HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 44 Prohiting fowl at large '1.. ,.. .. '-:t ,!l NO. Al~ ORDn~ANCE PROHIBITING ANY GEESE, DUCKS, TURKEYS, ClIICKE1TS, GUIN1:~.A.S, OR OI'liBR DOI&S1'IC FOWLS RUNlHNG AT LARGE V;ITEIN T'.dE CORPOR}~TE LIMITS OF' 'IHE CITY OF WES'r UJ:aVi:RSITYPLACE: PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF TIIIS OInnNl\1WE AND TEAT 8PJ:m SFU\.LL TAlm EFFECT nj]EEDli~.TELY. BE IT ORDF..HJED BY Th-:E BOARD OF COMMISSIOl\lERS. OF THE CITY OFVJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: SECTION 1. It shan be unle:wful for the owner or keeper of' any geese, ducks, turkeys, chickens, guineas, or other domestic fowls to permit same to run a.t large in the streets and highways of the City of Hast University P1ace. SECTION 2. It shall be unlavv:t'u1 for the Oim1er or keeper of any g0ese, ducks, turkeys, chickens, guineas, or other domestic fowls to permit same to run at large within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place.. to the inconvenience or annoyance of persons residing in the neighborhood. SECTION 3. imy person or persons violating this ordinance or any part thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor e.nd upon conviction thereof in the corporation court shall be fined in any sum not less than One ($1.00) Dollar or not more then Fi fty (~~50 .00) Dollars. PASSED 1I1TD APPROVED thi s day of Fe1Jruary, A. D. 1931", . ~~... (J'JVJ ii',,,) ~:{k [)., v~.~0' MWOR . j'",:J...... i / _~/' ,4 \nm~'C'T"/ ..,--= 1/ .f-J. m.., ~.;.:-~ 1/ ' /. .....---.; . j / /,&..... /. 'G,cfi. . .,,(! ~ ?-7~. ~(j......tt---(?41.}-:?-e~(.<-7~-?t... .'---~ Dr 1": SECRL TARY. , T~-'r~ _._--....._~-_._-!1 - ..--r-,---- 11' i-T- I 'r" :'!!"i 11i':r-