HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 35 - installation of sewers, plumbing 10'U. , 'I ORDINANCE NO. 35. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TI-ill Il\fSTALLATION OF SEWERS, PLUMBING, .J~,v .., REPEALING- ALL ORDIlf,ANCES, OR PJI..RTS OF ORDINANOES, IN CONFLICT IIEF.EWIIIH AND PHOVIDING THAT S.AJiTE TAKE EFIi'ECT IIvIMEDIATELY; PROVIDING PENAL'rIES FOn THE' VI OI./NfI ON I-IERB OF. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OFCOThTI~ISSIm{8RS OF TI~~ CITY OF VJEST UNIVERSITY PJ..JACE: Sec.tionl. CITY ENGTm~ER CHARGED WITH SUPERVISION (1) The city E:hgineer is hel?eby charged ii1Ii..th the. supsI'vision of plumbing arid drain la~tihg, and shall keep ~a recor'd dr all pSI'sons qualified to do plumbing 01" drain '-laying :'[TI the~ City of West, Univel~sity Place. SHALL INSPECT BEFOB.E COVERED (2) He shall 'inspect or C&iJ.se to be inspected all plmubingor drain laii!l..g before same is covered 1.11", and when same is completed in accordance with the provision of' '. -;- this ,or~dinance, sh/;'lll issue !l. certificate to the person doing the war'Ie that same has been done in H propel' and lawful ma...11.:.r1er~ 1iltHEN BE SHALL D1ECT.THE 1:J:10 CERTIFY --( 3) In case s!;'dd pl1...-unbing and d~ain layi~~has not been done in a proper marmer either because of bad or: impel;fe'ctworlc; or' bad o:e imperfect matel"'ial, he shall re- '} 'fuse to cert:i.f~r said work a:nd shall repol"t that fact to the City .~. ,'~... . :\pouncll of said City and to tbe person for whom the work is being t '. " :..j",j.... 'f~\ {tone ~ WHEN WORK IS NOT DONE ACCOHDnm TO ORDER ( 4) And should sfdd plurllber or' dr'ain la~rer l'ef'use to complete said job 01' work j.n 8.cco:r'd.ance with th,e pl"'()v~Lsion of th,1s ol"'dinance, it should be the, d:uty of said engineer to report such fact to the O\li11er of B8.id. pl'e- 'f I!1ises and to the Board. of Exand.n:tng fmd Supervising Plumbers, hel'>e- ';nof'JI':E".'" 't)'y.()V'~ .-l""",~ '-\-[ll~ 4-0 y,;:;>f't'''''''; '1-:0 ~;:'Y-';:>:rll'~ c'a' -j rl Y,,)l-l'.~.;n.rJ'e1" 0'_" 0"....ai:u' J,- 0._ _- ~~{. ,.1...... ~ v ..\.~\_....,...l_.' ~..._ _..t. \..' _ 'tJ_1. .!.oll;)"" _I oJ.. .;;:.J.. ->,. -' .;1 _ ...- .....~ _ _-. "" _. _ ....\..1.;_ l08. layel'" a pe:pm:t t to do any fur-thel'> plumblng 01" drain laying as the case may be '{J,.ntil said worK has been propel"ly done '" Section 2. .,'~ "DRAINAGE".AND tlDRAIN LAYING" -- DEFIN'Il'ifG TERMS "PLUMBING" II That when the,.-terrns "Plumbing" II uDraining" or lIDrahl Laying" are mentioned :1,n this o:r'dinance, they shall be held to include and. govern all wOl"1\: clone and mate1"'1a..1s used in connecting, r em,o de ling- or re:pai.ring any system of drainage whereby foul waste or superflou.s water, ga.s, vapor, oI'otheF fluids are disch,ar'ged th1?ou.gh a pipe or pipes .fl'om 8.11.Y oo.ilcang, lot, premises, or' estabJ.j.shment into any public or hou.se sewer, drain, pit, box, filter-bed, or other reeep- tacle, or into any nat~~al or a~tificial water course flowing through pUblic 01'" private property, or- inventilat:i.ng EnY house sewer 01" other fixture or appurtenance connected thereto; provided, that t_his section shall not be so constru.edas to requi!'e a pel"mit :for, or that work be done by a licensed plmnber in the making of, minor' re- pairs to pllunbing :fixtures, the installatiml of water pipe where !lot in conflict viii th, the rules of the Water' Department of th.e Oi ty of West Universit"JI 'PlaC,e 01' to repair tanks, cocks, val yes , ball- cocks, or leaks in water pipes. Section 3~ PERMFTS -- (1) No person shall make any co~~ection with any opening into any pv.bIie or pl"i vate sewer' or water' :ma1.n, nor J.e-y any o~ains, nor do any pllunbing within the City of West University Place wi tb,o\.l.t:fi1'st havi,ng 'p:('oeu1"'ed a peJ:>mi t for the par'ti C1Ual" wOl'k f:po:rrl J ,~'-; ")" ';-1-.e C" t"',. T."=~'nAL>"l" 0"'" sr'': c" Ci '--." VoL.!. ,j~L ~ J ..!.tt:.:::]'O~'" <JV~,", J. aJ", 1- '- t'iJ ; and the Cj. t'y Engineer s1::.8.11 issue permits only after the applicatlon fOl~ samehasbeeu :mac1e by a dul~' 15.ceTIsed plumber (ll"' drain layer .tury pers(mwho shall do any !", , :~"ll __ _~_C -_.--'--'~---:,"- ____...LI-'-..- "~m\~' l::~ ~nc,--,- --- l09~ pl1.unb:l.ng or drain lay'ing work fox' which pal"t;icular work a pe:r::rni t ,has not been issued by the Cit;;, Eng:lneer shall. be deemed guilty o~ an offense. MUST 'F..A VJ.i: -WATER DEP.A..tlTIvIENT PERMIT -- (~ ) ,Any phunber oZ' drain layer doing wor~k on any' water' pipe or connecti.on :must secure s. per- mi t fl10l11 the Oi ty Eng:tneer, and the Oi ty Engineel'> shall in no case issue any permit for any work in any way affecting the Water Depart- ment until the applicant shall first eYJlibit to the Engineer a permit for the particular work from the Water Department, and if anyplmnber shall due such ilVork without first pl'locuring said pel'mi t from the Water Department, he shall be guj.lty of an offense. WHEN PERMIT SHALL NOT BE GRANTED: EXAMINING BOARD -- :(3) Said City Engineer- shall issue no 'per'mit for plumbing to any person 'who has 1}.ot fil"st been regularly licensed to do phunbing in the City of Houston, Harris County, Texas, by the proper Board thereof', or unless he :b..as .first' been regularly licensed to do phunbing by the Examining and Supervtsing Board of Phunbel's' of -the City of West lTniversity Place, composed as follows: tbe City Engineer, the Chief Pl~u~bing Inspector, the City Health Officer in his capacity as a member oftbe Local Board of Health and one master plunber of at least five years! experie1:iCe, and in the discretion of the :f./Iayor and the City Council, one journeyr.~an plmnber of at least tl~ee YE?ars t expel,j.ence; said Board to pe appointed by the Mayor and con- firmea. by1 the CO'\.1..ncil, and a majorit.y of' said Board shall constitute a Q1l0X'Ul'rl and be a sufflcieni; rlmnber. 'to grant oJ.' refuse a licel1se~ The sevel"'al :members of said Boro....d (unless rea.ppointed.) shall hold office as members therl8o.f fOl'" a term of not to ex.ceed one 'yea!' f:r;>o:m. the date of their ref3pectj.Y6 apPolntments, bu,t; no member of sald Board s}-tall hold office for' any fixed term but shf-l.ll a.lwaJs' be rro~~"!'. 11 ro--"0'000__", o.U' r"'''-!Tln~i';'cc' ., 110 .. subject to removal ,by the Mayox' or :may be removed by' the City - Council at thepleasu.re of the :N[-ayol'" and Council, or' either of them.. The EXalllining and Supervising Board of Plu$.illersso,created shall exa.mine ,s;nd pass upon all/ persons wl}o may hereei'ter seek to engage in the business of p~ltmbing as master plumber, employing " pltunber or journeyraan pl1a~ber. It shall be unlawful for ahy person to engage in the business of plumbing, 'whether asa mastelf pll.llubel', employing plumbe:r or journeyman ,plumber in the City of' West University Place, unless he has submitted himself to the Board for Examination, and shall have been gr~nted, a license authorizing m.m to ,engage in the business of plumbing, or if' a. licensed plumber in. the City of' Houston has'e.x- The Board shall issue a license to such persons only as shall successfully pass a required exp.$tination with a grade of not less than 70, and shall issue a license to all persons w:l1o shall success- fully pa.ss the required exmaina.tion, and shall not deny a license ' to any person VU10 .has successfully passed the required examination, bec~use of any other fact or consideration~ No application for examination for master plumber1s license shall be granted unless the applicant shall give satisfactory i evidence to the Board that he h~s had at least, three yearsl ex- per,ience as a journeyman plumbe:r'. Plu.mbers who may exhibit a license issued by any lav~ullyorganized and supervisip~ board of plmnbers of the State of Texas, or of another State having a standard of requirements of grade equa.l to 01" ,superior to those of the State of TexafJ, maJl' be issu.ec1 a license in the discretion of the Board r n ,---------~'~.,~.' II' ---~~"--'ITli'rn~cc.--'-- 111.. without ~n exmaination. _ No license 8hall be issued by the Board fo!. longel" than one year,. but the same shall be ren€:wed from time to time upon application to the Board. For the issuance of a license there sb.all be collected. a fee or fifty cents for a journeyman plumber and $1;00 for a :master plumbel". The renewal charge for a. license to be in the same~espect~ve amounts. The Board shall register ine. book, or card index, to 'oe kept for' that purpose th.e name .and place of business of each person to whom a plumber's license has been issued. It shall be unlawful 1'01" any' person holding a plu.:mberls lieense issued hereunder' to transfer same or' a.llow the use of same, { I directly 01' indirec_tly, by any' person for- the purpose or obtaining a perTuit to do any wor'k hereinbefore specified. Application for exa:rnination for plumbel"s' lioense shall be made upon such forms as lliay be prescribed by the Bom~d and each a.pplicant shall pay to the boal"d, if applying "for' a ma.ster-fa 11- cense, Three ($3~OO) Dollars, or if a journe~n~~ts license, Two ($2~OO) Dollars.. Examinations sh.a.l1 consist of both writt.en and prac- tical work. llVritten examinations sh8.11 be conducted in English- B.nd me.y include the drawing of plans for plmnbing lnst;allations.. Pra.ct.:i.c~:=tl tE,sts shall co:ns:tst of work which will demonstrate t.he applicants meeh.anical skill. An appltcant fedIi.ng :Ln either w:.pi tten or practical test may, j.tl the cliscr-etio:n of "I:-;h0 board, be re-examlned in such test in which he may' have f!3.iled to pass wi.t.hin thipty da~s, bU.t sb.B.ll :not be again requ.ly.'6d to Pt1Y tb.e exami.na~ t10n f~'H':; elf, hnwever': tb.e applieant takeB a l~e-eXF.Jm:tnat;:i.o:n, ur,on 112~ ...' t:1 '"' -1 "'or' '_U"_, t,ne prac J ',va. .. he sb.all be requlI>ed to }?Ed.mbuI'se t110 C:1 ty fOl' the. actual cost of materials used in the examinatlon., 8ho11.1<1 an 8.pplicant fail to make the required seventy (70Jt) per cent in both vn~itten and practical work, he sball not be ad~itted to re- examination until after the expiration of six months. An applicant once satisfaa'tQrily passing the practical test need not be re- exarrdned therein. In the event m~y plu~ber loses his license, the Board , .p (y.-,"/\ shall ,issu.e a duplicate thereof, for which a chal"ge of fifty (50) cents sha.ll be made and collected. All E\,xaminations and tests conducted by the Boar'd, and a~l examination papers and records of applicants shall be open to I~blic inspection, subject to such reasonable restrictions as the Boax'd may see fit froIn. time to time to establ.ish. The Board,. of Examining and Supervj.sing Plmnbers shall pay to the Cit;y'; Ta.;{ Collector all fees collected by it. No examination of (lrain layeps srH:lll be requiped by the Board, but the City Engineer SI1~11 issue a Drain Layer's License tp such persons as may make app;;Lication on such forms as the Gi ty Engineer- may r'equire and who, in the judgment of the Gi'ty Engineer, may be found to be competent to perfor'm dx'aiD. laying wOI'k.. It shall be unlawTu..l. foT' an;y' person holdine; adraln layer's license issued hereunder to transfer san~ or allow the use of same, directly or indirectly, boY' any person for the pur- pose o~ obtaining a pel~nit to do any work hereinbefore specified. No fee shall be requ.ired for the granting of drain lu:y-er,l s license.. All licenses issued to plumbe~r:>s or to d:r>ain le<yE';I.g shall be made to expiT'e on the 30th clay of June next Bucceedlng I_~. .. -'.'