HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 45 Establishing a Fire Prevention Board 1,','''\1 ,_:.~ .~~ ORDINAlI1CE NO. ffJ~ AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A FIRE PREVEN- TION .BOARD PROVIDING FOR ITS J\!IEMBERSHIP, ITS ORG.~JIZATION, PRESCRIBING I'ffi DUTIES AND OFFICE AND DECLARING AN E1~RGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UJ'ijIV'~RSITY PL- ACE, TEXAS. SEC'l'ION 1. There is hereby created an organizati on 1'01' the pre- vention of fires, which is s-tyled the City of West Uni versi ty Place Fire Prevention Board, hereinafter referred to as the "Board" and which shall be composed of the following personnel: , , and the Ci.t;y Fire Marshal. SEC TIon 2. The members of the Board shall subscribe to and take the Statutory Oath. of Office as members of the Board, and shall be mem- bers of the Board as long as they hold their of~lcial positions, their suocessors shall succeed them as members of the Board. Provi.ded that it is and shall be espeoi ally the duty of' the City Fire lIarshal to be ae- tive and an alert member of the Board and to fai thful1.y perform the duties thereof. SECTION 3. The members of the Board shall elect a President, a Vice-President and a Seoretary-Treasurer, and may adopt by-laws not in- consistent with this Ordinance, prescribing the terms of office and duties of officers and members of the Board, and meetings of the Board, r -- r~"'~':-",=-"~""!-=:=='=.,,-.~----- l.hf :~ provided that the Board shall have at least one meeting every four months, one of whioh shall be at the end of' the fiscal year, which fiscal year shall end on the year. ~ day of of each calendar SECTION 4. It shall be the office and duty of the Board to Advise and counsel the City Government and Ci ty Officers and em- ployees as to the best and approved means and ways of prevention and extinguishing of fires, and also as to best ways and means to dis- courage, apprehend and to conn ot for the crime of ar80n;to advi se and counsel the citizens as to the best ways and means for preven- tion of :rires, and to reconnnend the most approved rules, regulations and equipment relating to the prevention and extinguishing of fires. The Board shall also advise and counsel the City Officers, the Cit- izens, and Fire Insurance Writers, as to rules, regulations, and inspections, relative to fire insurance of property in the city; and may 'When it deems proper to cause an investigation of each fire that occurs. The board shall make an annual v..ri tten report at the close of each fiscal year, reporting its activities and the events during "l;."1e past year within its zpne of acti on, with recommendations. SECTION 5. The Board shall be authorized and empowered. as in line with its office, to e.:reate with its members, a Fire Inquest Com- mittee, whose du"ty it shall be to work wi th the City Fire Marshal in the investigation of fires" SECTION 6. The City Attorney shall be the legal adviser o.f' the Board. r I c..c.. ..... Cll . - -i-:c--.,,-------- '~-,-I~iT".'''''lFTI';T,----- ii, U SEe TrON 7. its passage and approval thereof. This Ordinance shall take ei'fect immediately after 1931. ATTES T: PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ,/ >- {..,...../ __~......'~~.rl. ,;""-''.1:(.'' ~.:<- 1l<<L.,r...t,.,.,.. ."",,:1'-:, _;J!~'~;'~t:4,~} '~____- -- r1-- ;.r ,r #' r ~-,. ~.~ __, j CI1'Y SgCRETARY /r- ..7.......-. -.:- DAY OF MARCH, A. D. rT'"' I LiIJD roo, i"ir~1nTTIr;I-.- .~ r 1,.1 't ~~"~'