HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 95 Creating the office of Electrical Inspector .----r- 18 ORDDlANCE. NO. 95. .0 ORDINANCE FClt SAFEGUARDDIG LIFE- AND PROPERTY; CREA!ING !BE OrFICE JQF ELEC.. fRIOAL INSPECTION Am> PROVIDING FOR SELECTION AND APPOIN'f.M~ ()F CHIEi' ELECTRICAL ',INSPECTOR' UD ASSIsTANT ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR; SETTING FORTH 'THEm DUTIES AND BIGHTS UNDER !HIS ORDINANCE;;' PROVIDING FOR PERMI'? BErORE INSTALLING; REPAIRING OR MAKING ADDITIONS TO WIRING., MOTORS, IIi APPARATUS USING ELECTRICAL ENERGY; PROVIDING FOR ~ CREATION OF AND SELEOTION OF A BOARD OF ELECTRICAL EXAMINliRS FOR THE LIC- ENSING OJ' ALL PERSONS INSTALLI:NG, RE- PAIRING OR MAKING ADDITIONS TO, WIRING, MOTORS OR APPARATUS AND SmTING FORTH PJlUvIIT AND LICENSE CHARGE; REPEALING ORDINANCE 1/66 AND, ALL ORDINANCES IN OONFLICT TEIEBEWI'l'H MD DECLlRINGAN liXERGENCY. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSIfi PLACE:: . o SECTION I. 'RT.'ROI'f'R TeA T. l~g"P.Ji!OTOR .I There 1s hereby ereated the off'ice of Electr1calIn- D spector of. the C1t7of' Wes~Un1versity 12-1ao1'_ Oompr1sing a '- Ch1~t Electrical Ins~c'tor, an assistant Electr:Lcal Inspect.. or and;. C'ity Secretary. The persons ,chosen to f"il1 the ~fti~e . . \ '.. ~ shall be well versed in approved methods of electrical oon- "- . - _. - ", - .- struetion f"or saf'ety to life and property, the. Statutes o~, the State or TeDs >r~lat1ng to eleetr:Leal work, this ord.1n- -. . . - anee ,and all oth~r,. ordinances ~tthe City of" W~st University 1'lace eOl:Ulected, with-i;he. subject matter, h~reo~, an~ Gthe1' installation and saf'ety rules and standards approved by the Ameriean Standards Assooiation. SECTION II. APPOINTMENT, SALARY AND DU'l'IES OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR ----... !. o ARTIOLE I. . J (Cont1nued.topage 19) o u o. (Continued from HagelS) AR!rICLE I. (Continued) ~'rhe Chief Electrical Inspector and Assistant E1ectri- cal Inspector, shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice, consent and approval of the Board of Commissioners for a per- i04 or two years, or until,replaced or until his a~ccessor i-s appointed and qualified. AR1'IOLE- II. 19 A Chief Electrical IJ.1speetor. before entering upon -thi dischaJ:'ge of his d'\lties, shall file a bona in th!l SUll of One!houaand Dollars' ($1000.00), payable to the City of west University Plae.e; said" bond -to'be approved by City Coun- -e11 Iild conditioned upon the ,ralthful performance of 111s duties. \ - -" \ \ ,. - -... ~- . ~ - He shall al-so'tak'e_ and subscribe to. an_ oCl,'thWhieh ~~get~r with the certificate of his appointment- shall be..filed:with the City Clerk. A:!!!ICLE III. The Chief Electrical Inspector and Assistant Electrical Inspector shall receive such 'compensation ,as may be prov1.ded from' tiine.to time by the City Oouncil. SEC!rION III. c-- RIGH'r OF ACCESS TO BUILDINGS Said Electrical Inspector shall have the ~~gnt during reasonable hours tC?enter any.bu11din~ in the dlscbal'ge of his official duties, or wherever it may take within the City - - tor'the' purpose of making an electrical inspection or test - "... . of th~.1ns.~allation of elect~ie w1ring~ electric devices and orelectr1c ~ater1al eontain~d there1n~and, s~ll.ha!e the author1 tyto cause the turning off of. a~l ~1e.