HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 97 Providing meeting time Equalization Board L S'O ORDINANCE N.9,#!,.. AH ORDDTQrGE PROl'IDJ:.NG FOR'fiISr TIME" OF' THE. MEF:rING OF' 'TBES.OARD OFEQUALIZATIOll OF'THE CITY OF WEST UNlVERS:rry B:LACE, TEXAS FOR THE YEAR 1935; PROVIDING .mEIR DUTIES AWl> THEIR CO:MPENSATrOll; PROVIDJ:NG THAl!" THIS ORD~ INANCE SHALL TAKE 'EB'J'ECTAW BE II FULL FORCE IMMEDIATELY UPON,HlSSAGE AND APPROVAL, ABl)'-DECL1RIBG 'AN" EM!:ErGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE OITY OJ' WES" UNIVmSITY m.ACE:' o SECTION I. . ''the Board o~ Equalization ~or the year 1935 of 8a14 01ty of West..1Jn1vers1ty P'la ee, Texas, shall meet at the .C1t:7 ~l in said City 01117 ?e{~.19~5at/O .. o' clock /f, /VI, and from day to day. thereafter as 8ba;11 be . determ~ned upon by sa1d Board, to receive all assessment 11sts and books of the Ass8s,or or sald Clty of West UD1v- . .. . . o .. . e~81t7 aace, for e.xam1n..~1on, c()rrectioJ?-:', ~9.ua~lzatioz:t, '~,~~ ~ppr~ls8!D-ent and ~pprov~l, .~d for the purpose of doing any and a 11 other things required of 1 t b7 Ord1nan~es .r the C1ty of West Unlversity Pl. ee, Texa~, and the Laws of the State of Texas relatlng thereto. SECTION II. .t The eompen-a.t1on to be paid each member of the Beard of Equalization shall be .F,lTe Dollars ( $5.00) per Qa7 for each day that they serve, or are in meeting, which shall not exceed ten days from date setforth 1n section 1. SECTION III. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its PASSAGE- and APPROVAL. 't:4 t , ' PAS~ED. ~ nd APPROVED ~h18".0' - day of ~- A.D. 193~ _ f}JkL A >v Attest::J~.. -t# ~'\ D. J... . -