~'''-",~r-~=='"':'~~.:::]I. _ _ _ _ ______1.: -.-..- - l--~r< ___ _ ___ __.--LI ,-- : -, "'rl: li:-l:r '~~ ' - -. .-:)' 113. the date of issue. Menibers of the Examir;!,i!1..g and Supervls lng Board of \ PIUlnbers shall receive no compensat.ion for their services on said Board. Section 4. SHALL HAVE EXAMINING AND SUPERVISING BOARD LICENSE: BONDS. -- The City' E:Q.gineer shall issue no pertuit to , any pluYl1ber until he shall first exhibit tel the Cit;'Jt Engineer a lawful license as a master plumber; in full for(~e and ef'fec't, issued by the Examining and Supervising Board of Plumbers of the City of West University Place, nor until he-has given a good mLd Sl"l.ff'icient bond, satisfactory to the May'or of the City of 1Jvest University Place. Said bond shall be conditioned upon the raith- j ful performance and observance of all ordinances of the City of 7 We~t University Place pertaining to plumbing and drain laying, or excavatlon, and all rules and regulations and specifications established under said ordinances; and conditioned rurther, that said plumber or drain layer will indemn:i.fy a.nd save harmless the City or West University Place and all other pel~sons against all accidents and da~mages caused by any negligence in protecting the work, or by ur~ai thi'ul and tLYlskilled work done by themselves. Said bond shall be' fOl" the benefit of any person agg:r>ieved or in- jured by reason of the failm"e of the plumber or dJ:'ain le.yoer to properly observe the ordinances of the City of West Univers~Lty Place in the execution of said work. Said bond shall be renewed on the first day of July of each. year or sooner on demand of the Mayor. Section 5. r.".~~~~~~., I TCC;' .JJ' T---'rr'nm:'IT~:~-.. . 114. Seeti'on 5. ThruST SHOW LICENSE AND PERMIT. -- (1) It sha.ll be the duty of every person doing work as a plumber or drain layer in the City of We~t Uniye,r~ity Pla9.f3, i:io}?how J)is,license 1;..,J'().,.. . j:7L.2"o(. ;;~";;!(;r)." ::,/;~/ i)':~:;"u"",/..' {.J '." <i: issued to him by the E-xa-rrr:i:iring'andSupervi'S'i:ng B0ardo;ftPlumbers, hereinbefore provided, and permit ~ssued to ~~m for the r;:tA. /, FY / #'t". /' . ~.~t1ls;.,...~"",...~ - '" - "" pal.ticlllar work by the City Engineel~ to any inspector of pllunb- ing, sanitary policeman or regular policeman who shall ask to see same. LICENSE--'iiVHEN CANCELED.-- (2) Said license shall specify the kind of work the holder is authorized to perform, whether plUL1bing or drain laying, or both, and snaIl continue in force and effect tultil the 30th day of JULne next l' 011 owing the date of issue, Ullless sooner suspended or cancelled by the Examining and Supervising Board of 'Plu~iliers or the City Engineer, and the said Examining and Supervising Board of Plumbers and the City Engineer- are her'eby authorized to cancel and recall the license of any pluJnber or drain layer who has been tvnce con- victed of violation or plmnbing ordinances or the City of West University Place, or in accordance with the City ordinance. No work 1':h8 il:!_all 1!~~!'? L~~ L: fi T f--I)' );:1 ;f5~. ~ 6lJ'" ,~ l1T~:t'. done by any plu.mbe.r or ctrain layer without having first obta,ined a .j,."I ~::.:{'::J,,-<,,-" /~"~J <{..::~~le.__:,<_,_ perL~t thereror shall be accepted by the City Engineer" and it . l:L,__ ,i _', C"'7:'~~' shall be the dut'Y' of se.id Oi ty ,Engineer"~j~o report each and l.~' -" - ,.;c../ ",,:>r:;-'/ every such case to the Mayol' and also to the person for whom said work is being done. Section 6. SHIU,IJ HAVE DEPOSIT WITH CITY ASSESSC.:q AND COLLECTOH TO GOV:;SR INSPECTIOU8.. ...... (1) It shall be the duty r '~''"l~''~''''''~r-~---T-I-- If'- ~;- ---'--~'-i~c"'rmi:' IT"':'-' 115. k il. '. II o~ ever~' licensed plmnber or 'drain layer to deposit with tIle Ci t:T Assasor arid Collector of Taxes a sum sufficiell~ to pay the fees or inspection of work to be done arid deposits re- quired to cover street openi:ngs, both as hereinafter specified, and no permit shall be issued to any plUL1ber or drain layer for any particular job of work until such deposit has been made. .. NOTIFY CITY ENGI~~ER WIlliN TO INSPECT.-~ (2) It shall be the duty of all plunfuers and drain laye~s to notify the City Engineer when the work is ready ror inspection and no wor'It shall be covered up J or co,:;J?ealed until it is inspected \.::./~"\,-,.,~-~"''T;.r.f..".~'~-'/ I~-':J and accepted by said Engirreer, or his representatives. COVERING UP WORK NOT INSPECTED AN OFFENSE.-- (3) pny plUID~er or, drain layer who shall do work and shall cover up v \::.::)(0"''''\'__ and conceal same without having notified the City Errg1:neer and without having had said work inspected by him or his representa~ tive shall be guilty of ' an offense. WOHK--BY V;JHOM DONE.-- (4) All plumbing and drain layir~ work, subject to inspection, must be done by the plllmber or drain layer, respectively, in whose nan~ the permit is issued, and when the work is done by a. firm. or corporation the permit must be issued in the name of the person carrying the license for said f:trin, vi/ho mu,st be a regularly licensed plurl1ber or--drain 1:f.ts'er ~ CITY EliTGDmERf S BLANK :MUST BE USEDe -- (5) All per- mi ts rfftlst be upon. blank forms fUl'nished by the Oi ty Engineer and. shall be vvri tten with ink and sr..all gi va a cleaX' descrip- tion of the propert::r to be drained, the drains to be con- structed and a li.stof water closets, sinks aml 1;l.11 other r" ~~~"1I II~-~~'~--------n~'---i~nl;;rrr---- " 116. fixtures to be connected therewi,th, fl; cOPY', 5~f ~?~ich perrnlt shall be retained by the City Engineer qnd.filed. ,. Section 7. PLU1'il3ING, ETC., WITHOUT LICEl~S.E, :ETC.'f: f?H..fl.~L NOT ,BE EMPLOYED, ETC., WATER MAY BE CUT OFF.-- ,That ,it shall be un1aw- ful for. any' person, firm or corpor4at.ion or age:q,t,. . receiver or tnustee, to cause or permit any job of plmnbing, or make any . connection iNith, or- opening into, any prill~te. or: public sewer, . or to do any plumbing in connection with.any property: owned, . managed 01-> controlled. by such person, firm Or corporation, . agent, receiver 01' trustee, unless the plUlnber doing said YiTOrk has been licensed or registel~ed as required by the ,ordinances of' the City' of West UniV61'sity Place and has received a permit from said City as by ordinance required to do. said particule~ plu~bing and any person, firm or corporation,. ag~~~, receiver or trustee causing or permitti~g any such work ,to be .done in viola- tion of the provisions hereof, shall be guilty of ~~ offense,. and in additi?nto such.penalties as are. imposed by. ordinance, the City of West Uni versitJi- Place shall have . the ~ rig~1t.. to cut off the water supplied to such property by,. it tlu"ough its pipes, and reruse to turn on and rurnish water to said.propertY~U1til the violations of this sect~9~,have been,corrected.to.the sat~s- "/ . -( ~,.-/~'''>.':''~ f . faction of the City Bn-gfue13r and Water. Corll!:D.:i,ss,ioner. Sect).on 8. CITY SHALL HAVE RIGHT TO,CONrffiCT WTTH PRIVATE SE~ER8o-- The City shall have the l->ight at all times, tht'ough the City En.ginefn-> oX' Clder Pluinbi:t:cg Inspector-, to. connect wi th and use e.n:jrpr':Lva:t6 seVier built upon a:n~r public street, alley, 01' b.igh- limy, or' to reconsta'uct or close up or d:i.sconn,ectany pr1.vat;e lI' ~ 'I~I" ~ I , ',- , " --)> 117.. sewer which may from an::l cau.se have become a nuisance.. / Section ,9.. DEPOSITS, ETC.., IN SEWERS, ETC., PIWHIBI'I'RQ: CON- 1TECTIONS BY SLAUGHTER HOUSES, ETC.-- (1) No pel>son shall deposit or tlvow into any sewer, man-hole, catch basin o.r flush tank or into any pr,;tvate' cl..rain connecting with public sewer, any st,raw, hay, shavings, tinner's sar,aI's or refuse of manufactories, ashes rags, garbage or any other substance which may cause the sewer or drain to become stopped. Ho person,' slaughter house, ;r>ender- 'ing establisbment;, chemical works, steam engine or boiler ex- haust, or anything which in the opinion of the City Engineer :may tend to injure, obstruct, or cause a nuisance in sewers, shall be permitted to connect to a public sewer, except'through a cateh basin, 01' in some other manneI' satisfactory to the City Engineer.. rMN-HOLES NOT TO BE USED AS WNrER CLOSETS, 'vVITHOUT PERMISSION, , ETC. -- (2) No luan-hole shall be used as a water closet ViTi thou t pe1"mis sion fx'om the 01 ty Engineel", and then only by complying with the regul~tions established by the Cit-y Engi- neer.. Sectiqn 10~' OBSTRUCTION TO SEV'1JER. -- If the drainage discharged from any slaughter house, c~emical works or manufacturing estab- lishment sp~11 form a deposit obstructing a sewer, or if ashes, manure, rags, or an::!' other substa:nce thr'own into a sewer o~(' sewer inlet shall choke aI' obstJ:>uct sam,El, the Cit-y' E:ng;ineer shall irrLmediatt::ly l"emove the obstruction, and shall (~ert;i.fy an aCCOl,lnt of the .cost tC1 tlJ.E: person or p,ersons ciH1.s1ng the ob- stX.l.let::i.OTI, and j.T said. per'son or pel'sons shall negl(~ct or re~ [" '~~_.,,~~~"., '11 '---~I I '\ II' ~---~~~-T - "-T'TT'Tmnr"-' 118.. fuse to pay said su.m so certlf'ied to into the ci tJf t:r:>easury within five days afteT* demfLYJ.d, he or the'y shall be gu:tl t'y of an "\ offense, and in addition thereto the 'City of West University W \ ,~ l Place, in any court having jurisdiction, may recover the 8X1ount of cost thereof, including a r'easonable 'amount as Attorney's f'ees~ Section 11. 'vlI}IEN ENGINEEH HAS pmVEH TO STOP, ETO., DISCEA.B.GES' INTO 'SE1NERS.. -- The Oi ty Enginee:p she.ll haV"e the pmver to Sl:;OP and pl'e- verri:; from discb,arging into any public sewer' 8-l1d private sewer, house sewer or drain'throu.gh which substances 8.x'e discharged that are liable to obstruct or clog the public sewer, or in mlY manner I 'p injure it, o:r.> '1:;0 disconnect any sewer or house o.rain that may have been installed contrat'y to the provisj_ons of' this ordinanof}J .o:p that y'eceives the drainage from a plumbi:ng installation not in accordance with this ordinance, and to that end may, after f~' f'ive days t notice to owner ,01' owners the:.-::-eof', disconnec-G any such pri\rate sewer or (train, and it is made his du'l:;y to do SO~ Seetio!! 12. DmVH SP oU1rs, E':r c . , NOT PERMITTED TOe ON1TECT WITH Sft~IT~~Y ~EV~;RS.-- No down-spout, yard or street drain: or street gutter will be permitted to connect with any sanitary sewer. Sect:!.l)!! 13 ~ WATER CLOSETS l~iJ.UST HAVE FLUSHING ARRANGEl\iill:NTS.-- All water closets connecting with the public sewers nmst have ~lush- iug arrangements connectBd therewith, .and if not provided after ten days' notice, it sb.a'll be the duty of said Engiru:H3r' or In- spect~Ol> to disconnect; same. r"~~='C~:'C"" -- ,.,~ ~'-:'-1 w -:.. ;-''---'n~rrr'''- 119~ 8eot;101'1 14. SPEOIAr.l PROVISIONS AFFECTING WATER DEP lLl1~rMENT: UNLAWFUL TO TURN ON WA,TER..