~trieal currents and cut or disconnect in cases of emergency any wire where (Continued to Rage 20) :I 11 I l 20 (Continued from P.ge 19) such e1ectr1cal currents are dangerous to life or pro~~ . '01' m.y interfere with the work of the Fire Department. /' SECTION IV. PJmMITS lJ ARTIOLE I. No installation or additions in wiring sl1al1be made in any building or on the premise!!, nor shall apy bu1l~g be wired. for the placing of any electric lights, motors ~ heat~ng deviee~, or any apparatus reqUiring the use ofelec- tr1cal current, nor shal~ any. a1teratiQ~s < be made in the . wiring in any building after inspection, without first not- ifying the Electrical Inspector and securing a permit there- for, exde:pt m~nor repair work, _ sl:lch as replacing flush and snapswitch~s, rep~ae1ng fuses, changing lam~ sockets an~ receptaCles, taping bare jaunt. and repairing drop cords. [J In all app11cations for ~ pe~1t f~r_wiring as set forth in de~~ri:pt10n o~_ t~e work to be done,s~ll ~e made. by the perso~, f~rm orcorpo~ation ~stal11ng .same and ~rmit when. issued shall be to Buell applicant. This section shall not ' apply to maint.snance and repairs on t1).e premises of a person, firm or eorper~tion r~f?U1~:t'I~ ~pl,?ying ~ experienced Journeymen electricians for that purpose. ARTICLE II. . Application for such < pe-r,mit, describing the work to' be done~ shall be in writing to the 01 ty Secretary by thed person, firm or cor~Gra tion installing the work. and ~the - permit, when issusd, Bball bs to. such applicant. The :QSilson, '0 f~ 01'_ corporation mak1~g application tor such ~~t 8~11 state tnthe application, the size of conductors to be used in or upon any building for all se1:'v1e~s, mains, feeders (Oontinued to Baae 21) 21' ARTIOLE II (Continued) . .. and sUb-feeders, the -.reas to be served by such conduct..- - - D ~ . ors and the basis used in computing the required sizes ". \. ~, . " . of B~chn con~uct~rs--and, s~ll wh~ll required by th~ eleot- r1e.~1 1ns:pee~or ,~1~e w1 th ~m_: eOlllP~ete "planll 8lld spec- . it1cat1ons to~ the ~stalla~i~ns s~w1ng sizes of all ~. ~ conductors and such other details as may be necessary to . , . . . . determine whether the installation as described 11'111 be . - . in c.ontormity with the requirements of tb:1.s ordinance. . - .. . ~b.e ~!t,when issu~d, sba~l be torsu,?h_~n8'tallat:lon Ii.. .". .., . as '1s describe4, 1n the aRP1~~a!ion and no ,deviation shall ~ ~ . be made from the installation so described without the o . .. . written approval ot the electrical inspector. ARTICI.E 111: _,l{operm1t. fo~ the instl1ilat~~<?~ e~ ant .~lect~!<:: ,:>....- :"" .. .~... .' -. ,,~~g.dev1ces, equipm.e:Q,t, .,o:r;a. ,electrical work .,b,.e~e._,_ .~;-::. ':~"""';"-'-'. _-.-..-- .-' - .'."- "-... '. '- ~..~.~ ~-_. '-':';:~~'-'~""':':"; r'.~:..,:: .-e:t'm1t ~~ ~eqU1red ~de.1"_ tll~.terms. ..o~ t~s__o:t'~~~~e, ~CJ . ~Y ~:pel'sQ~, t1rm or ~or~r~t~on.:a~~~~_ sllid ~.r!J~n_".