HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1614 - zoning ; townhouses and higher density residential uses
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WHEREAS, the City Council and the Zoning & Planning Commission
("Z&PC")of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") have held a
joint public hearing on a proposal to amend the Zoning Ordinance of the
City, as last reformatted and readopted by Ordinance No. 1493, adopted
December 19, 1994 ("Zoning Ordinance"), with companion amendments to
Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances; and
WH EREAS, the Z&PC has made a final report to the City Council with
respect to such amendments, which report is attached as Exhibit A and .
made a part of this ordinance; and
WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the report of the Z&PC
and is of the opinion that the proposed amendments should be adopted, as
more fully set out herein;
Section 1. The Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as indicated in
Attachment A~ 1 to the report of the Z&PC, which is attached as Exhibit A
and made a part of this ordinance. Chapter 20 of the Code of Ordinances is
hereby amended as indicated in Attachment A-2 of Exhibit A.
Section 2. ...AII ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict.herewith
are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only.
Section 3. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section
or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any
court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainderof this ordinance, nor
the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence,' paragraph, section
or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances,shall
be affected thereby.
. Section 4. The City Council officially finds, determines arid declares
that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each
meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon
was given in the manner required by the Texas Open Meetings ACt, as
amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as
required bylaw at all times during such discussion, consideration and
action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and
the contents and posting thereof. The City Council officially finds,
determines and. declares that sufficient notices of the joint public hearing
were given, and the City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such
notices, including the contents and the method in which they were given.
Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective on the tenth day
following its publication, as provided in the City Charter.
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- 1---~--"'f11-r- ".-
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
f "4"1.,19~ , . "
Council members Voting Aye:
Coundlmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
Attest: (Seal)
'Ityecretary , .
City Attorney
. .,....r-- ,-- - ----,--'----------r "-'-":r':l"--~'---':~-----
Exhibit A
Zoning & Planning Commission '
City of West University Place, Texas
3800 University Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77005
January 11-, 1999
Honorable Mayor &
Members of the City Council
City of West University Place
3808 University Boulevard
Houston, Texas 77005
Subject: Final report .on revised proposals to amend the
zoning ordinance and subdivision ordinance of the
City of West University Place, Texas (~City") for
'townhouse and higher density, residential projects
(attached dwellings) (~Proposal C").
To the Honorable Mayor & Members of City Council:
The Zoning & Planning Commission of the City submits this,
its final report, on the subject proposals, for the assistance of
the Council as well as other interested persons.
Numerous property owners have asked the Commission to review,
the proposals and to recommend a modification of the current
limitation on building permits. The Commission has met in
special session to hear these requests and now makes this report
to respond to these requests. The Commission also participated
in the joint public hearing of January 11, 1999, which was well-
attended, and considered the comprehensive plan.
Scone of Pronosals~ The proposals are to amend the Zoning
Ordinance as set out in the attachment to this report labeled
Attachements A....l andA-2.
~ecommendation. The Commission: (i) finds that the proposed
amendments, if adopted, would be in the public interest,
addressing conditions that have changed since the last amendment
of the affected sections and carrying out the comprehensive plan,
(ii) makes a recommendation favorable to the amendments, and
(iii) recommends that the City Council adopt the amendments.
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The Vote. The followin
this report: Commissioners ~
voted "Aye", with - n~-
Respectfully submitted:
c (t ~~~, ~~ '4}J
..uo.r'-------- _no' --------------------,-,-'T~nr--f.'-':~. -- :'1--
Attachment A-I
street line is the line indicated by any principal building in existence or under construction as
of the 1987 effective date. Ifthere is no such principal building, the front street line is the line
designated by the first person to construct a principal building on the site after the 1987
effective date. A front street line designated by the ZBA pursuant to Article 16 shall control
over any other designation.
(2) In a non-residential district, if the building site shares a common boundary with two or more
streets, one of which is a major thoroughfare, the front street line is the common boundary
with the major thoroughfare. If all boundary streets are major thoroughfares, the front street
line is the common boundary with the thoroughfare having the longest frontage, but if all of
the thoroughfares have equal frontage, the front street line is the line designated by the first
person to construct a principal building on the site. If none of the boundary streets is.a major
thoroughfare, the front street line.is the common boundary with the street having the shortest
frontage, but if all of the streets have equal frontage, the front street is the line indicated by
any principal building in existence or under construction as of the 1987 effective date; if there
is no such principal building, the front street is the line designated by the first person to
construct a principal building on.the site after the 1987 effective date.
Line, rear property. The boundary of a building site most nearly opposite the front street line. The
building official shall designate the rear property line of irregularly shaped building sites, and the line so
designated need not be straight.
Line, side property (or "SPL"). Each boundary of a building site, except the front street line, the rear
property line and any side street lines.
Line, side street. Each common boundary between a building site and a street area, except the front
street line.
Living space. Any living room, bedroom; dining room, study, kitchen or other living activity space.
A bathroom, foyer, hallway, stairway or other utility space shal] not be considered living space.
Law-ImvClctMotor COllrt (or "LIMe") is defined in.the OMDS Schedule.
Major thoroughfare. Bissonnet Street, Kirby Drive or Bellaire (West Holcombe) Boulevard.
Mirrored glass. Glass with a reflectance greater than 20 percent.
Multiple utility service. Utility service provided to a person (or group of persons) on a given
building site who isdifferent.from another person (or group of persons) to whom the same service is
provided on the same building site. .
1987 effective date. October 24, 1987, which was the effective date of the 1987 comprehensive
Night assembly lIse means a use which meets all three of these. criteria: (j) it is.non..resiOential; (ii) it is
opera~edbetween midnight and 6:00 AM more than four times in any 12-month period, and (iii) it is
desigriedfor;, or actually occupied by, 20 or more people at a time.
NOl'l-residel~tial use. Any use other than a residential use.
Occupancy. The use or intended use of a particular area ofland or a particular building or structure,
or portion thereof, by proprietors or tenants. .
Open area. Area unoccupied by any structure and open and unobstructed to the sky, except by
natural plants ortrees, and except for projections specifically permitted by the Projections Schedule, to the
extent therein provided. .
Park, playground or community center (public). A park, playground or community center owned or
operated by a governmental entity having. the power of eminent domain.
Parking area. An outdoor area designated or improved to store. motor vehicles. The term includes
parking "pads."
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .
ZONING ORDTN ANCE. as mll/!17ded thrnrwh .lamlOr\' 3/. /999 ro6c:code5:'.,7..,n;nal
PaQ:e Z-6
r ..--
--.-,---- -----------,-------,---,-,-Tlr-i.-----:'-~-.------ ----
PDD. A planned deve]oprrient district. (See Articles 3 and 9).
Person. A natural person, partnership, corporation, sole proprietorship, representative, governmental
entity, unincorporated business association or any other entity.
Pervious area. An area which: (1) is natural ground or landscaped area that receives rainwater and
allows it to pass through or be absorbed, thus preventing excess water flow away from the area, or (2) is
specifically designated' as pervious area in the Projections Schedule.
PenJious DClvement is defined in the OMDS Schedule.
PNC. A prior nonconformity. See Article 12.
Principal building. The building on abuilding site housing the.principal use.
Oualified Medium Densitv Subdivision (or "OMDS") is defined in the OMDS Schedule
Reside. To live or to intend to live at a place either indefinitely or longer than 42 days.
Residential district includes all SF, TH and GR districts and all portions ofa PDD designated
primarily for residential purposes.
Residential purposes (or lIses). Ordinary domestic purposes (or uses), not involving any business,
commercial, industrial or institutional activity, whether carried on for profit or not. Providing any good or
. . service, or offering to provide it, on or from any premises to or for anyone who does not reside on the same
premises in exchange for any money or thing of value, whether demanded or accepted, is a business activity.
However, in any proceeding where the presence of a business activity under this ordinance is an issue, it
shall bean aflirmative defense that the alleged business activity was only an incidental sale or was part of a
home occupation, but such an affirmative defense shall not apply to any alleged violation of another
ordinance of the City unless the other ordinance so provides. -
Residential street. Any street, other than a major thoroughfare, abutting a given building site where,
within 200 feet in either direction along both.sidesofthe street (measured from the side property lines of the
given building site), 51 percent or more of the property fronting on either side of the street is within a
residential district.
Residential worker. A person who is employed to perform residentiaIservices at least 25 hours per
week at thesame.premises where the person resides. Residential services are personal' services which are
performed for someone who also. resides on the premises and which are purely residential in nature (and not
income-producing) such as cooking, cleaning, attending children or handicapped persons or maintaining the
Rotated comer building site. A comer building site in the SF-! District which has been "rotated"
from one street to the other, such that it has a front street line Iyinga]ong a street that is different from the
street along which the front street line of the original corner lot wOuld lie. The original comer lot is the single'
subdivided lot on the same comer, as created by thep]an recorded in Volume 444, Page 563 of the Deed
Records of Harris County, Texas, entitled "Map'Showing:West University. Place, APart Of The AC..
Reynolds Survey, Harris County, Texas." In the SF-l District, most rotated comer building sites will be
orierit~dnorth"south, because most of the' original comer lots were oriented east-west(except for lots along
Umversity Boulevard or Cason Street). .
School. An establishment: (i) owned or operated by a school district or other governmental. entity
and used to provide public education or (ii}-owned or op~rated by a non-governmental person under cirOo
cumstanceswhere a license or permit is in effector required to be in effect under the Texas Education Code
or any other state law pertaining in education or instructional services.
School (public). A school owned by a governmental entity having the power of eminent domain.
Setback. See "yard" definitions.
SF District. This term refers collectively to the SF-l District, the SF-2 Districtand the SF-3 District,
and to each of them.
ZONING ORDINANCE, a.~ amended through./olluory 3/. /999. 1000:codeS: ozoningl
Page Z-7
- - --,--:-'-,T!'l"~r.-r.-->'"
commercia] units, each with a separate entrance to the outdoors.
Single-family (attached) use (or SFAJ. A use ofa building site which meets all of the following
(1) Each dwelling unit is located on a plot of ground to which the occupants of the unit have
exclusive access, from the ground to the sky.
(2) No dwelling unit has any entrance or exit connecting to another dwelling unit.
(3) No dwelling unit shares any interior hall or interior passageway with any other dwelling unit.
(4) No more than one family resides in any dwelling unit.
(5) The entire plot of building site is used exclusive]y for residential purposes (although, as
provided in the definition of "residential purposes," an affirmative defense is available for a
home occupation and an incidental sale). .
Single-family (detached) use (or SFDJ A use of a building site which meetsal] of the following
- criteria:
(1) There is no more than one dwelling unit, plus one accessory quarters, ori the building site.
(2) There is no multiple utility service on the building site.
(3) There is no physical connection between any building on the building site and any other
building on another building site.
(4) No more than one family, plus no more than two residential workers, reside upon the
building site.
(5) If the family includes a person not related to each of the others in the family within four
degrees of consanguinity or affinity, the unrelated person resides in the principal building
with at least one of the others.
(6) The entire building site is used exclusively for residential purposes (although, as provided in
the definition of "residential purposes," an affirmative defense is available for a home
_ occupation and an incidental sale).
Special exception. See Article 11 and Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code (Vernon's
Special screen. An opaque fence or wall designed, constructed and maintained to reduce risks of
fire, unsanitary conditions and vandalism and to preventthe viewing ofaloading dock or waste storage area,
or any associated equipment, from any street-area or from any other building site within-a residential district.
Buildings or other structures and gates maybe iIl20rporated into special screens.
SP L. See "Line, side property."
Story. The portion of a building between successive floors of such building or from the top floor to
the roof.
Story, half A story having an average height of not more than eight feet covering a floor area not
more than 50 percent of the floor area of the story immediately below..
Street area. All of the area within the right-of-way lines ( or boundaries )ofahighway, -alley,. street,
avenue or public place or square, bri9ge~ viaduct, underpass, overpass, tunnel or causeway dedicated or
- devoted to public use.
Stnlctllre. Anything made by humans which: (i) is not readily portable; (ii) is usually left in one
location for an indefinite period of time; or (iii). requires either permanent or fixed location on or in the
ground or attachment to something having a permanent or fixed location on or in the ground for its use.
Examples of structures. which do not limit this definition, are: sculptures; lampposts; sidewalks; driveways;
playground equipment and facilities; buildings; flagpoles; antennas and pools.
Stroctllral alteration. Any change in a supporting member of a structure, such as a bearing wall,
column, beam or girder.
ZONING ORDINANCE, as omellded through January 3/, /999 [06c:codcS:'ozooingJ
Page Z-8
Section 5-101. Designation of building site.
'(a) Owner's Action. An owner or an owner's agent may designate a building site by submitting a
permit application, plat, legal description or other document to the City showing a building site meeting the
applicable criteria in effect at the time of the designation.
