HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 28 - creation of department of recreation 65 ORDINANCE Nmm3ER 28 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF ADEP&~T1mNT OF RECREATION IN Tlffi CITY OF VmST UNIVERSITY PLACE; PROVIDING FOR A RECREATION BOARD, ITS PERS01IfI\rEL, DEPININGITS PGltERS; PROVIDING FOR ITS CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF CERTAIN PRO- PERTIES; PROVIDING THAT IT MAY RECEIVE DONATIONS, LEGACIES AND BEQUESTS FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES; P!i.OVIDING' FOR FURTHER POVillRS TO BE GRANTED BY ORDINANCE~ BE IT O~DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE: Section l~ " '" '\. '~ There is ..hereby grf~nted a Department of Government of the 'City of West University Place to be known as the De- partment of ~ecreation~ Section 2. :~~"",4" Said Department shall be under the control and manage- ment of the Board of Commissioners to be knovvu as the Recreation Commission of the City of West University Place, consisting of the Superintendent of Parks, the City Health Officer, and the City Engineer, all ex-officio,. and two other citizens, residents of the City of West University Place, 'known to be interested in public recreation and the proper uses and leisure time of the people of said Cit"3', to pe appointed by the Mayo~, subject to approval of the City Countil. The cOllunissioners appointed by the Mayor. shall hold of'fice for two years, except as herein otherwise pro- vided, and until their ~uccessors are appointed ,and qualified. , Section 3. The said Recreation Cooonission shall organize by electing one of' its members President, shall also elect one of its membEn's Vice-Presldentand one of them Secretary. Each of them shall serve for one year and, until his or hel'" sudce.ssor is elected and qualified. Each srillll perform the duties usually encumbent upon his or her respective office.< The Commission shall have :pow~rto adopt by-laws for regulE:t~ tion of' its business affairs and to provide for the qpoint- ment or employment of such agencies, servants and employees as it may find necess~y or expedient in the conduct of the work and affairs of the Department, "'and for the proper de- velopment.and co~duct o~ an ~dequate !~stem.of re~reation for the CJ..ty of Vifest UnJ..vers3;.ty Place,~d fJ..x theJ..r compensa- tion, andter.ms or terms of service, subject to the approval of the Mayor and the City COLmcil~ , Section 4. All childrents playgrounds, indoor recreation centers, play fiolds, g~Dmnasiuras, public baths, cor.~ort stations, or other recreational properties now owned or controlled by "I ..,.",,,,,=,.,,.,,r.-=,.,,,-.c-,,-",-ooC_L-='iI Ir lJ the City of West University Place, or that may herearter be established or acquired by the City, shall be under the control and management of the Recreational Commission or the City of West University Place, provided, that nothing in this Ordinance shall be constJ?ued to abridge the power or the Park Commission to veto the use of any of its respective buildings or grounds for recreational purposes. Section 5. The Recreation Commrssion and its accredited employees and representatives shall at all times seek to promote close co-operation between the Cit:y- and all private citizens, insti- tutionsand agencies intere:sted in or conducting recreational activities, to the end that all recreational resources with- in the City may be co-ordinated to secure the greatest public welfare, and shall have power to conduct recreational activi- ties on or in private properties with the consent of the Ol'VIlers. Sect ion 6. The Mayor and City Council shall:, appropriate such sum or sums of money faftl\'t\the general fund of the 'City to the 'Depart- ment of Recreation as in theirjudgmeht are necessary for the. proper carrying into effect of this Ordinance and the development and conduc~ of an adequate system of public re- creation. Section 7. The Recreation Cotrwission may, for and on behalf of the City of West University' Place, receive donations, legacies or bequexts for the improvement or maintenance of said play grounds or recreational properties, and the establis:b..ment of new play grounds and/or purchase of new recreational properties, and all monies obtained in this manner sha.J.l, unless otherwise provided by the terms of such donatie#$, '" legacies, or bequests, 'be deposited in the Treasury ot'>the City of West University Place, and shall be appropriated by, the Mayor and City Council to the Recreation Commission, and shall be disbursed and accounted for as are all other funds of the City of West University Place. Section 8. The Recreation COnlllission, its officers and employees shall have such further pmvers and perform such other duties as may be granted or ~posed by ordinance~ Passed and apP~?Jed' this ',~~ day Of,"~ 1929; ~~ /r /-" f ---c- ~ /.;-/ ./ /' ' '~.17,~ L' "J..... , <----;- 4: /J '/,.- {' '<.s/ I- Atte,s' t. />~ ./26"~' p-;"-Z.$-e'fI(f' _d--/-t/f!;.'/Ji/$.-3--'~;#-<(."'-7 . (~:::.,,,,,..- ~ tf ';". ~~,>~,,,,,,,,""- . .'. ....;. 'l-CY Secretary '/' /' f.- - I. - -~=~=:===~ -----,--1'-"..1 II' ------,--,--,--,--.--- ....,-i~"..".-iT'i~'....-~.~