each $lOO.OO valuation of taxable property. For the purpos e of providine; f or the paymen t of legal obliations. on the 'lOO.OO valuation of taxa- bleproperty. For the purpose of providins funds for maintaining and operating expenses . on the ilOO.OO valuation of taxa- ble prop arty. There being no rule of this Commission requiring Ordinance to be read or passed at more than one meeting, it is fur- there ordained that this Ordinance take effect and be in force from and after its passage. PASSllD AND APPROVED this the 2-d . day of~ 19J{, ATTEST'. J ~g Ci ecretary Mayor o '\' ;-