--(l) It shall be unlawful for any person to t;'urn on water to any premises from which the supply has been turned off by authority of the City of West University Place, witl~2ut; first having obtained a permit to do so from the Water Department of the City of- West University Place. WATER DEP ARTIvf8NT ONLY TOG IVE PERMIT. - - (2) No per son, other than the properly authorized agents o~ the Water Depal'"'t- ment, shall be permitted to tap or make any connection with the mains or distributj.ng pipes of' the City Water Department. No' , ~ .pel"son shall make any attaoh.1l1ent or oonnection to the pipes be- longing to the City Water Department; or to the pipes belonging ~o the water oonsmners on any city property nor to pipes not metered, nor make roly~epairs or additions to or alterations in any tap, pipe OOOk,OI' other fixture conneoted with 'Ghe B,ervice water pipes, u.nless he shall have a written permit from the City Water Department. lVfJ8~r REPORT TO WNJ:ER DEPARTMENT WITHIN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS.--(3) Within f'orty-eight hours after oompleting any attach- ment or connection, or making any repairs, additions or altera- tions, the pluJnber shall make a true return, in wr~ting on per- mit, of all the work done b~' him under such permit and file sanw in the office of the Water Dep~~tlnent. 'WATEH DEPARTMENT'S CONTROL OF PIPES, ETC.--(4) That part of' the st?rvice connection extending frolYl the main to the curb, incllJding the oorpox'at;ion. ,cock, lead pipe, galvanized p:tpeo:r cast iroll pipe, stop-cock and stop-cock box, and also the Ytletex. and :meter-;box, cbntinn.es 'iJ.:ndex' the co:nti1~ol of the r_:'~";:~-" ::""=="r:!=:":~'~":'~:!I. __ ___ _ ____1:.------- - -- --r-----,-,---,,,.,-~ 120. Water Depa.:r:>tlnent, to be mah'ltained by the Water Department, and shall not be removed, J:>epaired or> tampered with except by orda!' from the Water Department. PUMPS SKA.IJ1 HOT CO)\1}1ECTWITH MAINS.--(5) In all eases where private pumps are installed for the purpose of increasing the velocit;r or pressure of the water they shall not be permitted' to dra.,w dir'ect from the main, but must take the supply from a x\eservoir int~ wl}ich water has already been delivered by ordinary waterworks press~~e. DA.l'VIAGE .TO:NLETERS BY HOT WATER, ETC. -- (6) Ins'lia.lla-tions roI' sup>>lying boilers or hot water tanks shall be made in such manner as x..wil1 prevent the hot water from backing into the meter~ Dv-'r' . The ov~~r of the premises w~ll be held responsible for all dam~ges to meters resulting rrom hot water backing up into them. STOP COCKS iU{D CONlimCTIONS.--(7) All water connections shall be provided with a stop-cock and may, be placed within a cast iron box leading rrom the same to the surface of the side- walk, the cover of which box may have .the - word "wa'terlt thereon and the same may be placed in the stdewalk within one f'oot of the line of.' curbstone so that the word "water" ma'y be read. from the sidewalk, but,such work must be done~by the Water De- partment only. Sv~p~y pipes I'o!' such premises must be equipped with an additional stop and waste-cock for draining the pipe 'to pI'event freezlng and for turning off the wa.ter for repairs to de~ective plu~bing, ~nd in a.ddition there shall be provided a separate stop-cock for each water closet installed. _ T~~LE FOR WATERVALv~S.-=(8) All stop-cocks, faucets a.nd balJ,-:cocks, OI' other water contx'o11lng appliances, shall be of a quality. known to the trade as red brass. r:~:-" '---'-'-'-~~.:,~"'" "]I __~C: -,--l----;-..--:~-r','-l __ L" "-~W:~IT'" ,--,- l21~ VALVES FOR WATER TROUGHS, ETC.--(9) Water troughs rrrust be provided with a float valve to prevent overflowing, and the owners of troughs must keep the same in good working order ~ kIDST NOT USE FIRE SERVICE PIPES.--(lO) Service pipes intended for' fire pl"otection,or for supplying po~er for elevators or other hydraulic motors, shall not be tapped or used for the general supply of the premises; such supply must be taken through a separa'te service pipe. FIRE SERVICE PIPE; VffiEN NOT PER!flTTED.--(ll} No service pipe for fire protection will be allowed in premises that do not also have a pipe for the general supply of the same. .. SERVICE FOR ELEVATORS, ETC.--(12) All service pipes for supplying hydraulic eleva'tors, m:> other large motors, , must have suitable air chmnbers attached thereto for the pur- pose of preventing water-raLn in pipes. The OVT-~e~s or users of such e~evators or motors must keep the same in gOOd-repair so as to prevent all leakage o~(' waste of water. They shall also, at their O\vn expense, have placed in all service pipes intended for supplying hydraulic elevators or other hydraulic " motors, water meters meeting the approval or the Water Commis- sioner, that shall record accurately the quantity of water used~ WATER TO BE USED ONLY IN ACCOP~M~CE WITH APPLICATION~-- (13) No person shall apply water to any use different from that named in the 1iITl'i tten application for water,. nor shall any con- aU,ma1'" supply wa-ter to o thEn' persons 01" to othex' fa.milies, 01" . , suffer them to take water except for use on the px>emises fOl' the purpose specified in the application, nor shall a.DY perso~, f' '=~1I .-T.~I 1 lie- - - --.---c----.-------~-~llTrTr"' 122. aft ex' water is introduced into any building Or' upon any premises, make PI' employ any plu_mber or other person to make, nor shall any plumber or other pel"son make any tap or' connection wi th the works upon such premises ror the purpose o~ altering, repa~ring, ~king extension~ or attachments for the p11rpose of furnishing water to other families or prenuses, without a v~itten permit having been granted by the Water Department specifying the particular change to-be made, and after having secured a permit . for the work from the c~ty Engineer. CONNEC~IONS Iv11tDE ONLY ON ORDER OF WATER DEPARTMENT.!""- (14) No person shall in any case make connectimls with the supply pipes of another consumer of water unless, first, connection is made with consent of the mvnerof the supply pipe, and, ~econd, such connection is made on the sidewalk, or in the street, and not on the premises of the o\~~r of the supply pipe; nor shall . ' such connection be made ,in any case except on written applica- tioD to the Water Departrnep-t, signed by the person desiring to make same, and on the permit. from the Water Department. WHEN WA~ERCAN BE TURNED ON~--(15) Befor.e water can be turned on to prenuses permanently,_the owner of property rqust show to the Water Department a ~~itten order from the City Engineer, which shall state that the plu,'ubing has been C0131- pleted in st;r;i.ct accordance with the ordinances of the City of u'1(est University Place, and is ready fm:' the water to be turned. on; and any person turning on the water, or procuring another person to turn it on,: without this Ol"der from the City Engineel' shall b~ guilty of en offense. T'C"~':C"'"'' 11 -,' I , I 11'-: ' ----~I-- , i j-T-nilrlT'" , 123.. / i Section 15. REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONSTRUCTION AND IVfP/PERIALS TO BE USED IN SEWE:RS, DRAINS, l'LUMBING, ETC .SEvVER PIPES TO BE LAID IN DIRECT LINE, ETC.-- (l) In laying sewer pipes the plmnber or drain layer shal~ lay them in a straight direct line rrom the opening in the City main or private sewer to the end of the house drain. HOWSEVVERS SHALL BE LAID.--(2) All sewers shall be laid with the greatest possible raIl rrom the end of the house drain to ~he main, or private sewer opening, ~nd no line shall be laid with a less grade than six (6) inches in one hundred (100) feet. All changes of direction must be made wi,th Y's or one-eights bends. The sewel" pipe may, be ei ther vitrified earthenware, hard burned, glazed a.1'ld free from defects and cracks, or cemen~ c~ncrete pipe manufactured in accol"'dance with the specifications of the American Society 'for testing materials, designated as C-14-20, 01" the latest subsequent revision thereo:f. All pipes shall receive spigot ends with a clear space all around of at least 3-16 of an inch~ DITCHES GRADED.--(3) All ditches must be properly bottonwd to a perfect grade before sewer pipe is laid. No sewer shall be laid on mac-Ie or filled groun.din bottom of ditches or otherwise, except as hereinafter mentioned. vilhen sewer ditches are cut tlll~o~gh filled or made ground, the pipe shall be laid on 2xlO cypress plank with piling at least eight feet centel"'s and of sufficient length to sink deeply enough into the ground to make a solid foundation. ,DITCHES: BACK FIIJLING.--(4) The back f:i.l1ing must; be pl'ope~('l~/ an,d. solidJ.'J" tamped., w~ter ta:mped vihel~e poc{sible under L::":;'l-~-=:"'~::F"""';=':'"-":"'lI. _.mnr----,---.-- !. - - c-- f-' '-c --'~'f:E~~!:\~-'~ 'c,---, 124. the pipes 8,nd at; its sides .and to the height of twelve (12) TILE PIPES: \TIillRE USED.--(5) No eartherrware or cement inches above it. concrete pipe shall be used nearel~ than four (4) reet from the outside of the foundation or outer wall of any house either ap- proaching or parallel with such wall, or across ditches when suspended, and in no instance will the 'tile sewer pipe be al- lowed under a house o.f any kind. v'lfhere M.le sewel">S exist now, or did exist bef'ore the passage of this ordinance, under houses or buildings, or passing through propert-y, or connect;ing ad- joining premises to a ptl.blic or pl"ivate sewer, iLl1d other build- iugs or st~r'uctures are to be erected over.- said tile sewer, such erection shall be governed by .the following: {a} The sewer must be in good condition and not less than two reet six inches (2t6tt) under the, gx-ound at the shallow- - I' est point under the building. (b) Only Qne connection shall be permitted from the neVi or remodeled st;ructUl"e to said sewer and this connection SE1j1TEE CONNECTIOlfS--SEPARP,.I:PE .--( 6) Ever''Y' building shall be connected with a public sewer where there is ~~v such sewer ~ - v in the st:t'eE}t; or a.l1e~r e.djoinj.ng such buildil1..g' or- wi thin trn'ee hundred (300) feet thereof~ ~1~re two or more buildings are lo{~atecl 011 one l()t fro:nting 125, feet or 1083 on str-eet, and this loi:; is oV~l)ed by' Oll{'j partj', one sevv-eJ! connection to CIty .. r'~""'.~"'~'lI .-.- [ -~l-'''';'' 'I __._._~_.J.1' - ;c,r-oTmrrT""- 125~ main llla;l be used for ,aJ;l; otherwise each build.ing shall be independentl'JT connected, but in sueLl cases till.6 common stem running to City sewer and to which the sewe:]:' fr-om each J10U.136 connects, shall in all cases, where possible, be run in tb.e sidewalk.. SEvVER GONNEOTIONS--HOW IvlADE~--(7) :No person shal1.cut, tap, or eause to pe cut or tapped, arr:l public or private sewel~ in which there exists a branch or junction opposite to the b;.;tilding, lot, pl~emises" or es.tablislmlent '1;0 be cOXi.nected; Infol'mation concerning the location and depth of public and private sewers, and th,6 position of br-anch.e.s or jUl1.et:tonswl 11 be fu:r~Dished upon l"equest by the City El1..ginee!'