HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 22 - obstructing any street, sidewalk, or other public place 5,0 ORDINANCE NO. 22. AN ORDINANCB PROHIBITING ,PEHSONS F'ROIVI OBSTRUCTING A~"Y STF.EET, 8IDEWAI.JK OR OTHER PUBLIC PL.ltCE IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; PRESCRIBING A RENl\.LTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. "'l ! i ~~ lio?~ ~~:. -3{. _,I .... ., \.' H it' ~;- "'"i" "i\ ""1(' BE IT 0 RDAINED BY THE CITY C OUNC IL OF THE CITY OF WEST lmrVERSITY PLACE: ,Section 1.. /" ~ -' " -- , ' - A pe~iori shall not stop o~ stand in the way so as ~ . ~.: to in any manner obstruct the use of the sidewalks or street's,' or any other ~ublic plaee in the City of West University Place, bX loafing, lou,nging or sta.nding in and' on the same. , ~ Section 2. Any person,violating an-y of the provisions of this "~~ ordinance shall ~edeemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction. theT'eof shall be fined in the sum of not less- than " \ ; 'I' 'I I One DIdIer C*}l.OO) n011 more than One H'mdred Dollars (~~lOO~OO), Sect ion :3. ,The fact that no ordinances are now in force concerning '., ~ . . thea;qi~u~ subj e'ct-m-attt(eJ?~ 'and the;re C isp'revalen t in' the" , ' blit;Y'.cbnsi:B:e raol:e' ;ind;ecehtc,onduct: and- cimmprality whi ch the. si1..1jlject matt;er':;andprovis1.Dh,s ,of tpis-ordinance, will curb, . creat~s an emergency and an imperative publiC " necessity, 1NherefoN7 the' second and third T'eadi no; s of this ordinance are hereby suspended and this-ordinance s-hall become effective immediately upon its pas~lage, apP:t'oval and publica- 't,~.;.()n "'8 reou)',red. b",r 18."~"". ,./ . ~ pa:ced and" 8.PJl~Oved. this 1'1 ~Of "ebr"ar~J, 1929. .?i::~~ Cit'y Clel'k. / .>"..,- ;.. '~, !. , > / /' " , 1- -...--'---~--.-- I , I . "1'1