(b) Building Official's Actio11. The building official shall designate building sites for existing
structures, in accordance with the criteria in effect at the time the structures were built and in accordance
with the apparent intent of the owners, bunhe building official may not combine two ormore subdivided
lots into one building site unless: (i) the configuration. of the existing structures requires the combination, or
(ii) the owner consents.
Section 5-102. Division of building sites.
(a) Criteria For Division. Two or more subdivided lots, which ate designated asa single building
site,irttay be divided into separate building sites if aUofthefoUowingcriteriaaremet:
(1) The 'divisionoccurs along the common boundaries of subdivided lots.
(2) The division does not cause a condition in violation of this ordinance, unless the
condition relates to buildings or structures which would not have been in violation of
the City's ordinances in effect at the time they were constructed, assuming that the
same division of the two subdivided lots occurred at that time.
(b) Specific Examples. Examples showing the division of two subdivided lots are shown in the Lot
Division Schedule, attached to this ordinance and made a part hereof. The examples shown shall not limit
this Article.
7f'l1\TThT~ f'lDnThT A 1\rrt:' ,.. "...",.A~.~ "...~..._,. ,,....._._. >, ,nn,}
D"~", 7_11
Note 1.
Note 2.
Note _~.
Note 4.
Building Site Dimensions
Table 5-1. BuildiD1! Site Dimensions.
General Rule: This table prescribes the minimum dimensions for building sites, by District
(".DU.' means '.dwelling unit."J Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) See PDD Schedules for
plann.cd development districts. (2) See special notes in table. (3) TheZ&PC may establish
different dimensions by approving a plan, plat onepiat (see Article 5).
50 ft. 75 ft. 50 ft. N/A
100 ft. 105 n. 100 ft. N/A
5,000 sq. 7.875 5,000 sq. 2,000
ft. sq. ft. ft. sq. ft.
75 ft. 75 ft. 75 ft. N/A
II 0 ft. 105 ft. II 0 ft. N/A
8,250 sq.
sq. ft. .
8.250 sq.
per DU
See Note
5,000 sq.
75 ft.
SeeN ate
no ft.
See Note
8,250 sq.
100 ft. 75 ft.
4 ".
100 ft. See 100ft.
Note 4
40,000 sq. 7,500
ft. sq.ft.
See Note
100 ft. 75 ft.
See Note
100 ft. 100ft.
40,000 sq.
sq. ft..
Old building sites (before
October 24, 1987)
Width, minimum
. ... - - - --
4.500Square Foot ~on. A striIclure may be located on an old building site with at least 40 fectof width and at least4,500 sqll81'C feet of total
arca,ifthe building site: (i) \Vas improved with a principal building in exis1enceoo the 1987 elTectiVl; date or for any pCri04 of twenty consccutiVl; ycan
prior to the 1987 effi:ctj,,~,date, under cin:umUnco:s where there was no additional land med for the building site,and (ii) was created by subdivision
plat and not made smaller thereaftere.-a:ept to provide public right of way or to accommodate physical encroaclunents, or as SJlCCificallyallowed by
Article 5.
4,300 Square Foot Exception. AstriIclure maybe located on an (lid building site with lit least 40 fcetofwidth and at least 4,300 squan:feet of total
area, if the building site: (i) was created by sWdMsion plat approved by the city GOUnCil or the Z&pc, (ii)has not been made smaller thereafter for
Certain Re-Subdi\.-isions.4fterOctober 24. Jl)87. A subdivided lot in a SF-I, SF-) or GR-} District may be further subdivided to produce a
building site with less than seventy-liVl; (75) (Q;t of width or ICss than one hundred ten (110) ti:et of depth if all8p!llicable procedures under stale law
and the CitYs ordinances, ru1es andregulalionsare followed and one of the follO\ving three seIs ofcircumstanCcs is present: (A) All portions of the
subdivided IoIs are added to adjoining subdividecllols. (B) The number oflols is not increased, and all resullinglols have: (i) a depth greater than or
equal to the depth ofiheshallowest lot bef~ihen:-subdj"ision, and (ii) a width greater than or equal to the widh of the narrowest lot before the re-
subdi~ provided that no resulting lot is im:guIarly shaped (unless it WIIS SO shaped before there-subdivision). (C) A portion of the subdivided
lot is needed for City l1SC or utility or service use.
Width &. Depth i!1;GR- J and GR-Z Dsitricts. Minimum widthund deots donal aoolv losinale-familv II.'lCS (attached or detached).
Area invR-1 andGR-Z Districts. Minimum area is 2 OQ!) so. ft. tor sinl!le-familv II.'lCS (attached or detached). '
See Notes J and Z.
Depth. minimum
Area, minimum
New building sites (on or
after October 24, 1987)
Width, minimum
Section 6-100. Certain conduct unlawful.
(a) General. It shall be unlawful for any person'to use, own, possess, rent (as landlord or as tenant),
occupy or control any real or personal property within the City which does not comply with this ordinance.
(b) Constmction, alteration, etc. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, move, construct or
alter any real or personal property within the City which does not comply with this ordinance.
(c) Permits, licenses, etc. It shall be unlawful for any person to use, own, possess, rent (as landlord
See Note 3.
Depth, minimum
Area,. minimum
ZONING ORDINANCE, af amended through January 3/. /999 [06c:codc5:lozoning)
Page Z-12
"JlI- --'---~-----'----'I':r_:--"~-----
- -'1
Dist.ance from rear 20 ft. See NOle 1. 20 ft. See
property line. Note 7.
SF Bufferyard _ ~:7:n~=: . N/A I N/A. I N1A . 20 ft.. See Note 7. ~
'Through Lots. H If abuilding sitel::\1ends all the way through a block, so that therront and rear both abut a strcetan:a, there is nO ~ ~ but the site is
treated as if there were two front yards, eac:h ,~;th the same depth as the average front yard on the same side of the block. .
Note 2. Narro'NSite Hyr Exception. Alternate side yard areas apply to a building site meeting all four of the following criteria: (A) The building siteislcss than SS
fcetwide. (8) The\1SC is singIeofamily(detachcd)l1IC. (c) Oulsi<le the re.-yard. 110 wall of any building is closetthilft 10 fcetroany.waD ofa "prior building"
on another building site (unless there are -priorbuildingsH on bolh sides,. each within SC\'l:Il feet of the property line). A "prior building" isa buildiag in Cl!isrence,
lRIer conslruction or cO\ICred by a cum:nt building pennit when a building pennilis issued for the subsequent building. (0) The owner has cIcsignatcd aItemate
side setback areas in a forn18pproved by the. building oIlicial and in accordance with all of the follo\ving criteria: (1) Minimum setback.intcrior: 3 feet. (2)
Minimum setback, strec;tside: S feet. (3) ~linimum setbacks, both sides combined: greater oU 0 feet or 20% of the building site width. ( 4) On each side,
the setback is uniform. See Article Hl regarding "alternating drivewayH nde. .
Note 3. RotatedComel'$. For rolalc:d comer building sites (SF-IDislriQ only), the minimum side slreet yard width is: (i) 10 feel if the building site width is 6S feet
or less, (ii)lO fcetplUl the disIance by\\iIich thewjdthofthe buikling site exceed 6S feet. if the building site width is more than 6S feet but less than 7Sfeet,
(iii) 20 feet if the building sile width is 7S feet or moo: but less lhan 100 feet. or (iv) for building sites 100 feet wide or more, the side stRet yi1rd width is
clctenninedby the same ndes as the front yarddepth.e:a:ept that the "depth" of the building site is measured from the side stRet line. '
Note 4. Common Walls. In them; GR-2and t Dislrict;the ZBAmay issueaspecia1 ~ion forazero-width side yard, but only upon application by both property .
~ and only if the special ClCCCptioR is conditiOned upon the CQnSlnIctic1i and mainlcnance of a common wall or continuolisly.ebutting &ql8r8le wailS (in
either case with a four'-hourtire rating or better) along the property line;~alst)_ 9MOS Schedule.
NoteS. MqarThoroughf(1res. The ZBA 1IIJl)' issue. special Cl(ception for a front yard leSs than 30 feet deep abutting a major thoroushfan:. ifthC float yard
prc:scribed is at least I 0 f~ deep, and ifthespecial Clo.-ception requires the greatest practicable amOllnt of perviOus an:a in the &vntyard.
SpecialException. The ZBA may pn:scribe a different stn:et side yard by speciall:la:eplion relating to front.age. See Article g.
Yards llf OMDS. See OMDS Schedule rel!llrdin2 alternate van! desil!Rlltions and buildin2 oroieclions in a OMOS..
Yards (or 'setbacks')
Front yard
Distance from front
street line.
Interior side yard
Distance from side
property line (each
Street side yard
Distance from side
street line.
Rear yard
Note 6.
Ta~le 7-2. Yards (or 'setbacks')
Genel"Cft Rule: No part of any structure may be located wilhin a part of a building sile incl
within a yard defined. by DistricL in this table. r.Nt A.' means the ruic does not apply.)
E:rceplion.JISpecial Rilles: (I) Structures may be located in yards to the ClI.1ent allowed by th
Projections Schedule. (2) See special rules noted in t.able. (3) See PDD Schedules for PI
Development Districts. (4) See alternate Yard reules in the OMDS Schedule.
20 feet if the building site depth is 110
leet or less: 2S feel if the building site
deplh is more than 110 feet but not
more than 12S feet: 30 feel if the
building site depth is more than 12S feel.
See Note J,
SIl. ~
20 ft. S~1. XvI.. S.
See Note 7:-
30 ft.
Greater of 10% of building site width or 3 ft.. See Note 4. See Note i.
S feeL See NOle Z.
Greater of
10% of
width or 5
fi. See
NOles Z.
Greater of 10% of
building site width or S
feet. See Noles Z. 6.
10ft. See Note 7.
S ft. See Note 7.
ZONING ORDINANCE, as mnel1ded through Jml/lary 3/, /999 (06c:codeS:.ozoningJ
Page Z-15
.='--'---o:"."====,"~""""~ II ._ . ,------------,------
Open & Pervious Areas
Front yard, minimum
Rear yard, minimum
Enlire building site,
minimum percentage.
Pervious Area
Front yard, minimum
Tabl~ 7-3. Open & Pervious Areas
General Rule: Every building site must have Ihe minimum open and penrious areas shown, by
District. in this table. ("NI A ~ means Ihe rule docs nol apply.) ExceptionslSpecial Rules: (I)
See PDD Schedules for planned development districts. (2) See special rules noted in table. (3
See the Projections Schedule for-details about calculating open and oervious areas.. (4) Sa:.
O~ IDS. Schedule for 8.ltenlatc ocrvious area rcauirements and nervinM l1JWl'!'IIIt!ftt rf!OIlIA,iftIM
60%. N1A 40% N1A
60~.G. See Note J. N/A N/A N/A
-W% 2S% 2S% ISo/.
SO'l.o N:':'t SO% 066% SO% N1A
See Note 2. See Note 2.
2oJ~.o IS% IS% IS%
Enlire building sile,
_ minimum percentage. _ . _ __
Note J. Rear YardAdjacent to Non-SF. The ZBA mayissuC a spec:iaI ~ionto reduce the requirement for open area in a rear yard in a SF Distiict to not less
than 40%. if the rear yard abuls a non-SF District. .
~ PerviouS Area in OA..fDS. See OMOS Sc~duJefnr allema'enervinll~ an:a.~~'S10f1!C ISlnd r\P-l'vinm: nJlVPmMt' rPRlllrt,;n-:,v\
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended throllghJanllary 31, /999
Page Z-16
Dw.:lling units
Fran1<:d area, all buildings
on :I building sit.:
AC\.=sory buildings
See Article 10 regarding
garage space.
Principal buildings
See Article 10 regarding
garage space.
Note 1.
Note 2.
Note 3.
::ot.. ;.
p.:r building sit.:
l\l:lximum ar.:a :IS a
~ooltag.: of
buildin~ sit.: area
Maximum number
~ building site
Height, maximum
Stories, maximum
Height. mllximum
l\-lininnll1l gross
floor area
Width. minimum
Table7-4. Buildin~s
/7 [j'./~. ,)
f" VI
.cle.,:: L ~
24 per
I Two and one-half.
Bllt see o.'.ID. 5
35 reei: 25 teet in re:lr yard. See Note I. ~';!MDS Schedllle
General Rille: Every stnlcture must confonn to the lIpplicable regulations shown, by
District. in this tahle.("N/A~ means the nile doeS not apply.) . ExceptfonslSpecial Rilles:
( I ) See special nlles noted in table. (2) See POD Schedules for Planned Development
750 sq. ft. each DU
NI A Bllcsee
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amendecllhrough.Januar.1,l31. 1999 (06c:code5:'ozoningj
Other N/A SeeNoteJ. ~::.\ S~(.::()t..I. N/A
- . - .
