HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 46 Providing salaries for mayor and commissioners 1~4 NO. JlJ, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR SAlJ.lRIES TO BE PAID TO THE r,,'iAYOR AND TO THE COlIiMISSIOl'JERSOF THE CITY OF WEST l:JN- lVERSITY PLACE; PROVIDING THE DAY OF COMJ'JEIWEMl.'1TT THEP.EOF ,AND DECIARIKGAN E:fu1ERGENCY AJ.IiD THAT Tl1.E ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT IMMEDIATELY. BE IT 0" DArNED BY 'TIIE BOARD OF C011;ThrISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF v\lES1' UNIVERSITY PLACE: SECTION 1. That from and after Monday, April 20th, 1931, the foUow- the shall be pe.idto the Mayor and CO!J1missi.oners respectively, of iug of West University Place: Mayor, One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars per montl.; Commissiom~rs, Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per month, eaoh; provided Mayor and Cormn~ssioners elected on April 7th, 1931 do not -~\... office on the said April 20tll, 1931 then the salaries herein shall not conm~nce and be effective until said newly' elected Mayor and Co. i88io116rs so qualify.. , SECTION 2.. There being no ordinance prescribiug the salaries of the ]!Iayor an ' Co:rmnissioners and their duties being such as to warrant the pass- ordinance creates an emergency' and same shall take e~fect and de immediately from and after its passage and approval. SIGHED Ai\fD APPROVED THIS 6th DAY OF AFRIL, A. D. 1931. :;..-.o--'~~- ~> ~:-~:::-:::.~ ./t w._.~;-----:,./' /~>I " rfl'J'i7.C'T".r" 1"/ .~"_;J:~~,~,?, 4 /(~j /f ., ~- <':/:.'7~F~ ,> '-'l.{-41/t~K~'7z,- C -TY SECRET1'illY ) '-r-.!-",--,,.,--,------ -- --- "l'T~'1'=>~rr!f'I~~l'''' ---, -\~~- 1,,,,;;... i;,::t _ 11 ,f' ~,:J 1\j 0 Lee, /' i" .. .~-- I' AN ORDnL~JCE PROVIDIIilG RULES ,A,ND REGUlATIOns GO\TBRNING PLUMBERS IN TEE INST ALIATION OF PLill'iIBING WORK WI'l'HIN 'l'HE crrr OF WEST U1HVEHSITY Plj\CE AND ADOPTING THE ORDINANCE H P"J\.VING ~rfITS SM.;1E CAPTION '}'mICE IS NOW IN FORCE nT TEE CITY OF HOUS TON AND WHICH WAS APPIWVED ON DECE},':BER 10, 1930. BE IT OEDAI1IED BY THE BOA1:(D OF COMJlHSSIONERS OF TF.E CITY 'OF lNEST TTIUVERSITY PL~CE, TEX!1S: ... SECTION 1.. .. That an ordinance provirling rules and regulr3..ti on ~overn- ing plumbers in the installation of plumbing work wi. thin the City of Houston; and providing a penalty, which was passed by the City Council of the Ci ~J of Houston, on Deoember 10, 1930 and approved on December 10, 1930 to take effect 90 days after passage is heremJ adopted b;r the City of' West Universit;'l Place, covering the subject matter thereof the Sallle as if said ordinance together wi th all its terms and provisions was set forth in full in this ordinanoe. SECTICltI 2. All ordinances or parts of' ordinances 'in con f'lict here- 1~th are here~J repealed. . SECTION 3. There being no adequate ordinance adequate1:r regulating the insta.llation of plumbing work in the Cit-y of West University Place and the urgent necassi ty of such e.n ordinance oreates an em- I ~-~-r:-7'-r~c:""--'====-r::-C::=-._-=_7'''J'I ____ l.~-T~f- -- -- - -~-'--:Y---- ___----'.:.......1..A '-r-:-' ---~.._- - -, i -'--~:'~'-~-'T'Ir:;:7~-,,!r"-" ergency and this ordinance shall take effect irnrnediately after its passage and approval. Passed and approved thi s the 4th day of May, A. D. 1931. ~~.... Ii); ...... . , 'y .:( "(" '. ~ I;: (' ,;" /~ ~I oj il';b.. \. . / ',., ..!..\....---'......:::..-"'-_~. ~y .~/'-- , .;-...r'-J MAj J ~1;? AT'rE~~ ,;::' c ./ 0 ~ {:c!t(/"/. f./" lW~/n'Y'b'~ "~'-;~j.~'dk.1b7';C/o.,.#A;!~ CI TY S'E011BlfARY. c'e"'.e~4== r ,,' //. / ./ / ' /' """r: r~'rC"""~"~~"'''C''J''~-r ..- T: -. i ' I': C'TII7lTli-' . . _n ---.-.=;:=IJ' .. 1 u;;c: ~ i;j t]