HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 92 Authorizing an agreement with Layne-Texas for water [] n ....1..1 . :u 15 ORDINANCE 92 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO. EXECUTE AN AGREE- MENT WITH LAYNE-TEXAS CCMPANY FOR THE PURCHASE FROM SAID COMPANY OF WATER AT fA MAXIMUM OF $1<00.00 PER MON,TH FROM A CERTAIN WELL DRILLED BY . LAYNE-TEXAS COMPANY1IN. ORDER THAT THE CITY WATER WORKS MAY RENDER ADEQUATE SERVICE; SAID CONTRACT TO PROVIDE THAT AFTER SAID CITY HAS MADE THIR TY-TWO CO NSE CUT I VE MONTHLY P AYl'v1ENT S TOTALING $3, 052.00, WITH ~ INTEREST PER ANNUM FROM AUGUST 10, 1934, SAID COMPANY WILL CONVEY TO THE CI'I'Y SAID WELL AND PUMPING EQUIPMENT PERTAINING THERETO FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL INDEBT- EDNESS: DECLARING AN EMERGENCY: AND, PROVIDE THAT THIS ORDINANCE TO BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT IMMEDIATELY AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: . SECTION 1. The Mayor is authorized to execute on behalf of the City of West University .Place a certain contract between said city and Layne-Texas Company, a corporation doing business at Houston, in Harris County, Texas, pertaining to the furnishing of water to said City by said Company, said contract to be in t~e form and contain the conditions and stipulations as set forth in a coPu of same attached to this ordinance as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes, the same as if specifically set forth in the body of this ordinance. I Section 2. There is appropriated out of the income frQm the water revenues of the City the sum of $100.00 per month, or so much .thereof as may be necessary to payoff and discharge the obligation imppsedupon said City by this said contract between it and Layne- Texas Company in accordance with the copy hereto attached as Exhibit f1AfI, and this appropriation i,8 hereby made a lien and charge upon such income. Section 3. The fact that the City of West University Place is at this time without adequate water supply and it is threatened with a lack of water, and that the expense herein authorized is nec- essary in the' opinion of this body in order to render adequate water service, and the further fact that this lack of water creates a dangerous fire hazard, creates an emergency and this ordinance should take effect and be in full force immediately from and after its pas- sage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this, the ~S- day O~~ 1935 ~/Js{ ,. ~~. i . ":.!1 .