Antennas and Chimneys. Root:fllO\lI1ted radio or television antennaS 011 a principal building in a residential district may pl'Oj<<:ct up to four feet
above dl<e roof. TIle m:l.'l:imum height of chimneys attachlld to a principal building is the greaterof35 teet or four feet.above the roof.
Height In CDistrict. · Inthe C District. no part of any structure (except a fence) may be higher than the horizontal distance from that part to the
nearest part of an SF ~istrict.
Bllilding l)etail. TH and GR Districts. AlOut-hOur fire wall or its equivalent. mu.'" separate adjoining dwelling units. No buidlinlt may have a
deoth or "idth emtl<<than 130 f.:d. "Fl.,.. ...!dll_,.dr({......II:~.b ml:(}. :l.......,.ll:.,~v.....' I....~. "'''J .kvl.;.............d rCtt..~'.....I...~ tllC 14.. rU(~~.~,~~. ..lhell
~-' 1I_.w ".'J lI<lt ,."",L k..totl.<lf ~1l1l1"L To separate ~buildings. there must be open are-datleasllivdi:et wide mai11lained so that
firefighters with hoses could pass through.. . Materials ofe:lch buildin~ must be of eQuall!l'l1de and Qualitv on all sides. except alon~ conunOl1 waU.
EJJ'::"'::1I0 ~GU':I''-, ell: D.~~. :...1. 111' IIl~:lIldllll"_~~h,...,r u l.d:I({:.l:;...... .~~~...r ~l1..d....d ~":Id:ntr :~ 2881::..;.1. "F" """'~I..l';' b~;ld:utr!'th~.~ t.1tut h<.
vt"'".l...,.. J.l-k~t K., f~'t ..:.k 1I....:ul.1:.....d ~ ll.dll:.d)J.l'.~ n :tI. .I.v..~ ......,...Id t'~ lluv....bh. - .
One. plus one accessory
21.S per
GR-2 C
See Uses
table and
Art. 9
35 ft. See
Note 2.
1,400 sq.
25 ft.
Two and on.e.half.
I Three t!!!!
see OMDS
1.400 sqllare feet. if used for
residenlial purposes
1,200 sq. ft..
16 ft., each
Paoe Z-17
Steps not higher than the tirsl 120" ~ o. ~ O. See O. ~
floor level. Nole 1.1. Nole ~ ti!z!!!
.L!...- I. I.
Note 1.1. Cw.U,,:~:~. ~W' S/,w~~ ..:. -::.:>"..l.b.."~ D.."....~.". 0.. ,. b..:ld:..~":l~ :.. w Ib..,.I,vl..,c d:.<h:" (:"" ~ 1:..", 11.~TII ~.Id PDD TII d:.l.;,,,,), w ('oUt.lf 4
hu:ld:..b ......: y.~;......t:..t(, tI.~-I:..,..1 rud '~.. ,u.I:..~:I...d d:"4_,~...,. -:rll., 1""" t :~. (u) 6&11 1.:J."A tI~.l "':~ltf,...l .....<1 (h) ~..ayl~~l] oJ',.~y,udGd B(I,U
Ill... ......~...:..d.... vf'lh,J.u:lJ:u:;) baa... ........1:1( ..... _ vl...:.~.:I"," ~4.~du..... - Protections In O."JDS. S~ O~IDS_Sch<<l~I~.
Note /.1. Porchln Front Yard. A porcbmayproje..'l up to 120 indies int m<<ls all oflbe following criteria:,
(i) It is neith.:r d.:signed nor usable for l1lOIor \'ehides;
(ii) The volume onhe ~iecting part of tit.: pordl does nOl exce.:d SO cubic feet po:r fOOl of lront su-e.:tline (Example: tI~ maximum
_ proj~ting~?lume on a 52\-:.fOOl wid.: site would be 50 cubic fe.:r x 52.5, or 2,625 cubic feet).
(iii) TIle porch's outside perimeter is open and unobsIruct.:d. except for the following features: (a) Ordinary window screens.. (b) A solid
or partially open safely rail not higher than 35 fM abo\'e the porch floor. (c) Supporting vertical C9l1llllllS, if the total width of the
outer faces oftll<: columns does not exo=ed eitb<< 50% of the outside perimeter of the porch or 25% OCthe theoretical outside
perimeter of a maximunw;iz<ld porch. . TII<: width OC a colunm is measured at its thickest point above 3.5 fe.:r above the porch floor.
TII<: ..maximum-sizedpon....... is 120.i(ldtes deep and e.~ends from one .side yard line to tlw other, but it is limit<ld by the open area
requirement for tll<: front yard. The "outside peritneter" of a pon:h is the portion oCthe perimeter oiJtin the front yard; it does not
include the portion of tit.: perimeter adjacent to a building or lying along the front setback line.
Projections Schedule
Type OfStmcture
. Buildings
And .-\ttaclt<Xl
Items above ground level:
Eav.:s, cornices. roof
eX1ensions. "greenhouse" and
bay windows (no tloor space).
window sills. cantilevered
building space, window
boxes, belt courses. window
air conditioners and similar
parts of buildings.
Items .at and above ground
le\'el: Chi11l11eyslfireplaces
("ith cross-sectional areas of
8 square feet or less) and
similar parts of buildings.
higher than 14 inches. and
similar stmctures attached to
a building.
Tabl~ 7-6. Projections Schedule, pa~e i
General Rille: TIlis schedule dCS<.'libes certain structures whicl
yards (or s..-tba~-ks). It also provides special nlles lOr calculatil
an~ted by such stmclUres. See the "Y ards (or 'setbacks')" and
~'Iaxinlllm Allowed Projection (In Inches), Mlll1Sur<ld From
The hlSido: Edg~ Yard
Front Yard Rear Side Yard SF Buf.
Yard fen'ard
IS" IS" 24" except tlmt no IS"
. See itoml below the See
See Nole eave may be closer ~
Nole l.I. 1.1. than 36" to Ihe g
See Note 1.1.
12" except tl13tno
item below the
eave 1113Y be closer
than 36" to the
See NOle 1.1.
I are allowed to "proje..'!" into
Ig open and pervious areas
tll<: "Open & Pervious Arlll1S"
Special Rules For
Calculaling Open &
Pervious Areas
The area does nOl count as
open area.
The area does not count as
either open or pervious
The area does not count as
either open or peivious
area. The area beneath a
deck may count as pervious
area ifrain is allowed to
pass through the deck.
The area does not count as
either open or pervious
0, bill see
NOle 1.2.
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through January 31. 1999 (06c:code5:\ozoningl
Page Z-19
--._-~-.--"'r:r-:-~' ~-
Note 2.
Note 3.
Note 4.
Note 5.
Note 6.
Typ.: OfStnu:tur.:
Bui Idings
d items
Table 7-6. Projections Schedule, pa~e ii
Items ncar ground 1.:\'.:1:
porcho:s, platfonns and d.:cks
higher than six incho:s hutnol
high.:r than 14 inches. and
similar sln',-'1uro:s anach.:d to
Other parts ofhuildings and
strocturo:s altacho:d to
Sidewalks, patios,
retaining walls, driveways.
parking areas and similar
strocturo:s not higher than six
incho:s; all underground
Air conditioning .:quipm.:nt.
pool .:quipm':l1l. and similar
freestanding mechanical
Utility meters and relato:d
Maximum Allow..-d Pro.i.:ction (In Incho:s). Measuro:d From11le Inside
Edg.: Of11le Yard.
Front Yard
R.:ar Yard
Sid.: Yard
SF Buf-
Sp.:cial Rul.:s For
Calculating Open &;
Po:rvious Areas
111': ar.:a counts as
opo:n ar.:a,111.: area
ben.:ath a deck may
count as p.:rvious area
if rain is allowo:d to
pass through th.: deck.
'. .The area does not
count as .:ither open
or p.:rvious area.
The area counts as
open area but not as
pervious area unless
the material is
compl;:tely pervious
to water. . The area
beneath a deck may
count as p.:rvious area
if rain is allowo:d to
pass through the d.:ck.
The area does not .
count as either open
or p.:rvious area.
The area may count
as both open area and
p.:rvious area.
Gas Pipeline Sites. A principal building may proje.....il1to therront yard if: (a) tho: building si.te includes land in dIe rear of tho: " building site subject
to a gas transmission eaSCl11ent thirty feet or widerthatisactuaUy tra\'ersed by a gas tral1S1llission (notdistribution) pipeline: (b) no part of the
principal building,,:xcqlt itenlS that are otherwise allowed toproje....into.front s.:tback areas, is within twenty fOlt of tho: lront street line; and (c)
The entrance to garage space is not closer than thirt~. I~t to the front street line.
Buildings In Rear rard or SF Bujferyard. A building maybe located in a rear yard or SF Butferyard ifit medS all of the following criteria: (a)
No part of it may be closer Ulan five feet tothe.rear property line (or to any SF Distril:l. if in aSF Buffayard). (b) Within ten feet of another r
building site in an SF District (whether on the side, rear orothenviu), it mayha\'e nowindow,door or other op.ming above the ground floor,
except for opaque. non-operable openings or skylights. (cl"Space in anyprojecti1lg building may only be used for single-family(detacbed) use. (d)
Space-in tho: projecting part of a prim.-ipal building may only, be garage space and space located directly above the garage space (up to a
ma~..imum of6oo square feet of space above). Seegarageres(rictionsin ArticlelO.
Railway/Gas Sites. A building may be 10000ted in a rear yard if. (a) tho: yard abuts land used for railway purposes or gas transmission (not
distribution) pipeline putposes:(b) tll.: building does not occupy any area subject to a utility easement or drainage easement, unless each entity
claiming an interest in theeasenlent gr;1nts its con.<;C1lt or acqui~ to the encroacIunent;and (c) the building is an accessory building. If these
criteria are .met. the nonnal r~rictions for rear yard projecti~ do not apply (s<< not.:s above).
Garages In Side Yards. Eachproje....ing building mi1st meet all of the following criteria: (a)lt must be at least three feetJromtheside property
line (no projection toward the side street line being pennilted. (b) The projecting part may only contain garage space and space above the garage.
(c) Any projecting part m11Sl beat.leasts.:venty rOlt Iiom the tront street line. (d) Within ten feet of another building site in an SFI.listrict (whether
on the side. rear or otherwis.:). it may \1a\'e no \vindow.dooror other op.:ning abl)\'e the ground floor, except for opaque, non-operable .openings or
Equipment In Rearrard. . Indicated equipmentmity proje....only if: (a) separating tho: equipmentliom any other building site abutting the rear lot
line dtere is a solid wall at least one foot higher than the highest part of the .:quipment; (b) if the equipment occup,.:s any part of an casement under
the COlllrol of the. City. the City has issued a separale acqui.:scence or consent to tho: oc.."Upancy of the easement; (c) there has been formally
granto:d to Ihe city any utility easement d~ted ne..-essary by the Cit~~s chief utility official: and (d) tho: equipment occupiesnoplirt of any side
No limit. See
No limit
Note 2. See
0, but see
Not.:s 3 and 4.
0, but see Note
0, but see
Note 3. See
No limit,
except that
decks may
nol project
more than
No limit
No limit
No limit
No limit
see Note 6.
No limit
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through January 31. 1999 (06c:~S:\ozoning]
__ _--"~__,,__.,_=_'__'_'___"_____'_._'_____.~__~_~_,__ c-
j .Ii.~r
Page Z-20
-- '-'-~O-C''ry1'':1''f ,-. ..~
Basketball Goals. No part of the equipment may becloscrthJn ten feet to any street line.
Fences. Fences may project into front and sidC: yards to the extent c."PfCSSly required or aut~cd by City ordinance (c.g.. pro1oisioas in Chapter 6 of
the Code ofOrdill8l1CCS requiring front f- for t~porary constnJction purposes and toscrcen nonresidentialUSCS; proVisions in PDDschcdulesfor
front fences). Seea'so OMDS Schcdulerell8rdine low fences.
Swimming p;;;;&. ~ as spccif1C811y alloWed by another Ordinance of the City govcmingsctbacks for swimming pooIJand tppurtcnanccs.
LmnJ1PO$ts. . Ma.~mlDU diameter ofprojectingposts is si.'!: inches: ma.~mum height is eight feel.
Rotated Comer Fences. Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinancc or any other ordilll1rtee. no fence is allcnwd in the sidutrcet yard of a
rotated comcrbuilding site (SF-} District), except for temporary IlOIISlruction fences required by Chapter. 6 of the Code of Ordinances. .