> *' All reasonable care will be taken to insuy-e the coy-rectness of infor'matSon furnished, b.ut suc11 informa.tion will not. be, 1.n any' case, gual'ant;eed~ SEV1fERS: COvERING, ETC.--(8) 'Ho par't of any tile clraj.H lying within any part of any public street of the City of West University Place shall be less than tlJ,ree (31) feet below the gr-ound surface. If tllegr'ade of sewer is suer} as not to pePllllt a depth of i:;by-ee feet below '~he. gr<?und su.rface, it shall be l"J'rl w'i-r.h e",rt"-'<:i '1'':>'''V'V 0". ~'-'lo _. _.. _,__ ~..t'>.... ..L v. _,"-,0. tfJ cast~ ix'on pipe with joints :made as bereinafter provided for soil p:i.pe, and an extra hea.v:r cast iron increase must be 11sed where the cast iron pipe receives the spigot of tile sewer' of house drain" SEW"Jy,;R: FINAl! COI:r:NECTION~-."(9) Ho drain s~lall be finally c()Tfl..pleted so as to ad.roj.t the waste from a bu.ildhJ.g to :f reach a _ '1 ., -= PlW.l.lC rn" J_ pri vate sewer until the plu.mbing in the buildlng to be connected bas been appr-oved by 1;11.8 C:1. ty Engine Ell:' f.'B being in f'l),ll aeeor-dance with the rules .herein S(~t fox.t;h. r" , Jl '~i __JJ -~-~r-~Ir' 126. SE~NER: FROM ONE LOT TO AlJOTrIER.--(lO) No per'sou shall \ \. ru:n or cau.se to be l"lID a sewer thrmJ.gh f'r01ll his lot or' portion ~ of a lot; or- from any structlu'e .t;hereon, and connect with a sewer on oxa f'royo. another> person's lot:, unless permissj.on 1s gr'anted by the City Engineer and by the ovmers of such 'other lot. SEWlm CONlffiCTIONS; W}l:EN COlvlPULSORY......(ll) The owners of real property within the distance of three hundred (300) feet of arry publlc main or lattel"al seWEll'>, shaD:, upon notice ih w-ri t:i.ng from the City Health Office!', make proper and permanent connec:- tion with said sewer, and remove a11 surface privies and cess pools; and any pepson owning real property who, after being given l"ea.sonable notice by or"der' of the Cith Healtb Officer, shall fail to connect w:tth a sewe!'" or' remove or fill up such pr-ivies or cess pools, s1'1.1111 be guilty of' an offense, and each dl:ly su,ch falIure shall continue shall consti tut;e 8. separa:te offense. SEVmR CONNEOTIONS,VtTIn~N NO Y EXIST8.--(12} YvllenevBl' it shall have been posj.tivel'J ascertained. t~hat 110 suitable inlet exists to serve the propert~Y' concerned, and if the public or private sewer be a pipe sevl/er>, 6, 8, 10 or' 12 inch.es in diameter>, the connection s1'1,all be made either by a cast 1:['on saddle, ap- pl'ovecl by the Plmubing Inspeqtor, or- by taking out a length of pipe and substituting therefOr> a. "yll br'a.nch of a proper size, the mar>.n6r of making such connection to be as clireeted byq the Oi ty Engineer. SEVvlBHS:v1;F31if TAPPED.--(13) If the public or private sewer has 8. diameter of fou:r'teen (14) incbes 01'> more, the pllJJ:!1bel" or dl'ain la'y81"' shall cut e. hole o:f the least. practicable size :l.n the se1i1rel'll ;:3.11(1 the con:r16ctloJl shall be made by means of a 11 11" . -i--"--'~lm1~-~ If.:7 . COTU16cting thimble of ~the sa~s size and material as the house sewer and of ,such length. that the hub sh,ou.;J.der thereof shall rest against the outer surface of the sewer and no portion extendir~ within it. SEVVER JOINTS: HOW WLB.DE. -....(14) All joints in earthen- ware or co~crete sewers shall be made with Portland cement, or its equal, not more :than two parts sand being' used to one p 8rt cement. All joints must be made by first inserting a swab of full diameter of the pipe, the bell shall be filled to the spx>ing li.ne with cement mortar,> the spigot end properl~r in- sert.ed in the bell, the joint to be cemented on the outside to a bevel i'inish at .the E?nd of' the bell R..1'J.d the swab dra;wn out and the nine cleaned0 . . COHI\lECrrIIONS ON DEEP SEWERS. -- (15) On sewers of more than seven (7) and less than fif'teen (15) feet depth the stock or vertical, when meeting a new grade, s118:l1 be l"lUl in a re- cess cut. in the side of the ditch. to prevent .settling 01" bucklip~o On sewers fifteep~ (15) feet or more in depth the stack shall be of 6-ineh extra heavy cast iron pipe with a ~ 5-f.oot horizontal .section to support it. Connectj.ons between cast iron a..n.d tile pipe sh,all be made ;v1;ith suitable incr'easer to make a substantial joint. SEViliR PERMIT.:3 ON J OB ~ -- ( 16) The ma.n in cb.al"ge of the sewer ditch. must be present when the wor'k is inspected and have a.ll per>mits with him. He must have a good level and Ilne, and must, giY6 such necessary infor-mation as lllay be required of him. SE'\jvEH COV!};F.ED B:B;}i10RE INSPECTION. -- (17) No peJ?son shall cover or cause to be covered, any house 86V\;e1', or othel' r'--~--~~!"'C","=""~C-'-=-:m ,~-" -,-- ---~------'----C--~-'-~'--'~m!!Ce~'~"-"-' 128.. connection with a pu~lic or private sewer, without due inspec-' tion and approval of the same by the City Engineer. In case of violation of this provision, the City Engineer shall make the excavation necessary for the examination 'at the expense of the plumber or drain layer, whose license shall be suspended by the Engi,neer until said expense is paid and for such 10nge1" period as the Board of Examiners may d::i.rect, and the phunber or'd:r>ain layer shall be subject to, prosecution 1'01' violation of the ordinance as herein otherwise provided. TRAPS FOR HOUSE SEWERS .-- (18) A running' or Itplt tl"ap with a deep seal, meeting the approval or the, City Engineer, shall be used when ordered on all buildings when neceasary to prevent sewer air becoming a nuisance'to occupants of adjoin- ing buildings ~ On buildings not provided with s. house trap, there mD.st be placed a 6x6 inch T and a 4-inch soil pipe brought up to the surface ,of the ground and closed with a 4- inch cleanout plug. The cleanout plug shall be located just inside curb, or if there be no curb, just outside the &idewalk line, or if there be neither curb nor sidewalk, it shall be placed' in line with pole.s inside street ditch. FF.ESH AIR INLET .--(19) A fresh air inlet must be connected with the house drain just inside the house trap. lNl1.ere undel'>ground it must be of cast iron. It Tlmst extend to the outer air and finish with a return bend at lea,st one (I) .f?ot above the gra.de and ten (10) feet, away fJ:'om any window or cold aiJ:' box. vV:l1.en this arJ:'angement is not possible, it :may be brought through the curb with a gl"ating not less than. six (6) inches in diron~ter. If. the house sevver tl'ap be of terra cotta, the f:pesh r:--:':'O""":~,,:,:: '''~''-ll ..__I' - --, ---'---r---~I .u - ---~------- --------,-- -; ----r-,-c~--:1iT'I:r:~''''- -- 129$ / aid inlet shall be terminated with a length of cast iron pipe not less than four (4) inches in diameter. Any terra cotta f1">e81'1 air inlets removed for cleaning or repairing of trap, shall be replaced as provided in new work. , SE\'l1ERS--\l!.'BEN -.DEFECTIVE OR OBSIJ1RUCTED BY TREE ROOTS.-- (20) V'Jhenever a house sewer or drain is obstructed by tree roots, or round broken or defective, so that the sewage or drainage e:s.capes therefrom into the surr<mndlng soil or 011 to the adjacent premises, the Engineer shall condemn such sewer and order its repair or replacement. If the defective sewer is of terra cotta, he may direct its replacement with cast iron to an extent conf'ormable with these rules and l"'egulat.ions. 8E~ERS--DEPOSITS PROHIBITED.-- (21) It shall be un- I awful I for any person to dump or place night soil, garbage, butchers' offal, dead animals, or obstructions of any. kind vrl~atever in any, sewer of the City of' West University Place~ SEWERS-;;WIATER BACKING IJ:lTO PREMISES~--{22} All permits for cOPJlectip~ with pUblic or private sewers are given on the condition that the ovmer takes all risk of darnage that may regmlt from wat;er setting back into premises rI~Om sewer~ In order '1;0 prevent as Y.CID.ch as possible' the setting back of water, a self-acting or other valve shall be used when neces- sary. . STACKS--VrrlEN COMPULSORY~--(23) There shall'be at least one four-inch stack on. each independent eonnection"with a house sewer. ~ " ., '" DRAIN LAYER'S DUTIES.~~(24) The holder'of a sewer or drain, layel'>' s licellse shall be authox'ized to lay, clean out or I'epa:tr sevvel~ drains, including conr.toetions wtth public or r. ,r._"'"O:"C:""~""'''''''r='''-:-'''-'''~'.-'-1I r-'-----,---,----,---~l---c-~-- _ _ _lJ' ~- - ':- T;'''.'rlni::rr'::''''-' 130. private sewers. \ UNREASONABU; DELAY IN WORK.--(25) Bad faith or u..'t).- l'easonable delay in the perfOl"Yi1anCe of phlmbing wOl-..k shall be deemed a sufficient r~ason ror subjecting the pl~unber so offending to a suspension of his license, and every plu:mber shall be he'ld responsible ror the violation or these regula- tions 1T~r laborers and helpers emplos"ed by him.. Yk~D CLOSETS.--(26) A yard closet shall be installed in a suitable building not less t~~n 4x4feet and 8 feet high, set up on a substantial foundation. In addition to'the yard closet an approved. slop hopper or other' l"eceptacle roI' waste water .shall be provided. The throwing of waste water or slops on the gro"uud on premises ,within three hundred '(300) reet of a publ.ic sewer Js hereby pl"ohibited. SOIL, WASTE AND VENT PIPES.--(27} Soil, waste and vent 'pipes 1l1a~T be either cast iron, './lJrought iron, or dravm . bl"ass" P.n entir.e .installa:tion shall be made of the soone class of pipe, cast iron and Wrought' iron not being permitted to be used together. When of cast h'on they. shall be of the gradfJ knovm as tlExtra Heavy, n with corresponcl:tng fittings. standard length~ of' pipe shall be such as to lay five feet inc.luding hubs, and shall comply iivith the following table of' average weights: Size Inches, Wgt.. pel" 5-ft. Length Pounds. 2 .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. 27i .. .. .. .. .. .. 472 . .. .. .. . .. 65 .. .. .. .. .. .. 85 .. .. .. . ..' .100 3 . . . 0 . e _ . . . & 0 . 4 . . . .0. e . . e . . . 5 & . . . e . . . . . . . . 6 ."f . . . . . . ~ e _ . . Weights and rneaf2ju1"'ements of pipe and fitt:tngs shall be ta.ken as tlwse of, plaJ.n, l.mcoated pipe.. Individual lengtlls of pipe:may I er~-::~r~' ....JI _I _11 .----~'"'---.---------cc----.----,-~T!nr[L~:~.-- ...."," 131. vary from above weights as much as five (5%). per cent above or below .vlt0..en >YVI'ought i:r'on soil, drain or' waste pipe is used. in H building, it shall be standard ga~ vanlzed ir~on pipe not less than one ancl one-hal:f' ,(l!) :i.nehes in diameter, and shall not be used underground ex~ept as hereinafter provided for discharge from a condenser. PIPES ON OUTSIDE OF BUILDIN~.