HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 36 - keeping of disorderly houses 157.: ORDINANCE Nmvffilli~ 36 l AN ORDINAUCE PROHIBITING THE KEEPInG OF DISORDERLY HOUSES PJ~D BAwTIY HOUgES WITHIN Tfill TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF THE CITY OF' VilEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; DEFINI:NG~1f.tIAT ' CONSTITUTES A DISORDERLY HOUSE AND BAWDY HOUSE; PROVIDING FOR PE:NAIJEIES FOn VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVID- ING W~'iEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT e ~,...~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOAHD OP CO:M1VlISSIONERS OPTBE CITY OF WEST tnnVSRSITY PLACE: Section 1. Any person who shall directly or as agent for another or thru an agent, keep or be concerned in keeping or aid or abet ~~-*ee~~~~ or' assist in keeping a bawdy housa or house disorderly in ~y house, building, edifice or .tenement, or shall knowingly per:mi.t the keeping of a bawdy house or ; r~ disorderly house in any house, building, edifice, or tenement ovvned, lease~ occupied or controlled by him or her'directly or as agent for another, or thru an agent, within the territorial limits of the City of West Univ- ersity Place shall be guilty of an offenae and fined in any sum n~o excceed $200~OO~ Section 2. A bawdy house is one kept for prostitution and where prostitutes are permitted to resort or reside for .. r the purpose of plying their vocation, and a house, room or place where ""I.,... \" ..... ~-'- '. --~ men an:. wome~~t V~(~ieo..~. ea~h. ~~h.~~~ a.ppointment, or by appointment made by ~((le,e~.,"b~y,mv. tual ..... '. ::~~.. . -. tmotb:e\r, f'or the purp,ose of' ., ',''<.;'];, '\!\"<~'" ,". - ". ~~ s..ex.ua.l inteJ;'cou.rse. .~~ '~~ "'_'-'--.'-r""c",,"Tl,;=-coc=c~",,-"-r"_~- -- nC_",J.j I ' i"""'"'~lInl"j'~r'--~- ~/ I"'Y ,.-' V t ~. /- 158~ Section 3. -~'A.' . A disorderly house is any house to vnlich persons resol,tfor the purposes of smoking or ,in any manner. using opium OJ? narootics of any kind, a.Yld where there permitted or indulged in any loud noises, and where t;her'~ is" collected or peE'1li tted to be collected therein any drunken, noisy or disorderly persons to the annoy- ance or disturbance of the neighboX'hood, and where persons collect together.for purposes of gambling, and where there is displayed gambling device or devices, and where person or persons engage: in: the drinking of' malt liquors, spirituous liquors, or any 'character of intoxicating liquors, and where such liquors are sold, and by the term sold shall mean where there is anything .1-"'; . I ' of value gi~en in return therefor. Section 5., This ol?d}nance shall take effectillunediately upon its passage, approval a.1'ld publi'cation as required by law. PASSED and approved this of ,July, A.D. 1929. ~-/f ~ W--'~~I~~~WCCC".c. . , 1 r - UTI , ,,In' -,' I'-V-' - ~wr'~--'IT'l1T'1 j"