F:ront Fences in TownhOuse Districts. On. building site in. townhouse district (including the rn and POD- rn districts),ther'e may be fences in the
. fhxlt yard. but not higher than seven feet and not closer than five feet to the front street line. Morc-pcnnissive .provisions in thePDD- rn schcdules, or.
elsewhere. may also apply.
Table 7-6. Proiections Schedule, pa~e Hi
Type OfStrocturc Ma'!:imum Allowed Projection (In Inches), Mea.~ured From The
Inside Edge Of The Yard. r
Front Yard Rear Side Yard SF Bur-
Yard feryard
Certain Basketball goals 120" No limit No limit generally, No limit
Accessory but see ~ote 7.
Playground equipment 0 No limit 0 No limit
Flagpoles 120" 0 0 0
Fences 0, but see No limit No limit, but see No limit
Notes 8 and Notes 8 and 11.
Swimming pools 0 0, but 0, but see Note 9. No limit
Note 9.
Tennis courts (wilh lI5lIOCialcd 0 0 0 Nolimil
Lights and lampposts No limit No limit No limit generally, No limit
generally, generall but see Note 10. generally,
but see y,but but see
Note 10. see Note 10.
". 10.
Gate closers .24" No limit No limit No limit
Signs (see Code ofOrdinancc::s) Nolimil 0 0 0
- - . -
Note i. .
Note 8.
Note 9.
Note JO.
Note 11.
Note J 2.
Special Rules For
Calculaling Open &.
Pervious Areas
The area may count as both
open area and pervious
The area may count as both
open area and pervious
The area may count as both
open area and pervious
The area does not ~t as
either open or pervious area.
The area COUllfs as open
area. Only the water area
counts as pervious arcl1..
The area cc>UftIs as open
area butnol pervious area
(unless the area is made of
The area may count as both
open area and pervious
The area may count as both
open area and pervious
"The area does not count as
. either open !X'pcrvious arca.
Section 8-100. Purpose And Applicability.
This ArticIeprescribes additional regulations to supplement the district-specific regulations
and to reduce adverse effects upon adjacent properties and districts. Unless otherwise specifically
indicated, the regulations in this Article apply in all districts.
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended throl/gh .Jalll/ary 3 I, 1999 (06c:codcS:\ozoningJ
Page Z-21
space for each three seats for the general public; or (ii) ten parking spaces per
1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
(14) Grocery store space, in(;luding neighborhood convenience store space: 5.00
parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
(15) Other retail and persona] service space: 5.00 parking spaces per 1000 square
feet of gross floor area.
(16) Utility service space, research or testing laboratory space, laboratories,
warehouses: one parking space for each three employees on the maximum
working shift, plus space to accommodate all trucks and vehicles used in
connection therewith.
(17) Shopping centers (thefoUowing requirements apply to all shopping centers,
and these requirements shall control over any inconsistent provisions set out
above): (i) at least 4.00 spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus
any additional spaces required by this section; (ii) if office space exceeds ten
percent of the total gross floor area of the shopping center, there must be at
least 3.00 additional spaces per 1,000 square feet of office space in excess of
ten percent of the total. floor area; (iii) if a shopping center includes a theater
or auditorium occupying ten percent or less of the total floor area of the
center, there must be at least 3.00 additional parkin~ spaces for each 100'
seats in the theater or auditorium; (iv) if a theater or auditorium space
occupies more than ten percent of the total floor area, the seats are
apportioned on a square-foot basis so that one portion corresponds to ten
percent of the total floor area and the other portion corresponds to theater
area in excess often percent; for the ten percent portion, there must be at
. least 3.00 additional parking spaces for each 100 seats, and for the portion in
excess of ten percent there must be at least 25 additional spaces for each 100
seats; and (iv) if a shopping center includes any food service space, there
must be at least ten additional parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross
floor area of food service space.
(18) All other types of space: ten spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area
used or occupied by people.
(b) Requirement/or mixed-use buildings. To compute the parking requirements for any
particular building, the. total parking'requirement shall be the sum of the specific parking space
requirements for each type of space included in the building, except as to shopping centers.
Section 10-101. Additional regulations.
(a) Non-SFD sites; Co GR. TH. etc.. The following regulations apply to .aU premises not
used for single family (detach~d) use and al~o to all premises .in GR or TH Di~~ricts (including
(1) Lighting. Any lights used to illuminate a parking area shall be designed,
maintained and operated so as to ~inimize glare and reflected light falling
upon any adjacent property used for residential purposes.
(2) Use restrictions. Parking areas shall be kept open, readily accessible and
used for parking only, with no sales. dead storage, display, repair work,
dismantling or delayed servicing of any kind.'
(3) Garages. On any building site used for single-family (attached) use, there
ZONING ORDINANCE, as wllellded lhrollghJwmory 31.1999 [06c:codcS:'ozoning]
Page Z-28
must be at least two parking spaces per dwelling unit in an enclosed garage.
Parking spaces within garages are counted in determining compliance with
this article.
(4) Driveway spaces. Neither driveway spaces nor parking spaces within motor
vehicle maneuvering areas are counted toward the minimum number of
(5) Driveway dimensions. Driveways must be at least eight UID feet wide, ~
feet wide iftwo-wav and servim! three or more DU's. (Widthaop]ies both
to IInohstmcted access width and pavement) but any dJivGwa} louse! thZl.11
110 fa.t I1111s1 be at I~asl 20 feel ...v ide. The maximum lemrth of a drivewav is
160 feet measured. from the street area Exceptions: The 160-foot length
noe!': not Hpply to ~ ciriveway' (i) with an approved turnarQund of second
mp.Hns of p.gJ"p.es (ii)servini seven DT 1's or fewer or (iii) desianated <on a
q~.m~ plM No parking space may be farther than 500 feet (by driveway) to
a street.
(6) Pervious area, exterior. Each parking area shall be surrounded bya belt of
pervious area (which Il.lay include area within the street area) at least five feet
in width (or three feet in width on building sites used primarily for
single-family [attached] uses), except at thosep]aces occupied by
perpendicular driveways or sidewalks or by structures. This provision does
not a,pply in aOMDS.
(7) Pervious area, interior. Each parking area containing 21 or more parking
spaces must contain interior pervious areas in "island" or "peninsula"
configurations aggregating in area at least two square feet for each parking
(8) Special facilities. Each parking area must have aI] spaces clearly marked on
the pavement surface, and there shall be wheel-stopping facilities where
needed to protect life or property.
(9) Pavement. Each parking area, driveway and loading area must be paved
with reinforced concrete, with curbs and drains. The ZBA may issue a
special exception to al10w other materials ifit finds that they will provide
equal or better durability. But see OMDS Schedule regardimz oervious
(10) Curb cuts. In any GRDistrict,there may be no more than one curb cut per
subdivided tot. The ZBA may issue a special exception for additional curb
cuts. Bl(1 seeQMl)S Sch~dule reaardini curb cuts: ,
(11) P~rkini Setb(l-ck.. If] any GR,orTH Districtnoparkin~sp~cemay be closer
th~nten feet to a street area.
(b) . SF sites. The following regulations apply to all premises used for single family
(detached) use, except il1 GR or TH Districts:
(1). Pavement. Each required parking ~pacemust have hard-surfaced pavement.
Twin "ribbons" of pavement are permitted.
(2) Driveway parking; front yard. Non-enclosed parking spaces may be in a
driveway but may not be in the front yard.
(3) Garage size limit. There may not be garage space for more automobiles than
the greater of: (i) four, or (ii) the number obtained by dividing the square
______________________________________________.________________________________________________________ ..1..._______________
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through Jmlllary 3/. /999 [06c:codcS:'ozoning)
Page Z-29
] .:1.
, [I' 1
~ -~- "'TlI- r ~,~- ~ --~-~--- ~~
:"1 -~ ~ ~-~ -,-
Section 10-102. Minimum Dimensions.
(a) Parking Spaces. AI] parking spaces must be at least nine feet wide and 18 feet long in
order to be counted toward the minimum required number. In addition, the following regulations
apply in the indicated circumstances:
(1) Ninety-degree angle parking. Maneuvering space shall be not less than 23
feet in length or breadth.
(2) Sixty-degree angle parking. Each parking space shall be not less than nine
feet wide perpendicular to the parking angle and not less than 18 feet in
length when measured at right angles to the building or parking line.
Maneuvering space shall be not less than 18 feet perpendicular to the
building or parking lines. .
(3) Forty-five-degree angle parking. Each parking space shall be not less than
nine feet wide perpendicular to the parking angle and not less than 18 feet in
length when measured at right angles to the building or parking lines.
Maneuvering space shall not be less than 15 feet perpendicular to the
building or parking lines.
(b) Walkways. A private walkway, i(provided adjacent to a non-SF building, shall be not
less than five feet in width and shall be in addition to the minimum requirement for parking and
maneuvering space herei~ required. See OMDS Schedule reg:ardimz walkwavs.
(c) Additional Space. .In addition to the foregoing minimum dimensions, there must be
such additional maneuvering space and driveways as may be necessary to allow ordinary, practical
use of each parking space. See QMDSScheduleregarding: g:arage maneuvering space.
Section 10-103. Location of parking spaces.
(a) Same Site 1?ule. All parking spaces required by this ordinance must be located on the
same building site with the buildingorspace served. Exception: therequired spaces may be
. located up to 300 feetfrom the entrance of a building served (and maybe outside the City limits)
for: (i) parking for building sites notusedprimarily for residential purposes where an increase in the
number of spaces is required by a change or enlargement of use, or (ii) spaces allowed by this
Ordinance to be used jointly for two or more buildings or establishments.
(b) Certain Joint Use Of Spaces. TheZBA may issue a specia] exception to allow up to 75
percent of the parking spaces required for any building site to beusedjointly for another building
site, if the ZBAfinds that no increase in on-street parking is likely to result. See OMDS. Schedul~
reg:arding: shared or g:rouoed QUest parking: st;>aces;
Section 10-104. Loading spaces.
On the same building site with every building used fornon-residentia] purposes there must
be adequate loading space,. separate. and apart from the off-street parking spaces. The amount. of
loading space shall. be sufficient in size and configuration to avoid the possibility that loading or
unloading would obstruct a street or sidewalk, taking into account the proposed use of the building
. and the types of vehicles likely to serve it. However, ther~ must be at least one loadirigarea (10
wide by 30 feet long) for each 20,000 square feet of gross floor area. or fraction thereof, of building
space likely to require loading space. Loading.areas do no! satisfY this. section unless they are
located within 200 feet (measured in a straight line horizontally) of the furthest point in the building
space they serve.
ZONING ORDINANCE, a.f amended through Janltary 3/, /999 (06c:codcS:'~zonin!lJ
Page Z-31
_ _L_....
,,_Ill ------~-----,--,------ - -- ---,-----7"r.:J"W--f'-'-~'~ ,-
~ ~ 'Cl -~---
(a) Generally.
(1) This schedule applies only to the PDD- THI district. The purpose of this district is to
maintain and protect one of the City's planned single-family, attached-building
residential areas and to provide necessary regulations for buffering of adjacent areas
with less-intensive land uses.
(2) All of the orovisions of this ordinance shall apply to this district as ifi! were p~rt of
the TH district. except that the ttdditionalprovision!; !;et out in thi!': !;chp.cinle !l.h:lll
also aoolv to this district. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between any
provision in this schedule and any other provision of this ordinance, the provision in
this schedule shall control.
(J) Old} thefol1o~ing uSGS ale al1o~Gd in tk PDD-TIIlDistIiGt, and GaGh use is
allowed only ~heh there is cOhlplicance with the IcgulatiollS indicated below and
othel rcgu]ations imposed by t,his oldinal1ce.
Il1dicated Regulatiol1s
Con ventiona]
single-fan lily
Sf-J Distl iet I egu]ations.
regulations ate
applied as if
the building
sitewe1e ill the
SF-J Distria.
fuept;oll. the TII Distlict I e~ulatiotlS aUo ~ in~ thl ee
fulIstoriGs, Plojections of canti]eveled space into
fioltt :raids and flOI11 KnCGS apply to all single-family
uses oltbu;lding s;te., ;11 this d;SLJic.L.
.ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended throllgh.Jallllary 31.1999 [06c:codcS:\ozoning]
Page Z-42
-------..~-----.,.--..-'--~;,..~'t:''!1~--T'-.. .:~.~-'-_._-----.--- r - -- -_""'7C~Cy-----~ ----,
( attal:;h~d)
TII Distl;ct I q~ulations. except.
(i) 0111 y sil.~le-fall1;J y (detadled) use is alllJvv{.l~ ;!1.r1
d~ellin5 units 51..111 not be attached.
(ii) TI.cJ e muM be. dil Get access to each s;te by ;!
plattGd stl Get, vv h;ch !llay Lc e;thc.J pl1bliG 01 plivate.