~1rm - ~ . ., - - . ~l'cerRDration ha~ d~~__~~~1f~ed 'l1!l~er _ ~~ _~~~ _an~ __ ,... .. . . ,. cenditions of this ardbance to do and _pirtorm said work. . , . SECi.eION V ., FEES FOR PERMITS AND. INSPECTIONS ART! OLE 1.. The rollow1ng perm! t .Q,nd j.nspectlon tees shall . -. - - - bt) e~ged,. _ imd befGX'~ 8m" je1'mi t is gt-anted. the requisite - -1" o tee,s~ll bepa1d in c.sh to the City 01' West)Jn1veJ'slty ,. m.a,c'~:e InaJpect;Lon.. fees sball ,,-180 be paid in cash to the. Oity.of' West l,Jn~vers1'ty 1!lace. _ (1) Electrie wiring. tor ~1~ts, t~a, ~" h~a~ing -dev1eesin either conduit, coneeaied knob and tube or . . . openwork, TwentY.!!IOFive (2Srt> pel' outlet tor the f1rst ten outlets; Fi~teen (lsrt) per outlet for the second ten outlets;- (Oontlnu.ed to Page 22) .,-~-' . ~ ~' ~ . . . . 22' SECTIO,'. .v. . ARTICLE ~(C0ntinued) Tell Cents (lO~)'perolltlet thereatter. (2) I1.1um1nat1ng 81gns, per,s1gn, $l.GO. (3) Illuminated bill-b~ard8--at the same rate as other light outlets. (.4) For motel's of one-~lt horse.power or OVal', $1.00 per motor; fer motors where used on regular 11ght~ng 81st-. ..' o! under one-halt' horse-po~.e:r t tJ:l18 s~ll be ~ncluded as ene of the outlets ot the regular light mg system. (5) New service connectioDs, .1.00. . . . (6) lIew meter",loop, $1.00. (7) Bew service and.a metel'-loop~u$l.~. . . Inspecting tempora17 installations, $1.00. . . . (7) (8) (9) (10) Electric range, $l.QO. Electric water-heater, $1.00. SECTION VI. INS~C,~iQl Up~n th~ c!>~pletion o~ ~~e_w~in~.or other electrical ~~~~a:r1.~.~1~~ ~~_ ~'!'.,. ~~~d1n~.1ts~11 beu~h~ a.~ty Of.. the p~_ , ~~n~.!~~.or~o~~ratlen 1n~t~l~~n~ the ~ame to notify the . . ~~e~tr1c,!-~ ~~p~~~?n.c:1e~~~l:l~' !~ ,~~~~ ~!e ~uch in- stallation inSpected within twenty-f"our hours of the time -. - - '.'- .. . '-.~ 8uch notice is given. All wires wh1cll are to be. ~dde~ tJ.'~ v~ew shall ~e_ i~8pected before ee.nce~~en~) and,' 8.nl' pe~S,OD,. :t1rm ,Q"tt. cOl'pora1;i:.on. 1nstall1ngauch wires 8ball notify the Electr1calIn:apee1:1on Department.. qpyh.g~eil~7- tour hours in wb4eh tOiJ,. ke- the required inspection be;f'~:J:te . - . -- - - _. . ~.. -. - - - ~ - - - - - - . . such w11'ea are concealed. It upon 1ns];8ctlon the InstalliLt10n ..... -- ~ .--"- .. --' --.. -...... ..~---- ...... '-"~'~,_._~,~--~_......."-_.. ..~--~~ _....~,,_..- '-"'~-'---U__''''._''''-'_'''''''i . is not found to be fully in com.pliance.with thisor.d1nance, (Oontinued to Page 23) o " [ o D D o SEOTION VI. (Continued) the. ~e~. Eleet~l~al Ip8pec~or~hall at o~ce not1fy 1n writ1ng 01' otherw1se the ,efson,t11'm or'col'porat1Gn 1n- ,- ~ -~-' ~ 23 sta:L~~~.sa~e, 1J~~t1n~_the de~e~t~~l'lh1~h have.1,l~en round to exist. Noconneet1on to the electrical service 01' t~n- ing on of electrical current shall be perm1tted until said .. .. .. n. _ ~. _." ~._ . ... _ _ _.. _ w detects have been remedied and corrected and inspected by the. Cb1~t Electrical Inspector or Assi.tant Electrical In~ spector. If said electrical 1n8talla~lons and 'work 1s found to be tully_ in" c~;pli~ce wi ~h. th1~ ~~d1~ce and do~s not constitut~. ~ hazard. to _ :ti~~_~~ pl'~per.~~~ . ~~ s~U 1s~ue"t~ . ~u~~ ~rs~n,.f'~rm. or ~~rl>o~a~~on _.f~,!.. d!l~!~~r _~. the. o\9Il~r, ~ .~~~~~~~eate. ot.1n~peet1()n_~~tht)~izin~.c,?~e~~~o~_~<? the . . e~eetr.1cal service and .the turning on or the current;.'ptto~ . . _.. - . Tided, however, that no ~uch. c~t1t~c~te shall be issued". until, i,., perm! t and inspection fees sball have been paid"'. in cash to the City of West University aace. SECTION VII. REIXSPECTION. . : . .The CMef' E~eetrical Inspector. Sb.al~ IQ.ake .