HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 104 Limiting number of animals 44 ORDINAN CE NUMBER I to If AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY .PER~ONl' FIRM OR CORPORATION, T.o GRAZE OR COOFINEON ANY PROPERTY WITHIN THE COR PORATE LIMITS OF. THE CITY OF WEST UNIV:ERSITY PLACE, ANIMALS, AS STATED IN THIS ORDINANCE, LIMITING THE NUMBER, PRESCRIB- ING A PENALTY FOR THE VIO:Jl!rION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENcY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONlRS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI TY PIA CE: lJ SECTION I. On and after July 15, 1936l' it shall be unlawful for anY.person, firm or corporation to stable, graze or confine, or have on its, or their premises, wi thin the corporate lim- its of the City of West University, a greater number of head or heads of livestock, horses, mules, orassesl' or fowls than is set forth hereinafter as fo llow s, wl1.i ch is based on area of land, owned, leased, or rented, exclusive of improved prop- erty in such area of land, owned, leased, or rented. SECTION 11. Not more than one head of the following 11 vestock, or one domestic .animal a s listed mtily be kept, confined, stabled, lJ or grazed on any lot or plot of' land, unless such lot .or plot ~ . of l&lnd, owned, leased, or rented may ba ve in its boundaries more than 5,000 sqare feet of land, exclusive of any improve- ments t~reon: SECTION III. Ass Bull Cattle Cow Horse Mule < Stallion Steer SECTION IV. Where lot or plot of land may have more than 10,000 square feet of land, exclusive of improvements thereon, within its boundaries, two head of livestock, or two domestic animals may be kept, confined, stabled, or grazed, as described in pre- ceeding paragraph, 'i SECTION V. When lot or plot of land contains more than 20,000 square feet of land within its boundaries, application may be 0 made to council, far permll>sion to keep, confine, stable, or graze, more than two head of' livestock, or two danestic animals, .. and such application Will be granted or denied after considera- tion of its effect on maintaining a healthful, and sanitary. conditions within the City, ~ut council shall be without authori-- Section V. Continued D ty to grant or deny permission for keeping, confining, stabl- ing, or grazing of cattle for purpose, .or intention of main- taining a dairy, for the sellihg of milk, cream, or butter wi thin the City 11mi ts before notice to the public of such pending application is posted at three places within the City limits, and the granting of a :e:1gbtto be heard at next regu- lar meeting date in favor, of , or in protest of such applica- tion. SECTION VI. On and after July 15, 1937, possession of live ducks or geese, are prohibited in plotted areas, within the City limi ts, except for slaughter for human consumption within '1 days, from their possession, within the City, except permit may be granted by Council to breeders of ducks, or geese when sanitary conditions are such as to justify granting penuit under application filed. D SECTION VII. VIOlATION OF THIS, OR ANY PART OF THIS ORD:D:NANCE BY ANY P:ERSON, FIRM, CORPORATION SHALL BE FINED NOT IESS THAN FIVE ($5.00) DOLLARS, AND NOT MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED ($200.00) DOLLAR S, EACH DAY OF SUCH VI OLATION TO BE CONSIDERED A SEPA- RATE OFFENSE AGAINST MAINTENANCE OF A :HEALTHFUL AND SANITARY CONDITION WITHIN THE CITY. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 'THE /! A. D. 193..4.... day of 1'7n( I Mayor ATTEST: ~~ D. ~. [. 45 ,