Oii) TI.c1 e must be at least till ee pal king spacGs pel
~~dlill~ unit. at le.ast one of which is avai]a:bl~ 1\/1
guest paJ kin~, Pal ling spaces ma} be located ;11
.. Ilnll1...I'-.aJ~A.s ful JhA1 ;d use.
(Iv) OIlGinteJ iOI ~ide ya1 d pel building site Ina} be
1:GIO vv idtl., if thel e ;5 An adjacGIlt mainte11cU1Ge
GA~elllellt plAtted aHd 1 est{ ictc.d AS open .11 ea..
(v) fOI all)fiont yaldadjacent loa plivale st1eet, the
nlinilllulll depth i~ tl.ree fGet. For any I ear yaid
adjacGl1t toa lllajor thol oughfal e, the minilHum
dc.ptll is fi v e feet. IIo~evel, this schedule. docs 1l0t
allow all} 1eduetion Orall Sf DuffGI}ald.
(vi) A replatllleaill~ theclitelia of(a)(4), bcIovy,
Inust covel each buildin~ site ~ilh this use
( vii) :Cadi area bet ~eena platted building line aHd the
adjacGllt stlCct alea 01 orivatG streetllll1st be
maiJltaih~d AS upen ,.11 ea,
TIl Distlic.t I e5ulatiol1s, plus the additional
regulatiohs set out ill (b )and (c) of this schedule.
}lote.. (b) alld (c) of this scIleduk only apply ill the
case of 5ill~Ic-famil} (attached) use,
The base
incIl1ding all
I egu]atious
imposed by.
this 01 diJlatlCe,
at e applied as
if thG building
site vv eJ e in the
TII DistJict
w itl1 singIe-
(att~cl1(.d) use.
The base
. I egulations c't.le
applkd as;f
the building
site vveIe in the
TII Distdct.
(4) Caldea style siJlgle-fami]} (detached) use rGplatSlll11stmeet all of the following Cliteda.
(A) SJrape c:r Si4:t. The leplattcd .11 ell. 1huSt be contiguous ~ld include. either. (i) one
acre or mOl e. 01 (ij) till ~(hll 11,..1 ~ !:.~f..l\"'lt.. (IILrfivi.\."r1I.)I' (b'=OO'l ~ b~i~ J ~pla.tt,d).
(D) Bt".ld;Jfg Sat Bt>l,IIck.i1 ;<;->. Theleplat l11u~t speciftca:lly des~gl1ate the Sont sheet
line 41ldothel lot lin~.s of eaGllbuilding site. The genel aldcfinitions in t]hS
oIdiilancc dOllot detcj,uine suGh lot lines. .
. (C) Fe~ S;mpl'~SiuJ~' tach btt;IdinS site l11ustbe platkdfolSepatate, fcc:-simple
o~n~shjp, with oill) one d~el1ins unit pel site.
. CD)' A{xe~, ,l~If..;1fg, Emi1(J11meJltaI1.Jj11~.J. VehiGulatacCGss, stle.ets (public and
pIi v ate). CASe1hcnts, "bib GbtS, pal kihg spaces, buildins liues, OpCllA1 eM and
peniot&s ~easHlUstbe idchtified and Ic~tlictcd I" 11... 1t'_!.IM (.. II.At,ill tll...
jud~meltt ofthc Z&pc.m an) il1lpactonadiacentlleighh"lI.",,,i~ :~ 1"inimi7""rf, (ii)
cn.Gr)2.Gncy alld ut;lity accGss ale adC(luAte. (;;;) ~llv;,(')I,"{.jJtal i':fI\ ..I~ (in..hding
Junoff, tIee iHlpaGts~ bulk,lisht, ail, .etG.) al'e m;tisated. The lepIatl11A} Jequile such
areas to be. la.~elthah otlIeJ vvise requiledb, th;s oldinanGG. Thelcplat ma}
impose building lilies up to tcn occt deep,. n.casUI ed fi Oih the stI eel ~ ea, aJId up to
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through Jmlltary 31. 1999 [06c:codeS:\ozoning)
Page Z-43
- ~'1- -- ----
eis~M feet illdc.PLh. IHcasUled .Gom a ~1;vaLe Sl1eet line Duildilli lill~~ IlIJl} vJlI'}
from buildill~ site to huildiltA site.
e]:) }...fa;JI/t;;JluJlC,l;, E,',;. The I eplaL must fh escl ihe e 01 incorpol ate) peuHanent
Yluv;;:,iull~ IOI d.......~"s h;al,O II ,JI;1I1t':1IJ111'.t': "fl,1 i"Jltt': 1;11....11;, ",H...n."'I.ts.,..conuno.a
~1.~A~ and comn.!Qh.Jaci]itiGs. all .ill a fbrm and .1lannC,f..Mtj.c.fAct, " J f', 11."Z.~ Pf'
a:;~ T " r n .',' ...,.." . j:j II . . 1 . -
V J IJlLt)rpm.lll./r}1} 'Y IU~\III.:...)JJ{ . l~ (" I" AI U.IIC.t (i.tIIl( I (~ J llt"=~lf )iAl~ lll~!
schedule and the. indicated I e~ulaLions and the I eplaL mL1stMate tl,M (i) JIll
lestIictiolts and conditions OIl the leplat shall run wid. tl.c.IJl.llli Mi, JlII,I"l'''.''}'
1 GStJicLJOllS and (ii)tl.elshall be i.ldeoeIldentlv enrolcc..Wk, Lv allY yCISVU 01 ent;ty
havins ah ilitelest in plopelt) i.ldl1ded ill the leplAt (~I,ich IIIJI~ in,.h..l.. Ill" ril}')
and by alty homeowllGl'S association tllat may be cleated. All'~ Such el1rolcement
by the City is an additional. alLedlative lemedy 001 the. Cit~.
fl.1 A ..J..J' . 1'1 . .. / ,. "" .J.: ., .J.:. . ~ / .1 7J J
!V/ uulllOna Sl e crlfena ILIPPt.U~J O,h~m tll~c,a.jt;; ~, J,Jlc,.;;-,amuJ ,atlac,Ylea~ hsr::.~:
(1) Parking areas. There must be motor vehicle parking area which complies with Article 10
of this ordinance, except that the minimum number of parking spaces per dwelling unit
shall be three where one space. per dwelling unit is avai]able as guest parking. Parking shall
not be permitted above ground level.
(2) Additional access provisions. (i) If a building site abuts both Bellaire Bou]evard and
another street, then all vehicular access shall be from the other .street, and no more than
two curb cuts shall be allowed. However, in the case of the development of Lots q, 7, 8,9
and the east ten feet of Lot 10, Block 1, Kent Place Addition, if Lot 6 is included in the
same building site or in a joint development with the other lots, vehicular access shall be
limited to one curb cut on Mercer Street. (ii) If a building site abuts only Bellaire
Boulev~rd, vehicular access shall be limited to two curb cuts. Oil) Thtdesiin of c1ll access
dIiveli'iavs and otl1el path,~avs must be cooldinated ""ith adiacent p.opertie5 50~ to all<}\1tI
a COOl dinated and inte~l ated. circulation System with the adioinil1~ olopcrties. (iv)
Residents of adjacent build;d~sites ;lllhe same distIict shall be €-Iantedl;ghts ofinSIess
and e~less over the entiIG ciIGulatiollt~SLem. (v) :each dIi~e~~ must be_at leASt t~enty
feet ~idG. (vi)J~tl]~dc;-5ac dIivG~ays mav 110t exceed fift~ f~et illlensth ifa te1HhnuS is not
provided, 01 200 feetil1lell~thifa tellniilUS is plQvided. TCllnini nmsthaveadeql1ate
dimensions to allo~ LUl nill~.
eJ) Additional Jetbad-,e'J!.Jh'a,~i{}'1j (i'-h'de Jpt.ILd.No li'Vi.l~ spac~ shall bepcHuitted ~ithin
thedistallce.s 60111 Oloperty IillGS ihdicated ~
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended throllghJallllary 3/. /999 [06c:codeS:'ozoningJ
Page Z-44
. r -------.~---------~--- ..o-~~nr-F-:.~
Di.s,'tUI<;l! FllJIII I't Opel ty Lille (Tdt)
Fllmt Sid.. S;J~ Rr!(.ll
Sfll;d StJ ut l't Opd I] l't Opd ty
L'-IIl; LillI; L'-IIl; L'-1I1;;
Blank buHd;..g ,..4111
01 ~an ~itll solid-
core, one-hoUl Ialcd
doors sepal ates
Ii v ins space fi: Olu
Pi oport} line. 10
Otbei building wall
sepal.atoslivihS space
fi Ohl pIoperty ]inc,
S~.(:-f,^,l VI tall"'l
f.;u..." VI .. all .,t:\"J"
lA..l~lI-~wu Lu~]J~u5 huJ
. plvp"ill) I;..",.
. TIU~l~;" UV ~u""ll l~u",~
Exct:.ptioll. Livins space Illay ploiecl into fiol1tsetback aleas iftl.e ~pace i~ (A) AI11.igJ.t':r
than ei~ht 6:.et and (b) complGtch su,5Pe.nde.d fi om the. 1 e.lllatildGr onIle. buildinS by a
cantilever Of sihlilal stmctuI e. See. also. Table 7-2. cnlll]ed"Yalds (or' Setbacks')", which
allo\1tlscellaitl e.alltikveredbl.&ildin~ palls to proiect in~o flollt }alds
" .1 ..J.~' . , b ., ,. .' .." ,. z' . " f' 1 L... .z" 1..J.l j
Ie.! n.uc.utumm m~all/~ (..'I ,tit/fa ,app"c.s ()J1...l1 NI ,.,/': CQ& ~ oS,llg,e-,ulll"y\atlaCrle<4/ h~l.
(1) Dt/'elling Ilnlt J;.e.Lach d~clling I1lti~ ml1~t~lJl1ta.ih At ]eA~t 1 ,600~'1I1AI t': N,/!'.1 ..f ~",I(.I(. A..",
alGa alld shall beatleastsixleen&etin.~idth (luGaSUICd to indudeoutside walls andOi1e-
half of ah} com11Jonqyalls)
(2) Spacing old~l.d:;ngtdlitJ. Except ~llele d\\eIlina units alesepa.IAt~d by c..n."l,,'. ~AIl~.
the.hlinil11U111 distc\nGebGtweend~eIlil1e ul1its shall be as fallows: 0) No part ofa11J. '
dwdlin~ujlit Ihc\,ybecloserthc\n fhe feet to allothel dweHiI'A ulltt (ii)l'.f..1 lllIind,,~ Il1A~ be
clOS~llhan tift} feet to c\ facing li\indCiw to I;" il1~Sl)a.ce in Anllth~l II~elli,,~ \lIlil (iii)
Neitheleaves hOI balconies nla) be closer than fact} reet to c\faQue wtndQW_~lhillg
space in c\llothCt d~eIlin9l.&l1it. (i~) Neithel windows toli~ini spac~ Hul ba.lcuniM m~ be
closer lhanlv9ctlly fuet to ady facin~ waIl of anotller d~eIlin~ tllltt
(3) COUI tt-Cilu~ Not~ithstal1dItl~anyolhGr plo~ision ofthisoldinancG. lheIe ma~~ be. atl
enclose.d cOUIlvilld foUlled by a. n,il5..nry fence IIi ""'All "I"ng the i""l,t':lt} lillt':1(. il. N..n! "f
the d~eIlill~ tu.tts. the fence oi~alI beil1i no IHOle d.ad seven feet Iliah tn &011t of the
d"'el1itl~ units and not more thanei~ht feet h;gh on the sides and the leaf.
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through January 3/. /999 [06c:codcS:\ozoning]
Page Z-45
------------'-m.---c.r":T'l"~r---: -- ".
(a) Generally.
(1) This schedule applies only to the PDD-TH2 distriCt. The purpose of this district is to
maintain and protect one of the City's planned single-family, attached-building residential
areas and to provide necessary regulations for buffering of adjacent areas with ]ess-
intensive land uses,
(2) All of the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to this district as if it were part of the TH
district, except that the addition~l provisions set out in this schedule shall also apply to this
district. In case of any conflictor inconsistency between any provision in this schedule
and any other provision of this ordinance, the provision in this schedule shall control.
(3) The OVVl1(.! \JfA Lhildilog ~;f<": ill tJ.i~ ,lid, i. t '''11)' -el~(t Ie t ~ S~~idQd l;J !:II..[J.ftha
leiuIAt;\J1I~"I'I,I;,."J,I, t.. ~:I'SJ. _r~,,,ily (d~tach~d) l.fi~, uiflh; \;_:J.;IiU6 aiLa ..t.e in th~ SF
J Disuia and in licu oftheleiuIAti"ll~ "th"l vv;l';"" .lIl'I.Ii. ",1.1"" t..ll.\~ I:>lIildin~ fiit~.