--(28)Wr'itten permission shall be obtained from the Ci~y Engineer for the placing of soil, waste or vent pipes on the outside of buildings>_ "\lENT PIPES--TERIvIINATION ,,--(29) 1J1Jhen soil, was'te 01" vent pipes ,receive the discharge or fixtures on an~' floor above the first, they li1USt be extended ip full calibre at; least fifteen (15) inches above the roof ~nd well away from all sha.fts, chinmeys, windows or other ventilating openings" Ffipes opening within tY'lenty(20) feet of any window shall be carried. up and continue above the main l"oof, and ever~ stack in buil9-ings of seven or mox'e stories s,hall be full size through- out. All pipes extend.iug tbrough the roor s;hal1 be flashed with tbree (3) pou-nd sheet lea~, or sixteen (16) ounce c~pper, ,flashing to turn into a hub and to :te caulked with spigot end of pipe, or extend to top an,d turn dov1iTI not less than one (1) 1nc11 inside vent pipe. FITTINGS~-~YALITY AND GRJillE.--(30) All fittings used in cop..nectlon 'with iron pipes sr..all cor-respond with them in v~-eight and qua,li ty and, if of wl'ought or- malleable iron, shall be galvanized. Fittings on 1N1>ollght ir.on soil and waste lines must be standara. "ca.'st' i'roh re"ce"ss"ecf al1d" tb:r>-eade~:1 drain- .. "r '" age fit tines, tapped ~iJit;h a' slope of' on"e-C_iuarter (.1.) ,4, incb to the foot fo1:' hor':1.zoht~dri.:ms" r,--r.-... '11 . --C..~ 1 _~---,---- "--- '----------,,~""-,---,-~l:;'--r.~-"n-,,--,---- 132.. GLEANOUJ:S..--(31) Proper- sized clea.nout fittings shall be insta.lled at the foot of all sti9.cks, changes of hor'izontal directions and end of lines; ~~en cleanouts come under floors or grade lines they must be brought up f'J:ush with level of same. V'Jhen cleanout comes wi tb.ih six (6) inches of wall, it shall be' brought through same a.:nd up to grade lin&.. All cIeanouts nmst be left in plain sight and accessible at all times. On sorl or waste pipes fou~(4) inches or more in diameter, heavy iron bodied brass cleanouts not less tl~n fov~ (4) inches in diarl1eter shall, be 'Used; all o.theI' cleanou.ts shall. be the same diameter as pipes~ FITTINGS APPROVED.--(32) Approved fittings shall be used. fOl'" all connections in drain, soil, waste and vent pipes or iron or brass, and no iron drain, soil, waste or vent line shall be tapped.. PIPES TO BE SOUND.--(33) All pipes shall be sound, cylhxdrical, smooth, free from all cracks, sand holes and other defects, and of unj.form thicknesg~ PIPES AND FITTINGS..--(34) All cast; iron pipes and fit... tinge shall be tar-coated inside and outside, or have a coating equally as good.. PIPES Al~D B, ~"'l.TDS' '4)1:;1 "''''!.\D ~TT~, -T~Y . (31"') I ~ J:.. ~ VJ.' .uJ:,.t~.. --;q,v~L_:i' .--v v Jeal.;. pipes, traps and bends shall be of the following dimensions and weights: Wght.. Pel" Lineal Diwueter Foot, Pounds l' " . !-l.rlcJ.l !it IS e . . . . .8: "4 . 9 II . . lz-ine.ll '* 0' 0 . . 0 e "$ . e _ .. . . 2 -.:tl1Cl1 . 4 Q . . . . . & . 3 - i!lch ~ '!I 0. . . . e _ " . ~ . . . 4 -inch ~ . 9 . .. .. ~ . . . . . . . 2]" ;;> 3 4 5 6 \I " 0 . . . . .0 . .. I" , ~ -~~~l~'-'-I J/' : -.- T'.'lrnr"- 133. , PIPES--RELIEVING ARCH.--(36) ~Vhen a soil pipe or ft house sewel' passes under any ma.sonry ~al1 there shall he pro- vided a rel:!.eving arch to prevent injur'y f:r>om settlj.ng of the walls, 01' there shall 1)6 built into the wall during its con- s.t~(>uction an iron. pipe of not les,s than two (2) inches. in dia111.eter gr'sater than the pipe proposed to be rtJ.n~ PIPE 8UPPOHTS FOn HORIZOllfTAL RlH\fS.--(37) Horizontal cast iron pipes TIllst be supported every five (5) feet by piers built; of bri,ck or concrete, 01" suspended fro!u joist or beam with hangel">s mad.e of 1/8xl inch vvrought iron. Galvanized or. wy-ought iron pipes must; be supPoJ:'ted e'very ten (IOJ feet with hangers as specified fox' cast iron pipes. PIPE SUPPORTS F_OR V.8:RTICAL RlmS.--(38) All stacks or vertical pipes m:ust be tied .or anchored at every' second floor. . Vifhen they run pa1">a11e1 01' agatnst the wall they shall be sup- pOl'>'ted by' clamps of' 1/8xl inch (made of galvanized 11'on) when outside of buildiYl_gs, and seeurely fastened to the walls a.:ncl places at intervals not less than five (5) f,eet for cast iron pipe and ten (10) reet for Wrought iron pipe. PIPE 8TJPPOET FOR LEAP,,-~(39) Lead. pipes must be Sllp- " ported the entiI'e length vvith a br-idge of S1-lfficient thicka8ss to prevent sagging. PIPE SUPPOR'J:S,PROFIIBITED.--(40) Pipe hangers made of wood; wire, or sheet il"on~ 02' that do not :meet t.he reqlure- lner.d.is of this article, aD.d the approval of the C}.ty EnginEH31-', will be rejected. FITTII~GS ACGI~pr~t%l) .4.I\TD PROICI}3ITED. -=~ ("4-11) Sl}()l-a-C T-j~ bJ}arlf~11e8 Ett1d. C:~08ses vv:tll bf> pE;l"'Inlt;tec1. .O!l vE}rtic8...1 lines OJ: 1n a hopizonti:-l.l .post tlonwhe:tl the bpanch 13 sm8.11e~t> than the r~~""~~n:~ r~--~~-----;'T"I II' n T r-Ti' I'r-w ' 134. mah1. Long sweep one-quarte:t" bends and long-sweep T-Y's are per>ndtted in any position. Short one-quaI>ter bends, double hu~s, double hub fittings; COTI~non offset bends and saddles and tapped tees a1"'e prohibited on soil and W&8te p:i.pes. FITTINGS TO BE SOUND.--(42) All fittings shall be sound and free from defects, such as splits, sand holes, pits, 01" allY other defecttha:t, wiJ..l detl"act from its strength o~(' sel"viceabili.ty and no fl tting other than in a sound a..nd whole condltion shall . be used in any soil, waste 01" vent pipe in building a No paraf- fin, rosin, coal ta,r:, or cement of any kind will be allowed to cover defects. If defecti:"l1e fittings be found. they shall be removed i~mediately by the PluI.1ber from the building upon orders rrom the City Engineer so to do. JOINTS IN CAST IRON PIPES.--{43} All joints in cast iron, soj.1, waste or drain pipes shall be so filled wi i:;}:l packed 08.ID>>n and molten lead, and hand caulked, as to make them air tj_ght.. The qu.antity of lead used for each j oint shall be twelve (12) ounces of' f'ine SO:lt lead :loX' each inch to diameter of' pipe. JOINTS IN SCfu~~~D PIPEB.--{44} Joints on screwed pipe 8h8.11 be made of l"ed 01' white lead and tb.e bUl" fOl.med in c"J..t- ting carefully reamed' out" JOINTS FOR LS:AD AND,IROlI PIPES.--(45} All joints be- tween leatl and other metal pipes shall" be :rnade with Plwnber t s wipe joint, using heavy brass soldering nipple or ferrule when connectlng with iron pfpes. SOIJDER:tNG. NIPPLES.--(46) Soldering n,:Lpples shall be of heavy east !:n"'ass or of bl"'ass of 81zo and tldckness equal to . . t." 'd "1'l""t .t.'t t.... t... e - - ., CJ" '1_,:: J.I"on plpe A) 08 C0l1neCn;8'-.. vvnen OJ: caSG orass, vD...y 8118..LJ. U<;:l 135~ of full 00:('8 and. weight not less than as shown ::1n t11e follow- lng table: Insld~ Dlameter Weight 11' 1. -I-:;;.nc_les It 12-3.11Ch03 . 2-inoh0S . ?J.. 'e'" '-'ia-3.ncn D . 3-inc110S . 4-i11oh8s . . . 0'... . . . 1 . 2 . 3 6-oz .. 8-oz. l4-oz. lb. 6-oz. 1b ~ 6....oz. lb. 8-oz. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BRASS FERRULES.--(47) Brass rerrules shall be of a , good quality of brass of composition that will fuse readily with plumbers t solder, free 'from sand holes, flaws, or ot;l1er defects, uniform: in thicl-21.ess and at; least 4-!-inches long, of size and -. ... --. weight co:nfol"ming to the following' table: Inside Diameter Weight It-inches . . . . . . . . 2 -inches . .. 0 0 3 -inches . 0 . . . 0 . 4 -inches . . 0 . . . . . . . 1 Ib ~ . . It 1 Ib.. . . . . . . 1 lb. . . . . . 2 lb.. I-oz. 4-oz. 1.4-oz. 8-oz. JOINTS PROHIBITED.--(48) No solder v~lion, co:mraon malleabla uniop., or .slip joint, made with union collar or other- wise, will be allowed in any soil waste, vent or revent pipe on the sewer side of the trap, except union. connections. that corne with the trap, and then only when in or below the seal, of the t!~ap~ JOINTS FOn EA.R'llIlli}rNlh~ FIXTUli.ES.--(49) A fixture with earthenware trap connected directly with soil ox' waste pipe shall have ~. solid brass floor plate wetghip.-g not less than. 16 ounces, soldered to the lead bend m:> pipe and securely fast;e;ned to the floor~ Vll1.ere brass or iron is u8erJ. for the waste pipe, the b:-('&ss fla:nge sb.all be screvved to the 13 Eune . and. bolt6d to the trap flange.. Joints shall be nlade gas tight w:l.th an app:t'oved gasket of asbestos-graphite, sheet 1<3ac1, wb.ite lead,. or per>fect -r"cc,~,O""'C~'," ""'11 ___l -----,'~,------:'-' _.IT-'---' -- - '---'--:':'''9~~r.-,--,._-- 136. scr-ew joint" In wood joist const.l'uction the connect:lo!l betweE3n the earthenware and soil pipe shall have a suitable length of' lead pipe between the wiped joint and under side of rloOJ:-'" If he distance from the 'top >or wiped jOlllU bo 'top>o~ finished floor must be not less than ,th-l"e,e inches. -WASTE .FOR AGIDS...--{50} Waste pipes' which are designed to cm.ry strong acid wastes shall be co:nst~('ucted of an approved acid-resisting m~tal or alloy. TRAPS FOR BAR WASTES. -- (51) Si!).ks under bar eourl'/:;ers, ! soda fountains, and all drains from p~Lmps, rerrigerators, creamery and milk-room viTastes, etc., may be eo:rul.ected indirectly tb..rough a four (4) inch cast iI'on t:t.ap, or to a catch basin properly tapped, with suitable iron cover. -BLOW-OFF .TANK P,OR B-OI-LER&.--(52) No' cOYl..nectlon shall be made through JNhich .st-eam,- hob water"', -or other hot- liquid, hot ) gases, or hot. vapors, may be discharged into any punlic or private house sewer or appurtenance thereor, except t~~ough a condenslng tank of dimensions and co:nstpuctidn approved in each case by the City Engineer in advance of the performance of the work. The discharge, pipe of the condenser mus'/:; connect with the sewer on the sewer side of the house t:i:'a:p~ A vapor" or 'relief pipe. of ample size shall be carried from the. tank to chimney staok 01' above the roof. All pipes sr..a.ll be 1;'lTrought tron, steel or cast iron :1..'11 th rust OI' screwed joints. In a low pressure ste8In or hot water system, the condensing tank m&y be o:mj.'{:;ted, but the waste connection nrust otherwise, oo:mply with above requirements, 01' discharge into an open tank or sink su.p- plied with water. I ~', Jl '--.-r __.LI ' . :-II'LLI.... 137.. TRAPS FOR HOUSES YVHERE NO SE1JVERS EXIST....~(53) All waste pipes other than the discharge rrom the water closets, in buIlding not acc8'ssible to sewer, shall have a grease trap located ffiltside th~ house line in accordance with plrolS in the office of the City Engineer, before discharging into the street. FLOOR DRAINS--PRo-.tIIBITED TRAPS. -~ ( 54) Wher.8 floor drains are cOIUlected ,it shall be by means of a deep seal trap. Bell traps and traps .having covers hand-holes on the sewer side of the trap held in place by' lugs or bolts are prohibited.. TRAPS FOR STABLES, GlffiAGES AND LAUHDRIES.--{55) . Stable, wash racks or urinal recep~acles in stables shall not be connected wit~ ~~y sewer drain or lateral, unless a suit- able catch-basin, suitaply, trapped with deep seal, is provided to prevent the obstruction of' said sewer drain Ol" lateral by sediment or solids carried with the washings., Floor drains for automobile garages, laundries or cleaning establisrunents, or. where gasol:tne, Oils, o:r.~ volatile fluids are used, are re- quired to have a proper catc~-b~sin, suitably trapped with deep,seal, and vented with a proper sized vent pipe to the roof, according to detail in. the City Engineer's office. CATCH BASINS, FLOOR DRAINS, ETC.