-erloC\1~al-. .11' 'a thoro~_in!lpectlo~ or re1n8~~~1eD_ of' ~h~_1n~~lla~lon in l?~1c:u.ng8 of all.elee~r~~ :!1ring, "elec:tr1e.~~~1ees &lld elect1-1c material nQW 1astalled or tbat may h~eatter be . .. ~stalled. within..the 01ty of West.Unib~~sity Plac~,ancii .when the.installa~iol1 of any such Wiring,. devices aD.d/or '. . - .. ~ - -.'- - - - '"- ~ .- mater~a~ .i~ found. to _ be in a dan~~rous 01'. unsafe ~ond~~if.)~ . the p~rson, f1rm or corPf.)~a~lon_o'W111ngJ. .!181~~ ~~ _~~e~~t~~.. the s~e shall be notlfl~_I!-m._ts~l~ _~ak~ ~~~ ..~e~e~s~y' re- ~1P~ ,~~ ~~g~.s_ ~e9-~e~:to p~ee. ~~c~.!h'~~, ~eviees. and . ~1;el'ia~ ~. a sa~e._ ~ol:\d1t!on _.~~_!1&ve 8.,:\ch w~~ completed within fifteen 48.78,01' any longer period specified by the (Oontinued to Rage 24) 24 ... .~ .SECTIOW' 'VU'. (Continued) Electrical.' IU8pec:tor in .8&id notice. 'lhe electrieal in- ..->.. ,~ . ~pe~t()r 1. hereby empowerCMl to disconnect or order~he" dillco1it1nuanee ef; e~ectr1cal service to such: w1r-1ng. .4e- . .viees a:nd/or material so found to be defectively -installed until the installation of such wiring, deY1ces and mate1!lal bas been-ma4e safe as directed by the .Eleotrical Inspe0tor. [] SECTION.VIII. . COl.fStR~RI~~JtfE~ Bo certlf'1cate of 1nspe~tion shall 'be issued UJlless' the!t1ee~1e lights, .~w~~" :tl~a~~8__ ~t~l~~t~~~~, and,.a11 , t)1;~er _ e:Le~tr.1e~1~sta11ations,~~_ ~ ~~1ct ,conformity. w1 th the provisions of tb1s ord1nanee and the Statutes. .of ~ tae st. te . ot Texas, ,and unless ~hey are 1~, conform1 tiT:Wi th the. approved !letb.od~ (Jf _ CG~tructi~n tor aat'ety' to lit.'... ID.tlpZ!Op81'!ty and the 1'egulaU..... as laid. dewn 1D. the ,]fat-- . D 10nal Standards Association,. and 1nthe lfat10nal El.et~i~" eal Satety Code, as "PIrOTed by the Amer1can Stamlards' . ~sso~1ilt1on, and other 1nstallat1onan4safety. regulations ,approved Dr the .American. Stan4ards Aa"oclat1on, all ot,wh1ch shall. '&e pr1m.a fac1e e,,1dence of ~uch ~pprove4met:bod8. .' 'D~.QJ !-X.~, c:> RECORDS' OF 'PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS ' ..<....1"'t ..... '." The Electrical Inspection Department shall keep camp- '~ete recor~s, of all permits 1ssued a:Bd inspections _4.; and other otficial W'orko 1'8 r'ltormed Under the provisions of tb1a ., ordinance.' SECTION.X. REVIE.W o ~4': When the.. Chief' Electrical Inspecto~ or. Assistant (Oontinued to Eage.25) SEOTION.X. (Continued) o Electrical Irispector condemns all or part ot any electrical ins~a.lla~~Gn or rei~spectedw1r1ng of a. ~ui~d~g or,where ~ef'ects are t~'UI!-d by them. tllil t ~arrants _ ~e~1rS or changes ,in order to prevent disconnection ordisconttnuance of elect- - .~ ...... . ~ . .. rical service, the owner may, wi thin five. days atter recei v- .. . _ _ __ ., . _ . 4 _ _ ~ ~ .. _ _ ~_, _. . _ . _ , _~ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . i~~ ~itten__n~~iee from the Electrical Inspe!lti,?n Department ti~~a~et1ti~n ~.wr~t~ng for review ot. said act10n of the e:Lectr.lcal_~sp'~e.