Exce-piioll. tile TIIDi!.t.ia l~dIMj..ll( ...11..11u:..S thl..... J:i,ll sl.:..i:s, FiQ;j"liofU gf
Gantlk~eled ~p8.ce int"fi"lltY.lIhl( "...-1 h..nt ""~I,((5 apf,l) t~ aU fiiilgJ.~ llI1l.it_5!!l oIl
buildiI\g !;iJ{.l;in Ihi~ .Ii~tli. I Irltll. J. ..1.... tiO'1 is Illa:l~~n 1 fuUll fJu.s;Iib!d h) Lha h0.6ildin!,
offiGiaL and irall such I c.guIAt;"Io~ }I. L . . ;"'I,li...,-1 I1u ith ,~;"Sk -fllluil) (d~LA,h~d) U.!l! l!l
ano~ed ill tl,i5 diM, iet
(b) Additional site criteria.
(1) Parking areas. There must be motor vehicle parking area which complies with Article 10
of this ()rdinance, except one space per dwelling unit must be avai]able as guest parking;
Parking shall not be permitted above ground ]evel.
(2) Additional access provisions; (i) If a building site abuts both Kirby Drive and another
street, there may be one curb cut on Kirby Drive and on each other abutting street. (ii) Ifa
building site abuts only Kirby Drive, vehicular access shall be limited to two curb cuts. ~
The d(.si~ll orall aCGC~~ d(iv~w"~--&lild.....'L"'1 I,,,th~ .1.IIstbe (~~rcli:A1LQd',-ith adjas!ut
plop~rtj~~ ~ll "~t,, ;l11..11u". ,...l.!iflat~.d ahd il1t~sut~cl dfCtdatlGn S')at!IU ~.ith thandjeinili!,
plopertie~ (iv)R~~idc.,t~"i,."..fj"" j,t I.IIi1nil,ssit~s ilr tll~ nnu di.n~ct !h!:Ilb! ~1.h1tlJ.d
I i~JJto: .,fia.gl I' (~ }In..! . Sj~H ('LJ Lh ~JlL~JlHil eJatiaua)st!l1l. (.) Ea~h ad.GuA} mtut be.
at leAst twenty fi:...t ",,:nc ("i) rlll_.I~-sa,: dd ~u A)J m~ ll"lc:,,;utl 14ft} f-b~t ill Ien!,lh If A
tCIIIliIlUGO:I,,,' 1,..."!r1,,,.1. ..1 ':'nn ~~t in ] ~hsth irAt~II11;JltU is pu:,. idea. T~I1uiIli ft'lt13t hay G
ad~lluAt ~ --~Iil'''~ n~~. ...'(-.1 &.1-" JI.)~.t. t -lIl1ill.g
(3) ALfY!:t;011"Ll! J(!tbl.u::J, MgJdLlfilllu (/;1';/1:8 "1"..:>1) 1>Jo Jit.i"S spa<~ ShAll hpUJ1~tl!a ..ithm
the distAnce~fi 11m I" "I ,~';l ~J'li.....o: in..!i. }lt~,~ bdo.'-:
20 NIN G ORD IN AN CE, as amended through .Jmlltary 3/. /999 [06c:codcS:'ozoningJ
Page Z-46
.n' , ,..." 1..' a- ~
L,nJlu/lL.! .I ,om .I 'op.!' ty LI/I'<! 1.1 (!.!'/
F'vlll SiJt! Sid.! R.!i.l1 .
S,':t ed S,'1 t;e( .In, ()pelty .I"/opt,ty
L,"/lt; Line L,"I/e L,"/le
Blank building wAil
or 9Vall with solid-
core, one-hou, I atcd
doO[ s SOpc'lI ates
Ii v ins space hOll1
fh operty line. 5 5 5
OthCl building ".\11
sepal ates Ii v illS space
hom pi opel ty line,
3~.,A\'vl VI t..1I101
K:.ilC':' (k " ull "tlIlIJ:,
b.:,t"ccl1 Lu;IJ;..c UI.J
plV~lt) I~u",. 10 8 10
llJvl v ~;). uv .;u.l....IJ H';;I.1\..t,;;f
VI ""II: 12 10 10
Exap,~i(jl1. Li v idS space may fJl oject into front setback .11 eas if the . space is. (a) all higher
than dght feet alld (b) completdfsuspended flom the lemaindel of the bui-ldtllS b} a
cantile v (,1 01 simaal StwctUl e~ See, also; Table 7-2, entitled "Yal ds (or 'Setbacks')", which
a:Ilo\'vs celtain 'c'\lltiIeveledbuildins palts to plojectinto flout yalds.
/..l -A..t...1..t. , b ., .I' '.'
1"/L1L<uIIOlh.u IIIILl1I1g a ,tel ro.
(1) DM.tWl1g It/lil Ji..e. [adl dwelling ullit nll1st ,ontain at least 1,400 squ~e feet of S1'Oss floor
at~aahd shall be at least sixteen reet in width (mea5Uled to inGlndeoulside walls and one-
half of an} COhlmon \'valls). .
(2) SfJl.,c.i/lgojdl-l.e!,'ing III/its. [",cept ~~hel(' dwelling units ale sepalc'tledby COll11nOn walls,
the minimttl11 distance bet~ccn d~ellihS tUlits ~halI be as fullows. 0) NOpat1 of any
d~elli'lsunit may be Glosel than five feel tOA,lother d~ellin:g unit. Oi) l'fu window may be .....
c10Sel than fifty feetto a faGing ~ indo ~ to Ii v itlg sp~cc in allothea d ~ellillA unit. (ill)
NeitheaGa.ves no,balcohies may becloscl tha.l forty feet to A facins ~il1dO'" to li~tllS
space ill anothe, d~emns ullit. (iv) Ncithel \'vindow$ to tivingspace no! balconies tuay be
closel than twent} feet to allY faGiu5 \?Vall ofanothel dwellingtUliL
(J) COlll/)h,al d. Not w itllstandingany othel pro ~ision of this 01 dinance, the! e may be cUI
enclosed COull} al d fulllled bj 4 masonry fenc" 01 ",all atOllS the pI oper ty IhleStll .& onl of
tl1(. dwelling units, the fehce 01 \'vAll bGing no InOle than seven .feet hiSh in flont of the
dwelling units Alld not mOle than ei5ht feet l1i5h 011 the sides and the leat.
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended throllghJall"ary 3/. /999 [06c:codcS:\ozoning)
Page Z-47
.>..--'-- ----~------ -- '''.~''fl~ ~"-'''lT-.-
(a). Generally.
(1) This schedule applies only to the PDD-TH5 district. The purpose of this district is to
maintain and protect one of the City's planned single-family, attached-building residential
areas and to provide necessary regulations for buffering of adjacent areas with less-
intensive land uses.
(2) All of the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to this district as if it were part of the TH
district. except that the additional provisions set out in this schedule shall also apply to this
district. In case of any contlict or inconsistency between any provision in this schedule
and. any other provision of this ordinance. the provision in this schedule shall control.'
(3) The o Vvtler of a building 5it~ in tl,i~ di~tl i..1 111J1} . I.... t t.. In oS.....:. ..e.i b)' all ~fth~
le~ulat;ons appliGabk tu ";I,g!"-f}llllilj (~"IJI. In d) I.<t., "J iftI.( b,.adill~ Jil~ .Clc:n llu. gr
J Di~t!;<;;t 4lld;.. lieu uftl,~ "".&'IIJlti....~ ..th...1 .~:~... appli':abl~ t.) the hlildin~ lit;.
Exap,'i()". tllG TIT DiMljdl~,.JJlI;....~ :.1l..~il.S tl,.{( filll stoli~J, ~1~j;[tiGHll nf
Gantilevelcd spaGe into flOdl valdSlu,d 6ul1t ~..C~~ }ll'I,I} t...1\11 ~il'lSl. _f".11ilj "I~I ~n
buildill~ SaGS ilHhis distliGl. IfSuGh deGtiul,;" .I1}1.i.. il..1\ 1\'.1011'''~' ,il.. d lrytl.( b..adiAs
offieial.aJ;d;r aIlsudl I GSulat;ons lUG GlJl'll,li~d \;IVitl. ~illtJ~-f.1\I..:ly (.I..t". J.~.;) qS~ is
allo ~ ~d ill this distl ict.
(b) Additional site criteria.
(1) Parking areas. There must be motor vehicle parking area which complies with Article 10
of this ordinance, except that at least one space per dwelling unit shall be kept available as
guest parking. Parking shall not be pennitted above ground leveL
(2) Additional access provisions. (i) If a building site abuts both Academy and Bissonnet, no
curb cuts on Bissonnet and nor more than two curb cuts on Academy are permitted. (ii) If
a building site abuts only Bissonnet, there may be no more than two curb cuts. (iii) The
desiAI, orall ac(.css dtive~aysand other pc'lth~<\y5 1111:...51 be c""..liloa.t...i wilh JlAj"~, l.t
propel tie~ so ~ tQ ann~ a CII'" dinJlt<":t1 JI..d il,t"'SI "t. 0 ci~ ('1latk.n S) Jt~m t' ithtlu .a.aj<J.ilwlg
plooerties. (iv ) Residents ufAdjM.~,.t Lnil.iil.,e ~it. ( in II.. um.. .~i~'1 iet shall k~ SUAt~d
rishts ofiniless add ~l~~" lJV~llh,., nli.. . il. ..1",101' S}StClll (I) DAdl dtiVCl\A} .lh...!ll ba
at least t\lV~l1t, &.et will", (vi) rill-A. _u. ,:II:,,~.I'a,s UlA:> ll~t ~:t:,~~d iifl~ JUlin l!ugtldf.a.
te1iuiuu~is l'lotolovided. 01 200 feet ill lellgth if A l~rl.li..IJ( i~ I'.' ,~id<,,:.1 T. 11IIi..i...qst l.a,.e
c'lde~uate dilnensions to allo wLUlllil1~
(3) Addi'tiol/arsi!fha~k ,c;,fl,,"1flmt.i (lhi'lg "/11....:\1,) . N.. li"i.13 (I'''''' ,I....1I1.~ }oIuruittcd 1 ilhin
thGdistances fiOla plopert] linl.".~ in. Ii. .1\1. tI In l..l>\,
ZONING ORDINANCE, as mllellded throllghJanllary 3/; /999 [06c:codcS:\ozoningl
Page Z-52
jy----- -
'T'I ' ."
DiJIQI/Ct;; F'lJ/II FtlJpet I] Lint (Teet)
F/,Jllt S;d<;; Side Rtl.,/
S/./ <;;d S,'hd .1"1 <Jpt;;t ty .I"hJp.!/ ty
. Li,It; Lit lot LillI; Dill!
Blank building" ..II
01 Vv all ~ith solid-
cOt e, o.le-I.ou. ,atGd
d0015 SGpalate5
li~ ins space from
propel t} line. 5 5 5
OthCl building" ",II
s~parates liv in~ space
fi: om p.operty line,
3~....~f0Vl VI t..ll...
[<:;1."" o. ..ullstbn.b
bGt.. C':'ll LdJJ;..c miJ
plVl^'ll) I;"". 10 8 10
TIJ\orlv ~~ uv ;)u\.rlll~u\",",
VJ .."ll: 12 10 10
Exception. Li vii.,:, 5pac.e IlIay' pi ojec.t itlto fi ont setback. .11 eas if the space is. (el) all highct:
thah eig,l,t fret and (b) cOlupletdy 5uspendGd fl0111 the lemainder of the buildillSh} a
cantilevc.l 01 similal stwctUIG. SGe, also, Table 7-2, entitled "Yalds(or 'Setbac.ks')", which
allows celtain Galltikveled buildit,g parts toploject ltitofiont yatds.
/~ :1f n'r' b 'lr:Jt ..
I" uullOlku II" dig a ,Ill It,. .
(I) DH.e.','iug hili! si..t.I:aGh dl.1Vellin~ unit lHllst contain at ka$t 1,408 Sql1AI e fio.f.t "f g. ,,~~ R,,~,j
alGa and shall bGat least si",teen fGGl i.ll.1Vidth (measn(Gd to includG otltsidG waib and Ol1C.-
half of any common ~aIIs).