--(56) Catch basins, floor and subsoil o.1""dns, if below sewer grade, shall dis- charge into a SW1W; or receiving t~~k, the contents of which 1nlJ.St be lifted and discharge into the drainage system above the cellal'"' bottom by some appl;oved :method~ Vv1lere directly sew'ercon.nected, they nmst be cut 01'1' from the rest of the plurflbing system by a b:r.'ass flap valve on the inlet to the car ,...'1"] b'1 S4 r a YJ-1 ". _ uv#.~- c". ..!.._.!.'1- . he\. the tl~ap, on the CLt>ahl fr-OT!1 the floor or othf3:l:' dra.ins will on1'Y' be pepmitted when it ean be shown to the r ',"'O~_~~LC___-lT ~~-~T- " '-.- II' ,---, -- -'--i "-'Wi' IT"'" 138.. satisfaction of.the Engineer that its use is absolutely necessary end arrangements ax'e made 1;0 maintain a permanent water seal in the trap. FITTINGS AND. OI..lENINGS--HOW PLUGGED.-- (57) Openings .i',or waste and vents f01" future conne'ctions must be plugged with metal plugs~ screwed .or< caulked., and when of lead, will be soldered, to make them air and water tight. The use of p~aster of any kind for this plwpose 1s prohib1 ted. , I ,~ VENTS ON TRAPS.--(58) All traps must be protected rrom syphonag~ and back pressure, and the drainage ventilated by special lines of vent pipes.. All vent pipe lines and maL1'1 br9..Ilches must be of- iron, lead, steel or brass. VENTS PLACED Ji..BOVE FIXTURES.--(59) Every vent pipe shall be run separate above its fixtu~e, in order to prevent its use as a waste~, VENT PIPES--Q,UALITIES.--(60) All vent or l"event pipes, 1Nhen of 'wrought iron, r(fl1st be galvanized: aild of: standard size.. Frr.rTINGS erN VENT PIPES. -- (61) All vents or revent . fittings must be sta:ndar'c1 galvanized malleable or. cast . j~r'on. , VENT PIPES--HOW CONNECTED.--(62) Each vent pipe shall be,~onnected e~ove the highest fixture into the adjacent so11 pipe a distance above therefrom not :more than fifteen (15) f'eet, If more than this distance ,from the soil pipe it may indepenci- ently extend above the roof. VENT PIPES TO mIT{ DIREDTv-(63) A vent line shall be, whenevex' practicable, a direct extension of the soil and waste liIle. VENT PIPES--i,NHEN TO BE CONlJECr[1ED N~ BOTTOM.'-- (64) The main vent riser, havi:ng a lengtb of fifteen (1!5) feet 01" more, 139~ must be connected e.t j.ts foot :1.nto the l11ain waste or soil line 'belo'lN the lowest vent outlet and at an angle not greatel'> t;h~l forty-five (45) degrees. TRAP VEl1TS--HOW M..A.DE.. -~ (65) fJ:.1rap vents shall be con- tinuous where possi.ble .\Vb.ere the vent or revent pipes a1'0 continuous Jand traps ay.o velYGilat.ed t11:r>ough tb.e waste fittings; the center of the outlet of such 1'1 tt:i.ngs or lead try" bl'anch shall not be set below the water seal of trap; ru~d the trap shall be not YflOl-"e than the following distance from the waste f'ittings: 14 inch trap . .. .. 15 inches l~ inch trap . to .. .. .. .. 18 filches 2 inch trap . . 24 inches 3 . , trap 30 inches ~llcn . .. .. .. 4 inch tl:ap .. .. .. . .. .. 36 inches The. above table is intended for all fixtul"es except unless the stubb is exposed outside the finished wall. kit~chen sinks. No s'Gubb on kitchen sinks will be permitt;ed SIZES OF v~NT PIPE 3TACKSo-~(66) The following table tUl"es that they shal1 sel~ve. gives the size of vent pipe stacks with maxinrum munber of fix- ~ Q s:l ..-I (i\2 m P4 aj H E-t CH o 02 OJ Piw rO ajcD CD IV . HH Pi Pi-P E-i H ..... olXl P-I r-I CH 0 cD s:l 0 ~ :>..-1 .s:: 0 CD He) A · IVs:l Cl> ..cI .QH N @bt, . ~ rii~ ~rl tIJ ~r-1 ~r-f 1~ ineh 15 1 (Ii in.. "(;,1'"'" D \ -j: !... C!, '" I 1s inch 25 3 2 inch 40' 12 ,,1 inch 60 24 :0"2 r? inch 90 48 1) '34 inch 130 100 . 2 .1 :tXl {~ J:1 180 160 c: inch 240 210 ',J '"' :'Ln (;11 330 480 .0 . o :a::; 1 6 12 24 50 80 140 2t10 tr" r'-~:'=~'-- ."~ .......1\ --cT'---,. H <D .p a:i :s: CH o · it) HoP <DeD ,QaJ e~ ~o "" .::> 6 12 25 40 70 120 i~'>-""lin'Tr"" l40~ VENTS ON EARTHEHWARE TRAPS.--(67) Ear-them;yal'E1 traps .for water' closets or ,slop sj.nks must be ventilated from the branch soil or waste pipe just below the trap and this branch .. vent pipe nn.:tst be so connected. as to prevent obstr-u.ctioll, and nO waste pipe eo:nnected between it and tb.6 fixtures e ,No h.oJ:':i.- , , '."! -e-'t.' "'in- "'-"1')0'''''-''> zotl'ca.!. v 'Il" ,1...__ ~e .t '-'--,o'J.c ~~a11 i-w-o (n) ~E~Q+ 1_'_", .._ _ J ~.. __ _:J ,~.. \..' shall be allowed. be- ne~th a floor adjacent to the trap of' any fixtuy'e; VENT8 OR WATER CIJOSETS--HOli'\i CONNECTED.";-(68) All wa'l;e:p e.J_{)sets 81la]~1 be .ven.ted. t;11Tfougll a Y or a ch'la:trlO.,ge f'i ttix1g; or- off the top of the horizontal part of the lead bend or above the upper line of horizontal:par~ Of't~B same, except ~or cir- cuit V811ting and fort~p^clo~e~ shali not be less than two incb~s in c1:tameterll VENT ON WATER CLOSET8--~~~N NOT REQUIRED.--(69) vv.nere t' . ,1}.ere ~s but Ol1e water eloset loceted. on $. stack and sa::td water closet' is 'three feet or less' from the st;ack 01' in cir'cui t- vent- ing, no back vent is r-equ_irf~a. ,j']';1:ITS--LOOP AND CIRCUIT.--(70) Loop or cir-cu:i,t vents v'ihen s"o.bstit.uted fOI" in.di vj.dual tl~a1)' vents foX' watel" closets (U.s- . ... chal'ging irnrnecUately into a hopizontal branch and tben(~eint;o a ve::etieal soil line and tln>ee feet or less fro:m_ seJ.d hOl'>izontal brancb., must be vented as :follows: ~De to two closets, 2-inch pip~, Thr'ee closets, 4-pipe ~ fmd for ever's tbree closets ad.ded t:;hereafter,wberJ. the closets Rr"~; :,'.C.'RSt 'l--:h,"4',--.. S4."",: f\t'))" '''1_.':l8, fa) o"r> ,'.'rr,'''''}'e (10) ,., -h"or-. ]''''l-''Y1 ,.,-'l1')"'- Mr'_ Q -- ~.~"".. v__~.........._ J...n. "-. .....1 -'-1... \~:J ..... tJ~~t"5J.~'lJ __t-~j' .CI. ...:IV.lj'...}- -a';'..!. .~~,._. 1;-bJ:;"..."t mi.u:d:; be -ctsodso 1'18 to equall;y- <.U vide the elosets betvJeen the _'F'C,)'l'X' (4 \ i '"r.1-; \-F,rd~s _ .-1.___ _ I _..!...;.~_.... '-' .~.~__ _: j.~ &. Verl"La 81-18.1:1 j_11 all .C.i:i8E;S 1)8 takeXl of:e t~I-}..B t~()l) of tll(~ .j~l()'~f l:trH) \V:Ll~.n. I1C~ E;~pe.9.t~tjl. (~)::jg):4ef) ~ or ]..688 fUJ,t~l.e t~]J.8.:rl '-"'~~"'i1 II' :--,--.-.---:-------.--'~---~-,--,,----.-~~-,-.,-r~-',--.. -.-:..... ., I r . , "., . ~' . , 'r . 141~ . . one-sixth, or one-eighth:beD.d pit..anc1 between the two &lid clo8et8~ ". . ~ . REli'RI(JERATOR 'W~TE: SIZE AND ~S;--:(71') ~ 'waste pipe .frOm a retrig~rator or ice bu shall not. be conneoted w1~ . -. . 8D.J'. s011, .waste pipe, dra1n:,. .at! 8e"er, or .<!i8Charge. ~.~ . ,.... open"sr~l 'but .shall ~sohar8e into ~ 8~ta~l8 1!.rap .~~ per" sketch ~ the of:r1ce of .~e 01~7 BDs~er, .tn' 1n~Q an.o~':' . . water supp11ed s1nk,.. or. over a .tJ,0.. arain. The d18cl18rS8 .' '.' . p1:-pe shall be. a8 short. !'os poss1ble _4 the. ~ .~. or. .4ra1D . ..' . . - . - : 'shaU 'be d1.oonn~ot~4 hoa th~ rehiSerator ~7 .at ~e&f:lt. :roar .. .' . . 111Obes. .'~ .no cas'e shall a' oonnection be .pel"Jldtted' t~ a s1t21r: 1f8.ate .plpe two (8) .1nob.ee or les8'.sp. 'd1_tel'~' ..' ~l'~ l'eh1prator or 1~e b.O%es ~e placed 1n'.~ld- ins8, on' two or mor&' flo9l'8'~ '.the, waate and. vent 'pipes .tbere~f'" - - - . . s)lall be Oonttrm0u8 and ~ .thfough the rOof, 8Dl in no case . . .' . s~ll: th8 ~nt pipe ~ w1~h1n su (6) teet. of' an open 8011 . . or waste plpe. 1reJ,n or. .ncste. plPe8 tor re~1gerators .or. 10e boxe, '.m&'J" be' of oast 1l'on. or of galvan1s~ Wl'OU8ht iron nth .. . . . - . . . Dur.h8m titt~, the' 8.ise8 .to ~e. a8 ~ollo~nu In bu11~s .or t~ee stores or le~8~' not~ les~..:than Ii ~Ch~~; not more' ~,.tl1i-ee (~) stores. ~ less tmm. six (~5)~ a .~~:. and tor su stories or 'more, not 1888 'than 2i':lDChe8'~ Each r.etrlge~at~p or 108 box shall be provided With .' '. a sui t~ble . trap ~ th an. acce8sible trap. s~w . ~r oieanout,. wfdch trap SC1'8W or' olean~~ ."".]1 be plaoe~ 1n ~ li-1noh . . waste pipe and, shall be as DeIU' as p08s1bl~ to the refrlgerator : .. . . . . or 10e box.. SUch "trap need Dot be revented. . . The requirements of thi8 last pueegraph are ~teDded .. '. - . to app17 to' :\lat8 'and, 8~1&:l' buildings ~d are optional with the owne~s of residence.; -. ?e. . I II I . -:--.-----( I ...... ..... . r I I 1-'1:2 ~ VENTS ON BATH TUBS. -- (72) All bath tub tJ:>aps she.l1 be continuo'U.s vented, where practicable" iNhen H:; is impossible to do so and loop qr'circu:1.t vent is used, it shall be trl1....ough a f1yfl or' "'l!-Y" fitting o:f not less than 2 inches in diametel"; if crO\"lrl vented, it mU.st rise. at least three inches above ~t;he flow line of was:~e and not more th8.l1 two :feet horizontal run below the floor as fi4ture. VENTS ON SHOv1lER BATHS. -- (73) Tl'>aps- for shower baths when set in line may be vented by an extension of the waste line by a loop or circu.it vent and governed by table of rules for waste and vent pipes~ Vl3NTS OIiFLA~~t ROOFS. -- (74) Vents on ,flat; r-oofs must be c3.r1'1e<1 up even with top of fire walls. 'vV:l1.en roofs a1"{3 used as roof gat'dens, or- for laundry purposes, the vent pipes must be carried. up at least seven feet, or above the breathing zone~ The ternination of all vents passjJ1g through the roof' shall be carefully flashed wi~h copper, or sheet lead~ VENTS PROHIBITED.--(75) lira downspout, sheet metal, earthernware ox' brick flue shall be used as a sewer' vent:llator oY-tJ:?ap vent ~ TRAPH--GENERAL RT'<':QUIREIv1EJlTTS.-...(76) Ho form of trap w:;tll be per-mi tted unless it r.~s been approved by the City ,.." . ~ng:t- neeI'. Every t;I~ap shall be self-cleans:Lng. No tr'ap which de- pends :fOY' j_ts seal upon concealed interior part:ttlons or the action of movable parts, or that has an :'Lnterio:p pa:r-t:ttion that in case of ~ defect would permit the passage of sewer' air, shall be- used. All tr'8ps ghall be provi,d.ed i;v:ttb fu11 sj.ze eleanout scY-ew's, plugs, COV8PS 01' irllets, \i1r}lich shall 1:)e 1"'emoveJ:;le for cleaning without d.:tstur'bance of tt\.e ground or' flooI', and. must ~ . 1.1.H.Vf:} t;1.. -\:Vat~f~I. S8r:"lJ.. C(r €tt: l.eD.st I.ta l.'(i.C}l'$ "J~fo J_ea(l tl~t:ll) J..e.ss .tllfl.l1 r~~~~OT '~. 'II ,-, II I T'T'" 143; 11. . 2' lncn allaI1 be used. Each tl'ap sha:J;l be well supported. in Et position true witll respect to-its water- seal.. Brass traps shall be not less than tio; 17 BrO\i\I1,l and Sharpe gauge. \~;"- Cast metal lavator':y' traps shall be px>ovided viTi tb. trap " screws 01' two un:ton joints, the free opening for which s1:l,8.11 be not less the,n two-th;lrds the s:tze of the tpap. Traps serews shall be so constructed and appli.eo. as to. foy'm no obstruction in the tpap watex'-way, nm" provide a l"'ecess for deposits. The interior walls or cast traps, u~less machined, s11.a11 be subjected to sand blast so that all sharp points or obstructions are removed. Each lavatory trap shall be made of 17 gauge tUbing, and must withstand a cold water- press1)..re of twenty-five (25) / pounds to the square ine.h, applied continuousl:y" for not less it. u. '1 I \, than one mj.nute without showing any leakage or sweati~~ FI:A"TURE TRAPS.--(77) EXgept as otherwise here:tn pro- vided, every fixture in a plmnbing or drainage system shall be separately trapped and vented. A gr01.1p of thI>ee minor fixtures set in line shall be considered one fixture and shall require but one trap of _ not les8 than 1~ inch digJ:netel', Tl'aps shall be placed as close to the fixture as practicable, and in no case more than two feet distant fl"om tbe waste outlet of the fixturH.. :No fixture sll.all have mox'e than one trap.. TRAPS FOR BATH TUBS..