HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 34 - dogs at large U1-: '" _ J. _...,L_,\ I r -.J i ~I '~ "I ,'JC\ . :( '"'I,:e~,~, . .~;;~~~ ORDINANCE NO. 34 . ~:..'~ ",."'.' AN ORDINANCE MAKING IT UNLA.\f\IFUL FOR' DOGS TO BE' AT LARGEj PROVIDING FOR A LICENSE FEE ON DOGS; TEE DISPOSITION OF DOGS TA}~N OVER; PHOVIDINGFOR TEE REDELIVERY OF DOGS SO TAKE:N UP rro rrI-JE OIVNER, FOR THE DISPOSIlI1ION, OF DOGS EM- ,:: J?OtJNDED AND NOT REDEEMED; PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF 'DOGS WITH HYDROPHOBIA AND V\fITH OTHER DISEASES; PHOVIDING A ,',P;E}TALTY AGAINST:; GNNERS PERMITTING DOGS T'0 RUN AT LiffiGE, A1'TbTEE DISPOqI'l'ION OF MONIES COLLEQTED, Al\fD PROVIDING TRNJ.1 SlUIIE SHALL T ME EFFECT D/DVIEDHI.TELY. t.:.. ~" l' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COM]\jIISSIONERS OF TBE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY P:G,ACE: .-, ,,' '. ~ , Section l~ " '; mTLAvVFYL FOR DOGS TO )3E AT LAR9E :.- Itshall be unlawf'or f'or / anJl: Cl-og to be at large.upon the s~treetl3, all@ys or' public grounds " .0;:f"the C1 ty of West ~ni varsity Place i;p. vi'olation 'hereof" and \"- , , a..'f1.y"_~og, on the stree'l::;s, a~-leys or p1J:b.1ic grounds of said City ,', shalJ". be'at large in violation ofthi,s O.rcLinance" \?xcept a dog . :':J -, ~ . '. . ," . ..- \, "... und.,~J;-; ,control -of his master or agent: by:me,ans ofa Chain, rope \-~ ~ J. -< , , ~~,j~8.ord Of ,suff'icient str~ngth to control the action' of said,.:" dog" 'will . "- . r 9F~',such other personal presence,anda;f:;tentidn as well as '.~' >-' 6 :j:";~&tS'o:nably c'ontrol thf;?'conduct of' said dog{ 'and ,excepting "Lj. ""'- _;"-..' "'--.'-- ~ . ,'" ~ ) ,a, dog wearing a license tag showing that his master has ~ .;.....~ a1 sip "- pa~d ,the license fe\--e ~~ requ~redQY 'lawf or the current, year. ,,~~cti0n'2; " ,DUTY ,OFPOLIGE TO TA:?J::i;UP, .ETG.,DOGS AT LARGE:- It'shall " be the' duty of the .oi ty ..IvIal';shal or other police officer to take. u.p and take.:charge of any and all dogs found at large f in t:Q.e streets, alleys or publiC. ground.s of the Ci t~' of West Un:Lvers ity Place In violation of this Ordinance. , ,.' Secti,on 3~ , LICBNSE FEES ON DOGS: ... It sll,all be the duty of the owner of each and. every clog in the Oityof W?st University Flaoe to pa-y' to the Oit'y lI1p.rshaI,~, ,1i'c,ense ,fecof Two Dollars ~ .------.--,,----,--,---r~' '!I ,- 1...1' - , ~ ," " I'" . I 102 . arinually~ Upon thepaJDnent of said fee it shall be the cuty ~ .. of ' the City Marshal to furnish the owner paying same with a ,- . .- plate upon which shall be a number correspond:i.ng with the nmne'of thE person register:i.ng said dog, and the year in which said regi~tration is made; Section 4. " D:tSPOSITION OF DOGS TAKEN) UP, ETC: - It shall be the duty of the City Marshal or other police officer taking up gogs at large in violation.;()f this Ordinance, except as herein,... after provided, to carry said dogs to the City Hall or other suitable place, there to be empounded and detained for a' , pe:riod of three days-; That as soon as possible notice shall ,be posted at the Door of said City Hall describing ea:6hot said dogs, whether beal->ing a tag or not, and giving' the- l'l't.U!lber of the tag and' the name of the owner in each case ' _,J..I..' , II ,] I L_J where the dog bears a license tag, and it shall be the -duty of said City Marshal or other police officer to notify ~y letter, postal card or telephone,the owner of all dogs registered and bearil1..gthe license tag in,'accqrdance witii' < this Ordin:t:lnce~ The mailing of said postal carel ~or le~ter shall be deemed suffici@nt notice whether the personad~- dressed-shall receive sa.me or -not~ 8ection5; WHEN PGLICE SHALL DELIVER DOC-S TO @IllER: - It shall be the, duty of the City Marshal or other police 'officer to deli vel' to the O\l1nerS thereof or their agents all dogs, thUB taken up aDd ac1vert.i.s8d, when said application shall have been mElde wj:l:;hin tl1.ree (3) daJl's f:r>om the date of iTI1- :~1 pounding of said dogs, upon the payment by said ovmer or his agent of th$ S1.UTI of Two Dolla~C'8 (~)2 .00) for each and --.-- ~ "1"1 j(" , , ~'mTT ---. ~:;<.