(2) S/Jl..cil1g of dH.<;;[i'il1gl,llitj.Lxcept whCle dvvc..UinS unit~ <lIe. sepalated hy C'.~/n...l"llt-va.ll~.
thedl;nilHulll distance baween dwemn~ ullit~ shall be ~ llill~Jw5: (i)N\, l,Mt"f4:I:IJ
dwellihi ullit ma} bedlJselfl.Ahf:ve ~".tf" JlI1\Jtl,erdw..1li..e Hili. (ii) 'Ji'J:..lltIil1{~..~ 1.'JlY1.~
clOSCl lha.. fifty fect to a fadns l.1Vi..do~ to livill~ spaGein anothGI dwelling unit (iii)
Neitl.e{ ~aves no. batGohic.s llla.ybe closer thall fully fectto a facilii windo~ toli~ilti
space ill anodlel dwellihA ullit. Civ) Ne;lher ~indows to living. soace no! balconicsll1<XV be
clOSGJ tllaulwl;;ulv feet lo allv fa";II~ wall ofanotherdwellil'illnit
ZONING ORDINANCE, as ffll/(!71ded through Januory 3/, /999 [06c:llOdcS:'ozoniogl
~ ..
... .....&..1[
--------,- .-,--.---'r.-"r~'~'.--!-,-'.-~r.~
(a) Generally.
(1) This schedule applies only to the PDD-TH6 district. The purpose of this district is to
maintain and protect one of the City's planned single-family, attached-building residential
areas and to provide necessary regulations for buffering of adjacent areas with less-
intensive land uses.
All of the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to this district as ifit were part of the TH
district, except that the additional provisions set out in this schedule shall also apply to this
district. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between any provision in this schedule
and any other provision of this ordinance, the provision in this schedule shall control.
The o~ner of a bu;Idihs, s;te ill thisdi5tl iGt HlA' elect to he Alive, M:d l.y ,,11 ..ftl....
le~ulation5 aj)pliCALk to ~;..gl~-r"",,,il} (.-I..t". I."'~) II~. , JIll. if the buildihS site. were ill the SF":
J Dist.;ct and ;tllic.u of tile I "jiLJla1;0Ils 0111", w;!>" Al)I'I:Gdl,let.. tl,e Lllil,lil1B ~jl'"
Exception. tI.L TTI Di~ll;d II g.JII",;..I.<. "lI..~i..S thl(.: 6,llst':;ori~l, ~I0j~:tiQn! ~f
cahtile\ielGd space into fi~JIlt }AI,I~ "lid filll,l N 11....1t "I'l,ly t.. JIIl1lti"SI. _f'J!!...i]} use.sOil
buildiIt~ sit"s in litis dist.~(.t. If sucltelectioH is lIul:de ill A 1\,11'. 1,1 ~:l:..Ji1.Ll-l1.y 111... J.niJ.ii"s
officiaL and if all such le~ulatioll5 a,e clJlllpli~.i li\titt.. ~illgl~-f"mily (.1. tJII. 1..."') liS.: ;5
aIlo~ed;n this d;stliGt.
(b) Additional site criteria.
(1) Parking areas. There must be motor vehicle parking area which complies with Article 10
of this ordinance, except that only two parking spaces per dwelling unit are required.
Parking shall not be permitted above ground level.
Additioilal access provisions. -61 If a building site abuts Ruskin, there may be only one
curb cut on that street per dwellin~ unit (ii) Th~le 111"4' I.e n.. 111..'1":11."" ..1......1'.1.. I.t ....
\VG.salvall. (iii) The desi~n of all Acce~~ dli~..l'li"}It"I1.i 1111.<:1 I,M1.~"y~ '"lIst be
~oOldiltAted ~ith a(ljAcenl JI'ol,I'/1i. It It.. .H 1.."I1..~ " . .:..)Idinat~d and ~nt~Slal~d d"t.dm:iQll
system with tile adjoiHin~ pi opel ties. (i~) Re5idellt~ of adjacent hl1illiing lr,;il.".lr,; ill tho lr,;amc
dislIiGtshall be Slaltted 1~~ht5 ofil1g1e~~ "I,d ~/t':lr,;lr,; o~t':r Ill.. ..ntil.,. il. pl"liol1 'ysWn (~)
TIachdli~ewa~ must be atkast t...enty feet ~ide (\li)Cul-d~-~ac .Iriv..IlI."YIt 111-'\) l..,t
Gxceed f.fh &Gt in Ic.nsth ;f a tellHil1u~ is 110t pI HvidGd, HI 200 N...t ii, I..ngtll if" '......il.m i~
prov idcd T ~j Hlini IIlu~t 1.A VI.. A.i.. ((_ .At.. .1~j.lI~i1(.i. ~j.(. t.. r"J10\~ (l.J uiltS.
:1f~ .I' . , b '* ,. q'. ~ ;ro,f J"' I . " I .~. I .
". a,t,oll"~u Jt;/ (,,(; Fe-gin.Q,A,O/I., I "",Jlg \l)~}"~c!, "Jvu.e ~1,AI ~ (. L'. .~ l.il-J J..qt(lo l~lt)Hl
the distances hOI11 p.opeItv lillcsiltdicated b~llIl,jI,:.
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through January 31. 1999 [06c:codeS:\ozoning)
; " . ~
Page Z-54
1_ [ - - ----------~----------------------,- -.r-',!~"W- --J' - '"
- ~ 'j
Ir, "I
Di~h.tIlc~ Flom Fll>ptl ty Lii,e (Fut)
Fi (Jilt Side SiLl!!; Rc;L11
St/t;<!/ Sheet lnlopelty J"lOpl;lty
Lillc;' D,)/l; Lilll; Lil/t;
D1ihlk building ",.111
01 ~all with solid-
COIG, one-houl latcd
dOOlS scpal ate.s
Ii ~ ihg space fl om
pi operty line. 5
OthCl bu;Jd;ng ""II
sepal atGS Ii v in~ space
, fl 0111 pLOpGrty Iihe,
S~....-fuvl vi wll"l
l\:...c.. 0.. ...ill .>tlI.tJ:>
1A..t,"" ,",wU btlild:L~~ duJ
.Ill vIJ<oll) l~u<;. .
TIl~.lv ~., uv ~u""lj fLu~\;
VI ..ull:
Except,:Oll. Li~i1l5 spaCG 1114) plojeGt into Ront sc.tback aleas iethe space. is. (a) all higher
than ei~hl feet add (b) c0l1101eteh susoehdeq fiomthe. i~Ina.ihdeI of the buildtllebv a
cantikvGI or simaal~tlUGlul e.See, also, Table. 7-2, el1t;tled "Ya,ds (01 'Setbacks')", which
allows celtain calltikvcled building palts to brojee.l into hont }a,ds.
/' ~ 7f -'ria' , b . 'd.'. . . I
I C L< I, OJ"::. lt1 t ~l1g. c.l1uua. . . '..
(1) DH'(!.wltg "wi J)..e. rAIl. .~w,,",lIl1'B ....It mild c.;ontAlll At I.-Ad l:tnn squate ~el of gloss fIooI
mea 'and shaH be at kaslsiAleell feet in ~idt:1. (mc.astucd toincludeoutsidewal15 and one-
hAlf..f AllY . ..1..1..,)lIwAI1~) . I
(2) Spl.lciug o/dH,.!,'ling 1II/it.f.LXC.el>L w hel e d \1\ -ellillg un;ls AI e Sl.i,a.1 aled hy GlIllllllllhllttills,
the l11il1;ll1ulU distance bet~ ee.n d w eIIins tlhit~shall be asfollo w~. (i) No pat1 of any
dweIIihsunitlu<\y be closer than fivG eGet tO~llothcl d~~c;lliHg tUbL O~)Nowindow mcty be
do~el thala fift y fc~tto a .facin~ ~ indo w to 1+ ;d~ space ill 4dOlhe~ d w ~lin~unit. . (~i)
Nelth~l eaves nOI balc~IHeslyar .be clo~el thr.l fOltyoca.lo. a facUl~ wmdow to.li\llAA
spaGe III allothel. d~CUUlA uialL Cl.v) NClthel ~ll1do~s to h~ln~ s~ace llor balcoll1es 11l<\~ be
dOSGl thall t ilvGnty reet to all~ facUl~ lIttaUof fl-UOth"l d .vdhn~ udlL
(d) Additiona: l,Je. Th" ZDA may isstlGa special CX4.eptioll (01 the. uS" of a buildillS site for
paIkin~ of motol vehide~ in cOlhiection Vvitll nealb} cOHundlcial aGtivitic.s upon apploval by the ZDA of
the t~pes of vehicles to be pm ked.. tIle d(;si~n:oftlle pal!Qngjfadlities (inGludin~ lmldscapin~. pa\lirt~.
lightin~. signs. Gtc.) and e.ulb cuts..aU of~hicllllla>, be inclJdGd as conditions to the spc.cial ~eption.
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through January 3/. /999
i .
i [06c:codeS:\ozoningl
Page Z-55
,-, II .1:____, . _ _ ___.______.::::::::::;:J,
C-:' -
--.i( ,
/n General A "QMDS" is a platted "Qualified Medium Density Subdivision" meeting: the criteria ~et
out in this schedule. Reg:ulationsin this schedule applv within a OMDS All othp.r
provisions of this ordinance also apply in a QMOS. but in case of conflict this schedlllp.
controls. A conflict is not created if this schedule does not r~peat other orrlin:m~p.
provisions. Consult the referenced tables and articles for details
Where Avplicable: A OMDS mav onlv be platted in the followine districts: TH GR-l GR-2 POO-THl
Definition/Criteria: A "Qualified Medium Densitv Subdivision" means a subdivision with a plat or replat that
meets all of these criteria:
ill [memal Access Garaftes. It designates internal access garages for at least 80%
of the lots in the subdivision with sufficientdrivewavs. alleys. curb cuts and
maneuverine areas to serve them "Internal access {laral1e" means an enclosed
garage with a door that: (i)does not face the front street line of its lot. unless it is
40 feet or more from that line and fii) does not face a side street line or its lot
unless it is 20 feet or more from that line
Low-Imvact Motor COllrt Exception: For subdivision of an old buildini
site (existing: before October 24. 1987) with a width of 61 feet or I~ss
there may be a low-imvact motor court instead of internal-access
ill Yards. It must desi{p1ate all reauired vards (Note' Yards are required onlv
around the .perimeter of the subdivision. not internallv. However. easements.
o.pen areas and other restricted areas may be required internally' see ~elow)
ill Access. Parkil1~. Environmental Issues. Vehicular acces&. driveways
maneuvering areas. streets and allevs (public or private) easements curb cuts
parking spaces. buildin~ lines. ODen areas.and previous areas m~v he identified
and restricted bv the Dlat so that in theiudq;mellt of the Z&PC' (j) any impact on
adiacent properties or nei~hborhoods is minimized. (ii) routine emeriencv and
utility access are adequate {iin environmental effects (includini runoff. tre~
imoacts. bulk IiQht air ete) are mitig:ated The plat.mav require such areas to
be larger than otherwise required by this ordinance. The Z&PC may require
dedication ofapublic street area or allev.
ffi Maintenance. Repair.. Etc. It incorporates a permanent method for maintenance...
repair. insurance and recon~truction Qr: (i) private streets driveways and
'common areas . (in external features of attached dwel1ine units (iiil common
walls and (iv) other common structures The method must be eitber a
homeowners's association with full authority to perform these functions and
assess the cost to the owners. or a substantially-equivalent method approved bv
the Z&PC.
ill. Easements. It includes any necessary easements for access to common areas or
structures and for maintenance. repair or reconstruction of non-common
(2} Buildil1ft Lines. It includes building lines approved by the Z&PC based upon the
specific characteristics of the site and adioining areas.. Building lines may be
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through January 3/. /999 (06c:codc5:\ozoning)
Page Z-61
, ,I
---'-"""'l"'irT"-:'~-' ._-~-------
- '1-
deeoer (or greater) than the otherwise-aoolicable yard areas. Areas between a
building line and the street are designated and regulated as vards (front. side.
ill ntle Block; Restrictions. The title block desiS?nates it a "aualified medium-
density subdivision" and incoroorates the applicable provisions of the Zoning
Ordinance and Chapter 20. It must recite that all restrictions on the olat or
incorporated into the olat shall "run with the land" and shall be independentlv
enforceable by any person or entity having an interest in prooertY included in the
plat (which mavinclude the Citv) and by anv homeowner's association that m~
be created. Anv such enforcement by the City is an additional. alternative remedy
for the City. .
A "low-impact motor court" or "LlMC" is a vehicle parking and maneuvering area that
meets all these criteria:
ill One Curb Cut. Only one curb cut per 50 feet of frontage. maximum 12 feet wide
(measured at the narrow point of the apron)
ill On-Street Svaces. InGR-l or GR-2. must leave at least two 18-foot curb spaces
per 50 feet of frontage.
ill Land<;caved Buffer Strivs. . Must include strips five feet deeD in front. two feet
deep on sides. Must be landscaped with evergreen hedges.or shrubs.