--(78) Each bath tub shall be provided with a a~111il trap, either of lead or brass, with a tl>ap sere'iN not less than 3 inches in diameter>, rllraps on bath tu,bs shall be placed in such a marmer that the cleanouts sha.ll be in plain view and accessible either from above OJ:' below the :floor e The outlets fpom drum, tx'aps shall be connected at; the lowest poss:1.b1e pcd:nt and come "up o:n tbe under side of the I :. "'~'f,"""'~'lI _I '--"r _ _ __,_.lr-':"~ .--~'m:rIT~'" '-. l44~ floor in order that the water seal shall be at least 2 inches in depth. ']. Inlet ana outlet must not be less than 12 inch in diameter, Uutlets for drum traps shall be placed in such a maPJler that the trap cover will not leak sewer air or sewer gas. , , GREASE TRAPS.--(79) All hotels, restaurants, boarding houses or other public cooking places shall provide suitable grease traps, satisfactory to the City Eng~neer, through which all waste water containing grease shall pass' before discharg- ing into the house drain 'or sewer. Forqrdinary dwellings or residences grease traps are not compulsory! where there is no grease trap the waste must be connected into the soil pipe between the water closet and sewer wi th. a pipep n'o less than two inches. in diameter for horizonta~ run and a cleanout plug must be installed at a'll changes of' direction. " In case junction between a vertical and horizontal lihe occurs within six, feet of the outsitle wall, the horizontal line must be extended through the wall with a cleanout plug. Grease traps when installed on the. floor or above the ground shall be made of brass, enameled cast iron or six-pound lead, ~~ sizes to be not less than 12 inches by 12 inches; if placed underground, they shall be built of brick and cement plastered inside and out with tl~~e~rourtl~ inch of cement and sand of' equal'parts~ - ANTI SYPHON TRAPS.--(80)--A..11 approved form or anti- syphon trap may be per'mi tted in special cases where, in the opinion of. the City Engineer, other form of ventilation is im- possible. 1 _I ~--"..--- 145. PI1.0HIBITED TRAPS.--(81) Back wate~(' tl'aps, bell 'ta.aps, or t:r'aps having c,overs, hand-holes or cleanouts which are held in place by lugs ox' b,olts, are p:r'oh.ibited. The intent of and meaning of "bolts" in this section does not exclude brass bolts when rour or more aI-e used to hold trap cove:r's in place. GENERAL REQUIF.ENJENTS FOR FIXTURES. -- (82) Phunbing and drainage fixtul'es s1'...a11 becons;t:r'-ucted of non-absorbant materials that aJ:'e riot easily ~cracked or brok~en, to which soil wi-II not adnBre so firmly that it cannot be removed by a flush water. FixtuJ:'es shall be set open, that is, per,fectly fr,Be from enclos- ing liVood work or other easing that would cut off light air. Water closets and urinals shall be well pupplied with water for flushing. In public places the walls and floors where fixtures are set shall be li:ned with some non-absorbent matertal. WOODEN FI}"'TURES--ViJ.FrRRE PERIvTI'llTED.--(83) Wooden wash trays, ~ooden troughs or sinks with or without metallic lining, shall be allowed only for bar slnks and soda fountain sinks~ Dish sinks in hetels and restaurants must have metal linings. PROHIBITED FI4TURES.--(84) Pan phmger and washout closets, lateral urine troughs, automatic closet ranges and long hopper and short hopper closets are prohibited, except for yard closets only. ,PHOHIBITED MATERIALS FOR FIA'"TURE8~--(85) The use of galvanized steel" sheet metal, wood or 8~ny absoy>bent material for ;[;h0. use of. urinal troughs OP bowls is prohUdted.. CONDEM1-JED FIXTURES~--(86} The Ins~oecto:r', witb the appI'oval of i;;b.e Health Offj.cer, ma-y (~ondelj)n and ordel" the re- moval of aJ.l'3' fixtuI'e that is defect.ive or' that does :not. comply witb, this EJ.rticle. , No flxture shall 'be installed and -- l"--'--f-"-".'"ntTT'T'~"'''.'.' Fcr--'T'-o-=-'--="r:-=~-~-----<=." II ''I' 11-'----:------ 146" np fixture sha11be constructed or. re2nstalled where it does not meet with the ~(>equireme:nts of this ar4;icle. WATEH CLOS8TS AWAY FHOM BUILDING. -- (87) Water closets wb,ich are located aw-ay from, buildings shall have a four (4) inch vent;, ten (10) feet high, and shall COnf01'!!1 in other res... peets to this ordinance and shall be placed on fo~u~dations ap- proved by the pl~mbing inspector. TANKS AND FLUSH FOR WATER CLOSETS..-=(88) (a) Water closets must have separate tanks or separate flushing valves of approved pattern to discharge no less than four (4) gallons of water at one time. (b) Urinals, in public toilet rooms or saloons or other places where same are used by the general pUblic, must have, either chain or pull tank flush valves of approved pattern to , / . /,/1, ' j":..t !. dlscharge enough water at one time to keep them in a san;j.tary condition; if automatic tanks are used, they lJ1USt be kept in c9nstant operation during business hours. The use of loose key 01' spring key cocks for this purpose is prohibited. WATER SUPPLY FOR WaTER CLOSETS.--(89) All water closets and other plurnbing fixtures r.1USt be provided with a sufficient :aupply of watel" for flushing to keep tb,em in a proper cleanly condition. When 'Natex' p:t'essux'e,is notsttf- i'icient to supply freely and cont:i.m.wusly all fixtu.res, a house supply tank must be provided of sufficient size to afford. an ample supply of water to all fixtuP8s at all t;imes ~ Such. tanks :m:tJ.st be supplied fl'om PX'(sssuJ:>E: OP 11';)1' p1.1Jnp 9-8 may be neCeSS8.1'Y 9 Tank must be covered so as to exclude dust, cll:tat &11.c1 gasses. P.TTF?-..I,r'_!.y C,T71 F;TJ\rI1T.f-o 'H'Ot.") 'rflT'.VTfiTUI"P11'q ("'\")) 'PI'f~ J ~ I' .., ~- - ~X' i_i\U.~._..t_!J.l. ..L .u. i. ~..l\..i. iu_!l-..J $ _II'" ;.;i _~ V~b_:G~:~:r" Sl.:tp:P.... le\:...t, 147. to. plllrnbing fixtul"'es shall be equal In purity to, watel~ supplied by the C1 t-y of West Un:L:ve:r'si ty Place Water' Depart:ment. APPLICATION FOR Dl~SPECTION.--(91) Application for in- spectioll must be filed at the office of the Cit-;y' Engineer by the Plu~ber on blanks fur~ished by the City, before 9:00 A.M. for mOJ?ning insj?ections, and before 2:00 P.M. 1:01:' afternoon inspec- tions. :No inspection will be made after 12 o'clock on Saturday.. Application f01-' roughing-in inspection :must be made when roughing-in is corr~lete, and before any of the work ~s covered 01" made inaccessible. to t.he 1n81>6ctor8. Applicat.ion for sewer inspection shall be made when war-k is complete and befol~e same is covered. Application for final inspection shall be made when. all fixtures are compJ,ete but before the b.ouse drain is con- f nect;ec1 orbefOl"8 an-:r portlon of the system ts used~ ':t1ESTING OF PLUMBING. -- (92) All plumbing work shall be tested by the plumber in the presence, of the City Engineer or' Inspector bei'ore it is accepted. Wnen it is inconvenient or impracticable to test the entire work at one time, it may be tested :tn. sections, but each nEfW partial test. llID.st inclu.cle all portions of the 1ivork previously tested.. WATER TEST.--(93) All :poughine;-in. tt'lsts shall be made with water-" For> SllCh testing the i:ron extension of the solI p:tpe outside of th(') fou:ndation of the hOU80 shall be 138CUy.ely elosed, 8-8 shall all branehes,' tIl1ets and other openings of the wOl~k to be tost;ed... Tb,6 clos:1.ng of , . I J Ol.n:::;s and pipes must be sufflcientl;y- ttght and st:r-o:o.g enough. to' wi th- 8 t:SJll1. the Drossure of a .. column of' \}vate:p reachiD.g the top of the plpe to l)e tested~ :1:11e pipe shB,11 then he filled \v:i.th 1---:": . '--11 - --..,-.;" 1 ______..........L.I. ~~--,--7"'."" ~'t:~~-!:::-,~-,,--,-~ 148. water to its top and shall stand so without perceptible lower- \. lng. If the water is lowered by leakage, the leak must be found an.d :macle tight by t:ho plumber, and" the work sha.ll not be approved by the Inspector until the water stands at tb.e top of the pipe without perceptible lowering. F1NAL TEST~--(94) Final inspection may be visual only: .but j.f, J.n the opinion of the City Engineer 01' Inspector, 'tb.o conditt'ons justify, a test b~T peppermint' or smoke may be re- q'ulred. CERTIFIDATE OF INSPECTION~--(95) Upon the corr~letion of installation of plunfuing and water piping in a bu~lding, the plUJubo:r. or owner may, demand of' the City Eng:tneox> a certificate stating that the installation has been made, :i.nspected, and tested 1n full compliance with 'I:;he provisions or this ordinance, and it shalt be the duty of :the City Enginee:r to issue sueil certificate if he finds that all requj,.rementsof this ordinance h.ave been complied with.. BUIJ~DINGS MOv'ED.--(96) A building or stJ?ucture that has been llloved from one site to another, or chaD~ed from its o:d.ginal . J- . pOSJ_'->lOD; Or' that has beeIl dar!iaged h~r fire; shall be made t.o conform. to the provhdons of this ord:inaIlCe before again cOD~~ected to sewer. SOIL AND 'NASlj~E PIPES AND HOUSE DRAIr:fS-.>.SIZES. (97) Em,we <'1.1'"'a1ns, soil and waste pipes shall 1)e px'oportioned in accordance w:tth the following table: T'~',"'-,,_..~OC"..~~ f' jJ" T'-~--~--"- --'---'--'--r~"'li::rlr"--'---"" 149. Maximmi1 Nu.rnbel' of Fixtu.re;3 Connected to 1Vlaxirrrul1l Sizes of Pipe Inches Nnniber of Fixt-...ll'es Wasi;e or Soil and Waste Combined ,Connected lio 801.1 Pipe Alone ,.1. -2 2 91.. '"'2 3 3~ 4 -5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 10. 16 - 30. 50 96 .192 -336 560 840 1160 1600 2120 2840 24 48 84 l40 210 290 400 530 710 The above table is based upon a mix:t;ure unit having a trap of: one and one-half (It) inch or less, and a water C'loset ,being equivalent to f.our {4} fixtu:r:>es. Fixt1:i.1~e's having trap larger than one and one-half inch shall be estimated as follows: 2 inch trap equivalent to 2 :fIxtures 2t inch b'ap equivalent to 3 fixtures 3 i nr~"h trap equivalent to 4 f:txt;u.res .t3; inch trap equivalent to 5 fixtures Three Eeet of urinal trou.gh.. or waste sink shall be cou.:nted as one .fixtul~e. Each waste opening pl'ovided for future con:nec- tions shall be allowed for in equivalent fix1:;TIT'6S in prop01..t;ion- 111.g waste and soil pipe.. TRAl? AND WASTE SIXES.--(98) The size (inside diafm.)'te!.~) of the tr'ap and waste b:panch fpr a given fixtllI'e shall never be less than as sh01l'lt1 in the following table: Kind of Fixtures . Tr a:IJ); Branch .:0, . .. .. .. 3 4: 'Z 3 .. u 2 2 3 3 3 :3 ,.., 2 r.:, ,.1. j .1- -2 "'-2 Water Closet .. . Slop Sink with Trap Slop 8:1.nl-s:, Ordinary Pedestal I:!?in.al Fl 00l~ Dr-ain Catch Basin .. . Combined I,B.l.l:lldl-"O;1 TttlJ, 3 See 8 O)~ J..ess T~r"CC"'CC"~C."'~'~-'cc ""'1'/ 1..-----1-' ''--'-''f-T''-''ll':!'l''r",r'-' f#::! 150. Kind o.f Fixtul'es Trap: li Bl"Jarlcll Ki t chen Sink, Be sidence e .. . 1~- Kitchen Sink; Hotel or Public . Lavatory . . . Wash Basins, Groups 3 or less Bath . . Shower Bath 31 tz Berth Drinking Fou.nt~dn Fountain Cuspidor Refrigerator Safe Wastes and Drips ,. 