~ " "," ~ ever:;' dog :tmpounded in accordance with this Ordinance, pro- .. ~~~f . ~ I I I I I Ll , viding that dogs bearing the proper fag shall not be subject to said pa-yment of Two Dollars U~2.00), but shall be de- livered to the owner or his agent upon applia:tion without pay- ment '~ Section 6; " DOGS IMPOUNDED AND NOT REDEEMED TO BE SOLD: - It shall be the duty:of the City Marshal or other police officer to offer for sale at public outcry any and all dogs impounded under the terms of -this Ordinance and not redeemed within tl1ree Section 7~ [' - U .. DOGS NOT REDEEMED ffi. PURCHASED TO BE SOLD: - It shall be tlu.e'duty of the City Marshal or other police officer to cause a4-1- dogs not' 'redeerhed or purchased as provided here- in, to -be killed~ And it is hereby made the duty of the City Marshal or other police officer, if at the time of said sale no purchaser can me found, to dispatch and kill each of said dogs, ffild to deposit the carcasses in such place as may be designated'; Section 8~ I " ,PQI,ICE TO KILL DOGS WITH HYDROPHOBIA: - 'It is he:t'eby made thedut'y of the C:1 ty Marshal or other police off::lcer of the City of West Univers:lty Place to kill and extermi- nateany and all dogs a.t large;rwhen said dogs are, or appear to be, affected "'N:l th hydrophobia or other infectio'Lls" c.o.nta8ious or dangerous ,disease, provided that it shall not be nece$sar'y to impo1;1.ncl or', advertise such dogs by' posting r"~'-'~~' ~ II ~ -:-~~"'~r 10- '-:;,f -, ..l' ,::t notice, or otherwise, but it shall be the d1hty of such police officer to exterminate and ki~l any and all. dogs j_nstanter, except those affected or appearing to be affected with hydpo- phobia, which shall be so'killed after diagnosis accurately '~ ~ " ,i L...--- made, as provided in the next section herE?of~ Section 9~ DOGS WITH HYDROPHO~IA CONFINED; DIAGNOSIS; BODIES OF1 DIS- POSITION: - Every dog which is mad, or v~lich has hydrophobia, or which shbwa symptons' thereof, shall, if possible, be at once seeul>ely confined unt:il the, diagnosis is accurately made ~ Every god;,' that has been exposed ,to such disease shall be at onpeconf'i:ned '. in so~e secure'place for such length of time as to show tharr~ '. 1;; ~ such exposure has not piven such dog said dia~ase, and the . body of any; p.oB :that has died of' such disease or whichjbeing "'F~''''I' ,,_,,' suspected to have such disease, has been killed, shallnon,>>~ r:-I -jl \ .--.J disposed of except as directed by the B<:>ard' of Heal th~ Section lO~ ~+. ' - ,i:'" PENALTY: - Each and ev~ry O1Jvner of a dog running at large." in the streets, alleys; or p'u,bl~c grounds of the City of We~t University Place in violation of this Ordinance ~hall be '.' , deemed guilty of an offense, and upon conviction thereof, ,:' ... ~ . . in the Corporation Cour~ shall be fined in any sum not less than One Dollar ($1 ~QO) nor mope than Fifty Dollars ($'50-~,(i)OY, ,..",..p. . ppovided; that each day the said dog shall rt111 at l~'pe in.; " violation of said OpdinBnce shall be deemed a sepapate 01'-:- fense; : -- I 'I I Section ll~ DOGS WITH IvLA.NGE PHOHIBITED FHOM RUNNING AT LARGE: - It shall be unlawful for an;l dog 8.f:f,1icted with tl-'e mange, or 'TIT"!""''' . lO~ r - i ! \ , t L~ any person having the coil'trol of any such dog, to allow such dog to run at large in the' streets, alleys or, public grounds of the City of West University Place~ PENALTY:- Any person vio~ating tue terms of the next above Section shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any su.m not less than One DollaI' n~l~OO) nor more than Ten DollaI's (~~lO~90.; Section 12'~ . DISPOSITION OF MONEYS COLLECTED FOR DOGS: - All moneys collected from licenses for'd09s shall be paid to the City C1 erk; Section 13;, 'J.lh:Ls Ordinance shall take effect innnediately 'after its passage andtWproval and advertisement as pBovided by law'; .0 ... PAS$D and approved this the .\J)~ day of' June, A. D. 1929; ','l, , . ~ ~ ,:!t-o. . " -- , ~ ~ V~~r--//- l1'j_ --. . '~ ~~C7J~') L I"',.. .--":,~,rll _I ~ 1 -11' -- --; ~~F:"" J.UO ,. '15';' ;-", T ~ ,..--:J';''5- ,. ~ ,"., . '" c' " .f.~, '. '.- 0 '; r . ,', ~ '(.. ~ .~ .l.," . ....; (:.. _ L. <:, ;~'7':~!t' ,} ,..;, '.~'l~'_ {:.~~_l-)' . j-~. "- ',C,' ,,,,,,..:.jj', .\J I -'-'''r' , "I ,0.. '.... * -;"..-; , " ~,,~ .;1 \\ 1_ '} 'n" 'J .-:,;tU' ...;-"~'.~ ....; J !.~ -- -r f I I I