~ Street Trees. At least one oer 24 feet of street frontage (round down)
ill Penrious Pavement: Must be used throughout. '
Note: Where an LIMC is allowed. internal access gara~esare not reauired: see above.
"Pervious pavement" includes both: (l) soecially-manufactured pavement blocks or grids
that have holes filled with pervious material. and (2) stones. bricks or pavers laid with
intervenimz QaQs filled with pervious materials Pervious pavem~Jlt must have a pervious
Buildil1f! Sites:
Minimum area (SF A or SFD): 2.000 sa. ft. oer DU. no minimum width or depth
Access: Public street. private street or other platted accesswav.
See Article 5 for other orovisions.
SF A and SID (and other residential in GR-l or GR-2). This includes. for examole.
townhouses~ "garden-stvle" houses and conventional sin~le-family houses. See Table 7-
. -..
1 for other uses.
Yard Dimensions:
Per Table 7-2: Front yard:
Interior side vard:
Street side yard:
Rear yard:
SF Bufferyard:
5 ft. (20 ft. in GR-l or GR.;.2): see "Proiections."
3 ft.
1 0 feet
20 ft. (5 ft. in GR-l and GR-2): see "Protections."
20 feet.: see "Protections."
Standard oroiections are allowed per the Protections. Schedule. In addition:
ill From yard (GR-lor GR-2 Only): A principal building with an internal access
garatZe may proiect as close as 10 feet to the street area if. in the orotecting part:
(a) there is a first-floor porch or with at least 80 sa. ft. of floor space (open or ,
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through January 31. 1999 (06c:cod.:5:\ozoning)
Page Z-62
screened) and no dimension smaller than ~even feet. (h) ~hovpo thpo porcb or COyrt.
no more than half the usable floor ~mace i~ endo..::en (~ovprin~s aDd otber floor
so ace. including open or screened porches are allowen ~hove ~n thp porcb or
court). (c) the cornice hejlJht noe..:: not E>y~ppn 17 f~~t. 1tr1d (<1) tbere are Ae mere
than 2 5 stories' and ( e) therE> i..:: no (1~r~ap c:p~r~
ill Front vard: Bay windows. canooies and balconies at least 18 inches above Q'rnne
may project Ill) to 24 jn~he<:: hE>vonn thpo nrin~iDl:l1 b'lildiDQ. Stepg aRQ HaRsrails
may proiectun to 10 in~hp.<:: hpovonn thpo nrin~ipa' b'lildiD'}.
ill Rear Yard GndSF Buffervard BuildinQ's up tQ 10 fep.t hiah (mpo~cmred from
finished ~rade to ton of mof. I)J~tpo) m~v nrnipo~t hilt not, do~er tball 10 feet te tHe
orooerty line. '
Yard Desirmatlons: The whole OMDS is treated as ifit were one buildinS! site to neterminpo v~rrlc: Thi'c:
means that yards are onlv reauired around the perimeter of the OMn~ not intpom~l1y
However. easements open areas and other re<::trictp.n ~re~..:: m~v hporpo~lIirpon int("malJy'
see above. A OMDS olat must desiQnate front side and re~r y~rrl<:: Pl~t_..::ppo~ifi~
desiq:nations control oVyr ~eneral (iesiQnation~
Ooen Area:
Per Table 7-3:
Pen/iolls Area:
See Table 7-3.
Front yard:
Rear yard:
Entire buildin'1 site:
N/A (40% in GR-Ior GR-2)
Front vard:
Entire buildin'1 site:
40% (or 30% with LIMe)
Pen/lolls Pavement:AIlowed anywhere in aOMDS The ~re~ ofthpo hoJpo<:: or a~nc: (if~r.tIl~l1y p~nnnll~)
counts toward pervious area renuirement~ (hut no more th~n 10%ollt of~ny ~rp~ with.
oervious oavementmay count).
Parking Spaces:
Per Article 10:
GI/est Parkin$!:
SFD: 2.0 soacesoer DU. at least one in garage.
Other uses: 2.5 spaces per DU. at least two per DU in ~arage
(but see PDDschedules).'
Soaces over 2.0 oer DU must be available for guest oarking
(but see PDD schedules)
No parking space mav be c1os~r than] 0 ft to a ~treet area
Guestoarking soaces may be shared or ~rouped for the entire OMDS Nnte' the OMnS
plat must desittnate the parkiOQ areas
Per Article 10:
Maximum .Ien~h: 160 feet. measured from the ~treet area
Exceptions: ( a) A longer drivew~v is allowed if it selVes no more
than seven DU's or if there is an aoproved turnaround or second
means of eQ:ress. and (b) the 160-foot maximum does not ~l)ly to
a driveway desiQ:nated on a OMDS olat.
Minimum width' ] 0 feet . or .17 feet for two-w~v drivewavs
serving three or more DU's. Widths are for unobstructed access
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through January 31. 1999 [06c:codeS:\ozoningl
Page Z-63
widths and pavement.
Landficaoin!! strio: Minimum 18 inches wide. reauired where a drivewl\v i~ n:lr:lllp.1 :Inn ::inj~ret1t to a
building, fence or OMOS subdivision boundal)'
Manel/verin!! Area: Minimum 24 ft. long, reauired at the entrance to e:lch p:lr~?p Minimllm vtidth: T'JJ9
feet wider than the gara~e entrance The len~h m:lv indunp nrivPUlavi laRdgc~f'iRg
strios and recessed building area
Curb cuts: Maximum 12 ft. width oer 50 ft. of street line Width i~ me:l~II~en ~t thp n~rroUl point of
the aoren. See POD Schedules for additional curb cut limit!; r.llrh cut limite:: ~pt)l" per
Buildin!!s: Per Table 7-4: Maximum number of dwellin~ units' 21 5 per acre (24 ner :lcrp in
GR-2:2 0 Oil per buildin~ !;itein GR-1)
Maximum height. principal buildimr 35 ft * (2S ft * in re:lr yardl
MaximuJ!lhei~ht.. accessorY hlJiJdin~'2S ft ":
(*10 feet for rear yard ancl SF Rllff'p.ty:lrn prnjPctio'1)
Maximum stories: Three (2.5 in front yard proiection)
Minimum gross floor are:l' 1 100~nft pp.rnrr
Minimum width' 16 ft ner DIT
Maximum width and maximum lp.nP-th' 110 ft ppr hl1ildit1~
Separation. between attached OIT's' FOIlr-hollr firpUl:lH nr pq"ivalent
Materials of each buiJdinf/mlJ~t he of eQlJ:lJ ?r:lne :Inn nl1:1litv on aU sides
exceot aloni common w:l1I
Low Fences: Fences 3.5 feet or lower are allowed everYWhere on:l OMD~ Int ifm~ne ofomamemal
metal or white oickets.
Walkways: There must be a caved walkwav (at least 30ft wide)to the cum "om e:lch m:lin
entrance oriented toward a str~et area
See other regulations in this ordinance e g Table 7-5 ArticJe~ R :lncl 10 PDD
Schedules, etc.
ZONING ORDINANCE, as amended through January 3/. /999 [06c:~od.:S:.oz,,"ilgl
Page Z-64
feet to the street area if, in the projecting part: (a) there is a first-floor porch or
with at least 80 sq. ft. of floor space (open or screened) ::Inn nn nirnetlliiotl
smaller than seven feet: (b) above the porch or court, no more than half the
usable flaor soace is enclosed (coverinQsand other floar space incllldini "pen
or screened oorches. are allawed abave all the parch or cQurt); (c) the carnice
height does not exceed 27 feet,; and (d) there are no more than 2.5 staries.
(2) Front yard: Bay windaws, canapies and balconies atleast 18 inches abave
grade may project up to 24 inches beyand the principal building. Steps and
handrails may project up to. 30 inches beyond the prin<~ipal building.
(3) Rear Yard and SF Bufferyard Buildings up to 10 feet high (measured from
finished erade to too of roQf plate) may project, but not claser than 10 feet to. the
property line.
Yard Designations: The whale QMDS is treated as ifit were one building site to determine yards. This
means that yards are only required around the perimeter of the QMDS, not internally. A
QMDS plat must designate front, side and rear yards. Plat-specific designations cantrol
over general designations.
Open Area~'
Per Table 7..J:
Front yard:
Rear yard:
Entire building site:
N/A (40% in GR-1 or GR-2)
Pervious Area:
See Table 7-3. Front yard:
40% (or 30% with LIMe)
Entire building site: 15%
Pervious Pavement: Allawed anywhere in a QMDS. The area of the holes or gaps (if actually pervious)
counts toward perviaus area requirements (but no. mare than 30% aut af any area with
perviaus pavement may caunt).
Parking Spaces: Per Article 10: SFD: 2.0 spaces per DU, at least one in garage.
Other uses: 2.5 spaces per DU (3.0 illPDD-TIIl and PDD-TIIZ)
at least two per DU in garage (but see PDD schedules).
Spaces aver 2.0 per DU must be available far guest parking
(but see PDD schedules)..
No. parking space may be claser than 10ft. to. a street area.
Guest Parking: Guest parking spaces may be shared ar grauped far the entire QMDS. Note: the QMDS
plat must designate the parking areas.
Driveways: Per Article 10: Maximum length: 160 feet, measured fram the street area. Exceptions:
(a) A longer driveway is allawed, ifit serves no. mare than seven DU's ar
ifthere is an approved turnaraund ar second means of egress, and (b) the
160-foat maximum does not apply to. a driveway designated an a QMDS
Minimum width: 10 feet, or 17 feet far twa-way driveways
ZONING ORDINANCE" as amended through Jmlllal'Y 3/. /999 (06c:codcS:\ozoningJ
Page Z-65
r "".. --""--:1
r.-.------.~""'''-c-''"''..,,""'r"""'C"..r irr-l
-----~-~~TTIcr.c~-------m---- --- ''1------'-.-'
serving three or more DU's. Widths are for unobstructed access
widths and pavement.
Landscaping strip: Minimum 18 inches wide, required where a driveway is parallel and adjacent to a
building, fence or QMDS subdivision boundary.
Maneuvering Area: Minimum 24 ft. long, required at the entrance to each garage. Minimum width: Two feet
wider than the garage entrance. The length may include driveways, landscaping strips
and recessed building area.
,Curb cuts: Maximum 12 ft. width per 50 ft. of street line. Width is measured at the narrow point of
the apron. SeePDD Schedules for additional curb cut limits. Curb cut limits apply per
'Buildings: Per Table 7-4: Maximum number 2fdwellioe: units: 21 5 ner acre (24 ner acre in
GR-2: 2 0 DU nerbuildine: sitein GR-l)
Maximum height, principal building: ,35 ft. * (25 ft.* in rear yard)
Maximum height, accessory building:. 25 ft. *
(* 1 0 feet for rear yard and SF Bufferyard projection)
Maximum stories: Three (2.5 in front yard projection)
Minimum gross floor area: 1,200 sq. ft. per DU
Miniml,1m.width: 16 ft. perDU
Maximum width and maximum length: 130 ft. per building
Separation between attached DU's: Four-hour firewall or equivalent
Low Fences: Fences 3.5 feet or lower are allowed everywhere on a OMDS lot if made ofomamentaI
metal. or whit~ nickets,
Walkways: There must be a naved walkwav (at least 30ft. wide) to the curb. from each main
entrance oriented toward a street area.
Other See other regulations in this ordinance, e.g., Table 7-5, Articles 8 and 10, PDD
Schedules, etc.
ZONING ORDTNANCE, as ampnnpn f/wm/<7h .Irm"m~' ~ f fQQQ rnr.~.~~'p~.',,7M;Ml
1><> 0-.. 7 _1:.1:.
As adopted on first reading, 1-11-99
Attachment A-2
Platting Amendment. Amend Chapter 20 (applicable to all development, except conventional single-
family, detached houses in the SF-l. SF-2 or SF-3 District on l"t'l. $,000 "'1~..'1." f: ..t 01 gIGalel):
(a) to require the filing and informal review of a sketch plan before filing a plat or replat;
(b) to require the filing of an official site plan as part of the filing package for any plat or replat,
and to require that the official site plan meet City standards for approval;
( c) to require the permanent filing of each official site plan among the City's plat records, with
the original recorded plat; and'
(d) to require that all construction in a platted or replatted area comply substantially with the
site plan submitted in connection with the plat or replat.
Review and approval of site plans would be handled by the building official, who may be advised by the
Z&.PC, a committee of the Z&PC or a designee of the Z&PC. Appeals from the building official would be
heardl2Y the Z&PC regarding all matters within the platting illri!::ciiction ofthp. 7&pr OthP.T ~ppp~lC! ~rp
, heard in the usual manner, by either the BSC or the ZBA, depending upon the issue.)
Add a cross-referenence and parallel requirement in Chapter 6 (rer:arciing permitapprovafc:)