2 1.1. ,1 -f ,lI 21 1- 1i 11 1t 1 2 1.1. -f 1- l! 2 1.1. ~ If 1- ,1 -2 1 . . . . . . . ' . .- . .. . .. . '. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . LOCAL V.ENTILATIDN FOR BA:rH ROOMS, ETC.-..(99) lIo water closet, tu"inal Ol'" slop sink shall be located in any room or apartment which does not contain a window placed in an external well of the building ox' is provided with a system or ventila'" -l-- . -- ,v:ton. Ventilation for such rooms sn~.11 be separate and distinct and have no connection wha,tever wj.th the other vent:l.lat:lng ducts~ No duct leading from any interior room in which there is a water closet, urinal or slop sink shall be less tha~ 48 square incpes in area, and shall have an al"ea of hot less tl1an 3 squ.are inches for each square foot of floor space.. If any pipes or conduits are placed in ventilating ducts, the net ef- fective areas as pl"ovided above mu.st be maintained.. Section 16. DEPOSIT FOR STFEET OPENING.--{l) Before tIle City Engi- neer shall issue any per>mit foi" any opening to be made in any publi.c st1'eet, alley; sidewalk, or other pt:tblic place for the layi:n.g of pipes for dl"a:tns, sewex's, 01" conduits, he 811,a11 co1- lect for each permit issued a fee or fifty (50~) cents and in addition thcl'cto 8. deposit in am~:)U.nt as given :tn t;be follo'w:i.ng -'GalJle: KInd of Street Per Sq. Yd... IvIini:r.raun Depos:tt; (contfd) ~ "---".---:1. 151. Kind of StY'Bet PeX' Sq. Yd. If.' , D>" r: vanJ.:n:rum _ eposJ~'v . ~Unpa ved . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . Gravel OI' Shell .. . " . . . . . " Gemen t Concl'ete" . . " . . . Asphalt, Brick or Wood Block ". .25 2..00 3~OO 5.00 lO~OO 25~OO 25;00 50;00 After the underground work has been completed, the City may prpceed to restore the st;reet, alley, sidewalk or other' public place to its original condttion, either with its own forces or by contract, or j.t may require the person :maki:ng the opening to restore it. If the work is done by the City or by Contract, the cost thereof shall be deducted fl'"'om the amount or the deposit, and the balance, if ,there by any, shall be refunded to the person making same; if' however, the deposit is insv.i'ficient to restore said street -to its original condition, then the con- tractor is to pay the difference to the City~ If the str'eet be restored by the party making the opening to the enti1-'e satisfaction of the Ci ijY Engineer' and the street and bridge co:rmnissioner, then the total amount of the deposit shall be refUlLded by the City. In the event that a contractor fails to restore the street pl-'operly of bis own accord, 0:(' if the City doing the work, the expense is mOI'e than the amount; of th,e original de- posit and the contractor fails or refuses to pay the City the excess ~mount of expense thus incurred, then no further permits s:hall be issued to him 'tUltil a full compliance shall have been had on such delinquent street. IESPECTION FEES..--(2) The Cit'Y> Engineer shall collect upon each pl1JlnbLng permit issued fees, for :1.nspectlon as follows: _ __________ . L-"-.~ r~--"'-lC===. ~ ~".1l --I ~T- C-l- -----,--i'~~ _ ____........LI. -['-,----.-'------,c.---.-~-- - "-'-T'~~ ""'l:::n~-:::' 152~ 25 fixtuFe~ or le8s---60 cents per fixtur'e, Over' 25 :fixt_ures-=-30. c,ents per .fixture, The :mi]1imutrl charge .for: inspect~on's '811.a11 ~)e' On~ ($1.00) Dollap. . . " In case it becomes necessary to make re-lnspection of a pllrinbing installation, an adcU.tional .fee of firtycents shali be charged and collected by the City Engineer rroID.the pluxaber to whom permit is issued covering each inspection. Section 17. DEFINITION OF TERMS.--CITY ENGINEER.--Vf.hen the terms "City Engineerft is used it shall be 1.Ulderstood to mean the City Engineer of the City of West Uniyersity Place or his duly authorized inspector charged with the enforcemenl; or the pro- visions of this ordinance. INSPECTOR.--When the word IlInspector!! is used without pre.fix or 8ufrix, it means the inspector representing the City . Engineer, charged with the ep10rcement of the provisions of this ordinance and the rules contained therein. SE1J\lER. --The term ftsewer'u is a gene~('al tel'm for a system of horizontal piping used to convey the drainage from any building ox' bu.ildJ.ng site to a main, public or private sewer. AUXILIARY,lENT.--itn IIA1L"iCiliary Ventll is an adcUtlonal vent stack assist:i.ng the main vent which passes tlll'ough the roor'independently~ OUTSIDE WATEH CLOSET.--.t\n "OLltside Water Closet" 1s e.ny closet that is ins taIled in a 'building detached. fJ?om the rna:Ln building and not ::i.nhabited, or on the po:r-ch of a hou.se vlhere it; is located 1.n a 3:"00111 vvhichhas no door oX' other open- lug b,,;:tween it. and, the THain house e r" H i , II~' - ---.---,-----~~-T"""-'~w;lrr~;"-'---,--- ---,--,-~-,~-= 153. PRIVATE SEltif.ER,,-= A "Private Sewel~tI is.. that part of the horizontal piping of a house d~ainage system extending from the :house d~"ain to its connection with a main OJ:' pri v'at;e sewer, and conveying the d~ainage of one or more buildings located on the same lot. r HOUSE DRAIN.--The "House, Drain" is that part of the horizontal piping of the house drainage system Wllich raceives the discharge f~('om all soil, waste, 01" other. drainage pipes in- side the walls of any building and conveys the same to the house sewer or main d~ain on the outside .ofthe foundation walls of such buildi~g. FIXTURE OR FIXTURES,--The term UFixtu.re" or "Fixtures.!I, when used in a .genel"al sense applies to all receptacles which rece:i.ve the house sewage or waste fOl~ which ,wateT' j.8 used as flu.x, or that receive the drainage or waste from a refrigerator or ice box; when used specifically it means any such receptacles, including water closets. TRAP.--A "Trapll is a device so const:pucted as to pre- vent the passage of air' 01' gas tbrou.gh a pipe without 'materially affecting the flow of' sewage or wastewater' tb.ereln. TRAP ~--DEPTH OF SEAL,,--The depth of the seal of a trap i.s the height of a watep column measured between the point of' overflow and the dip or division level separating the i111~t and o1.1,tlet arms of tht3 trflp" WIAIN .--The llMain" of any s:y'Stem of horizontal; vertical or conti:nu,ous pj_p:i.ng is that part of such system which receives the discharge 01'> back vents :from fixture outlets, direct or thJ:ou.gh branch p:tpes" -l.:O":-:-T-'=-=C"~'_O"=~"""-='lt '--:-:--1 _ _____~_L.....l"il....l.UI-' -- _no: --.-------,-----,---".---:-- -----'--,-.,---i---CC'["'" '~~'Hi~i'l:i! '~~":---;- --- -.././ (\/ 154. BRANCE..--The '''Branch'' of an;)" s.ystemof piping is that pal..t; of the s-y"stem which extends horizontaJ.];y at a slight grade., from the main to receive f'ixtuN~ outlets not dh:ectly con- nocted with the main.. STACK. --"Stack!! is a gen,eral term fop any V61',tical 1"] e 0"" 'noust:> rli"><>inaCl'6 -~.,p~ uP' ~_'l.nclus".' ve ('Y,pc -:-',"e m. ,a~ n an_ .d' -H-:s ..;':n 1.. ' J'v "'-_ 0.. _ b 1:-':_.:L. 0' _.1- '4'- vu. -- -'-.- -- ~ ~ bra.nches. SOIL PIPE.--A. "Soj.l Pipe" is any pipe which conveys the discharge of '\ilTater closets, either with or without other rixtU1~es, to the house drain. VliASTE PIPE.--A "Was'l:;e Pipet! is any pipe Jl'vhich 1"e- ceives the discha:!7ge of a:rl'y,fixt;U1'>,8 except water closets~ and conveys the g.ame to the hou.se drain or soil pj.pe. VENT PIPE .--A "Vent Pipe 11 1.8 any p:tpe provided to ve:nt:tla:te a drainage or pltullbing system of piping and to pre- . vent trap syphonage and back preSS"Lu>e.. SOIL OR WASTE VENT..-~The "Soil!! or nWaste Vent" is ~hat P8.1..t of the main soil or waste nipe above tt~ hi~hegt in- ~ - . u ste.lled. branch or fixture outlet connectl'on extending through the roof'~ CIRCUIT VENT...-'& tlCircll,.i..t Vent" 18 a system of vent- tng b;l which the s:yphonage and back pl>esSUl""e on the seal of trap is prevented by extendJ.ng the bJ?aneb soil 01" waste pipes a"ld co'-~"ro"!--';"l0' J..hL,>.M ---.;t' '"1 1:1 ~l--"r""- s,t..r'r.l~ w"',;_. ''''--J' 't, .[ ~ _ .U...u.evlJ-t..J..o tJ..L..!..\.....ui '1V...!.. .L. v. \ t"J_.!.U ;~ vc.tvX~ !.tlcJ......L,.-!.!.., U'\l.Ll.....C.Ll main hl eonju:n.ction wi t;h the :main soil or waste. vents, eompletes an.d fox'11lsa contlnu.ous a:i.r cil"cu:i. t 01"' vent for each branch ~Line so installed. r""T'~C'''- '1 f" ..,.----~.'--~"---, j I' - I r---r--~~T'----~--------- ';"Ilr;rTI""-;"-' 1.55. LOOP VENT.. - - A ItLoop Vent It is a cir'cu.l t \!Vb.Bl'e the bI'anch or branches of soil 01" vlis-ste pipes of an;{ floo:!: having no . other fixtures or bl~:~l<ft~e:.'3 installed above them, loop ov~r' ~bove the fixtures and ;\;~connect w:i.th the main soil or waste lines. . C.QNTINUOUS VENT.-- A "Continuous Ventlt is formed by / B. vertical continuation of the waste line constru.cted .in aceor'd- V ance with Article 67. MA8'rER OR EMPLOYING PL~V~;:;':~~,.~st~~!l~,r ft;;:~~,z~~~r be ~ny' person s~lled in the ptlJ..rriber II is hereby defined. to IlJ.aIlJling, supe:r>vislon and instal18.tion of plumbing, and famil:taY' with the rules, laws and regulations gover'ing the sa,me, aD,d who.- b.as been licensed in tb.e mann.e:!:' pr-ovided by this ol"'dinance.. JOTJRTjE;Y1VIAN PLUMBER. --A If Journeyman Phunber" is her.ebJ' defined to be any per-son other than a master pl1..1r.lber 'N{ho is engaged ini:;1;.e,J:l,r.s.:otical installation of plumbing as ~i"" ~--,..'), , _..,.~_v.,-._""'!'_ ~ ci1la1 OCCUPft;t~o,'~(} wh9t.~S ~~l~~r:;n~~'\J: license f" manne~~} ?:rl)~?~~-il ~y,:&1,~ or~.;n.~~pe" Section 18;'" "-~~ h" ~ " _ J.;;)\"prln- irJ ,the ..'.... ~-f(~ ... :~. " r:., ,:,--~'" _-~"" '\ \.1 -'..., A'~ -<.1.. or' dinanc e s OJ:' parts of ordinances in c.onflict, hel'>ewi th'~el'c:;"e!~?y l'epea],~~". "'1:. _~.~_ -'\.. -\~ Section 19. . , ~ t." Any person Vl().l,a.~J.ng any of :LI16. provisions .or re- qui:eements of this ol'd:Lrlanoe, 01" an;}' of the regulations herein pl.eser.il)ecl, sb.all beg11jalt.y of {3.l'1 offerlse, 8JJ.cl on_ C(llJ.V'lct~:tol1 ther.eof shall be PlulisIJed bv a fine of not . _ v less than One ( .. ~ . ^) . q; I In,', \'<<-.-'~ ""'J()11<>~', v'-" -..--.... .1'v"J.-,~l-I~'" m--JO ~-II'~'-"H;'~' r''''''''o''''on\ Dt-l",,~.~ 1..' _ _.~<"-.!., ~J.OI lflUJ.,E> -.._~ _ .l.'V~ J::. u...tu v~.t \ qpiG )v.. U J "::U..l,O,.'!"i';j t{y'J: 01:10h offense, aJ:l~~n case wher'e plu.:.mb:Lng or f:JewagB ., , ftp I) .1.1. -' [t.rl(~f~8 p:p()~tJ.i11itE;cl b-S- i~l'1~ts B.l~'G~L(;l(:1 ftre usecl, it s}).H.l.J.. 1)t:) 8~ ('-, . . .),. I""'. . r. ....... 1 . .. (' ~.~ E:'- { . r-. I r J t 1 ., I" 1."......1,". :[',.,'".'.!"1:-..<. I:-::~ ..._....~ (.",'!.-.'~ f:1.....-.r.i; ~.:.~, ~t. .".'_', ....1.. cr.;. ....\..,.e~...!.,.~:f ~..'...f.'..'.,~~,l_ )0 'j") o1;':'1.~9.~_~ctt~t::J \..':;:fC:~I';;":::J ::~f,)J~~~} ."'_:'". .t~~_:..(> _.__ _ i".'-' "_ ...., 10.. 0./.._ . - __ ~ -, 1/ -,.'-/ }J r , ~ {' ;1;0 :4,~. -i' " ' v " . I I j ~J r " I ~} . :.<'~ -f ; J \:.> ( ~~p,....r- ~ ..- lb6. the oWner of t;r]e py-operty, f01'0ac11 clas- t;ha:t. sa:Ld pr'oh:i.b:H::ed appl:tance ar'e used after noi:;j.ce :Crorn tile Cit-y to rm]~_ove the s a.rne " PASSED AND APPROVED ,July J' 'lLD. 192~1.~ ~ # '- "'" ~ F~-"'" 'll r- __._....LI. j-' , i-"~F~'