HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 96 Creating the office of Assistant City Attorney '; 7' ~, ~.. 28 OBDIIAlfCE NO.~__ . UOtDJ:NANCEUREAlfilfG'''THE-'OFncz W'ASSIST- ANT cn-TY Ai'TOR1IEY"OFo"THE'CITY'0P WEST.UNIV- ER:SITY PtiACE'Jl?HlmCRIBllG -..mE. DU'x:LES n-' . CONNECTION TBl1.REWITIf AND PROVIDnf(J' -TlJAf SAIDOBDIlfANCE BROum'TAKE EFFEOf A1\ID BE , , IN FOROEIMMEDIATELY J'ROl4THE DATE OF I'lS PASSAGE AIm APPRofi;t... LJ BE ..1'1' ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF ns'.f UNlvmSITY !LAOE:; SECTION I. ~here is here created the otfice oot Assiatant Oity' Attorn., of the City ot WestUn1veralty Blace. SEOTION II. .'lb.e J4ayo~, by and with thecon~.nt of the Bear4~ or Commissioners, 1s author~.zed to appoint not more tban two Asslstan~,eity Attorneys. SEOTION III. The appointment ot each respective 01ty Attorney shall ~. . . I] be t~r two 7eill"S,. ~~!1~e4, how~v~r, _ tha~ ~ n~. ca~e _~l:'&ll . ~~.t.~r..~.1~J:.\g;~~.~lod ot_~~e_ than the ,next succeeding ~1~i.~~ ~~~~t~~1?- to11ow~ said, respective appointments, .. ,provided, however, that the services of my Assistant; City Attorney may be terminated at any time within said two- - - - . - - year priod, without cause, by action ot theB_rd of eOill- missiQners of .the Oity ot West._Univers1t7 P'lace. SEC~ION 'IV. 'lhe dut1es of said Assistant 01t,rAttorney or Cit7 Attorneys shall be to represen.t.theClty of West Univ- ersity in cr1m'nal 'eases tiled in the Corporation Court in said city and to represent the city 1n all cxd.minal cases appealed from the.Corporat10n Court. of' said city, (Continued to Eage 29) n D D o 29 SECTION IV. (Continued) and to ~erform such other and further duties as may be Rl'eser1bed from. time to time by the Mayor and lor the Board of Commissioners. SECTION V. 11' any se~tion 01' t1.ds crd1nan~e be tor _ any reason unconsti tutlonal or illegal the remaining. s~ction or sec- tions shall nevertheless remain in full force and e1'fect. SECTION VI. .Th1s ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately from arid -after date of' its p~sage and approval. . .. PASSED and APPROVED this the .!.:t.daY of April, A. D. .1935. -A~ '/.>1, 'CIfi~ ' ctfIJ~ _t" :I ,r