~~:r: ~~th_~he _ Cl~yColmeil. of W~st TJniv- ers~tr_~l~c~~ where~p~~. theCouneil aha~l_ set said appeal down for hearing and shall notlfy the owner of the date ot .... ... - - - - ~ . . ~a~d beari~g. ~e_ Couneil ahall thereupon render 11;s de- cision 1f~eh sball _ ~e _ fina~ and binding and from wh1~b no appeal. sha1.l be pposecuted. u " . SECTION XI. BOARD OFELECTRIOAL EXAMINmS 25 , b ARTICLE I. - . There is here created a Board ot Electrical ~iners - " of the Oity o~ West University Elace which shall "consiat of - three members, who shall be appointed by the Mayor by and with 'the consen't of the Baed of Commissioners, of which the Electrical Inspector shall.. constitute a member. lIem- " - . I bers other than the 1napectQr shall possess such quall.- . '.. - - .. - ~. " - -- tlcat10ns as would entitle them to ,receive a license under this ard.1nanee.' " ARTIOLE II. This Board shall be appointed for a period of two - - .... ~.. - o years or until replaced or their successors are appoint- ed and qualified. (Continued 'to Page 26) ,. )( 26 AR~IOLE III. . . 1I~ p~~~~n. Shal~,.1:>e p~~~ t~e!i to do electrical 1f1r~~ of any character or electrical work within the Oity ot West . .' -. --,_. ~.. . ,~ "- - . t ., o ~~~ !.ers~~! _ ~a!-,e. (~cep1i~hat. wll1.ch ~sspe~if'~ea11y so ~o- ~~~~ ~re1n) . w~~out fir~t. !J~tain~g .e.-. l;~~~~~.:tr<?m, ~~.,. B~~~~t E:L~c~:t'~~al. ~~n~r~... Sal~. ~~c~~.e~. when. ebt~1n- ad.. shall be carried upon their person and. shall be ppotiu~ed when rElquest theretor 1s made by the. Electl!ical InapeeWl!. . ARTICLE IV.. -. .- . No 'person' shall be issued a . license by said Boar4 of EI.ctr~cal ~m1ners ~lthout.t1rst D&y~gtothe Cltyot Wes~,'U~1versity P'lace, a tee !nthe sura of Fifteen Dol~aJrs ~_ ,_ ~ T __.__.__,., . __H_ --- ~---~.l'-t'~ ',. :,.. ~.15.00), which ~ee 8bal~entitle ~aid pers~n to a 11cenae to.7! _ ~.J)erlod. of one year.. Pttovided, however, that $..id ~1cense may be renewed ~om year tc:>> "(ear by the pa,ment of Pit teen Dollars ($15.00) a.year, unless same be re- voked as horeinafter prov1ded. [J AR!IOm V. lii..ch pErson, be1'o,:,e be.ine; 1ssued a llcEtnse, shall,. .1~o..be required to execute a bond with two good a~ ~ut.' tlelen't sure'tles . or a sure'ty company, in the sum of One ~~"san~ ($1,000.00) Dollars, palyable to the C1ty of West. . . UD~Ve1'81ty mace, and. conditioned upo!! the talthfu14is-;- charge of b.1s .duties and the p.~ent ot all tees due. the Cit7 of West University E:-1ace. ARTICLE VI~ .b.. ., Licenses granted hereunder shall be non.-t:ransferable. SECTION XII. o P'RWAJ.lPT'F.R li'OR VTOT.AIfITOW. - ARTICLE I. Any person fQtmd gu11!iY' of violating this ord- (Oontinueu to Page 2~) SECTION XII. 27 ARTICLE I. (Continued) l ~anc~ 8~11 b~ .~eeD1ed ~lt1 .of a misdemeanor and upon ~oIlv1c~iQn thereof 'hall. ~e . tine(.\ 1n ~n7 sum. not ex- ee~d1ngOn~ Hundred" (.l~~.OO) Dollars. Each se:rarate ylo1atlon shall"be deemed an offense. ARTIcm II. In addition to the penaltleshereinabove provided an7 '. . ~ontractor h()ld1n~ a. license under this ordinance ~ upon a ~1~~at1on of same, m&yhaveh1s license cancelled. ARTICLE III. Any corporat10n or other organization shall be deem- ed a person 'within the purview of this Gl".d1nanee, and the '. . penalties herein provided. u . SECTION XIII. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force im- mediately.from and atter its passage, approval and publi- cation as required by law. IWlSEIland APPROVED th1s the .$-da7 ~ A. D., 1935 ATTEST:~ . ~ O?~~ - o